Welcome to the Stadium School, Where the World Is Our Classroom . This School Year Will
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Level 1
Welcome to the Stadium School, where the “World is Our Classroom”. This school year will bring more rigor, engagement, and interventions when needed, to ensure the success of our students. Here at the Stadium School we pride ourselves in being the best Middle School in the City/State and we will do our absolute best to see your child is educated, safe, and well-rounded before they graduate to High School.
We follow specific guidelines and protocol to guarantee that the school day runs smoothly. Here at the Stadium School we use a point system to try to change behavior that is inappropriate, so receiving points are not in your child’s best interest. Points are what they want to avoid. With that, we have school wide as well as classroom incentives for students that are positive role models for their peers as well as the school community.
You will have an opportunity to read the school discipline plan that was put together to make sure all students are safe, following school rules, and are productive school wide citizens. Thank you and I look forward to a great and productive school year. “Panther Pride!”
Yours in Education, George W. Roycroft Dean of Discipline Discipline Plan 2010-2011
Discipline in school is defined as a process that uses teaching, modeling, and appropriate consequences to change unacceptable behavior to acceptable behavior in order to ensure a safe, orderly, and productive learning environment. Every student has the right to learn and be safe, and no one has the right to interrupt learning or make others feel unsafe.
Classroom Discipline: Teachers will handle initial discipline problems within their respective classrooms. Students will learn classroom expectations the first day and will be expected to abide by them for the remainder of the year. If a student habitually has problems with classroom behavior, the teacher will complete a discipline form recommending detention. That student will serve that detention after school with the parents having a 2-days notice. Any behavioral issue that threatens the safety of a teacher and/or other students will be dealt with immediately by the Principal.
Consequences vs. Incentives: Consequences for poor behavior include; loss of recess, after school detention, community service option, in-school suspension, out of school suspension (both in and out of school will have a mandatory parent-student meeting with the Dean of Discipline), and possible removal to a new school environment. Incentives are activities designed for students that exhibit appropriate behavior and they include assemblies, pizza parties, Big Picture Theater, etc. It is important to recognize the efforts of students that act appropriately so that they continue the desired behavior. It is also important to use incentives to motivate students with prior behavioral issues to improve!
Rewards for Appropriate Behavior: Students may not get rewarded all of the time for things they are supposed to do, but it will not go unnoticed here at The Stadium School. Our goal here at The Stadium School, is to model appropriate behavior and to create an atmosphere of appreciation for positivism. Appropriate behavior promotes success in and out of the classroom and we encourage students to show proper mannerisms and a strong work ethic. Parents are also encouraged to be a positive role model for our Stadium School Students, and take an active role in their school, school activities, and community. We also ask parents to support this Discipline Plan, without parental support the effectiveness of this plan will not be successful! BCPS/ The Stadium School Disciplinary Intervention Level 1 Classroom Intervention Verbal Warning Behavior Sheet Parent Notification (Document) In-Class Time out Redirect Removal to another class (less than 1 hour) Written Reflection/Apology Loss of Privileges Support Interventions Notify Parent Detention Parent Conference Community Service Parent accompany student to class Conflict Resolution Community conferencing Peer Mediation Student Support Team Interventions
Notify Parent Behavioral Intervention Plan Parent Conference Referral to Community Organization Referral to SST or IEP Team Referral to an After School Program Functional Behavioral Assessment
Discipline Intervention Level 2 Intensive Support Staff and Appropriate Administration Intervention
Parent Conference Restitution (does not apply to students receiving free and reduced lunch priced meals) Student Court (if Applicable) In-School suspension Restorative Justice, including community Revision of IEP as needed (if applicable) conferencing and service Referral to SST or IEP Team
Discipline Intervention Level 3 Suspension & Referral Responses
Notify Parent Revision of IEP as needed (if applicable) Short-Term Suspension (1-5 Days) Referral to Twilight and Credit Recovery Program
Discipline Intervention Level 4 Extended Suspension & Referral Responses Notify Parent Extended Suspension Referral to IEP Team for Manifestation Determination Alternative Educational Placement by office of Suspension Services Expulsion (only used for serious behavioral infractions)
Inappropriate or Disruptive Behavior and Potential Responses
Level 1: Classroom Intervention Level 3: Suspension & Referral Level 2: School and Administrative Intervention Level 4: Extended Suspension, Expulsion, or Referral
