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The Connected Curriculum

The Connected Curriculum GRADE 2 Curriculum Map

Standards-Based Scope and Sequence for Teaching and Assessment with integrated principles and strategies of special education.

This guide was prepared by the DePaul Center for Urban Education through support from the Polk Bros. Foundation Teacher Leadership Network.

Relevant resources for instruction, independent learning, and assessment: Second Grade Mid- and End-of Quarter Competencies to Assess First Semester

This chart provides assessment priorities for every five or four weeks.

Week 5 Week 9 Week 14 Week 19 Word Knowledge Identify vowel Identify word Identify/explain Identify and explain 1A consonant patterns families prefixes and contractions when reading. and syllables Silent consonants suffixes Explain and give examples Give examples of of possessives. vowel consonant patterns Make own phonics chart/book

Reading Read or hear a Draw conclusions Identify/describe Identify and classify Strategies: new story from text: different kinds of information; I CAN . . . with a and draw Identify/explain stories Compare/contrast pictures that cause-effect in Identify, infer variety of texts show stated response to motives relate information to main and inferred questions or with Complete a story idea; Goals 1, 2 traits; diagram; map identify Make and explain motive, predictions sequence, cause- effect; make predictions Fluency Students read Students read Students read aloud Students read aloud with aloud with aloud with with increased increased fluency. ILS1B,4AB increased fluency. increased fluency. fluency. Writing Write sentence to Write/edit Edit sentence to Write sequence statements tell action. sentences add words for clarity for non-fiction; edit 3A,B sentences

Content GEOGRAPHY ECOLOGY CULTURE PHYSICS/TECHNOLOGY List, picture List, picture Describe values; List, picture key features; describe features; describe, illustrate and terms/concepts; describe features; make illustrate terms, explain examples of key terms/concepts; map; complete features a community’s describe, booklet or model of Make a chart, values in the past explain how to measure and community collage, or booklet and today. classify—give examples geography. about environment Explain how to use parts of a non- fiction book. MATH Make a math Make a math Make a math Make a math glossary, Insert the math glossary, glossary, glossary, guide/booklet. skills and guide/booklet. guide/booklet. guide/booklet. Use math to describe situations strategies from Use math to describe Use math to describe Use math to describe and solve problems. situations and solve situations and solve situations and solve the program you problems. problems. problems. use.

Connected Curriculum 06-07 DePaul Center for Urban Education 2006 2 Second Grade Mid- and End-of Quarter Competencies to Assess Second Semester

This chart provides assessment priorities for every five or four weeks.

Week 24 Week 29 Week 34 Weeks 37-8 Word Knowledge Use sight words in Use sight words in Identify sight words Word book—what sentences sentences are my favorite 1A Identify syllables in words? Identify/explain words. prefixes, compound Provide rhyming words words. Explain and give examples of phonics My own Decoding of these weeks. Guide Reading Explain literal, Explain how to Next Grade Prep Combine information Strategies: analytic questions; answer questions: Identify skills needed from different I CAN . . . with a explain how to literal, inferential for next grade. sources paraphrase and Answer with evidence Choose a topic for variety of texts summarize literal and inferential next five weeks of questions reading. Goals 1, 2

Fluency Students read aloud Students read aloud Students read aloud Students read aloud with increased with increased with increased with increased ILS1B,4AB fluency. fluency. fluency. fluency.

Writing Explain how to write Revise sentences to Next Grade Prep I can write a poem ILS 3,4 a biography. make them Identify skills persuasive needed for next grade, particularly paragraphs. Content ECONOMICS SYSTEMS OF GOVERNMENT DISCOVERIES Describe and draw SCIENCE Explain how My own learning work in our Based on what I knew government is part of yearbook—what community. and what I learned, the community. I have learned what do I think is about the world important about this year. ______?

MATH Make a math glossary, Make a math glossary, Make a math glossary, Make a math glossary, Insert the math guide/booklet. guide/booklet. guide/booklet. guide/booklet. skills and strategies Use math to describe Use math to describe Use math to describe Use math to describe from the program situations and solve situations and solve situations and solve situations and solve problems. problems. problems. problems. you use.

