Grade 4 Reading 3Rd GP

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Grade 4 Reading 3Rd GP

Reading – Grade 4 Unit of Study: Closer Reading Second Grading Period – Weeks 1 - 7 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas) Unit Rationale As students progress across the intermediate grades, the reading of text places a higher A close reading of text involves a sustained, deep interpretation of a text. cognitive demand than ever before. Students must learn how to go beyond the superficial interpretation to a deeper meaning of text. Essential Questions Guiding Questions  What strategies do I use to take a closer look at what I am trying to understand in  What can I do to internalize the targeted vocabulary? the text?  How can I enjoy my independent reading more?  How can the spelling pattern taught this week improve my spelling?  What motivates characters to act the way they do?  How does the character relate to others in the story?  How can visualization help me monitor my reading?  What kind of conclusions and generalizations can I make using text evidence?  What is the author’s purpose for writing this text?  How can I use facts and opinions to make inferences about the text?  What is the sequence of events in this passage?  How can I summarize the text while telling about the causes and effects?  What are different text features and their functions?  How do I interpret text that is presented graphically? TEKS (Standards) TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome 4.2B Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary I can: and use it when reading and writing. Students are expected to:  understand and use the target vocabulary words (4.2B, ELPS 1C, 3D, 4C, 4F) (B) use the context of the sentence (e.g., in-sentence example or definition) to  read independently for period of time (Reading Zone) and keep track of what I am determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple meaning words; reading (4.9) 4.6 Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand,  apply the spelling principle taught this week to my spelling (4.22 A, B, C) make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction  understand characters and their motivation and relationships with others (4.6B, and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are RC-4D, ELPS 4G,J) expected to:  visualize story events (4.1, RC-4C) (A) sequence and summarize the plot’s main events and explain their influence on  draw conclusions and make generalizations based on text details (RC-4C, D, future events ELPS 1E, 4J) (B) describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the  use questions about text to draw conclusions and make generalizations (RC- changes they undergo; and 4B,C, D, ELPS 1E, 4J) 4.9 Reading/Comprehension of Text/Independent Reading. Students read  determine the author’s purpose for writing the text (4.10) independently for sustained periods of time and produce evidence of their reading.  distinguish fact from opinion and use facts and opinions to make inferences about Students are expected to read independently for a sustained period of time and the text (4.11B) paraphrase what the reading was about, maintaining meaning and logical order  identify the sequence of events in a passage(4.11C) (e.g. generate a reading log or journal; participate in book talks).  identify cause-and-effect relationships in text (4.11C, RC-4E) 4.10 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Culture and History.  summarize a passage by telling about the causes and effects(4.6A, 4.11C, RC- Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about the author's 4E, ELPS 4J) purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence  identify text features and their functions (4.11D, 4.13B, ELPS 1E, 2C, 3D, 4I) from the text to support their understanding. Students are expected to explain the  ask questions to understand information that is presented graphically (4.11D, difference between a stated and an implied purpose for an expository text. 4.13B, RC-4B, ELPS 1E, 2C, 3D, 4I)

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. 4.11 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. Yo puedo: Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text  entender y usar el vocabualrio clave (4.2B) and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are  leer independemente por un rato (Reading Zone) y monitorear lo que estoy expected to: leyendo (4.9) ( (B) distinguish fact from opinion in a text and explain how to verify what is a fact;  aplicar el patrón de ortografía a mi escritura (4.22 A, B, C)  entender a los personajes y sus motivaciones y relaciones con otros (4.6B, RC- (C) describe explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts organized by 4D) cause-and-effect, sequence, or comparison; and  visualizar los sucesos de la historia (4.1, RC-4C) (D) use multiple text features (e.g., guide words, topic and concluding sentences)  sacar conclusiones y generalizaciones basados en los detalles del texto (RC-4C, to gain an overview of the contents of text and to locate information. D) (13) Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Texts.  usar preguntas acerca del texto para sacar conclusiones y hacer generalizaciones Students understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and (RC-4B,C, D) documents. Students are expected to:  determiner el propósito del autor (4.10) (B) explain factual information presented graphically (e.g., charts, diagrams,  distinguir ente los hechos y los opiniones y usarlos para inferir sobre el texto graphs, illustrations). (4.11B)  identificar la secuencia de los sucesos en un texto (4.11C) 4.22 Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students  identificar las relaciones de causa y efecto en el texto (4.11C, RC-4E) are expected to:  resumir para verificar la comprensión de causa y efecto(4.6A, 4.11C, RC-4E) (A) spell words with more advanced orthographic patterns and rules:  identificar las características del texto y sus funciones (4.11D, 4.13B, RC 4-B) (iii) double consonants in middle of words;  hacer preguntas para entender la información presentada gráficamente (4.11D, (v) silent letters (e.g., knee, wring); 4.13B) (B) spell base words and roots with affixes (e.g., -ion, -ment, -ly, dis-, pre- (C) spell commonly used homophones (e.g., there, they're, their; two, too, to); Spanish 4.22 Spanish Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to: (A) write with increasing accuracy using accent marks including:(i) words that have a prosodic or orthographic accent on the last syllable (palabras agudas) (e.g., feliz, canción); (ii) words that have a prosodic or orthographic accent on the second-to-last syllable (palabras graves) (e.g., casa, árbol); and (iii) words that have an orthographic accent on the third-to-last syllable (palabras esdrújulas) (e.g., último, cómico, mecánico); (B) spell words with hiatus and diphthongs (e.g., le-er, rí-o, quie-ro, vio); (C) spell base words and roots with affixes (e.g., ex-, pre-, post-, -able); Figure 19 Reading/Comprehension Skills. Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and independent reading to understand an author’s message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The students is expected to: RC-4B ask literal, interpretive, and evaluative questions of text; RC-4C monitor and adjust comprehension (e.g., using background knowledge, creating sensory images, reread a portion aloud, generating questions); RC-4D make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding RC-4E summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order;

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. English Language Proficiency Skills (ELPS) (1C) use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping, drawing, memorizing, comparing, contrasting , and reviewing to acquire basic and grade- level vocabulary (3D)speak using grade-level content area vocabulary in context to internalize new English words and build academic language proficiency (3F) ask and give information ranging from using a very limited bank of high- frequency high-need, concrete vocabulary, including key words and expressions needed for basic communication in academic and social contexts, to using abstract and content-based vocabulary (4C) speak using a variety of grammatical structures, sentence types, and connecting words with increasing accuracy and ease as more English is acquired (4F) use visual and contextual support from peers and teachers to read grade- appropriate content area text, enhance and confirm understanding, and develop vocabulary, grasp of language structures, and background knowledge needed to comprehend increasingly challenging language (4G) demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex English by participating in shared reading, retelling or summarizing material, responding to questions, and taking notes commensurate with content area and grade level needs; (4I) demonstrate English comprehension and expand reading skills by employing basic reading skills such as demonstrating understanding of supporting ideas and details in text and graphic sources, summarizing text, and distinguishing main ideas from details commensurate with content area needs; (4J) demonstrate English comprehension and expand reading skills by employing inferential skills such as predicting, making connections between ideas, drawing inferences and conclusions from text and graphic sources, and finding supporting text evidence commensurate with content area needs Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment) 1. Given a text, students will apply the strategies of characterization, visualization, inference, author’s purpose, sequence, cause and effect and graphic features to be able to answer comprehension questions with 80% accuracy.

