Special Education District Contact List

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Special Education District Contact List

Tomball ISD Department of Special Services

2017-2018 Special Education Teacher Handbook SPECIAL EDUCATION DISTRICT CONTACT LIST Questions regarding issues below should be referred to the appropriate special education staff member.

All special education support staff members are located at Special Services, 281-357-3140.

CONCERN CONTACT Adapted PE Keri Williams

ARD Forms/State Folders/PEIMS Megan Parker / PEIMS Office

Assistive Technology Eileen Garza

Auditory Impairment Terri D’Agostino/Megan Parker

Behavior Coach Eric Paddy

Behavior Specialist / Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Debbie Roth

Diagnostic Services Campus Diagnostician / LSSP

ESPED Megan Parker

Extended School Year Services Keri Williams

Homebound Services Keri Williams

In-Home Training/Parent Training Debbie Roth

Legal Issues Dr. Michael Webb/Keri Williams

Low Incidence Programs (PPCD/Dev/PALS/SLL) – Elementary / Secondary Lori Waldrop

Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NVCI) Debbie Roth / Eric Paddy

Occupational Therapy Tammy Hilligeist / Leslie McIntyre/Kimbra Hunter PASS/AB Program - Elementary/Secondary Debbie Roth

Physical Therapy Cindy Baird

SHARS Keri Williams

Specialized Support – Elementary / Secondary Kathy Bonds

Special Olympics / LIP Program Events Lori Waldrop

Speech Therapy Jeanette Guzman

STAAR Alternate 2 Lori Waldrop

STAAR / STAAR-A Megan Parker/Kathy Bonds

Transition Keri Williams/Sara Pennington / Stephanie Sandate Visual Impairments / Orientation & Mobility Samantha Hoffman / Wendy Lewis / Debi Long Tomball ISD Campus Information

Elementary Schools CES – Creekview Elementary (K-5) CFES – Creekside Forest Elementary (K-5) CPES – Canyon Pointe Elementary (K-4) DPES – Decker Prairie Elementary (PK-4) LES – Lakewood Elementary (K-4) RES – Rosehill Elementary (PK-4) TCES – Timber Creek Elementary (K-5) TES – Tomball Elementary (PK-4) WCES – Willow Creek Elementary (K-4) WES – Wildwood Elementary (PK-4)

Intermediate Schools NIS – Northpointe Intermediate (5-6) OIS – Oakcrest Intermediate (5-6) TIS – Tomball Intermediate (5-6)

Junior High Schools CPJHS – Creekside Park Junior High (6-8) TJHS – Tomball Junior High (7-8) WWJHS – Willow Wood Junior High (7-8)

High Schools THS – Tomball High School (9-12) TMHS – Tomball Memorial High School (9-12) Tomball Star Academy (9)

TAEC/Connections Academy SLL K-5 (2) Specialized Support CES VI cluster site Developmental K-5 (1) CFES Specialized Support SLL K-4 (2) CPES Specialized Support AB PPCD (2) PPCD SSL (1) Specialized Support DPES VI cluster site PASS LES Specialized Support PPCD SLL (1) PPCD (2) SLL K-4 (1) RES Specialized Support Developmental K-4 (2) TES Specialized Support PASS K-5 TCES Specialized Support Developmental K-4 (2) WCES Specialized Support SLL PPCD (2) PPCD (2) WES Specialized Support PASS NIS Specialized Support SLL (1) OIS Specialized Support AB PASS Developmental (2) TIS Specialized Support PALS 6-8 (2) CPJHS Specialized Support AB PASS PALS (2) TJHS Specialized Support PASS PALS (2) WWJHS Specialized Support PASS PALS (2) SOJT THS Specialized Support PASS PALS (2) SOJT TMHS Specialized Support