Connected Curriculum 06-07 DePaul Center for Urban Education 2006 3 Second Grade: Weeks 1-5 Curriculum Map Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 assess, clarify, expand Word Assess student Count syllables Apply vowel- Apply vowel- Identify vowel Knowledge phonics Word Consonant Consonant consonant Knowledge Sight Words patterns patterns patterns and 1A Use “word wall” for Sight words Sight Words syllables phonics patterns, Give examples of sight words, other vowel consonant vocabulary patterns Make own phonics chart/book Recognize, use sight words in sentences Reading Determine Read/listen to Read/ Retell content Read or hear a Strategies: purpose for identify/infer listen to read new story and draw I CAN . . . reading/listening motive identify sequence, independently (ongoing) 1B,C cause-effect (setting, plot, pictures with a Ask/ make predictions character, theme) that show variety of answer questions Follow 1, 2-step 1B stated and texts (ongoing) directions (4A) Recommended: 1B, 2A inferred 1B, 2A Take reading relate to traits; identify interest classroom rules Goals 1, 2 motive, inventory. sequence, cause- effect; make predictions- -Illustrate predictions and support predictions with oral presentatio n Fluency This week’s read This week’s read This week’s read This week’s read Students read aloud: aloud: aloud: aloud: aloud with ILS1B,4AB increased fluency. Writing Classify: Construct Construct Identify, use Write and illustrate People, places, sentences. sentences with subject-verb sentence to tell noun, verb Write/draw singular and plural agreement action. (assess if need to actions noun (ONGOING) Identify noun, verb develop further) in sentences Content Our community Our community Our community Our community List, picture Community Places Workers Transportation and the city features; describe Geography apartment fire department bus citizen features; make 17A,B,C community hospital car downtown map; complete Read to house library train leader booklet or model Learn-- place police of community Goal 5 where geography. MATH Make a math Insert the guide/booklet. math skills Use math to and strategies describe from the situations and program you solve problems. use. Math Words Make a Math

Connected Curriculum 06-07 DePaul Center for Urban Education 2006 4 List terms Glossary students will use this week.

Connected Curriculum 06-07 DePaul Center for Urban Education 2006 5 Second Grade: Weeks 6-9 Curriculum Map Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 assess, clarify, expand Word alphabetize to Word families Silent consonants Identify word families Knowledge second letter continue Identify silent consonants Identify and use word Add/delete Use primary Create own dictionary 1A families phonemes dictionary using classroom word (ongoing) Sight words Sight words lists (student choice); alphabetize and illustrate 5 words use sight words in sentences Reading Relate prior Draw conclusions Draw conclusions Read/hear new story and Strategies: knowledge to new from text from text: draw conclusions from I CAN . . . with text—What you cause-effect Causes-effects text: knew, what’s new? Predictions Identify/explain cause- a variety of (ONGOING) 1B effect in response to texts 1B 1B questions or with diagram; Make and explain Goals 1, 2 predictions

Fluency This week’s read This week’s read This week’s read Students read aloud with aloud: aloud: aloud: increased fluency. ILS1B,4AB Writing Construct Construct sentences Construct sentences Write/edit sentences Goals 3 and 4 sentences-- Descriptive Descriptive Illustrate sentences Descriptive—with ILS3AB ILS3AB Identify adjectives in adjectives sentences ILS3A,B

Content Our community’s How plants grow How animals live List, picture features; Ecology environment here: here: describe, change begin, big animal, around illustrate terms, features Research farm flower, grow group, growth Make a Goal 5 garden little, rain, seed here, large chart/collage/booklet park 12A,B Earth, eat about an environment place Get information from Food, move Explain how to use parts 12A pictures, charts 5A 12A,B; 13B Use of a non-fiction book. Table of contents, index, glossary 5A MATH Make a math Insert the math guide/booklet. skills and Use math to describe strategies from situations and solve the program problems. you use.

Math Words Make a Math Glossary List terms students will use this week.

Connected Curriculum 06-07 DePaul Center for Urban Education 2006 6 Second Grade: Weeks 10-14 Curriculum Map

Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 assess, clarify, expand Word Identify prefixes list prefixes, tell Identify and Identify and use Identify/ Knowledge Sight Words: how they affect use suffixes suffixes explain prefixes ILS 1A meaning Sight Words: Sight Words: and suffixes Sight Words:

Reading Compare/contrast Compare/contrast Identify, infer “map” a story Identify/describe Strategies: kinds of stories kinds of stories motives with graphic different kinds of I CAN . . . (such as fable, Make organizers stories story, folktale) predictions Identify, infer with a interpret values motives variety of “map” a story “map” a story in a story Complete a story texts —show the 1B, 2AB 1B map characters, setting, 1B, 2A events 1B, 2AB Goals 1, 2 Fluency This week’s read This week’s read This week’s This week’s Students read aloud: aloud: read aloud: read aloud: aloud with increased fluency. ILS 1B, 4AB Writing illustrate sequence write sequence Narrate story Add adjectives Edit sentence to statements statements with clear to sentence 3A add words for 3C 3C diction 4B,C clarity 3A,B

Content: Read, list, classify Read, infer what Read, list, Read, list, infer Describe values; compare/contrast values people had classify, how people in illustrate and Culture how people met in our community in contrast how our communities explain examples needs in our the past. people in our shows values of a community’s community in the 16A5A community today. values in the past past. 16A,, 5A, 5A help share meet needs 18A 5A and today. community need work today. 18A 5A building past past place present value today MATH Make a math Insert the guide/booklet. math skills Use math to and describe situations strategies and solve from the problems. program you use.

Math Words Make a Math List terms Glossary students will use this week.

Connected Curriculum 06-07 DePaul Center for Urban Education 2006 7 Second Grade: Weeks 15-19 Curriculum Map

Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 assess, clarify, expand Word Locate contractions Explain contractions Compare Possessive Identify and Knowledge in text. found in text. contractions pronouns explain ILS 1A Sight Words: Sight Words: and contractions when possessives. Sight Words: reading. Sight Words: Explain and give examples of possessives.

Reading Identify main idea Locate and Classify Compare Compare/ Identify and Strategies and supporting information 1B contrast 1B classify information 1B information; : Compare/contrast I CAN . . . 1B, 4A with a relate information variety of to main idea; texts

Goals 1, 2 Fluency This week’s read This week’s read This week’s This week’s Students read ILS 1B, 4AB aloud: aloud: read aloud: read aloud: aloud with increased fluency. Check reading rate and comprehension —set target to improve. Writing Write sentences Write sentences write sequence Plan and make Write sequence GOALS 3, with periods, with periods, (non-fiction big book; Write statements for 4 question marks, question marks, 3B) description; edit non-fiction; edit exclamation marks exclamation marks for punctuation sentences 3A 3A 3B, 3A Content: Read/experience/ Read/experience/wr Read/ Read/ List, picture key write/illustrate ite/illustrate about: experience/write experience/ terms/concepts; Technology/ about measuring how to classify /illustrate about: Write about: describe key Physics size things how to compare how to contrast terms/concepts; large, little, long, things things describe, foot, inch, mile, tall, metal, natural, begin, alike, different, bigger, explain how to walk paper, rock, wood end, kind, smaller, harder, measure and many, same, softer classify—give 11, 12C, 5A 12CD, 11,5A something examples 12CD, 11,5A ILS12CD, 5A MATH Make a math Insert the guide/booklet. math skills Use math to and describe strategies situations and from the solve problems. program you use. Math Words Make a Math List terms Glossary students will use this week.

Connected Curriculum 06-07 DePaul Center for Urban Education 2006 8 Second Grade: Weeks 20-24 Curriculum Map

Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 assess, clarify, expand Word Prefixes Prefixes Compound Compound Use sight words in Knowledge words words sentences ILS 1A Sight Words: Sight words: Sight Words: Sight Words: Identify/explain prefixes, compound words

Reading Identify main idea, Paraphrase Paraphrase Paraphrase explain how to Strategies: details Summarize Summarize Summarize paraphrase and I CAN . . . Text Text Text summarize 1B with a 1B 1B 1B variety of texts

Goals 1, 2 Fluency This week’s read This week’s read This week’s read This week’s read Students read aloud: aloud: aloud: aloud: aloud with ILS 1B, 4AB increased fluency. Check reading rate and comprehension— set target to improve. Writing Writing biography Write biography Write poem. Write letter. Explain how to emphasis: write a biography. focus 3A,B

Content: What are the parts What workplaces What jobs are How do people Write a paragraph The of the community are in the part of our make community or booklet about Community economy? community? community? choices? the economy in Economy ILS 15D,E ILS 15D,E ILS 15 D,E ILS 15 D,E the community.

ILS 5A plus content goals MATH Make a math Insert the guide/booklet. math skills Use math to and describe situations strategies and solve from the problems. program you use. Math Words Make a Math List terms Glossary students will use this week.