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Reading – Grade 4 Unit of Study: Closer Reading First Grading Period – Week 1 CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills  What can I do to internalize the targeted vocabulary? 1 (A) recognize that spoken words are represented in written English by specific  How can I enjoy my independent reading more? sequences of letters (First Grade)  What motivates characters to act the way they do? 1 (C) demonstrate the one–to-one correspondence between a spoken word and a printed  How does the character relate to others in the story? word in text (Kindergarten)  How can visualization help me monitor my reading? 1 (A) decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying  How can the spelling pattern taught this week improve my spelling? common spelling patterns (Third Grade) 1 (B) use common syllabication patterns to decode words (Third Grade) 1 (C) decode words applying knowledge of common spelling patterns (Third Grade)

Week 1 Paired Selections: “Me and Uncle Romie” pp.200-213, “Sidewalk Artists”pp.214-217 (Art Connection) ”Mi tío Romie y yo” pp.200-213, “Artistas al aire libre” pp.214-217 Comprehension Focus: Understanding Characters; Visualize Comprender a los personajes; Visualizar Differentiation Opportunities: Please note that each HMH lesson has several opportunities for re-teach or enrichment of the comprehension focus (Deepen Comprehension, Differentiate Comprehension). These may be used during small group time. In addition, differentiated plans are available (Struggling, On Level, Advanced, ELL) for both the Vocabulary Readers and the Leveled Readers. Each lesson offers four different titles (and level) of Leveled Readers to match the needs of each student. Read Aloud Whole Group Small Group Spelling y

a  Vocabulary Intro Read Aloud (5 minutes) T 158-159 Small Group Other Students d Chapter Book 30 Minutes HMH (Houghton Mifflin Teach the n  Vocabulary in Context Cards (20 minutes)T 160-161, pp.196- o 5 Minutes 197 (3 groups) Harcourt) Word Study Principle/Pretest M 10 Minutes  Post words on word wall by story – not alphabetical order  Vocabulary Work Station See Book T192  Build Background (5 minutes) T163, p. 198 Reader Recommendations T208-209 in Toolkit y

a  Introduce Comprehension with projectable (25 minutes) Small Group Other Students d

s Understanding Characters/ Visualize T 164-165 15 minutes  Reread Part 1 Main e (1-2 Groups) u Main Selection Part 1 “Me and Uncle Romie” (15 minutes) Selection write “Stop T T 167-172, pp.200-206  Reread Part 1 and Think” in Reading  Review bookmark on 1st page of story for focus Main Selection Notebook Word Sort  Set a purpose in their notebooks or another  Write a summary of Chapter Book 10 Minutes  Teacher reads first page appropriate what has happened 10 Minutes T192  Use sidebar questions sparingly book for students so far (or what you  Students read the ensuing pages silently, pausing at “Stop who struggle with learned) and Think” the main  OR Do Stop and Jot  Teacher waits for students to read a section to discuss “Stop selection Menu # 9 (Teacher and Think” (or model Stop and Jot Menu – see “Other Toolkit: Stop and Jot Menu) Students” assignment)

SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Reading Grade 4 Page 4 of 25

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.           assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible and knowledge identified level. arePower Standards.grade All TAKS skills as each assessments at – Period©2010-11Grading Second SAISD TargetVocabulary:

Power StandardsPower Friday Thursday Wednesday feast schedule streak yanked ruined smeared model concerned studio glorious 5 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book English represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the successfullyrequired to be mastered success inschool must need beyond. Power Standards andfor knowledge and essential high students skills represent the

             ofoneorall) WeeklyTests(Yourchoice Assessment:       214-216 Paired Selection       (25 minutes)T202-203 Vocabulario clave

Main Selection festín horario surco arrancar aperder echarse untad preocuparse miniature estudio espléndido Decoding Vocabulary Comprehension T187 minutes) Syllables/ the Teach assignment) “Other Students” Activity–See Workstation Comprehension andFluency model “MakingConnections”orally, Review therestsilently Students read readstheintro Teacher Set apurpose bookmark Review ,T179p.213 support “YourTurn”Orally goover and Think” sectionto waits forstudentstoreada Teacher Think Students read questionssparingly Use sidebar yesterday’s readingandpurpose Recap Vocabularywithwordwall Review ”

Syllables with za, zo, zu, ce, ci) for theweek (10 Syllables with za,zo,zu,ce,ci)for Decoding pattern

“Sidewalk Artists” thepages

Part 2 on first page of paired selection onfirstpageofpaired           (20 minutes) T173-212pp.207-212 (20minutes) Words with /ou/, /o/vowel Words with/ou/, topairedselection silently, pausing silently, couple stalk tower claw proud faucet south hawk bald aloud Make sure students cite text Make surestudentscite (Stressed andUnstressed (Stressed Spelling (25 minutes) T180-182,pp. (25minutes) Sounds (5minutes)           T 183, p.217(or T 183, at“ Reading Grade 4 Reading cloudier amount cause fault pause drown allow dawn false howl discuss “Stop Stop and Week1           Palabras conterminacionesque Palabras cantaba compraban comprenderás conoce comimos tuvieron estaban veremos podia subimos indican tiempoynúmero  35 minutes(3groups) Small Group  The ReadingZone  40 minutes(4groups) Small Group Must keep a Reading Log (Toolkit) of pages read in Log(Toolkit) ofpagesread Must keepaReading T 212-215 selection the main who strugglewith book appropriate or another Main Selection Reread Ortografía Read Readers Leveled Read appropriate forstudents          book ofchoice Part 2

elijo desconoció descansa di colaboraremos anidaron studio vinieron esperemos Reading NotebookReading

35 Minutes   Other Students    Other Students Activity Fluency Workstation Comprehension and OR Notebook in theirReading Connections Choose a“Making Notebook Turn” Write answers to Write asummary in ReadingNotebook and Selection Reread Part2Main      Academic Language Academic Do a “Stop andThink” inReading visualize traits analyze relationship motivation

and write and ” towrite “Your

Assign forhomework Teach WordFamilies Teach      Today No Spelling Activity, T193 visualizar rasgos analizar relación motivación Vocabulario académico 5 Minutes 5 Minutes Posttest Page Page T192 5 of of

