Pine Island Elementary School

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Pine Island Elementary School

Pine Island Elementary School Est. 1998

Respect, Responsibility and Ready to Lead

Student Handbook 2016-2017

Name: ______Grade: _____

Teacher: ______Room #: _____

Comstock Park Public Schools

Our Vision Honor the past…Embrace the present…Reach for the future! District Mission Statement Taking pride as a public education system, the Comstock Park Public Schools community devotes itself to preparing and guiding students to be productive citizens in an evolving world by:  Developing the whole child  Appreciating and valuing differences  Fulfilling the individual needs of our children  Providing a safe and nurturing environment for growth

We Believe – Kids come first… Shared goals and effective communication are vital across the system…Change is a healthy and normal part of our organization…Students flourish in a safe environment that encourages risk-taking…People learn at individual rates and styles…Curriculum is dynamic and needs to respond to the evolving environment…All children can and will experience individual success…Learning is a life-long process….Students succeed in positive environments that will recognize, respect and appreciate diverse cultural, social and intellectual differences…All people and organizations play a role in the growth and development of every child and are important to their success…Career development prepares student for their future. Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead Pine Island Elementary School Mission Statement The mission of Pine Island Elementary School is to create a positive, safe, learning environment where ALL students can devolve knowledge and skills to become respectful, responsible citizens and life-long learners. The staff is committed to working through an active partnership with parents and the community to help the students achieve personal success. We are committed to high academic standards, and being on the forefront of educational development, in order to prepare our students to meet the needs of our changing world.

Office Contacts Principal, Stacy Reehl- [email protected] Pine Island Elementary Secretary, Pam Schaafsma- [email protected] 6101 Pine Island Drive NE PBIS/Office Clerk, Pat [email protected] Comstock Park, MI 49321 Ph: 616- 254-5500 Fax:616-785-4176

School Day Reminder School Begins – 8:15 School Ends – 3:05 Half-Day Dismissal Time 11:45 Students should not be dropped off earlier than 8:05 and should be picked up by 3:15. There is no one on duty to supervise students before and after these times. For the safety of the children, please adhere to this rule. Students should arrive at 8:10.

Address change

If your residential address changes during the school year, please notify the school office. You will be required to supply the office/district with a utility bill that has your name and new address on it as your new proof of residency.

Bus Transportation

Students may ride a different bus other than their assigned bus for a daycare or family emergency ONLY. To obtain an office bus pass, a written note from both sending and receiving parent/guardian must be turned into the office in the morning. For your convenience, this form can be found on the Pine Island Website. If you are planning on picking your child up from school, please write a note to inform school that you are doing so. If your child is still at school when buses are leaving and there is no note or phone call to state that they are being picked up that day, your child will be put on their assigned bus and dropped off at their assigned drop off area. For any questions or if you need to make different arrangements for the day, please call the school office prior to 2:30 so that there is adequate time to get your child’s teacher the information regarding the change.

Any item that cannot be held on the students lap, or blocks the drivers view or could cause injury will not be allowed on the bus with a student. Examples, large bags, balloons, plants/flowers etc. Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead Bus Expectations

Bus transportation is a privilege that can be taken away. Please avoid this by following these expectations: 1. Use same conduct as in the classroom for your bus ride. 2. Be courteous; use no profane or inappropriate language. 3. Do not eat or drink on the bus. 4. Keep bus clean at all times. 5. Cooperate with the bus driver he/she is in charge at all times. 6. Do not be destructive. The bus is the property of Comstock Park Public Schools and should be treated with respect. 7. STAY SEATED FACING THE FRONT OF THE BUS AT ALL TIME. Only with the driver’s permission will you be allowed to change seats. 8. Keep hands, feet, and head inside the bus at all times. 9. Bus driver is authorized to assign a student an assigned seat at anytime. 10. Inside voices and quiet talking only. 11. Follows the three R’s: Respect, Responsibility and Ready to Ride

Bus Discipline Policy

When it is necessary that a student is issued a report for “unsatisfactory behavior” on the bus, the student is given the report to take home and have signed by the parent or guardian. Disciplinary action for the students will be as follows:

First Notice: Warning, but may have 1-5 day bus suspension dependent upon the infraction. Second Notice: Warning, but may have 1-5 day bus suspension dependent upon the infraction. Third Notice: Conference with the parent/guardian and a bus suspension for up to one month. Fourth Notice: Conference with the parent/guardian and a bus suspension for up to one semester. Fifth Notice: Conference with the parent/guardian and a bus suspension for the remainder of the school year

Cafeteria Expectations

1. Students will follow directions of supervisors at all times. 2. Students will enter and move about the cafeteria in an orderly fashion. 3. Students will use indoor voices in the cafeteria. 4. Students will remain in the cafeteria or on the playground during lunch times. 5. Students will go into the hallways and classrooms only with permission and a pass. 6. Students will not share food. 7. Students will not exchange monies at any time.


District Website: School Website: E-Newsletter: Located on the District Website District Monthly Newsletter: “Schoolhouse”- mailed home but can be found on district website. Building Monthly Newsletter: “Panther Press”- sent home with students monthly but can be found on the building website. Classroom Newsletters: Check with your student’s teacher as they send them home either weekly or bi-weekly

Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead Individual Student Planners: Please use to see daily assignments, to give or receive notes from teachers. Other: We encourage all of our teachers to have an electronic presence. Please use our email system to contact teachers directly. We also encourage you to use our website for communications from school to home and for any forms you may need.


Pine Island prides itself on having a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum. You also will be getting communications from your child’s teacher regarding specific criteria for projects and assignments. Please be sure to read all information coming home. Your child will be given a daily planner. The planner is a good tool for communication between school and home. Make sure you review your child’s planner on a daily basis. Although curriculum is important, we strongly believe in developing the whole child and are here to ensure each child’s healthy social, emotional, physical, artistic and academic growth.

Equal Access to Educational Opportunities

It is the policy of the Comstock Park Public School District that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity and in employment.


Expulsion shall be defined as an exclusion of a student from school by the Superintendent or Board of Education. The Superintendent or Board has two (2) options: 1. Permanently expel a student, or 2. Expel a student for a given period of time, such as a semester or the remainder of the school year.

General Provisions for Expulsion The following conditions apply to expulsion: 1. The student must be found guilty by the administration of “gross misconduct” or “persistent disobedience” before recommending expulsion. When a student is persistently disobedient, the administration determines that other efforts to correct the student’s behavior have been unsuccessful and that the student’s conduct (including any previous disciplinary incidents) justified expulsion.

2. An evaluation of the records must be made to determine if there is any evidence that the student may be handicapped. If the student is suspected of being handicapped, due process procedures must be followed. If the IEP determines the student is not handicapped, expulsion proceedings may continue.

3. The parent must be given written notice of the administration’s intent to recommend expulsion. The notice shall include: a. The charge and evidence for the charge; b. The time and place of the Board meeting to consider expulsion; c. The length of time the administration is recommending the student be denied enrollment (semester, year, permanently); d. A brief description of the hearing procedure (who will conduct it, how it will be conducted, etc.);

Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead e. A statement of the student’s rights, including the right to be represented by the parent or counsel, the right to give testimony, present evidence and otherwise provide a defense.

4. Expulsion must be by formal action of the Board of Education. The Board may meet in closed session to consider expulsion when the student, student’s parent(s) or guardian requests a closed session. a. The Board of Education must act to expel in public session with a quorum present. b. The expulsion must be by formal motion and confirmed by a vote of a majority of those members elected to and serving on the Board of Education. c. The action must appear in the minutes and be part of the public record.

5. Notice of expulsion must be sent to the juvenile division of the Probate Court for students ages 6-15. The court must be informed that the Board of Education has expelled the student, provided the reason for the expulsion, and requested to review the case to assure that the student is placed in an educational program in accordance with the State Mandatory School Attendance Law.

6. Where the Board of Education rules in favor of the student, the student shall be reinstated immediately. The student shall be allowed to return to school without prejudice or penalty unless otherwise directed in the motion of the Board of Education.

7. The student and/or parent(s) or legal guardian, or another representative of his/her choosing may be present at the meeting of the School Board to present a plea for the student.

8. If the student is represented by an attorney at the hearing, the Superintendent of Schools shall have an attorney represent the school system in the hearing.

9. During an expulsion, the student may not be on school property, attend classes, participate in or attend any extracurricular activity.

