Village Of Volente Planning & Zoning Commission

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Village Of Volente Planning & Zoning Commission

Village of Volente Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting, Wednesday, February 7, 2007, 7:30 PM VFFD and Community Center, 15406 FM 2769, Volente, Texas

1. Call to order and establishment of a quorum. Meeting was called to order at 7:39 P.M. Present were David Gordon, Allison Thrash, Lee Bass and David Gavenda. Brian Nasky and Jack Hirschhorn were absent.

2. Citizen Comments: No Comments

3. Discussion and possible action for a variance requests Garrett-Ihnen Civil Engineers for Hollman Volente, LLC. Isle Estates, Lake Travis Subdivision #5 Lot 11. a. Site Dev. Ordinance Sec. 33.349, from underground location of utilities,) in portion of Mary Street from Lime Creek Rd to western property line. David Simons gave P&Z update. David Gavenda made a motion to approve the variance from underground utilities on the Mary Street extension from Hall Street to Lime Creek Road. Lee Bass seconded. All agreed. Variance Approved

b. Site Dev. Ordinance Sec. 33.325 (c)(d) 2 (b) 4 (a), two access requirement & variance from continuation of Short Street. Allison Thrash made a motion to grant the variance from requiring two access entrances and extending Short Street to the subdivision. David Gavenda seconded with all agreeing. Variance granted. c. Site Dev. Ordinance Sec. 33.330 (c), from required buildable ½ area, lots 1,2,3,6,7,8. Allison Thrash made a motion to grant a variance from the buildable area requirements with David Gavenda seconding. All agreed. Variance granted Ed Moore, representing the owner of the property across from proposed subdivision, voiced concern regarding the drainage that would run across his client’s property and wanted to see drainage plans.

4. Discussion and possible action for a variance request from Garret-Ihnen Civil Engineers for Highland Bend Estates,15421 FM 2769, Volente, owner Volente Ventures, LP. a. Subdivision Section # 33.349 and Sec. # 33.307(c) relocation of utilities lines from underground to existing overhead. Aaron Pesek gave presentation that there is a major trunk lines going across the property and the applicant could not afford to bury the lines as it is a main line that services other portions of Volente and PEC stated that an upgrade would have to be done to the line and the applicant would have to pay for it. Commissioners were concerned if the other approved subdivisions were having the same problem. They will recommend to Council to have PEC give Volente a map of the electrical lines in Volente and any plans that they have for upgrading. David Gavenda made a motion to deny the variance request until more information was obtained form PEC. Lee Bass seconded. All agreed. Variance denied.

- 1 - P&Z Meeting Minutes 2/7/07 5. Discussion and possible action on Commercial Site Development Plan for construction of a boat storage unit at Highland Lakes Marina, 16420 Wharf Cove. and variance requests from: Motion to approve the Commercial site plan with the addition of the buffer area to be “roped off” so no parking will be allowed on it subject to complying with engineers technical recommendations, was made by Lee Bass with David Gavenda seconding. All agreed. a. NPS Ordinance Section 32.110 (d) 1 Impervious Cover/Restrictions. Commissioner Allison Thrash voiced concern of building in the floodplain. Discussion ensued. David Gavenda made a motion to grant the variance with Allison Thrash seconding. All agreed. Variance approved

b. NPS Ordinance Section 32.123 Environmental Features. David Gavenda made a motion to grant the variance from Sec. 32.123 with Lee Bass seconding. All agreed. Variance granted.

c. Sec. 33.336 :Variance from landscape & irrigation plans. Allison Thrash made a motion to approve the variance from Sec 33.336 with Lee Bass seconding. All agreed. Variance approved.

6. Approval of minutes: January 3, 2007. Allison Trash made a motion to approve the meeting minutes with correction in # 3 the addition of the provision added and in # 4 the addition of the word he. David Gavenda seconded. All agreed. Lee Bass abstained

7. Future Meetings and Agenda Items. Commissioner David Gavenda would like to have an expert on urban landscaping address the issues of not clearing out cedars and the lack of wildflowers. Also to have PEC presentation or a response from them regarding layout of service and future plans. Next meeting will be Wednesday March 7, 2007 at 7:30 P.M.

Lee Bass made a motion to adjourn with Allison Thrash seconding. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M.


______Jack Hirschhorn, Chair Jennifer Zufelt, City Secretary

- 2 - P&Z Meeting Minutes 2/7/07

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