Connected Curriculum 06-07 DePaul Center for Urban Education 2006 9 Second Grade: Weeks 25-29 Curriculum Map

Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 Week 28 Week 29 assess, clarify, expand Word Rhyming words Rhyming words Syllables Syllables Use sight words Knowledge in sentences ILS 1A Sight Words: Sight Words: Sight Words: Sight Words Identify syllables in words. Provide rhyming words. Reading answer inferential answer/make Ask and respond Identify literal, Explain how to Strategies: questions for inferential to literal/inferential inferential answer questions: I CAN . . . fiction questions questions; literal, inferential answer with Answer with with a Identify inferential evidence evidence literal variety of questions 1B and inferential texts 1B 1B 1B questions

Goals 1, 2 Fluency This week’s read This week’s read This week’s read This week’s read Students read aloud: aloud: aloud: aloud: aloud with ILS 1B, 4AB increased fluency.

Check reading rate and comprehension —set target to improve. Writing Persuasive Use punctuation Use Grammar Use Grammar Revise sentences emphasis: paragraph 3A,B correctly in correctly— correctly— to make them persuasive persuasive Nouns—in Verbs—in persuasive 3A,B sentences 3A,B persuasive persuasive sentences 3A sentences 3A

Content: EARTH-SUN LAND LANDFORMS WEATHER Make booklet or Systems moon, planet, sun rock, soil earth, hill, water, weather write paragraph 12 F 12 E mountain 12 F 12 E about one of the systems.

MATH Make a math Insert the guide/booklet. math skills Use math to and describe strategies situations and from the solve problems. program you use. Math Words Make a Math List terms Glossary students will use this week.

Connected Curriculum 06-07 DePaul Center for Urban Education 2006 10 Second Grade: Weeks 30-34 Curriculum Map

Week 30 Week 31 Week 32 Week 33 Week 34 assess, clarify, expand Word Sight Words Sight Words: Sight Words: Sight Words: Identify sight Knowledge words


Explain and give examples of This week’s This week’s This week’s This week’s phonics of these decoding focus: decoding focus: decoding focus: decoding focus: weeks.

Reading I can answer who- I can make I can answer I can answer Next Grade Prep what- inferences different kinds of different kinds of Identify skills Strategies: when-where about words and questions about questions about I CAN . . . needed for next questions. parts of different kinds of different kinds of grade. a story. reading. reading. with a Choose a topic for variety of ILS 1B next five weeks of texts ILS 1B ILS 1B ILS 1B reading. Goals 1, 2 Fluency This week’s read This week’s read This week’s read This week’s read Students read ILS 1B, 4AB aloud: aloud: aloud: aloud: aloud with increased fluency. Check reading rate and comprehension —set target to improve. Writing I can write a I can write a I can write a I can write a Next Grade Prep biography. story. poem song Identify skills emphasis: needed for next creative grade, particularly ILS 3B paragraphs. ILS 3B ILS 3B,C. ILS3B,C. Content: What What do Who is a What progress Write/draw to government citizens do? community should our show how the leader? community make? Government 14C government is part services do we ILS 14C ILS 14C have? 14A of the community. MATH Make a math Insert the guide/booklet. math skills Use math to and strategies describe situations from the and solve program you problems. use. Math Words Make a Math List terms Glossary students will use this week.

Connected Curriculum 06-07 DePaul Center for Urban Education 2006 11 Second Grade: Weeks 35-38 Curriculum Map

Week 35 Week 36 Weeks 37-8 Word Words of the Week: Word book—what are my Celebrate learning Knowledge favorite words? ILS 1A

What we’ve learned about My own Decoding Guide decoding.

Reading locate information from various Combine information from Use full repertoire of skills. Strategies: sources different sources I CAN . . . with a variety of celebrate learning texts ILS 5A, 1B ILS 5A, 1B

Goals 1, 2 Fluency This week’s read aloud: This week’s read aloud: Students read aloud with ILS 1B, 4AB increased fluency.

Writing I can write a paragraph I can write a poem celebrate learning 3B ILS 3B,C emphasis: explanatory

Content: What do we discover about What do we discover about My own learning yearbook— Discoveries ______through what I have learned about through reading, listening, reading, listening, looking? the world this year. looking?

ILS 11 A, B ILS 11 A, B ILS 12 A, B ILS 12 A, B MATH Make a math guide/booklet. Insert the math Use math to describe skills and situations and solve strategies from problems. the program you use.

Math Words Make a Math Glossary List terms students will use this week.

Connected Curriculum 06-07 DePaul Center for Urban Education 2006 12

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