Field Trips

For the safety of all children and to maintain a focus on academics it is the policy of Pine Island to withdraw the privilege of attending a field trip based on excessive behavior patterns in the following areas: discipline referrals and/or suspensions. If a student is serving a bus suspension at the time of the field trip, he/she will not be able to attend. Again, due to safety and space issues at the site, we ask that siblings do not attend the Pine Island field trips.

General School Expectations

1. Students will show respect for other people and be courteous, including wearing their hats and handkerchiefs outdoors only. 2. Students will use appropriate language at all times. 3. Students will follow instructions given by adults. 4. Student will respect the personal space of others by keeping hands, feet and objects to themselves. 5. Students will settle differences peacefully. 6. Students will enter, travel through, and exit the building in a safe and orderly manner as directed by school personnel. 7. Students are expected to use hallway, bathroom, and medical passes at all times. 8. Students are expected to go out and come in from recess in a quiet, orderly manner because other students are having class. 9. Toys, radios, and electronic equipment, including cell phones, IPODS, MP3 players, and video games, laser lights will be left at home unless the teacher’s and principal’s permission is obtained in advance. Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead 10. Pine Island is a GUM-Free school.


No student has to endure threats and feel uncomfortable in their academic setting

Harassment and Intimidation: is unlawful under Michigan and Federal Law. Persons experiencing these types of conducts should report such incidents to the building principal or superintendant. Retaliating against a reporting person and/or false reporting is prohibited and may lead to disciplinary or legal action.

Definition of Harassment: Any unwelcome or unwarranted behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable, threatened or degraded, regardless of age or gender including but not limited to: continual teasing, threatening, rumor spreading, stalking, name-calling, notes of a threatening and/or sexual nature, grabbing/touching, pressure for sexual favors, unwanted phone calls, phone calls of a sexual nature, rape/assault.

Head Lice

Comstock Board of Education Policy States:

1. No student with head lice or nits (eggs) will be permitted to attend school. If evidence of lice is found on children, parents will be called to pick up the student immediately for treatment. 2. Students may return after one treatment. They must be free of lice for readmission. 3. Information will be provided to children and parents regarding prevention practices. 4. Students must be lice and nit free in order to ride the bus.

Illness Policy

Children who are ill with a contagious disease or fever may not attend school. If your child becomes ill while attending, we will call you. Please make sure the office has a current phone number and all your child’s emergency contacts are up to date.

The teacher/office will determine if a child is too ill to remain at school. Any child experiencing the following symptoms will be sent home: *Fever of 100 F or higher *Contagious skin/eye infection *Diarrhea that is interrupting activities in the school day *Vomiting *Any wound that is draining

If your child is sent home because of illness, he/she must be free of any of the above symptoms for at least 24 hours.

Lockers (Cubbies) /Desks

Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead Lockers and Desks are the property of CPPS. Students will be assigned a locker and they are responsible to see that his/her locker is kept clean. Locker inspection will be performed at the discretion of the building principal. Students are not to keep valuables in their lockers. The school will not assume responsibility for lost or stolen items Lunch Information

Our schools have implemented an internet friendly program in our lunchrooms. This allows parents to place money into their student’s account and eliminates the need to send cash to school every day. You will need to obtain your students ID number and password. To get this information, you will need to call the school office. Free and reduced lunch applications are provided to every family at the start of school and are available throughout the school year upon request. Website:

Medication and Student Health

Comstock Park Board of Education Policy states that if a child is required to take medication during school hours a designated adult will administer following the instructions of a physician (as indicated on the prescription label) and the district’s medication administrative policy OR the written instructions of the parent/guardians IF the medication is non-prescriptive.

The parent/guardian must bring the medication to school in its original container labeled by the pharmacy or manufacturer. Medication is kept in the office. No medication is to be kept by a student. The only exception is meter dosed inhalers for the treatment of asthma. Students who provide the school with written permission from their doctor may carry their inhaler with them. A medication consent form is needed for self-administration.

The parent/guardian must complete appropriate forms authorizing the school to administer medication. Please record when your student will run out of medication. It is very difficult for officer staff to notify every parent when a student runs out of their medication.

The school district retains the right to reject requests for administering medication to a child.

