Oxford Latin Course I Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for Cards Page 3

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Oxford Latin Course I Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for Cards Page 3

Oxford Latin Course I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 1 1. Latin vocabulary info on one side of the card, English meaning(s) on the other side. Put derivatives on the side of your choosing. 2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards. 3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards 4. Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. [See www.wordinfo.info] Chapter 8: possum, posse, potuī, (potitūrus/a/um) = to be able, can (+ complementary infinitive) [armipotent, astripotence, auripotence, bellipotent, biopotency, compossible, cunctipotent, deipotent, divinipotence, equi-omnipotent, equipotent, funipotent, granulopotent, idempotent, ignipotent, immunopotence, impossible, impotence, linguipotence, magnipotent, multipotential, nilpotency, noctipotence, omnipotence, omnipotent, parvipotent, pennipotent, plenipotence, plenipotentiary, pluripotent, Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, possess, possession, possible, possibility, potency, potent, potential, potentate, potestate, prepossess, prepossession, prepotent, salsipotent, sapientipotence, solipotent, subpotent, superpotent, totipotence, unipotence, ventripotent, viripotency] expectō, expectāre, expectāvī, expectātus/a/um = wait for, expect [aspect, audiospectogram, auspices, auspicious, cacospectamania, chronospecies, circumspect, conspicuous, despicable, despise, despite, ecospecies, especial, espionage, expect, expectancy, extrospection, haruspex, haruspicate, inauspicious, inspect, inspection, introspect, introspective, perspective, perspicacious, perspicacity, perspicuous, prospect, prospective, prospectus, respect, respective, respite, retrospect, special, species, specification, specify, specimen, specious, spectacle, spectacles, spectacular, spectator, specter, spectral, spectroheliograph, spectrology, spectrometer, spectrophobia, spectrum, speculate, speculation, speculative, speculator, spy, suspect, suspicion, suspicious] servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus/a/um = to keep, save, keep safe [archaeological conservancy, archeological conservancy, Arte conservatus = “Preserved by skill.”, conservation, conservatism, conservative, conservatively, conservator, conservatorium, conservatory, conserve, cryopreservation, cryopreserve, deserve, inobservance, inobservant, inobservantly, observable, observably, observance, observant, observantly, observation, observatory, observe, observer, observingly, preservable, preservation, preservative, preservatory, preserve, preserver, reservation, reserve, reservedly, reservedness, reserver, reservoir, ultraconservative, unreserved, unreservedly, unreservedness] timeō, timēre, timeō, ------= to be afraid [of], fear [timid, timidity, timorous, timorously, timorousness, intimidate, intimidation, Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes. = “I fear the Greeks [ancient name Danai], even when bearing gifts.”] reddō, reddere, redidī, reditus/a/um = to give back, return; restore [ add, addition, additive, condonation, condone, data (plural), Data Field, Data Field Protection, Data Transfer Rate, date, datum, donate, donation, donative, donee, donor, doromania, doromaniac, Dorothea, Dorothy, dosage, dose, dosimeter, dosemeter, dowager, dower, dowry, edit, edition, editio princeps = First edition., editorial, editorially, endow, endowment, Eudora, extradite, extradition, Fedora, Isidore, misrender, pardon, pardonable, pardonably, pardoner, postdate, predate, render , renderable, renderer, rendition (extraordinary), rendition, rent, rental, renter, surrender, surrendered, surrenderee, surrenderer, surrenderor, tradition, traditional, traditionally, traitor, traitorous, traitorously, treason, treasonable, treasonably, undated] relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus/a/um = to leave behind; abandon [corpus delicti = “Body of the crime”, delict, delinquency, delinquent, delinquently, derelict, dereliction, flagrante delicto = “caught in the act”, also: in flagrante delicto, juvenile delinquent, juvenile delinquency, locus delicti = “The place of a crime.”relic, relict, relict soil, relinquish, relinquisher, relinquishment, reliquary, relique, reliquiae] vertō, vertere, vertī, versus/a/um = to turn

