Order of Worship s2

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Order of Worship s2

Order of Worship God Gives Us Grace 1st Sunday of Advent December 1, 2013 Before worship speak to God, during worship let God speak to you, Prayer of Confession (Unison) after worship speak to others. Holy God, we confess that we do not walk in your light. We study the ways of war; we stray from the paths of peace. By God Calls Us to Worship day we waste your gifts; by night we dishonor your name. Forgive us; deliver us; awaken us to your Word, so that we

Gathering Music may be ready to welcome you with joy, in Jesus Christ our Lord. Chiming of the Hour Choral Response #87………Comfort, Comfort Now My People

Prelude………………………….…..Advent Everett Tipcomb “Comfort, comfort now my people; tell of peace!” So says our God.

Welcome and Concerns of the Congregation “Comfort those who sit in darkness (Please sign the attendance pads at the end of the pew.) mourning under sorrow’s load. To my people now proclaim that my pardon waits for them!

Introit………Creator of the Stars of Night Sarum Plainsong Tell them that their sins I cover, Nancy Arnold, soloist and their warfare now is over.”

* Call to Worship Assurance of Pardon Isaiah 2:5; Matthew 24:42, 44; Romans 13:11-12 Leader: Now is the time to wake from sleep. * Gloria Patri…………………………….……………………….#113 People: The night is far gone; the day is near. Gloria in excelsis Deio! Gloria in excelsis Deio! Leader: Keep awake; be ready. Christ is coming! People: Let us walk in the light of the Lord. * Sharing of the Peace (Please share the peace of Jesus Christ with one another.) * Opening Prayer God Blesses Us With the Word Lighting of the First Advent Candle The Noyes Family Soloist: Nancy Arnold Moment With Young Christians nd * Hymn #88………….O Come, O Come, Emmanuel vv. 1,2,6,7 (Following the children’s message, children (ages 3-2 grade) may leave by the side door for children’s church and kids grades 1. 3-5 may leave for Tween church) First Scripture Lesson…………..………...…Isaiah 2:1-5 pg. 631 Lay Reader, Emily Braun 1 Anthem……………...……….Will We Know Him? Don Besig We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son who Second Scripture Lesson……………..…...…Psalm 122 pg. 571 with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. Meditation Rev. Jonathan C. Wallace We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. God Calls Us to Respond We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

* Affirmation of Faith Nicene Creed (Ecumenical) Pastoral Prayer We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Offering and Offertory……..Let All Mortal Flesh Keep maker of heaven and earth, Silence of all that is, seen and unseen. organ and piano arr. Innis

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, * Doxology #93……Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates v.1 the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, * Prayer of Dedication God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, We Celebrate the Sacrament begotten, not made, * Hymn #103…………………….….Come Now, O Prince of Peace of one Being with the Father; Invitation to the Table (Communion bread is gluten-free.) through him all things were made. Great Prayer of Thanksgiving For us and for our salvation Leader: The Lord be with you. he came down from heaven, People: And also with you. was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and Leader: Lift up your hearts. the Virgin Mary and became truly human. People: We lift them to the Lord. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. he suffered death and was buried. People: It is right to give our thanks and praise. On the third day he rose again Lord’s Prayer in accordance with the Scriptures; Words of Institution he ascended into heaven Sharing of the Elements and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Prayer after Communion He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. 2 * Hymn #82………………….…..Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

* Benediction

* Choral Response Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

* Postlude…Sleeper Awake, A Voice Astounds Us J.S. Bach

* If you are able, please stand.

ANNOUNCEMENTS We welcome visitors who have chosen to worship with us today. If you are looking for a church home, please check the Friendship Pad or speak to the pastor for information on how to join Bethesda. Brochures containing information about some of the activities at Bethesda are located in the pew racks. Please feel free

3 to take one home with you and also a bookmark as our thanks to Great idea for Christmas gifts! If you are looking for a great you for visiting with us today. Christmas gift for someone on your list, we still have the 225th Anniversary Cookbook, ornaments, and Christmas cards painted Hearing aids are available to anyone who might need one. Please by Alice Demastus, available for sale. You can purchase them see one of the ushers if you would like to use one. We also have a from Lisa in the church office or contact Teddi Garren. The wheelchair for anyone who would need assistance. It will be cookbooks are $15, the ornaments are $10, and the cards are $1 per located by the side door. card.

The flowers today are given in honor of Isiah Stefanelli’s 10th We still have raffle tickets for sale for the 42" flat screen "LG" LED birthday by Chantelle and James Thomas. HDTV. Tickets are $20 each, and only 100 tickets will be sold. See Jim Ransdell or Samantha Taylor to purchase a ticket. This TV Advent devotion books are available in the narthex. Please take would fit great under your Christmas tree! one! Tim Wilson and Kathe Taylor would like to extend an open Our Hanging of the Greens Service will be this evening at 6:30 invitation to the Bethesda congregation to celebrate with them p.m. in the sanctuary. We will have a light supper in the their wedding on December 7th, 2013. The ceremony will take fellowship hall at 5:30 p.m. before the service. Also the Bethesda place at 4:30 p.m. at Old Bethesda followed by a reception and Presbyterian Church Christmas Concert Band will perform, so potluck dinner at the Poplar Knight Spot in Aberdeen. dust off your instruments and start practicing! If you are planning to play, see Nancy for music after the worship service today. The Friendship Circle will meet on Monday, December 9th at 10:00 in the Jesse Wimberley room. After our meeting we will Guests from Family Promise will be coming in this afternoon. have a covered dish lunch in the fellowship hall. Everyone, please Please call Chuck or Nancy Dearborn if you would like to help in bring a dish! any way. We will have poinsettias in the sanctuary on December 15th and The prints of the two group shots that Laura Gingerich took at 22nd. Please use the form in the bulletin to place an order. Homecoming are available for viewing outside the office door. They are $30 per photo. One is the wide group shot of the entire To the Bethesda Congregation, crowd. The other photo is the smaller group shot of the "Middle Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers during this most Bethesda" alumni. If you would like to order a copy please let difficult time. Martha loved you all and this church so dearly. Her Lisa Keith know in the church office at 944-1319 or Kristy Ransdell passing leaves a great void in our family and in her church family. We at 944-7727. Deadline for ordering prints is December 15th if you celebrate her life well-lived. Thank you also to those who provided the want them by Christmas. wonderful food after the service. Your caring and generosity have been greatly felt and appreciated. Love and peace to you all, Tim Wilson and the family of Martha McDonald McLeod