Notice for Grievance Procedures

If any person has a concern or question with Comstock Park Public Schools’ compliance with the principles and/or regulations of (1) Title VI of the Education Amendment act of 1972, (2) Title IX of the Education Amendment act of 1972 (3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, he or she may contact the Superintendent’s Office at the following address: 101 School Street NE, Comstock Park, Michigan 49321, (616) 254-5001

Leader in me – 7 Habits Our school is using The Leader in ME program as an introduction to personal leadership. All students have the capacity to lead in their own lives and affect those around them by making positive choices. The Leader in Me provides students with activities that will help them learn practical character and life skills that will lead to those positive choices. Written to appeal to their age level, students will be presented with fun activities designed to get them thinking. Your child is about to embark on an exciting journey and our hope is that you will ask your child how he/she is doing along the way. The Activity Guide gives then an opportunity to engage, hands-on, in what your child is learning and will lead to many “teachable moments.” Having your child reteach the content to you will give him/her an even deeper understanding and will give both of you an opportunity to learn together. Additionally…. The “Parent’s Place” is available at Here you will find ideas to use at home to reinforce yours child’s learning and involve the family in a fun, interactive way.

Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead Leader in Me School service Students have to opportunity to choose a service job around the school. All grades have been assigned different jobs such as, lunchroom server, recycle crew, library helpers, school store, tickets collectors and many more. During the first month of school, students will be presented with the program and given an application with all the jobs listed. Students will be able to take the applications home to share with parents. Throughout the school year, students will be assigned the jobs that they have chosen and with staff supervision, carry out their responsibilities. This is a great way for students to demonstrate the Leadership roles within the school day.

Office Procedures Tardy Students: All Tardy students need to be signed in at the office by their parent/guardian if they arrive after 8:20am. Their hand will be stamped indicating to the teacher that they have been seen in the office and their tardy was recorded.

Parent Pickup: All parents/guardians that pick their students from school at any time, during the day or at the conclusion of the day, need to sign their students out. Parents/Guardians that pick their students up at the end of the day must park in the parent parking lot. Parents need to enter the cafeteria at the north end of the building. Enter the cafeteria and your child will meet you there. You MUST sign your child out with the supervising staff at in the cafeteria.

PowerSchool App for Parents

PowerSchool is now portable! The PowerSchool for Parents app is available for download on Google Play for Android devices as well as from the App Store for the iPhone®, iPad® or iPod touch®*. Parents can easily view each child's progress in a single feed to check grades, review assignments, and more! Also included in both apps is the option for students and parents to share classroom information through Facebook and Twitter.

You can also use PowerSchool for Parents to register to receive email alerts for grades, attendance, assignments and more.

PowerSchool Parent Portal Login Instructions Each parent must create an account to use PowerSchool. (This is a one-time process, once created; you’ll never need to create an account again.) You will need your child’s Access ID & and Access Password in order to create your new account. This can be obtained from the school’s office. This feature of PowerSchool will allow each parent to have his/her own username and password. It will also allow parents of multiple children to combine accounts, and gives the ability for a parent to allow a grandparent, guardian, divorced parent, or other designee the ability to have access to the child’s grades. The person just needs to have the original Access ID and password to create an account for the child. (Students do not setup accounts in PowerSchool. They will use the account that was created for them by the school office).

Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead

DIRECTIONS: 1. Open a web browser on a pc or mac to the PowerSchool Parent Portal using this web address: 2. Click on the tab at the top that says “Create Account”. 3. In the Create Parent/Guardian Account section, fill in all of the boxes, including your chosen username and password. Symbols are allowed in the password but not in the username.

4. At the bottom of the page in the “Link Students to Account” section, there will be enough spaces to include up to seven children. You must know the Access ID and Access Password that was created in PowerSchool for each child’s account. Make sure you type the Access ID and Password correctly, both fields are CASE SENSITIVE.

5. Click Enter to create your new account. 6. You will now need to login to the system using your new username and password. Use the Login box at the top of the screen to login.

7. You now have the name(s) of your children on tabs in the upper left corner under the PowerSchool logo, combined into one account.

8. To view each child’s grades and attendance click on the correct tab displaying the child’s name and the grades/attendance will appear for that child.