CES CFES CPES DPES LES PEIMS - Peggy "Robanne" Roberts PEIMS - Peggy "Robanne" Roberts PEIMS - Peggy "Robanne" Roberts PEIMS - Ramona Brizzard x4105 PEIMS - Ramona Brizzard x4105 x4129 x4129 x4129 Diag - Tawnya Burch x5208 Diag - Kelsey Young x3814 Diag - Cathy Williams x2817 Diag - Shawna Living x (bilingual) Diag - Cathy Williams x3619 LSSP - Jon Flynn x5303 LSSP - Jon Flynn x3814 LSSP Intern – Hannah Hyatt x2815 LSSP - David Marchand x LSSP – Daniel Fair x 4123 SLP - Jessica Holly x5305 SLP - Keri Burns x3814 SLPA - Jessica Vences x2829 SLP – Brenda Knopffler (bil) x 3014 SLP - Kelly Robles x3615 PT - Cindy Baird x4112 PT - Cindy Baird x4112 SLP - Beth Darbe x2829 SLP - Alicia Barnard x3014 PT - Cindy Baird x4112 OT - Tammy Hillegeist (evals) x 4117 OT - Tammy Hillegeist x4117 PT - Cindy Baird x4112 PT - Cindy Baird x4112 OT - Leslie McIntyre x4111 COTA - Kim McClendon x4116 COTA - Kim McClendon x4116 OT – Kimbra Hunter x4117 OT - Tammy Hillegeist x4117 VI – Debra Holvey VI - Samantha Hoffman x4133 VI - Samantha Hoffman x4133 VI – Debra Holvey VI - Wendy Lewis x4133 O&M - Debi Long x4133 O&M - Debi Long x4133 O&M - Debi Long x4133 O&M - Debi Long x4133 O&M - Debi Long x4133 APE - Kevin Erb x4118 APE - Joe Heckathorn x2477 APE - Joe Heckathorn APE - Kevin Erb x4118 APE - Joe Heckathorn

RES TCES TES WCES WES PEIMS - Peggy "Robanne" Roberts PEIMS - Peggy "Robanne" Roberts PEIMS - Peggy "Robanne" Roberts PEIMS - Peggy "Robanne" Roberts PEIMS - Ramona Brizzard x4105 x4129 x4129 x4129 x4129 Diag – Rosmari Boyrie x1613 Diag – Terri D'Agostino x4609 Diag – Kelsey Young x3214 Diag - Angela Alonzo x3415 Diag - Courtney Taylor x5408 (bilingual) LSSP – David Marchand x 1613 LSSP - Jon Flynn x3814 LSSP - Gail Beal x4104 LSSP Intern- Olga Champagne x3405 LSSP- Dr. Michelle Howard SLP - Dana Carter x1625 SLP - Keri Burns x3814 SLP - Amber Keown x3248 SLP – Amy Sigler x3448 SLP - Rebecca Stuckey x5502 SLPA - Cordy Regino x1625 PT - Cindy Baird x4115 SLPA - Cordy Regino x3248 PT - Cindy Baird x4115 SLPA- Jessica Vences PT - Cindy Baird x4115 COTA - Kim McClendon x4116 PT - Cindy Baird x4115 OT – Kimbra Hunter x4114 PT - Cindy Baird x4115 OT - Tammy Hillegeist x4117 OT – Tammy Hillegeist x4117 COTA - Kim McClendon x4116 VI – Debra Holvey OT- Leslie McIntyre x4111 VI – Debra Holvey VI - Samantha Hoffman x4133 VI - Samantha Hoffman x4133 O&M - Debi Long x4133 VI – Debra Holvey O&M - Debi Long x4133 O&M - Debi Long x4133 O&M - Debi Long x4133 APE – Kevin Erb x4119 O&M - Debi Long x4133 APE - Kevin Erb APE - Joe Heckathorn APE - Joe Heckathorn APE – Kevin Erb x4118