4 email: [email protected] Back Pack Pals is a Moore County Schools Program, designed to provide nutritious food to children who have little or nothing to eat over the weekends. As their mission, the ChristCare group, Looking Ahead LIFT (Ladies In Faith Together) is helping provide some of the food needed to fill these back packs and is asking for your help! Please bring small, single-serving boxes of cereal or raisins to the church throughout the school year for the Back Pack Pals December 1 Hanging of the Greens 5:30 (supper) Program. A member of the LIFT will make sure the boxes get to December 1-7 Guests from Family Promise the Sandhills Food Bank, where the back packs are stuffed and December 5 Carol Singing at the Town of Aberdeen delivered to Moore Co. schools. Look for the drop-off box in the Christmas Tree Lighting 6:30 p.m. narthex. Many thanks in advance for your support of this December 8 Joint Officers’ Meeting 5:00 (Chapel) worthwhile program! December 10 Bethesda Carolers at Rhett’s 5:00 p.m. December 14 Aberdeen Christmas Parade 3:00 p.m. Our attendance in worship last Sunday was 160. The offering December 15 Children’s musical during worship received was $5,943.25. December 22 Moore Brass, and Chancel Choir Cantata during worship December 24 Community Christmas Eve Service at Bethesda 5:00 p.m. Candlelight Communion Service at Bethesda 11:00 p.m.

Prayer List Our Armed Forces The leaders of our nation Lt. Col. Chris Goff - USAF - active duty Brian Hester – serving in Korea Staff Jacob Wilson - USAF Minister – Rev. Jonathan Wallace Music Director – Nancy Arnold LCpl Bob Crumpton Organist – Ruth Sinclair Accompanist – Larry Arnold Walter Dworak – serving in Afghanistan Secretary – Lisa Keith Youth Director – Samantha Taylor Nathan Cunningham - US Army Custodian – Jamie Watson Grounds – Lloyd Harris Nicholas Cunningham - US Army Bethesda Presbyterian Church Beverly Taylor – friend of Carol Prevatte 1002 N. Sandhills Blvd. Aberdeen, NC 28315 Tommy and Carole Douglas – Lisa Noyes’ parents Nancy Reichner – friend of Sarah O’Brien Telephone: 910-944-1319Web Page: http://www.bethesdapres.net Betty Froehlich – Lynn Dworak’s mother

5 Joel Turner – Jim’s son Brittney Williams – friend of the Jackson family Cooper Ellington – friend of LoJuanna Pages Joshua Copeland – friend of Christian Crumpton John Loeser – friend of Lynn Dworak Sue Girgenti –Lynn Dworak’s cousin Ray Lozano – Pam McElreath’s brother Jose Cabrera-friend of Brenda and Charles Huffman Helen Hill – Jeff’s mother Jeanette Roller – friend of Maxine Gibson Michael Shaheen – Michelle Jackson’s father Barbara Williams – niece of Edna Donathan Harold Hogan – Henry’s father Cathy Malaro – Keshia Smith’s mother Karole Jeanne Knapp – friend of Alice Demastus Marcia Snow-friend of Eleanor Hamme Bob and Vickie Pinkston Pat King – Jimmy McElreath’s sister Blaise McNair – step-grandson of Jim and Kay Mack Melissa Harris- friend of Judy Heffner Jo Ann Stokes – friend of Peggy Jacobs Jon Rittger – friend of Connie Atwell William Taylor Bob Page Andy Auman Kim Tew – friend of Ann Frank Marion Wiltjer Devin Goodwin Ginger Wilson Ruth Smith – Carolyn Burns’ mother Scott Allen Catherine Taylor Margaret McLeod Liz Caulk – friend of Marion Wiltjer Wanda Taylor Jennifer Pinkston Roger Schoonover Geraldine Williams – Harold’s sister-in-law Gladys Harris Elliott Frank Robin Curlee John Storey – Mary Lynn Sutphen’s father Leslie Watts Emma Newberry Catherine Braly Cookie Crowley Lee Ann Allen

Members in Nursing Facilities: Ella Ruth Clark Katie Caddell Gene Morgan Catherine Burns

Jane Jameson – Patti Andersen’s sister Fallie Andrews – Bev Cunningham’s grandmother Tamara Ptaschinski and her children, Trenton and Piper – half-sister of Don and Jean McGiffin’s son-in-law Frank Maroon – friend of Katie Mashburn Godin Jan Fogleman – Craig’s brother Darrin Ostmann – friend of Nancy Arnold Andy Gwaltney's great nephew-Baby Dunn Mary Stewart - friend of J. David Keith Jay Greer – friend of many Bethesda members Van Ritch – friend of Brian and Samantha Taylor


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