9. To change your username or password or to add additional children to your account click on the Account Preferences button in the top right corner of screen. The window will open in Profile view and allow you to change your username or password. Click on the Student link in the upper left corner of Profile screen, to add more children to your account.

Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead REMINDER: Until you create your new account the login screen at the top of the parent portal page will not work.

Parental Involvement Opportunities

Please call the school office to find out the many ways you can become involved in your child’s education.

PBIS – Positive Behavior Intervention Support

For today’s children, life is a whirlwind of hopes, disappointments, discoveries, relationships, achievements, and missteps. Like all of us, they need solid footing in a shifting culture and dependable answers for a changing and often confusing world. Somewhere on this path, parents, teachers, and school administrators try to help by encouraging character-based principles that will enable children to succeed at life.

WHAT IS SCHOOL WIDE PBIS? Positive behavior support is a behaviorally-based systems approach to enhance schools, families, and communities to design effective environments that create a safe learning and teaching for all staff and students. Attention is focused on creating and sustaining a school-wide and classroom management program that enhances productivity with positive support.


Pets should not be brought to school unless the teacher and building principal has been contacted. When pets are brought to school, an adult should bring the pet in and take it home. Placement of Students

Please understand that our process for students into their classrooms is done with the greatest of care and careful consideration of the following criteria: *Academic Ability Levels *Balance of Boys and Girls *Recommendations of staff including: Reading Specialists, ELL Specialist, Previous Teacher, etc *Student Personality and Learning Style *Teacher Personality and Teaching Style

Other assignments are given in order to maintain stability for students, teachers, and families. Moving a child’s placement from one room to another will only be considered in extreme cases, and only after the following process is followed: *Request in writing to the Principal with sound educational rationale *Meeting with the student’s teacher and principal, and other staff members as needed

While consideration is given to all requests, please understand that moving a student cannot be guaranteed even after following the process. All factors must be considered, including other students that may be displaced because of another family’s request.

Playground Expectations

1. Students will speak respectfully and obey playground supervisors at all times. 2. Students will remain in approved areas at all times.

Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead 3. Students will play safely. Students will not play rough. Pushing, tackling and fight-like games are not safe and are not permitted. 4. Food / candy are not allowed on the playground. 5. Students will use playground equipment as it was intended to be used (one person per swing, no walking or tag on slides, etc.) Basketball and footballs may be brought to school. Pine Island is not responsible for lost/stolen or damaged items. 6. Hard balls are not allowed. 7. Students will remain off of the snow hills and leave snow on the ground. 8. You must have a pass to come inside the building from the playground.

Proper School Attire

Every student’s appearance is primarily the responsibility of that individual and his/her parents/guardians. However, the school does maintain certain standards that are based upon factors of health, safety, cleanliness, and maintaining the orderly functioning of the school. Examples of clothing not considered appropriate for school include, but are not limited to: 1. Clothing which leaves the midriff bare such as halter/tube tops, short shirts, muscle shirts, half-shirts, or clothing made of sheer material. Shoulder straps should be two inches wide (four finger rule). 2. Short shorts/skirts (fingertip rule). Tear away pants, pants that are sagging off the student’s waist. 3. Clothing which depicts sexual innuendos, drugs, alcohol, tobacco use, hatred or violence; as well as clothing that is vulgar, disrespectful, offensive, or sexually suggestive in nature. 4. No make-up, bottles of finger nail polish, purses or chains. 5. Post earrings are recommended. Large hoop earrings are a safety risk in elementary aged students. 6. Unnatural hair color with exception of school sanctioned special days 7. Hair spray, Fake Fingernails- These items are a distraction to the learning process that can cause undue competition. 8. No shoes with any type of heel. Shoes need to be appropriate for playground every day.

For safety purposes, shoes should be worn at all times. Athletic shoes are necessary for Physical Education class. Hats and handkerchiefs will be worn outdoors only, with exception of school sanctioned special days. Adequate outdoor attire is essential as all students go outside every day. If a student’s dress is inappropriate the parents/guardians will be contacted.