25 Reading – Grade 4 Unit of Study: Closer Reading First Grading Period – Week 2 CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills 1 (A) recognize that spoken words are represented in written English by specific  What can I do to internalize the targeted vocabulary? sequences of letters (First Grade)  How can I enjoy my independent reading more? 1 (C) demonstrate the one–to-one correspondence between a spoken word and a printed  What kind of conclusions and generalizations can I make using text word in text (Kindergarten) evidence? 1 (A) decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying  How can the spelling pattern taught this week improve my spelling? common spelling patterns (Third Grade) 1 (B) use common syllabication patterns to decode words (Third Grade) 1 (C) decode words applying knowledge of common spelling patterns (Third Grade) Week 2 Paired Selections: “Dear Mr. Winston” pp.226-237, “Field Guide to Snakes of the Southwest” pp.238-241 (Science Connection) ”Estimado Sr. Winston” pp. 226-237, “Guía práctica de las víboras del suroeste” pp.238-241 Comprehension Focus: Conclusions and Generalizations; Question Conclusiones y generalizaciones; Preguntar Differentiation Opportunities: Please note that each HMH lesson has several opportunities for re-teach or enrichment of the comprehension focus (Deepen Comprehension, Differentiate Comprehension). These may be used during small group time. In addition, differentiated plans are available (Struggling, On Level, Advanced, ELL) for both the Vocabulary Readers and the Leveled Readers. Each lesson offers four different titles (and level) of Leveled Readers to match the needs of each student. Read Aloud Whole Group Small Group Spelling y

a  Vocabulary Intro Read Aloud (5 minutes) T 232-T233 Small Group Other Students d Chapter Book 30 Minutes HMH (Houghton Mifflin Teach the n  Vocabulary in Context Cards (20 minutes)T 234-235, pp.222- o 5 Minutes 223 (3 groups) Harcourt) Word Study Work Principle/Pretest M 10 Minutes  Post words on word wall by story – not alphabetical order  Vocabulary Station See Book Reader T280-281 T264 Recommendations  Build Background (5 minutes) T236-237, p.224 in Toolkit y

a  Introduce Comprehension with projectable (25 minutes) Small Group Other Students d

s Conclusions and Generalizations T 238-239 15 minutes (1-2  Reread Part 1 Main e Groups) u  Main Selection Part 1 “Dear Mr. Winston” (15 minutes) T Selection and write “Stop T 240-245, pp.226-231  Reread Part 1 and Think” in Reading st Main Selection or Notebook  Review bookmark on 1 page of story for focus Word Sort another  Write a summary of what Chapter Book  Set a purpose 10 Minutes appropriate book has happened so far (or 10 Minutes  Teacher reads first page T264  Use sidebar questions sparingly for students who what you learned)  Students read the ensuing pages silently, pausing at “Stop struggle with the  OR Make two and Think” main selection conclusions or  Teacher waits for students to read a section to discuss “Stop generalizations using the and Think” graphic on student page 225

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.           assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible and knowledge identified level. arePower Standards.grade All TAKS skills as each assessments at – Period©2010-11Grading Second SAISD TargetVocabulary:

Power StandardsPower Friday Thursday Wednesday insisted slimy proof apologize local genuine fainted reference borrow fault 5 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book English represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the successfullyrequired to be mastered success inschool must need beyond. Power Standards andfor knowledge and essential high students skills represent the

             T274-275 (25 minutes) ofoneorall) WeeklyTests(your choice Assessment:       T2582-254,pp.238-240 minutes) Paired Selection       Vocabulario clave

Main Selection insistir resbaloso prueba disculparse local sincere desmayarse consulta sacar culpa Decoding Vocabulary Comprehension 259 T gui)fortheweek (10minutes) conga,go,gu,gue, Palabras the Teach Book –See“OtherStudents”assignment) Guide “MakingConnections”orally, Review therestsilently Students read readstheintro Teacher Set apurpose bookmark Review ,T251,p.237 support “YourTurn”Orally goover and Think” sectionto waits forstudentstoreada Teacher Think Students read questionssparingly Use sidebar yesterday’s readingandpurpose Recap Vocabularywithwordwall Review ” Decoding pattern

“Field GuidetoSnakesoftheSouthwest” thepages

Part 2 on first page of paired selection onfirstpageofpaired (20 minutes) T 246-250, pp.232-236 (20minutes)T246-250,           topairedselection silently, pausing silently, weird scarce earring repair scare scarf tear cheer prepare spark Vowel + /r/Sounds Vowel + Make sure students cite text Make surestudentscite (Common BeginningSyllables(Common Spelling (5minutes)           T 255 p.241(orField T 255 at“ square upstairs harsh alarm compare hairy gear spare rear sharp Reading Grade 4 Reading discuss “Stop Stop and Week2           (25 /

siguiente gustaría manga luego diga amigo jugar averiguar galactic asegurarme Palabras congfuerte Palabras  minutes (3groups) Small Group  The ReadingZone  minutes (4groups) Small Group Ortografía T284-285 Must keep a Reading Log (Toolkit) of pagesreadin aReadingLog(Toolkit) Must keep main selection struggle with the for studentswho appropriate book another Main Selection Reread Read Leveled Readers Read appropriate           book ofchoice Part 2 40 35 seguir águila manguera gorro gusano regular regar galleria goma agua

Reading Notebook 35 Minutes or

  Other Students    Other Students   Academic Language how it should besetup) how itshould of thefoldableand sample you havea (Make sure listingof facts bulleted Selection the Paired of eachsnake from drawing Field GuideBook aFoldable OR Make Notebooktheir Reading Connections “Making Choose a Notebook Turn” to answers Write Write asummary NotebookReading “Stop andThink” Selection Part2Main Reread generalizations conclusions in Reading inReading andwrite and ” towrite in “Your in with a

and a and   generalizaciones generalizaciones conclusiones Vocabulario académico Activity, T265 Teach Word Teach Page Page homework Assign for 5 Minutes 5 Minutes Today No Spelling Families Posttest T264 7 of of 25

Reading – Grade 4 Unit of Study: Closer Reading First Grading Period – Week 3 CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills  What can I do to internalize the targeted vocabulary? 1 (A) recognize that spoken words are represented in written English by specific  How can I enjoy my independent reading more? sequences of letters (First Grade)  What is the author’s purpose for writing this text? 1 (C) demonstrate the one–to-one correspondence between a spoken word and a printed  How can the spelling pattern taught this week improve my spelling? word in text (Kindergarten) 1 (A) decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying common spelling patterns (Third Grade) 1 (B) use common syllabication patterns to decode words (Third Grade) 1 (C) decode words applying knowledge of common spelling patterns (Third Grade) Week 3 Paired Selections: “José! Born to Dance” pp. 250-261, “Dance to the Beat” pp.262-265 (Poetry Connection) “¡José! Nacido para la danza”” pp.250-261, “Ritmo y danza” pp.262-265 Comprehension Focus Author’s Purpose; Analyze/Evaluate Propósito de la autora; Analizar/Evaluar Differentiation Opportunities: Please note that each HMH lesson has several opportunities for re-teach or enrichment of the comprehension focus (Deepen Comprehension, Differentiate Comprehension). These may be used during small group time. In addition, differentiated plans are available (Struggling, On Level, Advanced, ELL) for both the Vocabulary Readers and the Leveled Readers. Each lesson offers four different titles (and level) of Leveled Readers to match the needs of each student. Read Aloud Whole Group Small Group Spelling y

a  Vocabulary Intro Read Aloud (5 minutes) T 304-305 Small Group Other Students d Chapter Book 30 Minutes HMH (Houghton Mifflin Teach the n  Vocabulary in Context Cards (20 minutes)T 306-307, pp.246- o 5 Minutes 247 (3 groups) Harcourt) Word Study Principle/Pretest M 10 Minutes  Post words on word wall by story – not alphabetical order  Vocabulary Work Station See Book T336  Build Background (5 minutes) T308-309, p.248 Reader T 356- Recommendations 357 in Toolkit y

a Small Group Other Students

d  Introduce Comprehension with projectable (25 minutes)

s 15 minutes  Reread Part 1 Main e Cause and Effect; Visualize/ Causa y efecto; Visualizar, T 164- (1-2 Groups) u Selection and write T 165  Reread Part 1 “Stop and Think” in Main Selection Part 1 “José! Born to Dance”(15 minutes) T Main Selection Reading Notebook 312-317, pp.250-255 Word Sort st or another  Write a summary of Chapter Book  Review bookmark on 1 page of story for focus appropriate what has happened 10 Minutes 10 Minutes  Set a purpose book for students so far (or what you T336  Teacher reads first page who struggle with learned)  Use sidebar questions sparingly the main  Students read the ensuing pages silently, pausing at “Stop selection and Think”  Teacher waits for students to read a section to discuss “Stop and Think”