Continued Oxford Latin Course I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 2 1. Latin vocabulary info on one side of the card, English meaning(s) on the other side. Put derivatives on the side of your choosing. 2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards. 3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards 4. Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. [See www.wordinfo.info] [adversa, adversary, adversative, adversatively, adversativeness, adverse, averse, adversely, adverseness, adversion, adversity, adversus; adv., advertence, advertency, advertent, advertently, adverter, advertise, advertisement, advertiser, advertising, advertive, alopecia universalis, ambiversion, animadversion, animadversive, animadversiveness, animadvert, animadverter, anniversary, anteversion, antevert, aquatic vertebrate, autocholecystotransversecolostomy, averse, aversely, averseness, aversion, avert, avertible, bioconversion, biodiversity, contraversialist, contraversially, controverse, controversial, controversialism, controversialist, controversially, controversion, controversy, controvert, controvertible, controvertibly, conversable, conversableness, conversably, conversant, conversantly, conversation, conversational, conversationalist, conversationally, converse, conversely, converser, conversibility, conversible, conversion, conversive, convert, converter, convertibility, convertible, convertibly, convertive, costotransversectomy, costovertebral, dextrorse, dextroversion, divers, diverse, diversely, diverseness, diversifiable, diversification, diversifier, diversify, diversiloquent, diversiloquence, diversion, diversity, diversivolent, divert, divertingly, divertingness, divertisement, divertive, divorce, divorceable, divorcee, divorcement, divorcer, electrothermal energy conversion, electroversion, eversion, evert, evertebrate, ex adverso = “from the opposite side.”, extraversion, extrorse, extrovert, inadvertence, inadvertent, inadvertently, incontrovertible, incontrovertibleness, incontrovertibly, inconversant, inconvertible, inconvertibleness, inconvertibly, introrse, introversion, introversive, introvert, inverse, inversely, inversion, inversive, invert, invertebrate, inverter, invertible, ipsiversive, irreversible, irreversibleness, irreversibly, lateroversion, levocycloversion, levoversion, linguoversion, malversation, mentotransverse, mesioversion, mesioplacement, mesial displacement, obverse, obversely, obversion, obvert, obvert, perverse, perversely, perverseness, perversion, perversity, perversive, pervert, pervertible, prosaic, prosaically, prosaicness, prosaism, prosaist, prosy, quaquaversal, reconvert, reconvertibility, reconvertible, retrorser, retroversion, revers, reversal, reversatile, reverse, reversely, reverser, reversible, reversibly, reversicon, reversion, reversionary, reversioner, reverso, revert, sacrovertebral, seroconversion, seroreversion, sinistrorse, subversary, subversion, subversive, subvert, subverter, subvertible, suzerain, suzerainty, tergiversate, tergiverse, tetrovert, thermal inversion, transversal, transversality, transversally, transverse, transversectomy, transverse suture, traversable, traverse, traverser, universal, universalism, universalist, universalistic, universality, universalize, universally, universalness, universe, university, versatile, versatilely, versatileness, versatility, verse, versed, versicle, versicolor, versifier, versify, versify, version, verso, versus; vs., vertebra, vertebral, vertebrally, vertebrate, vertebrectomy, vertex, vertical, verticality, vertically, verticil, verticillation, vertiginous, vertiginousness, vertigo, vervel, vice versa = The other way round; the change being turned, vortex, vortical, vorticism, vortiginous] coniciō, conicere, coniēcī, coniectus/a/um = to throw, hurl [abject, abjectness, adjective, conjectural, conjecture, deject, dejected, dejection, ejaculatory , eject, ejectamenta, ejection, ejective, ejectivity, ejectment, ejector, ejectus (s), ejecta (pl), inject, injection, interject, interjection, jactation, jactitation, jaculate, jaculation, jaculative, jaculator, jaculatorial, jaculatory, jaculiferous , javelin , jet, jetsam, jettison, jetty, jut, object, objection, objectionable, objective, project, projectile, projection, projectionist, projective, projector, reject, rejecter, rejection, subject, subjective, subjectivity, traject, trajectory] circum (+ acc.) = around [circa (Used before a date to indicate that it is approximate or that it is an estimated date; abbreviated as: ca, ca., c., c, cir., circ.), circadian, circle, circled, circlet, circling, circuit, circuitous, circular, circularity, circularization, circularize, circularizer, circulate, circulating, circulated, circulating, circulation, circulator, circulatory, circus, encircle] ex (ē) = out of, from [+ ablative]…use ex before words beginning with a vowel and ē before consonants [hundreds of words beginning with ex- (exit, exact, express, expose, example, exterminate) or e- (emit, effort, eliminate, elect, egress); other examples: , external, extra, extreme, educate , educe, educed, efface, effete, effeteness, effetely, effluence, effluent, egress, emission, evict, eviction, exalt, exaltation, exanimate, excel, excelling, excerpt, excerpted, except, exception, excise, excision, execute, exonerate, exorbitant, expand, expatriate, expectantly, expectorate, expedient, expedite, expedition, expel, expulsion, expire, expropriate, extol] hasta, hastae F = spear, javelin [hastate] porta, portae F = gate [importunate, importunately, importunateness, importune, importuner, importunity, inopportune, inopportunely, opportune, opportunely, opportunism, opportunist, opportunity, portcullis, porte-