NIS OIS TIS TJHS WWJHS PEIMS - Peggy "Robanne" Roberts PEIMS - Peggy "Robanne" Roberts PEIMS - Ramona Brizzard x4105 PEIMS - Ramona Brizzard x4105 PEIMS - Ramona Brizzard x4105 x4129 x4129 Diag - Angela Alonzo x1426 Diag - Courtney Taylor x5614 Diag - Darlene Vela x4215 Diag – Jerry Hilbert x4417 Diag – Shannon Ugo x1216 LSSP – Daniel Fair x1426 LSSP- Eugene Stanley x5628 LSSP - Gail Beal x 4104 AF –Stephanie Sandate x4417 AF – Sara Pennington x1212 SLP- Kelly Robles 5th x4127 SLP - Alicia Barnard x5628 SLP - Jeanette Guzman x4215 LSSP – Donna LaRue x4417 LSSP – Eugene Stanley x1212 SLP – Amy Sigler 6th x1483 PT - Cindy Baird x4115 SLPA – Kelli Baker x4215 SLP - Diana Samson x 4417 SLP- Beth Darbe x1303 PT - Cindy Baird x4115 OT - Leslie McIntyre x4111 PT - Cindy Baird x4112 OT - Tammy Hillegeist x4117 PT - Cindy Baird x4112 OT – Kimbra Hunter x 4114 VI – Debra Holvey OT – Tammy Hillegeist x4117 VI - Samantha Hoffman x4133 OT – Kimbra Hunter x4114 VI – Debra Holvey O&M - Debi Long x4133 VI – Debra Holvey O&M - Debi Long x4133 VI – Debra Holvey x4133 O&M - Debi Long x4133 APE - Kevin Erb x4118 O&M - Debi Long x4133 APE - Joe Heckathorn O&M - Debi Long x4133 APE - Joe Heckathorn APE - Kevin Erb

CPJHS THS TMHS Special Services PEIMS - Ramona Brizzard x4105 PEIMS - Ramona Brizzard x4105 PEIMS - Ramona Brizzard x4105 Diag - Tawnya Burch x4934 Diag - Jerry Hilbert x2268 Diag – Shannon Ugo x1140 Diag - Darlene Vela AF – Stephanie Sandate x2266 AF – Sara Pennington x1054 LSSP - Donna LaRue LSSP - Donna LaRue x2270 LSSP - Eugene Stanley x1055 SLP – Jessica Holly SLP – Diana Samson x2274 SLP – Jeanette Guzman x1061 SLPA - Kelli Baker OT - Tammy Hillegeist x4117 SLPA - Jessica Vences x1061 OT – Tammy Hillegeist x4117 VI - Samantha Hoffman x4133 PT - Cindy Baird x4115 VI - Samantha Hoffman x4133 O&M - Debi Long x4133 OT - Tammy Hillegeist x4117 O&M - Debi Long x4133 APE - Joe Heckathorn VI – Debra Holvey APE - Joe Heckathorn x2477 O&M - Debi Long x4133 APE - Kevin Erb x4118


COMING SOON SPECIAL EDUCATION ABBREVIATIONS ADA The Americans with Disabilities Act ADD Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder AEP Alternative Education Placement AI Auditory Impairment ALD Assistive Listening Device APE Adapted Physical Education ARD Admission, Review, and Dismissal ASL American Sign Language AT Assistive Technology AU Autism BIP Behavioral intervention Plan CBI Community Based Instruction CP Cerebral Palsy DB Deaf-Blindness ECI Early Childhood Intervention ED Emotionally Disturbed ESL English as a Second Language ESY Extended School Year FAPE Free and Appropriate Public Education FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FBA Functional Behavior Assessment FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act FIE Full Individual Assessment ICS In Class Support ID Intellectual Disability IDEA Individual with Disabilities Education Act IEE Independent Education Evaluation IEP Individual Education Plan ITP Individual Transition Plan LD Specific Learning Disability LEP Limited English Proficient LRE Least Restrictive Environment LSSP Licensed Specialist in School Psychology MD Multiple Disabilities NCEC Non-categorical Early Childhood O&I Orientation & Mobility OHI Other Health Impairment OI Orthopedic Impairment OT Occupational Therapy/Therapist PALS Practical Application of Life Skills PASS Positive Approach to Student Success PECS Picture Exchange Communication System PEIMS Public Education Information Management System PPCD Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities PT Physical Therapy/Therapist SBOE State Board of Education SI Speech Impairment SLL Structured Learning Lab SLP Speech/Language Pathologist SS Specialized Support TBI Traumatic Brain Injury TEA Texas Education Agency TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skill VI Visual Impairment

INSTRUCTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS AND SETTINGS (Defined by Texas Administrative Code – Texas Education Agency)

Special Education is defined as specially designed instruction for students with identified disabilities, provided in a special education program or general education setting with modifications, special education support, supplementary aids, and/or other special arrangements.