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.          assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible and knowledge identified level. arePower Standards.grade All TAKS skills as each assessments at – Period©2010-11Grading Second SAISD TargetVocabulary:

Power StandardsPower Friday Thursday Wednesday toured discouraged triumph towered mournful hauling permission stubborn debut 5 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book English represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the successfullyrequired to be mastered success inschool must need beyond. Power Standards andfor knowledge and essential high students skills represent the

          (25 minutes)T128-129 Tests(your choiceofoneorall) Assessment: Weekly                Paired Selection Vocabulario clave Vocabulario

Main Selection frontera gira desanimarse triunfo terco sobrepasar debut Decoding Vocabulary Comprehension yj)fortheweek (10minutes) T41 Words/Sílabas congsuave Teach the Review “MakingConnections”orally, Students readtherestsilently Teacher readstheintro Set apurpose Review bookmark support ,T261,p.81 Orally goover“YourTurn” Orally share the sectionoftext. themainideaof students do#3(OneSingleWord)torecall have Toolkit), Using theStopandJotMenu(Teacher and Think” toreadasection Teacher waits for students Think Students read sparingly Use sidebarquestions readingandpurpose Recap yesterday’s wall Review Vocabularyword with ” Decoding pattern the pages thepages

“Dance totheBeat” Part 2 on first page of pairedselection onfirstpage (20 minutes) T318-322,pp.256-260 (20minutes)          pp. 262-264 More words withVowelplus/r/ More words to paired selection topaired silently, pausing board cure record burn thirst sore worn dirty learn Make sure studentscitetext Makesure (Vowel + rinMultsyllable (Vowel + Spelling soundsi (5minutes). (25 minutes) T324-326, (25minutes)          T 327,p.265 at“ Reading Grade 4 Reading sport thirteen worse search world pure return early worth discuss “Stop discuss Stop and Week3          gente jungle jamás dirigió bosquejos giro dibujar ángeles trabajaba Palabras con g suave yj Palabras congsuave  35 minutes(3groups) Small Group  The ReadingZone  40 minutes(4groups) Small Group Must keep a Reading Log (Toolkit) of pagesreadin aReadingLog(Toolkit) Must keep Ortografía selection the main who strugglewith book appropriate or another Main Selection Reread Read Readers Leveled Read appropriate T360-363 forstudents book ofchoice Part 2         

Reading Notebook elogio energía tejer ajeno rebajar ingenio urgent gentil imagen

35 Minutes   Other Students    Other Students   Poem p.264 OR WriteaDance Notebook in theirReading Connections Choose a“Making Notebook Turn” Write answers to Write asummary in ReadingNotebook and Selection Reread Part2Main Academic Language implied purpose author’s “Stop andThink” inReading and write and ” towrite “Your

Assign forhomework Teach WordFamilies Teach   Today No Spelling Activity, T337 implícito autor proprósito del Vocabulario académico 5 Minutes 5 Minutes Posttest Page Page T337 9 of of

25  border  course  current  diligencia  cirugía

SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Reading Grade 4 Page 10 of 25

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Reading – Grade 4 Unit of Study: Closer Reading First Grading Period – Week 4 CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills  What can I do to internalize the targeted vocabulary? 1 (A) decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying  How can I enjoy my independent reading more? common spelling patterns (Third Grade)  How can I use facts and opinions to make inferences about the text? 1 (B) use common syllabication patterns to decode words (Third Grade)  How can the spelling pattern taught this week improve my spelling? 1 (C) decode words applying knowledge of common spelling patterns (Third Grade) 2 (B) ask relevant questions, seek clarification and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text (Third Grade) 5 (A) paraphrase the themes and supporting details of fables, legends, myths, or stories (Third Grade) Week 4 Paired Selections: “The Screech Owl Who Liked Television” pp.278-291, “In the Wild” pp.292-295 (Science Connection) ”El búho al que le gustaba la televisión.” pp.278-291, “La vida silvestre” pp.292-295 Comprehension Focus Fact and Opinion; Infer/Predict Hecho y opinion; Inferir/Predecir Differentiation Opportunities: Please note that each HMH lesson has several opportunities for re-teach or enrichment of the comprehension focus (Deepen Comprehension, Differentiate Comprehension). These may be used during small group time. In addition, differentiated plans are available (Struggling, On Level, Advanced, ELL) for both the Vocabulary Readers and the Leveled Readers. Each lesson offers four different titles (and level) of Leveled Readers to match the needs of each student. Read Aloud Whole Group Small Group Spelling y

a  Vocabulary Intro Read Aloud (5 minutes) T 12-13 Small Group Other Students d Chapter Book 30 Minutes HMH (Houghton Mifflin Teach the n  Vocabulary in Context Cards (20 minutes)T 14-15, pp.274- o 5 Minutes 275 (3 groups) Harcourt) Word Study Principle/Pretest M 10 Minutes  Post words on word wall by story – not alphabetical order  Vocabulary Work Station, See Book T46  Build Background (5 minutes) T 16-17, p.276 Reader Recommendations T 62-63 in Toolkit y

a Small Group Other Students d

s  Introduce Comprehension with projectable (25 minutes) 15 minutes  Reread Part 1 Main e (1-2 Groups) u Cause and Effect; Visualize/ Causa y efecto; Visualizar, T 164- Selection and write T 165  Reread Part 1 “Stop and Think” Main Selection Part 1 “The Screech Owl Who Liked Main Selection in Reading Television” (15 minutes) or another Notebook T 20-27, pp.278-285 appropriate  Write a summary Word Sort Chapter Book 10 Minutes  Review bookmark on 1st page of story for focus book for students of what has 10 Minutes T46  Set a purpose who struggle with happened so far  Teacher reads first page the main (or what you  Use sidebar questions sparingly selection learned)  Students read the ensuing pages silently, pausing at “Stop and Think”  Teacher waits for students to read a section to discuss “Stop and Think”

SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Reading Grade 4 Page 11 of 25

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.           assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible and knowledge identified level. arePower Standards.grade All TAKS skills as each assessments at – Period©2010-11Grading Second SAISD TargetVocabulary:

Power StandardsPower Friday Thursday Wednesday incident hastened utter pounced arrangement endeared biolical tempted disbelief presence 5 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book English represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the successfullyrequired to be mastered success inschool must need beyond. Power Standards andfor knowledge and essential high students skills represent the

             (25 minutes)T270-271 Tests(your choiceofoneorall) Assessment: Weekly       294 Paired Selection        Vocabulario clave Vocabulario

incidente apresurarse emitir abalanzarse arreglo hacerse querer biologic tentado incrdulidad presencia Decoding Vocabulary Comprehension minutes)T255 Words/Sílabas conh,ch)(10 Teach the Review “MakingConnections”orally, Students readtherestsilently Teacher readstheintro Set apurpose Review bookmark support ,T33p.291 Orally goover“YourTurn” and Think” toreadasection Teacher waits for students and Think” Students read sparingly Use sidebarquestions Teacher readsfirstpage readingandpurpose Recap yesterday’s wall Review Vocabularyword with

Main Selection Decoding pattern

“Into theWild the ensuing pages theensuing

Part 2 on first page of pairedselection onfirstpage           (20 minutes) T243-247,pp.286-290 (20minutes) to paired selection topaired forehead goodbye all right anything believe make- homesick tootbrushe nearby fireplace somebody Make sure studentscitetext Makesure ” (25 minutes) T34-36,pp.292- ” (25minutes) for the week (Compound fortheweek (Compound Compound Words silently, Spelling (5minutes).          T 37p.295

pausing Reading Grade 4 Reading mailbox forever airport baby-sit clock alarm driveway twenty-two haircut flashlight discuss “Stop discuss Week4 at “ Stop           percha muchas puchero almohada hora hasta hombros hizo habría búho Palabras conh,ch Palabras  35 minutes(3groups) Small Group  The ReadingZone  40 minutes(4groups) Small Group Must keep a Reading Log(Toolkit) ofpagesread Must keepaReading Ortografía selection the main who strugglewith book appropriate or another Main Selection Reread Read T66-69 Readers Leveled Read appropriate forstudents book ofchoice          Part 2

in Reading Notebookin Reading

habitación cuchilla capricho poncho cachete ahí hubiera hijos hambre

35 Minutes Other Students    Other Students Connections their ReadingNotebook Choose a “Making Choose a     Reading Notebook “Your Turn” Write answers to Write asummary Notebook Think” and Selection Reread Part2Main Academic Language distinguish opinion fact verify “Stop and inReading ” towrite in and write and in Assign forhomework Teach Word Families Teach No Spelling     Activity, T47 5 Minutes 5 Minutes distinguir opnión hecho verificar Posttest Vocabulario académico Page Page T47


Today of of 25  classmate

SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Reading Grade 4 Page 13 of 25

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Reading – Grade 4 Unit of Study: Closer Reading First Grading Period – Week 5 CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills  What can I do to internalize the targeted vocabulary? 1 (A) decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying  How can I enjoy my independent reading more? common spelling patterns (Third Grade)  How can visualization help me monitor my reading? 2 (B) ask relevant questions, seek clarification and locate facts and details about stories  What is the sequence of events in this passage? and other texts and support answers with evidence from text (Third Grade)  How can the spelling pattern taught this week improve my spelling? 5 (A) paraphrase the themes and supporting details of fables, legends, myths, or stories (Third Grade) Week 5 Paired Selections: “The Earth Dragon Awakes” pp.304-315, “Texas Twisters” pp.316-319 (Science Connection) ”Cuando la tierra se estremeció” pp.304-315, “Los tornados de Texas” pp.316-319 Comprehension Focus Sequence of Events; Visualize Secuencia de sucesos; Visualizar Differentiation Opportunities: Please note that each HMH lesson has several opportunities for re-teach or enrichment of the comprehension focus (Deepen Comprehension, Differentiate Comprehension). These may be used during small group time. In addition, differentiated plans are available (Struggling, On Level, Advanced, ELL) for both the Vocabulary Readers and the Leveled Readers. Each lesson offers four different titles (and level) of Leveled Readers to match the needs of each student. Read Aloud Whole Group Small Group Spelling y

a  Vocabulary Intro Read Aloud (5 minutes) T 86-87 Small Group Other Students d Chapter Book 30 Minutes HMH (Houghton Mifflin Teach the n  Vocabulary in Context Cards (20 minutes)T 88-89, pp.300- o 5 Minutes 301 (3 groups) Harcourt) Word Study Work Principle/Pretest M 10 Minutes  Post words on word wall by story – not alphabetical order  Vocabulary Station See Book T118  Build Background (5 minutes) T 90-91, p.302 Reader T 134- Recommendations 135 in Toolkit y

a Small Group Other Students d

s  Introduce Comprehension with projectable (25 minutes) 15 minutes  Reread Part 1 Main e (1-2 Groups) u Sequence of Events- Visualize/ Secuencia de sucesos- Selection and do #6 and T Visualizar, T 92-93  Reread Part 1 #7 (Teacher Toolkit: Main Selection Stop and Jot Menu) or another Main Selection Part 1 “The Earth Dragon Awakes” (15 appropriate Word Sort minutes) T 94-100, pp.304-310 Chapter Book book for students 10 Minutes 10 Minutes who struggle with T118  Review bookmark on 1st page of story for focus the main  Set a purpose in their notebooks selection  Teacher reads first page  Students read in partners, taking turns while the other person just listens and retells the scene visualizing it as if he/she were there.

SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Reading Grade 4 Page 14 of 25

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.           assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible and knowledge identified level. arePower Standards.grade All TAKS skills as each assessments at – Period©2010-11Grading Second SAISD TargetVocabulary:

Power StandardsPower Friday Thursday Wednesday constructed timbers debris rubble crushing tenement possessions stab wreckage trembles 5 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book English represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the successfullyrequired to be mastered success inschool must need beyond. Power Standards andfor knowledge and essential high students skills represent the

             (25 minutes)T128-129 Tests(your choiceofoneorall) Assessment: Weekly       316-318 Paired Selection Iupthelooked(117 book and the pages) survives! father selection, this of “non-ending” the by frustrated you of those For       Vocabulario clave Vocabulario

Main Selection constuirse madera escombro ruina aplastar vivienda pertenencia bloque vestigio temblar Decoding Vocabulary Comprehension Sílabas con Teach the Review “MakingConnections”orally, Students readtherestsilently Teacher readstheintro Set apurpose Review bookmark Have studentsvisualize and Think” toreadasection Teacher waits for students Think Students read sparingly Use sidebarquestions readingandpurpose Recap yesterday’s wall Review Vocabularyword with ” Decoding pattern ñ “Texas Twisters” “Texas ) for the week (10minutes)T113 ) for the the pages thepages