The Comstock Park Public School PTO plans to be busy working on a variety of project for the betterment of our schools. We encourage you to be involved. Regular meetings are usually held at 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month at Pine Island Elementary School. Watch for notifications of meetings. For more information contact the school office or the school website. Regular School Attendance

If your student will be absent or tardy please call 254-5502

Regular and consistent attendance is necessary not only for academic success but also to instill in students life-long habits of dependability, punctuality, and self-discipline. Comstock Park Schools have a complex, fast paced curriculum and students are getting ready to take the MEAP test in 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades. More than 10 absences/tardies is considered excessive by State standards. Please remember that the state law includes tardies in this accountability, as well as days out because of the disruption to the education of your child, other children, and the teacher’s instruction. Research does Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead clearly show that a lack of consistent attendance at school is a major contributor to student failure. We all want the very best education for your child(ren). School attendance is compulsory by Michigan law. Pine Island Elementary School has the responsibility of keeping complete attendance records and working with parents to ensure that students are in attendance whenever possible. Parents will be notified in writing by the principal when a student has 5, 10, and 15 unexcused absences/tardies. We encourage doctor/dentists excused when your child missed a school day due to an appointment. If attendance does not improve, the Kent Intermediate School District’s Truancy Officer will be notified. Step 1 Phone call to parent/guardian: 1 for 5 absences/tardies Purpose: Awareness Request: Parent cooperation in correcting the situation

Step 2 Letter # 1 for 10 absences/tardies Purpose: Growing concern Request: Parent, please call principal

Step 3 Letter # 2 for 15 absences/ tardies Purpose: Advised that failure to take proper steps to ensure that your school- age child is in continuous and consecutive attendance of school may be interpreted as a violation of MI Compulsory Attendance Law (380.156). Request: Please meet with principal

Step 4 Letter # 3 for more than 15 absences/tardies Notification that absenteeism referral has been sent to KISD truant Officer

SCHOOL SNACK BROUGHT FROM HOME At different times throughout the year (class parties, birthdays, etc.), it is not uncommon for families to provide the classroom/school with treats that have been made at home. While such gestures are greatly appreciated, they have become a growing concern as we try to address student dietary restrictions, food allergies, illnesses, and hygiene issues. Starting the 2014-15 school year, we are only allowing commercially prepared and/or packaged treats. No homemade treats will be accepted. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

SPECIALTY BEVERAGES Beverages such as: hot chocolate, iced drinks and/or lattes need to be consumed at home prior to coming to school. These beverages will not be allowed in the building or while students are waiting to enter the building in the morning.

Student Insurance

"Comstock Park Public Schools does not assume financial responsibility for medical, hospital or ambulance expenses incurred because of student accidents or injuries. Insurance is not provided by the school. Parents are encouraged to have medical insurance for their children in case of accident or injury. There are many available opportunities for a variety of coverage options that focus on student insurance plans; such as those provided by 1st Agency. Please see for more information."

TECHNOLOGY CODE OF CONDUCT SUMMARY (This is a policy summary. Students should read and will be accountable for following the entire policy. Technology covered by this policy includes the use of district software, audio and video media, computer and hardware peripherals, network, telecommunications, video and audio equipment. The use of district technology is a privilege which can be revoked at any time by the district.

Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead All individual users are responsible for their reasonable care of technology, including hardware and software, while in their possession or while they are using it. Users of district technology will be responsible for its use and misuse. Appropriate use of district technology is defined as use in furtherance of the instructional goals and mission of the district. Users should consider any use which does not fall under this definition of appropriate use as being potential misuse for which a loss of technology uses and disciplinary action may occur. The following areas on the Internet are samples that are restricted from student use on school computers and considered misuse of district technology: social media sites (unless used for learning as directed by staff), material containing profanity, racially offensive material, and/or sexually oriented material. Students acknowledge that software, audio and video media is protected by a variety of licensing agreements and copyright laws and that any misuse of these may subject the users, as well as the district, to a variety of legal liabilities. Students may not install software or media. Users are responsible for the security of the technology, including the ability to use that technology to access confidential information, while such technology is in their possession or under their control. Students are not to either use or disclose confidential information except as a part of an appropriate educational use of technology. Passwords are the property of the member and are not to be used by anyone else. Schools' computers are networked within the building and between buildings in the district. The purpose is to support and enhance education or research that is consistent with the mission of the district. Students are permitted and encouraged to use the equipment for educational purposes, only after students have completed the agreement form and received approval. It is impossible to list all infractions that are incompatible with the intended purpose of the computer network, but the following printed guidelines are intended to give students a general idea of what is expected. 1. Students are to use the network in a way that does not disrupt or interfere with its use by others. 2. Modifying or copying other users' files or data without their written consent is not permitted. 3. Using the network or Internet for defamatory, harassing, or obscene activity or discriminatory remarks is prohibited. 4. The information created by others is their property and the creator owns the rights to that information. 5. Using the network or Internet to access or store information that is not educationally relevant is prohibited. The school personnel reserves the right to interpret what is "educationally relevant" (this may include, but not be limited to, sexually explicit materials, methods/depictions to cause physical harm). 6. Students may not share, distribute, or allow other students to use their personal passwords. 7. The hardware or software should not be destroyed, modified, or abused in any way. 8. Hacking, or any attempt to hack, into the computer system's network is strictly prohibited. 9. The network and Internet may not be used for commercial purposes. 10. Disks (which also include CD Roms, CD-Rs, and CD-RWs) are prohibited from being used on the computer system. 11. Permission from the teacher must be granted to a student in order for them to bring a laptop or other portable electronics into the classroom or other learning environment.