Speech Therapy (00). This instructional arrangement provides speech therapy to eligible students requiring services in the areas of articulation, language, voice, and/or fluency.

Homebound (01). This instructional arrangement provides special education instruction to eligible students who are served at home or hospital bedside. Students served on a homebound or hospital bedside basis are expected to be confined for a minimum of four weeks as documented by a physician. Homebound or hospital bedside instruction may be provided to chronically ill students who are expected to be confined for any period of time totaling at least four weeks throughout the school year as documented by a physician.

Vocational Adjustment Class (08). This instructional arrangement provides special education instruction to students who are placed on a job with regularly scheduled supervision by special education personnel. A student in part-time job training/employment receives a minimum of two hours daily of job related and academic instruction. A student in full- time job training/employment receives a minimum of one hour a week of job related instruction.

Mainstream (40). This instructional arrangement provides special education instruction and/or modifications, including related services, in a general education setting. Special education support may be provided to either the teacher, student, or both. Examples of support include direct instruction, co-teaching, specialized support, in class support, curricular or instructional accommodations/modifications, special materials/equipment, consultation, or monitoring a student’s progress in general education. This support is designed to enable the student to progress in the general curriculum to the maximum extent possible in meeting his/her individualized educational program.

Less than 21% of instructional day in special education (41). This instructional arrangement provides special education instruction, including related services, in a special education setting for less than 21% of the instructional day.

At least 21% and less than 50% of instructional day in special education (42). This instructional arrangement provides special education instruction, including related services, in a special education setting for at least 21% but less than 50% of the instructional day.

At least 50% and no more than 60% of instructional day in special education (43). This instructional arrangement provides special education instruction, including related services, for at least 50% but no more than 60% of the instructional day.

More than 60% of instructional day in special education (44). This instructional arrangement provides special education instruction, including related services, for more than 60% of the instructional day.

Full time early childhood special education setting (PPCD) ages 3-5 (45).

Related Services. Related services are developmental, corrective, or supportive services required for a child with a disability to benefit from his/her education. Related services include:

 Occupational Therapy / Physical Therapy  Speech Therapy as a related service  Counseling as a related service  Special Education Transportation  Interpreting services for the deaf  Orientation and Mobility  Assistive Technology STUDENT FOLDERS

All student records should be maintained in a secure location on the student’s campus as designated by the campus principal. Student records are confidential.

Cumulative Folders are processed according to each individual school’s procedure. The records within the cumulative folders are specified by each school campus according to district guidelines.

State Audit Folders (rust) are maintained at the Special Services building. State folder documentation is mandated by State and Federal guidelines. State folders contain original signed copies of all:  ARD paperwork  Completed progress reports  Initial evaluations and re-evaluations determining eligibility  Consent for services  Written restraints  State assessment results

Campus Working Folders (manila) will be maintained by the Special Services Staff and will remain in a secure location in the diagnostician’s office at the student’s campus. The folder will contain the student’s:  Current FIE  Current ARD  Current accommodation/modification page  ITP (secondary level only)

Teacher Working Folders will be maintained by the student’s Case Manager and will remain in a secure location in the Case Manager’s office/classroom at the student’s campus. The folder will include the student’s:  Current goals and objectives  Current accommodation/modification page & tracking document  Current BIP  Data collection for the current and 2 previous school years  Select work samples related to goals and objectives  ESY data collection  State and District testing results o Including but not limited to: benchmark testing, Brigance, i-Ready, STAAR results

Student Transition Folder (orange) will be stored in a separate file on the campus in a designated area (typically with the ARD facilitator or Diagnostician). It is the responsibility of the case manager to update the transition folder prior to the student’s annual ARD. See the transition folder checklist below. Transition Folder Checklist

The Transition Folder Checklist outlines required and optional items to be completed and included with the transition folder. The transition folder should be created prior to the time a student’s transition plan is completed on or before the child’s 14th birthday. TISD requires information to be gathered starting in 6th grade. The transition folder should be stored as a separate file on campus in a designated area (typically with the ARD facilitator or Diagnostician). Additional information may be found in the student’s state audit folder.