Part 2 on first page of pairedselection onfirstpage (20 minutes) T101-104pp.311-314 (20minutes)           to paired selection topaired silently, pausing handled bragging snapping winning striped dancing slammed stripped traced rising Words with –ed or-ing Words with–ed ( Base Words and Endings/ (BaseWordsandEndings/ (25 minutes) T 106- 108 pp. (25minutes)T106-108 Spelling (5minutes).          T 327p.137 at“ Reading Grade 4 Reading escaped spinning dimmed raced spotted hitting skipped dared begged dripped discuss “Stop discuss Stop and Week5           cañada bañar añadir señala araña pequeña muñeco gruñe añicos uñas  35 minutes(3groups) Small Group  The ReadingZone Plans Leveled Reader  40 minutes(4groups) Small Group Palabras conñ Must keep a Reading Log (Toolkit) of pages read in Log(Toolkit) ofpagesread Must keepaReading (8 pagelesson) Ortografía selection the main who strugglewith book appropriate or another Main Selection Reread Read Readers Leveled Read appropriate forstudents book ofchoice           Part 2

paño pañal niña muñeca mañana leñador dañado cuñado cuña canon Reading NotebookReading

35 Minutes Other Students   Other Students Connections   Notebook Turn” Write answers to Stop andJotMenu) #7 Selection Reread Part2Main Academic Language Choose a “Making Choose a Reading NotebookReading (Teacher Toolkit: visualize of events sequence inReading and do#6and and ” towrite intheir “Your   visualizar sucesos secuencia de Vocabulario Activity, T119 académico Teach Word Teach Page Page Today No Spelling homework Assign for 5 Minutes 5 Minutes Families Posttest T118 15 of of 25

Reading – Grade 4 Unit of Study: Closer Reading First Grading Period – Week 6 CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills 1 (A) decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying  What can I do to internalize the targeted vocabulary? common spelling patterns (Third Grade)  How can I enjoy my independent reading more? 2 (B) ask relevant questions, seek clarification and locate facts and details about stories  How can I summarize the text while telling about the causes and effects? and other texts and support answers with evidence from text (Third Grade)  How can the spelling pattern taught this week improve my spelling 5 (A) paraphrase the themes and supporting details of fables, legends, myths, or stories (Third Grade) Week 6 Paired Selections: “Antarctic Journal: Four Months at the Bottom of the World” pp.328-339,“The Coolest Marathon” pp.340-343 (Connection to Social Studies) ”Diario se la Antárdita” pp.328-339, “El marathon glacial” pp.340-343 Comprehension Focus Cause and Effect; Summarize Causa y efecto; Resumir Differentiation Opportunities: Please note that each HMH lesson has several opportunities for re-teach or enrichment of the comprehension focus (Deepen Comprehension, Differentiate Comprehension). These may be used during small group time. In addition, differentiated plans are available (Struggling, On Level, Advanced, ELL) for both the Vocabulary Readers and the Leveled Readers. Each lesson offers four different titles (and level) of Leveled Readers to match the needs of each student. Read Aloud Whole Group Small Group Spelling HMH Unit 2 T.E. y

a  Vocabulary Intro Read Aloud (5 minutes) T 158-159 Small Group Other Students d Chapter Book 30 Minutes HMH (Houghton Mifflin Teach the n  Vocabulary in Context Cards (20 minutes)T 160-161, pp.324- o 5 Minutes 324 (3 groups) Harcourt) Word Study Principle/Pretest M 10 Minutes  Post words on word wall by story – not alphabetical order  Vocabulary Work Station See Book T190  Build Background (5 minutes) T 62-63, p.326 Reader T 206- Recommendations 207 in Toolkit y

a  Introduce Comprehension with projectable (25 minutes) Small Group Other Students d

s Cause and Effect/ Summarize; Causa y efecto/Resumir, T 164- 15 minutes  Reread Part 1 Main e (1-2 Groups) u 165 Selection and write T Main Selection Part 1 “Antarctic Journal” (15 minutes) T  Reread Part 1 “Stop and Think” in 166-171, pp.328-333 Main Selection Reading Notebook  Review bookmark on 1st page of story for focus or another  Write a summary of  Set a purpose appropriate what has happened Word Sort Chapter Book  Teacher reads first page book for students so far (or what you 10 Minutes 10 Minutes T190  Use sidebar questions sparingly who struggle with learned)  Students read the ensuing pages silently, pausing at “Stop the main and Think” selection  Teacher waits for students to read a section to discuss “Stop and Think”  For English – discuss the meaning of the last sentence on page 333.

SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Reading Grade 4 Page 16 of 25

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.           assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible and knowledge identified level. arePower Standards.grade All TAKS skills as each assessments at – Period©2010-11Grading Second SAISD TargetVocabulary:

Power StandardsPower Friday Thursday Wednesday concluded stranded graceful huddle vision standards fractured weariness alert display 5 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book English represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the successfullyrequired to be mastered success inschool must need beyond. Power Standards andfor knowledge and essential high students skills represent the

             (25 minutes)T201-202 Tests(your choiceofoneorall) Assessment: Weekly       pp. 340-342 Paired Selection       Vocabulario clave Vocabulario

Main Selection concluir perderse grandioso acurrucarse vision estánder fracturar agotamiento alerta exposición Decoding Vocabulary Comprehension Parts/r fuerte–r,rr Teach the Review “MakingConnections”orally, Students readtherestsilently Teacher readstheintro Set apurpose Review bookmark Discuss “YourTurn”onp.339 and Think” toreadasection Teacher waits for students Think Students read sparingly Use sidebarquestions readingandpurpose Recap yesterday’s wall Review Vocabularyword with ” Decoding pattern Decoding pattern

“The Coolest Marathon” “The Coolest the pages thepages

Part 2 ) on first page of pairedselection onfirstpage for the week (10minutes)T41 for the           (20 minutes) T 334-338 pp.172-176 (20minutes)T334-338 to paired selection topaired More words with–ed,-ing More words silently, pausing mixed visiting seeking traveled putting slipped pleasing mapped covered wiped (Recognizing Common Word (Recognizing Common Spelling (5minutes). (25minutes)T178-180           T 181p.343 at“ Reading Grade 4 Reading wandering becoming landed fainted checking hiking smelling offered phoning shipped discuss “Stop discuss Stop and Week6           Palabras con r fuerte (r,rr) Palabras conrfuerte refugio region terrestre arriba horror tierrra derretimos gorra guijarros arrastro  35 minutes(3groups) Small Group  The ReadingZone  40 minutes(4groups) Small Group Must keep a Reading Log (Toolkit) of pages read in Log(Toolkit) ofpagesread Must keepaReading Ortografía T210-213 selection the main who strugglewith book appropriate or another Main Selection Reread Read Readers Leveled Read appropriate forstudents book ofchoice           Part 2

aburrido rodilla roto rifa rebaja real raíz radio territorio rocoso Reading NotebookReading

35 Minutes Other Students    Other Students Connections their Reading Notebooktheir Reading Choose a “Making Choose a    Reading Notebook “Your Turn” Write answers to Think” Write the“Stopand Selection Reread Part2Main Academic Language infer effect cause

” towrite in in Assign forhomework Teach Word Families Teach    No Spelling Activity, T191 inferir efecto causa Vocabulario 5 Minutes 5 Minutes académico Posttest Page Page T191 17 of of