These offenses would not necessarily carry the same consequences. For example, "hacking" into the computer system's network could result in a recommendation for expulsion or extensive suspension on the first offense, as outlined in the Gross Misconduct section of the Student Handbook. Violations may also result in police referral. Accessing pornographic or sexually explicit material on the Internet could result in an extended suspension on the first offense. Other offenses would apply as violations to our Student Code of Conduct. Repeat offenders will be punished under the progressive discipline policy. After due process is served, the District's administration reserves the right to revoke the user’s password to use the network and to determine where the offense best matches our Student Code of Conduct Policy, as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Toys and Personal Possessions

The school strongly discourages students from bringing toys and personal items to school. Please do not send electronic devices to school (cell phones, , IPods, etc…). If a personal electronic item is brought to school by a student, the student will be expected to turn the electronic device into the office upon entering the building in the morning. The electronic will be kept in the office until the end Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead of the school day. At dismissal the students may pick up their electronic device in the office upon leaving the building. Students that have electronics on school property and fail to turn it into the office and their electronic device is confiscated by a staff member the following procedure will be followed: 1st offense: student may pick up device at the end of the day along with an informational note for parent 2nd offense: call made to parent to make arrangements for electronic device to be picked up from office 3rd offense: student’s device will be secured and will be available for pick up at the end of the school year THE school will not be responsible or liable when items are lost, stolen, traded, damaged, or broken. Trading Cards of any kind are not permitted. If students bring them to school they will be: 1. Warned to take home 2. If a student brings cards a 2nd time, the teacher or principal will confiscate them and they will be kept until the end of the school year.

Traffic Control

Please only use the Parent Parking Lot and Drop-off Circle. For the safety of everyone we do not want children or parents crossing the Bus Circle. Please do not park in the Parent Drop-off Circle. This blocks traffic and may make other parents late for work and appointments. When dropping off or picking up please instruct your child to look both ways, and then walk to your car when it is safe to do so. It is very unsafe for children to run through traffic to get to your car. Please drive slowly. Thank You!

Use of Facilities

Pine Island Elementary is available for the community to use. To schedule tie use of the facilities call Nancy Dahl at the High School Office at 254-5201. Please understand that for some functions a rental fee will be assessed. Keep in mind that priority will be given to school related activities. We ask only that you respect the property of others and leave the building as you have found it.

Visitor Information

We welcome all visitors to Pine Island Elementary. All visitors must stop in the office sign in and receive a visitor’s badge. For safety of our staff and students we need to know the whereabouts of our visitor’s at all times. In addition to attending special events at Pine Island, we would like to encourage parents and guardians to visit their student’s classrooms whenever possible. Please make sure to let the teacher know of your intentions to visit. If you wish to meet with a member of our staff we ask that you make an appointment in order to assure the meeting can be given the proper amount of time to address your questions.

Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead ************************************************************************************* ************

Parent/Guardian and Students: please read and discuss the student handbook together. After you have read the entire handbook, please sign and date below. X______student




Return your signed sheet by Friday September 16 th and your name will be added to a school wide drawing for a prize

Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead Respect Responsibility Ready to Lead

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