6th grade 8th grade – on or before student’s 14th birthday o One of the following: o One of the following: Transition Brigance E1 Transition Brigance E1 update Other appropriate education interest survey or Other appropriate education interest survey update ULS equivalent or ULS equivalent o One of the following: o One of the following: Transition Brigance E2 Transition Brigance E3 Other appropriate career interest survey or ULS Other appropriate career choices survey or ULS equivalent equivalent o Transition Plan (review of graduation requirements/exit requirements) 9th grade 10th grade o Updated Interest Inventory (Naviance, Brigance or o Updated Interest Inventory (Naviance, Brigance or equivalent ) equivalent ) o Parent Questionnaire (Naviance or equivalent) o Updated Parent Questionnaire (Naviance or equivalent) o Updated Transition Plan o Updated Transition Plan o Brigance –Transition Skills Activities, Big Picture o Brigance –Transition Skills Activities, Big Picture Activities by Pro Ed., Naviance Career Activities, Activities by Pro Ed., Naviance Career Activities, ULS ULS or equivalent (minimum of 2) or equivalent (minimum of 2) 11th grade Optional: o Updated Interest Inventory (Naviance, Brigance or Brigance Transition Assessment: Reading level, equivalent ) listening/speaking skills, functional writing, math skills & other areas as appropriate and/or FVA o Updated Parent Questionnaire (Naviance or Self-Advocacy & Determination Forms Pro-Ed (6th – 11th equivalent) grade) o Updated Transition Plan Agency Applications/information given to parents/certificates o Brigance –Transition Skills Activities, Big Picture Planning and Big Picture Forms Pro-Ed (9th & 11th grade) Activities by Pro Ed., Naviance Career Activities, ULS or equivalent (minimum of 2) 12th grade and/or ages 18-21 o Updated Interest Inventory o Customized Employment or Vocational Activities Information o Updated Parent Information o Outside Agency Information and follow up o Updated Transition Plan o Complete Summary of Performance if appropriate

Withdrawal Procedures When a student withdraws from TISD, the teacher will give the Teacher Working Folder to the campus diagnostician. The campus diagnostician will send both the Teacher Working Folder and the Campus Working Folder to the designated campus PEIMS Clerk. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CASE MANAGER

Special education instructional representatives are important participants in the ARD process. Case Managers are responsible for bringing the following information and items to the ARD meetings.

Purpose: The Case Manager is designed to allow each eligible student with a disability to be tracked by an individual teacher from the special education department. Case Manager’s should be knowledgeable about the student’s program needs, course selections, and maintain parent contact. Additionally, case managers would have the following duties:

 Meet with student within the first two weeks of school  Contact parents at the beginning of the school year to introduce yourself and to exchange contact information  Attend ARD/IEP meetings on students they teach and others as appropriate  Secure grades/progress reports from teachers of the student  Contact parents on a regular basis throughout the school year  Track student by checking on grades, meeting at least once every nine weeks throughout the year with the student  Complete any required ESY information  Distribute any BIP and/or accommodation forms to appropriate teachers and administrators of the student  Gather grades, progress reports from teachers for ARD meetings  Work with students on “becoming their own advocate” in preparation for transition to next campus and after completion of high school  Update and archive goals and objectives each grading period  Send progress reports to parent at the end of each grading period  Monitor discipline referrals

Note: Inform a Special Services staff member (Diag, LSSP, SLP, or ARD Facilitator) if an ARD is necessary to address academic failure of behavior/discipline issues. Once a student has more than 3 discipline referrals or the child has failed a grading period, an ARD should be convened.

PRIOR TO ARD 1. Give to/review with diagnostician  Accommodations/modifications recommendations  Personal care form  Recommendation for schedule of services  Recommendation for assessment (if applicable)