Today 25 Reading – Grade 4 Unit of Study: Closer Reading First Grading Period – Week 7 CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills  What can I do to internalize the targeted vocabulary? 1 (A) decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying  How can I enjoy my independent reading more? common spelling patterns (Third Grade)  What are different text features and their functions? 2 (B) ask relevant questions, seek clarification and locate facts and details about stories  How do I interpret text that is presented graphically? and other texts and support answers with evidence from text (Third Grade)  How can the spelling pattern taught this week improve my spelling? 5 (A) paraphrase the themes and supporting details of fables, legends, myths, or stories (Third Grade) Week 7 Paired Selections: “The Life and Times of the Ant” pp.352-365, “The Dove and the Ant” pp.366-369 (Connection to Traditional Tale) ”Vida y momentos de la hormiga pp.352-365, “La paloma y la hormiga” pp.366-369 Comprehension Focus Text and Graphic Features; Question Características gráficas y del texto; Preguntar Differentiation Opportunities: Please note that each HMH lesson has several opportunities for re-teach or enrichment of the comprehension focus (Deepen Comprehension, Differentiate Comprehension). These may be used during small group time. In addition, differentiated plans are available (Struggling, On Level, Advanced, ELL) for both the Vocabulary Readers and the Leveled Readers. Each lesson offers four different titles (and level) of Leveled Readers to match the needs of each student. Read Aloud Whole Group Small Group Spelling HMH Unit 2 T.E. y

a  Vocabulary Intro Read Aloud (5 minutes) T 230-231 Small Group Other Students d Chapter Book 30 Minutes HMH (Houghton Mifflin Teach the n  Vocabulary in Context Cards (20 minutes)T 232-233

o 5 Minutes Principle/Pretest  Post words on word wall by story – not alphabetical order (3 groups) Harcourt) Word Study M 10 Minutes  Build Background (5 minutes) T 234-235  Vocabulary Work Station See Book Reader T 280-281 T 264 Recommendations in Toolkit y

a  Introduce Comprehension with projectable (25 minutes) Small Group Other Students d

s Text and Graphic Pictures; Question/ Características gráficas y 15 minutes (1-  Reread Part 1 Main e 2 Groups) u del texto; preguntar, T 236-237 Selection and do the T Main Selection Part 1 “The Life and Times of the Ant” (15  Reread Part 1 Reading minutes) T 238-245, pp. 352-359 Main Selection or Comprehension  Review bookmark on 1st page of story for focus another Process. Make a flip Word Sort Chapter Book 10 Minutes  Set a purpose appropriate book booklet (draw in 10 Minutes T264  Teacher reads first page for students who notebook) of the  Use sidebar questions sparingly struggle with the different jobs of the  Students read the ensuing pages silently, pausing at “Stop main selection ant: Queen, Nurse, and Think” Tunnel Digger,  Teacher waits for students to read a section to discuss “Stop Guard, Forager and Think”

SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Reading Grade 4 Page 18 of 25

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.           assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible and knowledge identified level. arePower Standards.grade All TAKS skills as each assessments at – Period©2010-11Grading Second SAISD TargetVocabulary:

Power StandardsPower Friday Thursday Wednesday transfers obstacles scarce chamber transport storage reinforce excess exchanges social 5 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book 10 Minutes Chapter Book English represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the successfullyrequired to be mastered success inschool must need beyond. Power Standards andfor knowledge and essential high students skills represent the

             (25 minutes)T274-275 Tests(your choiceofoneorall) Assessment: Weekly       254 Paired Selection         Review bookmark Review Vocabulario clave Vocabulario

Main Selection arduo obstáculo escaso cámara transportar almacenamiento reforzar exceso intercambio sociable Decoding Vocabulary Comprehension T259 for theweek (10minutes) Teach the Review “MakingConnections”orally, andTalk”partners their“Turn animated filmswith animpacton made Talk aboutthetimelineandwhat Students readtherestsilently Teacher readstheintro Set apurpose Share asawhole group “TurnandTalk”partners Have them sharewith their know inmind Tell studentstokeep do #10(Whatdidyou learn?) JotMenu(TeacherToolkit Using theStopand Students read sparingly Use sidebarquestions readingandpurpose Recap yesterday’s wall Review Vocabularyword with about ants Decoding Pattern (RecognizingSuffixes/rsuave) Decoding Pattern “The Dove andtheAnt” “TheDove the pages thepages on first page of paired selection onfirstpageofpaired

Part 2 (20 minutes) T256-250,pp.360-364 (20minutes)           to paired selection topaired silently, movie melody starry hockey valley hungry steady colony lonely turkey Words withfinallonge what theauthorwants you to Spelling (5minutes). (25minutes)T252-           T 369 Reading Grade 4 Reading prairie injury empty fifty alley daily plenty chimney drowsy duty ), have students ), have Week7           abrazar abordar abecedario fueran superan jardines importantes sender hormigas número Palabras conrsuave  35 minutes(3groups) Small Group  The ReadingZone  minutes (4groups) Small Group Must keep a Reading Log (Toolkit) of pages read in Log(Toolkit) ofpagesread Must keepaReading T 284-287 main selection struggle with the for studentswho appropriate book another Main Selection Reread Read Leveled Readers Read appropriate Ortografía book ofchoice          Part 2 40

hilera girar farol dardo mar cafeteríacala brillo bolígrafo bailarín barco Reading NotebookReading

35 Minutes or Other Students   Other Students Connections their Reading Notebook their ReadingNotebook Choose a“Making in the notebookin the Ants”andglue About of “FunFacts booklet accordion make an students Have the Selection Part2Main Reread    Academic Language Academic boldface print boldface text features features graphic

” towrite in Assign forhomework Teach Word Families Teach    No Spelling Activity, T265 en negrita gráficos los elementos gráficas deltexto características Vocabulario 5 Minutes 5 Minutes académico Posttest Page Page T266 19 of of

Today 25 Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessments TAKS College-Readiness i.e., Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life Refer to TAKS Stems in the Teacher Toolkit Sample Questions 8th Grade Reading TAKS Question Fourth Grade: TAKS Released Test Source: TEA Website College and Career Readiness Skills (CCRS) II. Reading Reading English: April 2006 Drawing Conclusions 4. Draw and support complex inferences from text to summarize, draw conclusions, and distinguish facts from 27. What can the reader tell about Brianna from what she simple assertions and opinions. has written in her journal? A She has not forgiven her mother for sending her to the island. B She wishes her family would move to the island. C She enjoys the island much more than she thought she would. D She wants to know more about her mother’s life on the island.