Inappropriate or Disruptive Levels Must be Referred to School Behavior 1 2 3 4 Police Absences Unexcused X Persistent X X Habitual Truancy (more than X X 14 days in a marking period, semester or year) Academic Dishonesty X X Alcohol Under the influence X X Using, Possessing, Distributing or X X X X Selling, Under the influence (staff must refer to proper counseling) Attack on Student/ No Injury (no X X visual or physical injuries) Bodily Injury/Grade Pre K-4 X X X X Bodily Injury/ Grade 5-12 X X X (only repeat infractions that reach level 4 may be reported) Bomb Threat/ Grade Pre K -4 X X X Bomb Threat/ Grade 5-12 X X Bullying including Cyber X X bullying Serious Bullying (repeatedly) X X X Bus Violations X X Serious Bus Disruption X X X X Cutting Class X X Class Disruption X X X (1-2 day suspension ) Defiance of Authority X X X (1-2 day suspension ) Failure to respond to staff X X X questions or requests (1-2 day suspension Disrespectful Behavior X X X (1-2 day suspension) Dress Code Violation X Extortion/ Pre K -4 X X Extortion/ 5-12 X X X (only repeat infractions that reach level 4 may be reported) False Activation of a Fire Arm/ X X Pre K-4 False Activation of a Fire Arm/5- X X 12 Fighting X X X Arson (students must take X X mandatory classes offered by the Fire Dept.) Gambling X X (1-2 day suspension) Hallway Misbehavior X X Harassment of any type X X Harassment (persistent or long X X X X term) Inciting/Participating in a X X Disturbance Inhalants using, under the X X X X influence, selling, distributing Physical contact unintentionally X Attack Against school personnel X X X (only repeat infractions that Pre k -4 reach level 4 may be reported) Attack Against school personnel X X 5-12 Possession of a portable X X electronic device (first infraction warning, second infraction parent must be notified) Property damage including X X graffiti (less that $50) Property damage ($50-$500) X X Property damage (over $500) X X X Refusal to Obey School Rules X X X (1-2 day suspension) School Equipment without X X permission Serious Bodily Injury X X Sexual Harassment X X X X (only repeat infractions that reach level 4 may be reported) Sexual Activity/Misconduct X X X Pre K -4 Sexual Activity/Misconduct X X 5-12 Sexual Assault X X Tardiness X X Technology Acceptable Use X X X X X (only repeat infractions that violation reach level 4 may be reported) Threat against school personnel X X X (only repeat infractions that reach level 4 may be reported) Theft (less than $500) X X Theft (over $500) X X X Trespassing (only if they refuse X X X to leave) Tobacco use or possession X X Unauthorized sale or distribution X X (little monetary value under $50) Unauthorized sale or distribution X X X X (significant monetary value) Weapons, Firearms, Explosives X X
Point System
These are infractions and behaviors that The Stadium School will follow with some amending. Each student will be warned unless it is a level 2 infraction and even then a warning can be issued which will be held at a case by case basis. Our goal is ZERO office referrals, if we can. We do know it is inevitable because we are dealing with children and children and adults alike learn from mistakes that we make. We will implement a code for every infraction and a number of day’s detention per infraction depending on its severity. We will work on a point system for infractions committed. A student may also remove points from his/her record during the school year by not committing any infractions for a week and can lose 1 point per week. A student with 4 or more points can create a student contract for the infraction(s) and go 30 days from the previous referral without another being written can lose four points; if they can go 60 then six points and 90 days eight 120 days and so forth. A student that doesn’t abide by the contract they create and agree to will be subject to keep the points they have and must wait 3 days before starting a new contract. If a student has the maximum amount of points then they must earn off all points before they can participate in any school event or activity. There are no points removed after the next to last week of school. Whatever the final points they have, that’s how many school activities/detention days they shall miss/receive after that point. Points are cumulative. Every school service hour done for discipline doesn’t count to the system wide 75 hours needed for graduation from a Maryland Public School. Points
Each Suspension = automatic 4 points Each detention referral = ½ point per infraction Each office referral = 2 points Saturday Detention = 2 points Neglecting your responsibility of your Contract = 3 points Neglecting your responsibility to abide by your contract on three occasions = you will be written up on office referrals only for the remainder of the time you commit an infraction. (3) Referrals of any kind in a week = 3 points plus automatic parent call (4) Discipline points Student fails to earn 1 week of recess/next school activity (any other activity at teacher discretion)/refer to SST, contract is developed
(6) Discipline Points Student fails to earn 2 weeks of recess/ next two school activities (any other activity at teacher discretion) placed on a Behavior Tracking Form and/or suspension
(8) Discipline points Student fails to earn 3 weeks of recess/ and three school activities (any other activity at teacher discretion) placed on a Behavior Tracking Form, form a behavior contract, and/or suspension
(10) Discipline points Student fails to earn 1 month of recess/ and the next four school related activities (any other activity at teacher discretion) placed on a Behavior Tracking Form and/or suspension. A mandatory meeting with parents, teachers on that grade level team, and an administrator.
(12) Discipline points Students is excluded from all remaining school activities; including end of year activities (eighth grade trip and possible promotion ceremony itself) placed on a Behavior Tracking Form Once you have accumulated the max amount of points (12) and not upholding your part of the contract, you will be written up on office referrals for the remainder of the time. School Wide Behavior “Rules of The Road”
We pride ourselves in maintaining a high level of safety on all vehicles used by The Stadium School Cooperation between the riders, their parents, the MTA, and any company we use for a bus service is imperative. We request that all riders and their parents understand and obey the “Rules of the Road”.
Students choosing not to comply with these rules place other students’ safety in jeopardy. Infractions will be reported to the school and parents. Infractions may result in suspended service or immediate termination of service. There will be no exceptions. Riders and their parents will be held liable for any damage they cause the any transportation vehicle.