I N I T I A L A R D M EE T I N G 1. Completed Brigance/STAR Renaissance testing, (if applicable) 2. Student’s most current report card and most recent STAAR data, if applicable 3. Complete PLAAFPS page in ESPED 4. Complete proposed modifications/accommodation page 5. Proposed goals and objectives in ESPED (send a draft copy to parents five day prior to ARD/IEP meeting) 6. Complete applicable supplements (Transition Supplement/Autism Schedule/Graduation Plan/Personal Care). A NN U A L A R D M EE T IN G 1. Completed Brigance/STAR Renaissance, (if applicable) 2. Student’s most current report card and most recent STAAR data, if applicable 3. Completed PLAAFPS page in ESPED 4. Make sure most current progress report is updated and a r ch i v ed 5. Complete draft goals and objectives in draft folder for student (send a draft copy to parents five days prior to ARD/IEP meeting) 6. Complete proposed modifications/accommodation page 7. Complete applicable supplements (Transition Supplement/Autism Schedule/Graduation Plan/Personal Care). 8. Attend ARD meeting and share:  Progress on current goals and objectives. o Teachers should provide updated goals and objectives for student on an anniversary ARD schedule. o Give an updated Progress Report to Diagnostician to file in audit.  ESY recommendations (supported by data)  Results of assessment with STAAR information completed  Review PLAAFPS page  Proposed goals and objectives  Proposed modifications/accommodations  Recommendations for Schedule of Services (based on data collection)

REV I E W A R D M EE T IN G 1. Review ARD to Recommend Change in Program or IEP  Be prepared to share student’s current present levels of performance based on current assessment and data logs from general education or special education class work  Review modifications/accommodations and if changes are needed, provide proposed modifications./accommodations  Be prepared to present proposed goals and objectives, if needed.

2. Review ARD to Discuss Behavior/Discipline  Be prepared to share information relating to student’s behavior with data  Be prepared to recommend changes to the BIP based on data  Develop & share proposed behavior goals and objectives

NOTE: Any changes in a child’s placement/program without the benefit of an ARD, even with parental knowledge, is illegal.

D I S MI S S A L A R D M EE TING 1. Attend ARD Meeting.  Share updated goals and objectives  Share competency testing

GR A D U A TI O N A R D M EE T I N G 1. Prior to graduation, or the end of the school year, an Annual Review/dismissal (graduation) ARD needs to be held. At this ARD:  Review the student’s progress on their current goals and objectives and the results of TAKS/STAAR testing.  Review the graduation plan and the requirements  Determine whether or not the student has met requirements and is eligible to graduate.  If he/she is eligible to graduate - dismiss from special education, due to graduation.  If he/she is not eligible to graduate, develop a plan for the coming school year. (This should be done even if the student says that he/she is going to go to summer school to make up credits).

NOTE: If student goes to summer school, to complete credit requirements for graduation, another ARD will need to be held at the beginning of the school year to dismiss the student from special education.

A F T E R A R D M EE T I N G 1. If parent is not present, diagnostician may give the teacher the ARD papers to send home with the student. 2. File and distribute goals/objectives, accommodations/modifications, and/or BIP to the student’s teacher(s). ARD DO’S & DON’T’S

DO  Communicate with assessment team prior to ARD about concerns or possible changes  Gather real evidence of progress and carefully review implementation of modifications/accommodations  Bring well-documented evidence of a student’s progress: o Work portfolio o STAAR scores o District Assessments o Data logs / Review 360 data  Be able to quantify a child’s progress: o How can you prove that the mastery level is 70%, and not 60% or 80%? (data logs/Review 360 data)  Have a rationale and purpose for modifications/accommodations  Give every teacher copies of the IEP that they are to implement (including goals/objectives, Behavior Intervention Plan, and/or modifications/accommodations)  Ensure that teachers have the most current modifications/accommodations to use for the student  Have data to support recommendations for services and supports

DON’T Do not say or do:  We don’t have that program  That is too expensive  That program is not for children with this label....  You have to be in “insert program name” to get....  I don’t teach that....  He has to work at this level because all my other students are …  We use the same IEP for everyone in that class....  I didn’t teach him that concept because he came in after I taught it...  That’s the way I taught it to everyone else and they got it....  We don’t have the staff for that  I am too busy  I have too many students to do that  Do not write AS NEEDED on modifications/accommodation page Process Prior to a Change of Placement to/from a Program in District