Continued Oxford Latin Course I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 3 1. Latin vocabulary info on one side of the card, English meaning(s) on the other side. Put derivatives on the side of your choosing. 2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards. 3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards 4. Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. [See www.wordinfo.info] cochere, hall porter, opportune, opportunity, passport, porch, port, portal, porthole, portico, portside, Portugal, seaport] mūrus, mūrī M = wall [antemural, extramural, immure, intramural, intra muros = “Within the walls”, mural, muralist, murally] māter, matris F. = mother [alma mater, Alma Mater = “nourishing mother”, biomaterial, dura mater, immaterial, immaterially, mater, materfamilias (s), matresfamilias (pl), material, materials, materialism, materialist, materialization, materialize, materially, maternal, maternal, maternalism, maternalistic, maternally, maternity, matradelphy, matrarchic, matriarchical, matriarch, matriarch, matriarchic, matriarchal, matriarchate, matriarchy, matricectomy, matricide, matricidal, matriclinous, matriculant, matriculate, matriculation, matrilineage, matrilineal, matrilineal, matrilinear, matrilocal, matrilocally, matrilocality, matrimonial, matrimonially, matrimony, matrix, matroclinous, matroclinal, matromorphic, matron, matronly, matronage, matronliness, matronym, metronym, metronymic, metropolis, matronymic, matrophile, matter, metrocracy, metrocracy, matriarchy, misomater, nanomaterials, nearomatria, opsimatria, piezoelectric material] mors, mortis F. = death [abmortal, admortal, amort, amortality, amortization, amortize, ante mortem, benemortasia, biomort, biomortia, immortable, immortal, immortality, immortalizable, immortalize, moratia, moratic, moribund, moribundity, mortal, mortality, mortgage, mortician, mortient, mortiferous, mortific, mortification, mortified, mortify, mortinality, mortisemblant, mortuary, neomort, neomortia, nomomortia, oxymortia, postmortem, premortal, premortient, premortuary, rigor mortis, tychemortia] mortuus, mortua, mortuum = dead [abmortal, admortal, amort, amortality, amortization, amortize, ante mortem, benemortasia, biomort, biomortia, immortable, immortal, immortality, immortalizable, immortalize, moratia, moratic, moribund, moribundity, mortal, mortality, mortgage, mortician, mortient, mortiferous, mortific, mortification, mortified, mortify, mortinality, mortisemblant, mortuary, neomort, neomortia, nomomortia, oxymortia, postmortem, premortal, premortient, premortuary, rigor mortis, tychemortia] sōlus, sōla, sōlum, = alone, only [desolate, desolating, desolated, desolately, desolateness, desolater, desolator, desolatingly, desolation, desolative, desolatory, feme sole, feme sole trader, isolate, isolated, isolation, isolationism, isolationist, isolative, sole, solely, solibiblical, solibiblicism, solifidian, solifidianism, soliloquacious, soliloquies, soliloquizing, soliloquize, soliloquy, soliped, solipede, solipotence, solipotent, solipsism, solipsistic, solipsist, solipsistically, solitaire, solitaneous, solitarian, solitariness, solitary, solitron, solitude, solitudinarian, solitudinary, solitudinous, solitudinize, solivagant, solivagous, solo, soloist, sullen, sullenly, sullenness] terrītus /a/um = scared, terrified [bioterror, bioterrorist, deter, deterrent, deterrently, ecoterrorism, ecoterroist, terrible, terribleness, terribly, terrific, terrifically, terrified, terrifiedly, terrify, terrifying, terror, terrorism, terrorist, terrorize, terrorizer] incolumis, incolume = unhurt, safe


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