Reading Spanish: April 2006 Sacar conclusiones 27. El lector puede concluir que lo que más le preocupa a Lupe acerca del concurso es -- A que sus amigas se rían de ella B no entender las reglas del concurso C desilusionar a su familia D no poder pensar en nada nuevo para escribir

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Reading – Grade 4 Unit of Study: Literature Circles Second Grading Period – Weeks 8 - 9 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas) Unit Rationale Literature Circles involve discussion and real questions to help readers think on a deeper Students' insights and reflections, rather than ready-to-use questions from the teacher, level. drive the learning in literature circles. Students and teacher work together to break away from the traditional literature teaching methods. These learners also generate their own ideas and contribute to thoughtful conversation about what they read. This kind of practice helps to develop thoughtful, competent, and critical readers (Brabham & Villaume, 2000). Essential Questions Guiding Questions Ho What makes a good question?  What should I do to make an inference about what I read?  How can summarizing what I read help me remember more?  How can having a purpose for reading help me focus my attention?  What kinds of questions can make for better group discussion?  How can making connections help me have a deeper comprehension?  How does participating in group discussions increase my understanding and enjoyment of what I read?  TEKS (Standards) TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome 4.3 Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre. Students analyze, I can: make inferences and draw conclusions about theme and genre in different cultural,  explain the theme of a text (4.3A) historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support  use the elements of story structure (4.6A) their understanding. Students are expected to:  determine author’s purpose (4.10) (A) summarize and explain the lesson or message of a work of fiction as its theme; and (B) describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes  identify cause and effect (4.6A) they undergo; and  analyze characters (4.6B) (6) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make  distinguish fact from opinion (4.11B) inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide  make inferences about what I read (4.6, RC-4D) evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:  summarize what I read (4.6A,4.11A,RC-4E) (A) sequence and summarize the plot’s main events and explain their influence on future  establish a purpose for reading (RC-4A) events.  formulate my own questions about text (RC-4B) (B) describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes  make connections (RC-4F) they undergo; and  participate in group discussions (4.31, ELPS 3C,D,E,G,I)

4.10 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Culture and History. Students Yo puedo: analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about the author's purpose in cultural,  explicar el tema de un texto (4.3A) historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support  usar la estructura de la historia (4.6A) their understanding. Students are expected to explain the difference between a stated and an implied purpose for an expository text.

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. 4.11 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. Students  identificar el propósito del autor (4.10) analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide  identificar causa e efecto (4.6A) evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:  analizar los personajes (4.6B) (A) summarize the main idea and supporting details in text in ways that maintain meaning; (B) distinguish fact from opinion in a text and explain how to verify what is a  inferir sobre el texto (4.6, RC-4D) fact;  resumir lo que leo (4.6A, RC-4E) 4.31 Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively with others in  fijar un propósito para leer (RC-4A) teams. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students  hacer mis propias preguntas acerca del texto (RC-4B) are expected to participate in teacher-and student-led discussions by posing and  hacer conexiones (RC-4F) answering questions with appropriate detail and by providing suggestions that build upon  participar en discursos en un grupo (31) ideas of others Figure 19 Reading/Comprehension Skills. Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and independent reading to understand an author’s message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The students is expected to: RC-4A establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own or others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension RC-4B ask literal, interpretive, and evaluative questions of text; RC-4C monitor and adjust comprehension (e.g., using background knowledge, creating sensory images, reread a portion aloud, generating questions); RC-4D make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding RC-4E summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order; RC-4F make connections (e.g., thematic links, author analysis) between literary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) (3) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/speaking. The ELL speaks in a variety of modes for a variety of purposes with an awareness of different language registers (formal/informal) using vocabulary with increasing fluency and accuracy in language arts and all content areas. ELLs may be at the beginning, intermediate, advanced, or advanced high stage of English language acquisition in speaking. In order for the ELL to meet grade-level learning expectations across the foundation and enrichment curriculum, all instruction delivered in English must be linguistically accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the student's level of English language proficiency. The student is expected to: (C) speak using a variety of grammatical structures, sentence lengths, sentence types, and connecting words with increasing accuracy and ease as more English is acquired; (D) speak using grade-level content area vocabulary in context to internalize new English words and build academic language proficiency; (E) share information in cooperative learning interactions; (G) express opinions, ideas, and feelings ranging from communicating single words and short phrases to participating in extended discussions on a variety of social and grade-appropriate academic topics; (H) read silently with increasing ease and comprehension for longer periods (I) adapt spoken language appropriately for formal and informal purposes; Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment) 90% of students will complete a novel and participate in a discussion about it, as well as complete a culminating project.

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Reading – Grade 4 Unit of Study: Literature Circles First Grading Period – Weeks 8 & 9 CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills  What should I do to make an inference about what I read? 1 (A) decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying  How can summarizing what I read help me remember more? common spelling patterns (Third Grade) 2 (B) ask relevant questions, seek clarification and locate facts and details about stories  How can having a purpose for reading help me focus my attention? and other texts and support answers with evidence from text (Third Grade)  What kinds of questions can make for better group discussion? 5 (A) paraphrase the themes and supporting details of fables, legends, myths, or stories  How can making connections help me have a deeper comprehension? (Third Grade)  How does participating in group discussions increase my understanding and enjoyment of what I read? Read Aloud Literature Circles Days 1 & 2  Review the structure of Literature Circles (Teacher Toolkit: Literature Circles).  Review the “Multiple Roles” listed below.  Gather multiple copies of chapter books (Teacher Toolkit: Recommended Books for 4th and 5th Grades).  Do a “Book Pass” (Teacher Toolkit: Book Pass) so that students may sample each book before making choices.  Have students make a book selection. Day 3 & 4 Chapter Book  Make a sheet of multiple roles (below) where each student has all the roles. 5 Minutes  Have students practice with a reading of a short piece.  Students fill out the role sheet.  Students put them face down and then have a discussion based on the sheet. Days 5-10 • Give reading time every day. • Make sure that the class has ground rules for discussion. • Visit each group to join in the discussion • The whole class meets daily to debrief and share. • At the end of the book, students may do a culminating project ( Teacher Toolkit: Culminating Book Projects) Multiple Roles Mini Lessons for Literature Circles by Harvey Daniels, p. 77 Each Student is Taught to Start to Notice All These Things in Their Reading  Passages: Please mark any words, lines, or sections of the story that “stick out” for you. These passages might be important, puzzling, curious, maddening, or well-written – whatever grabs your attention  Reactions/Connections: What were your feelings and responses to this story? Did it remind you of past experiences, people or events in your life? Did it make you think of anything happening in the news, around school, in other stories or books you have read?  Craft: What did you notice about the author’s style, language, point of view, literary devices, or structures she/he used to create the story?  Questions: What questions came to mind while you were reading this story? Were there things you wondered about, doubted, or didn’t understand? What would you ask the author or the characters if you could talk to them?

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Sample of how to list available titles for groups to sign up

Clementine Because of Winn Dixie Sideways Stories From The Ghost of Fossil Glen Gregor the Overlander Wayside School

1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5 5. 5. 6.

SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Reading Grade 4 Page 24 of 25

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessments TAKS College-Readiness i.e., Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life Refer to Margaret Kilgo’s TAKS Stems in the Teacher Sample Questions 8th Grade Reading TAKS Question Toolkit Fourth Grade: TAKS Released Test Source: TEA Website College and Career Readiness Skills (CCRS) Reading English: April 2006 Compare/Contrast II. Reading 4. Draw and support complex inferences from text to 24. One similarity between the selections is that both summarize, draw conclusions, and distinguish facts from show -- simple assertions and opinions. F the importance of good balance G how hard it is to learn new things H ways people can talk without words J a person and an animal working together

Reading Spanish: April 2006 Comparación/Contraste 30. En los dos cuentos se encuentra la idea de -- F ser honesto con los amigos G tratar de cumplir una promesa H ayudar a otros que tienen necesidad J aprender a no ser presumido

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.

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