In TISD, when considering a change in student programming that requires a move from their current campus within the district, (i.e. SLL, PASS, Dev/PALS, etc.) a Program Specialist or the Lead LSSP must attend the staffing and possibly the ARD meeting. The following steps should be followed: 1. Diagnostician will notify the appropriate Program Specialist/Lead LSSP a minimum of 5 school days prior to the staffing. 2. Staffing will be held at the student’s campus with current service providers/staff to determine if further documentation/strategies are needed or if an ARD should to be scheduled. a.i. The top portion of the Program Verification Form A is completed in the staffing. a.ii. The rest of the Program Verification Form including goals for returning to Home Campus (considering levels of support and amount of support needed) is filled out in the ARD Committee Meeting. 3. After the staffing, the Program Specialist/Lead LSSP will contact the appropriate campus administrators and will complete the appropriate documentation. Additionally, communication between evaluation staff between sending and receiving campuses is essential. 4. If an ARD is recommended, Diagnostician will collaborate with appropriate special services staff and schedule an ARD including the Program Specialist and current campus service providers/staff on the notice sent to the parents. The proposed receiving campus does NOT attend. 5. If the ARD committee determines a campus change is required, the Program Specialist will coordinate and share all pertinent information with the receiving campus administration and staff prior to the student’s transition. 6. The diagnostician should upload the Program Verification Form into ESPED with the ARD.

***The Program Verification Form (Annual Review, top portion) must be completed for students in programs prior to every annual ARD. Goals/Objectives must be reviewed/updated at every annual ARD. These forms must be completed for students in programs even if they are in a program at their home campus. (Programs can/may move). RESTRAINT & TIME-OUT

Documentation Procedure for Special Education Students

Following the use of restraint by school district employees and/or contracted Security Resource Officers (SRO) these actions are required:

1. On the day the restraint is utilized: a. the campus administrator or designee must be notified verbally or in writing regarding the use of restraint b. a good faith effort must be made to verbally notify the parent(s) regarding the use of restraint

2. Within one school day of the use of restraint: a. written notification of the use of restraint must be placed in the mail or otherwise provided to the parent a.i. Complete the screens in eSped in ARD Forms: a.i.1. Add Restraint a.i.2. Make sure and fill out completely and save a.i.3. Print copy for parent and copy for special services file a.i.3.a.

a.ii. Send signed copy to Keri Williams at Special Services

Physical restraint does not include the following: 1. physical contact or appropriately prescribed adaptive equipment to promote normal body positioning and/or physical functioning; 2. physical contact used to promote safety or prevent a potentially harmful action (e.g. holding a student’s hand to keep them from running into the street), or to teach a skill or provide comfort; 3. physical contact or appropriately prescribed adaptive equipment to prevent or limit a student from engaging in ongoing, repetitive self-injurious behavior; or 4. seatbelts and other safety equipment used to secure students during transportation.

Time-out Time out means a behavior management technique in which the student is separated from other students for a limited period of time in order for the student to regain self-control.

Time out is in an area or place that is not locked, from which the exit is not physically blocked by furniture, a closed door held shut from the outside or another inanimate object.

School personnel, volunteer, or independent contractor may use time-out with the following limitations: 1. physical force may not be used to place a student in a “time-out”; 2. this behavior management technique must only be used in conjunction with a variety of positive behavior intervention strategies and techniques and must be included in the student’s IEP and / or BIP if it is utilized on a recurrent basis to increase or decrease a targeted behavior; and 3. time-out must not be implemented in a manner that precludes the ability of the student to be involved in and progress in the general curriculum and advance appropriately toward attaining annual goals specified in the student’s IEP.

Training in the use of time out must be provided as part of a program which addressed the full continuum of positive behavioral intervention strategies, and must address the impact of time-out on the ability of the student to be involved in and progress in the general curriculum and advance toward attaining the annual goals specified in the student’s IEP.

All trained personnel must receive instruction in current professionally accepted practices and standards regarding behavior management and the use of time-out.

Please contact Debbie Roth and/or Eric Paddy to schedule Non-Violent Crisis Intervention training.

Necessary documentation or data collection regarding the use of time-out, if any, must be addressed in the IEP or BIP. The ARD committee must use any collected data to judge the effectiveness of the intervention and provide a basis for making determinations regarding its continued use. TOMBALL ISD CONTINUUM OF SPECIAL EDUCATION SUPPORTS General Education Setting Supports Special Education Setting Supports

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