Tips at the bus stop:
Students and parents are responsible for safety and proper student behavior going to and from the bus stop and while waiting for the bus Students must stand off of the roadway while waiting Students must respect others property Students must not push, shove, or even engage in horseplay Parents should supervise at the stop if possible Students must arrive 5-10 minutes prior to the scheduled bus pick up time
While on the bus:
Never distract the driver from driving unless there is immediate danger to you or others Remain seated and keep the aisles clear Never bring unsafe or unauthorized items into the bus Always keep your arms, legs, and head inside the bus Keep conversation at a reasonable level Cafeteria Behavior
Students are expected to eat in an orderly fashion during lunch periods. Students are expected to use proper entrances and exits. Students will sit at assigned tables. Each student is expected to use their manners by “thanking” the cafeteria workers when receiving their meal. It is only proper etiquette and should be generally done without asking. Manners go a long way. Cutting in line, throwing food, leaving trash, and wandering around the cafeteria WILL NOT be tolerated. Administration will review each incident and recommend appropriate action.
Disruptive behavior, i.e. yelling, loud singing, banging on tables Leaving trash purposefully Cutting in the lunch line, i.e. “she/he let me get in front doesn’t work!!”
1st warning 2nd KP/Trash Detail 3rd detention/ KP or Trash Detail for 5-10 days
Disorderly conduct such as throwing food in or out of the cafeteria
1st warning 2nd detention 3rd in-school suspension
Field Trip and Activity Guidelines
1. It is a privilege to attend a field trip, not a right.
2. Students may be excluded from a trip or activity if they:
A. have received excessive referrals or major code violations to the office for violation of school/classroom rules B. have excessive tardiness or absences
3. If a student has been excluded from a trip or activity as a result of the abovementioned items, a refund will not be issued Parent/guardian will be contacted by the teacher and/or administrator
Field trips and special activities, on or off campus enhance the learning opportunities of our students. All students are afforded the same opportunity to attend and benefit form the experiences. The steps outlined above are designed to reward the students who are making genuine, positive efforts to be productive members of the student body. Stadium School Codes and Detention Days to Serve For Infraction(s)
Infraction Code Number Days Detention Disruptive behavior in class or on 1 3 school grounds Disrespect to adults 2 3 Lateness to class/school 3 1 Possible Saturday Detention Dress Code Violation 4 2 Unprepared for instruction 5 1 Verbal harassment to classmates 6 1 Physical harassment to 7 Saturday Detnetion students/classmates (inappropriate hitting) Inappropriate use of language 8 1 Stealing 9 2 Cheating/plagiarism 10 2 Misuse or destruction to school or 11 2 teachers property Missing Detention 12 1 Unauthorized Eating/Gum 13 1 Chewing Cell Phone/Electronic Device 14 1 Infraction Sexual Harassment/Misconduct 15 3 Intentional lying to either get out 16 1 of trouble or get someone in trouble Inappropriate use of technology 17 2 Cutting Class 18 Saturday Detention Poor Cafeteria Behavior 19 1 Bullying/Intimidation/ Cyber 20 Saturday Detention Bullying
The infractions are cumulative. So if a student disrupts class he/she receives a code 1, 3 days detention and a code 4, 1 day detention, that student now has 4 days detention. Detention is held for 30 minutes after school 2:50 pm – 3:20 pm. That student also forfeits their opportunity for any coach class or after school activity for that day. The parent of the student having detention will be notified in a timely manner so that transportation is arranged. Students that have more than one day detention will have an opportunity to use their time by way of school community work; i.e. working with the custodian, a teacher, or office staff until they finish their time, but not to exceed 4:20 pm. Detention Form Student Name: Date: Place Incident Occurred: Advisory: Detention Date: Parent Contact: Detention is defined as a period of time a student must stay after school or on a Saturday as a consequence to a school infraction. During detention students must complete a reflective essay and/or school beautification tasks. Detention is non-negotiable except for dental or doctor appointments, and emergencies (in such cases written documentation is required and the detention will be rescheduled).Weekday detentions are scheduled from 2:50 pm – 3:20pm. Saturday detentions are scheduled from 7:00 am –9:00 am. Please note that detentions are a consequence in lieu of school suspension - Missed Saturday detentions will result in school suspension. A minimum of 48 hours noticed is given to parents and guardians regarding weekday detention and a minimum of 72 hours for Saturday detention. Infraction(s) Attendance | Lateness Sexual Offenses Code 3 - Lateness to Class (1 day) Code 15 – Sexual Harassment/Misconduct Code 3 - Lateness to School (3 days) (1 day/Saturday Detention) Code 18* – Cutting Class or habitually late to class (Saturday Detention) Attacks | Threats | Fighting | Language Abuse Disrespect | Insubordination Code 6 – Verbal Harassment to peer (1 day) Code 1 – Disruptive behavior in class or on school Code 7* – Physical harassment to grounds (3days) students/classmates (inappropriate hitting) Code 2 – Disrespect to adults (3 days) (Saturday Detention) Code 4 – Dress Code Violation (2 days) Code 20* – Bullying/ Intimidation /Cyber Code 5 – Unprepared for instruction (1 day) Bullying (Saturday Detention) Code 16 – Intentional lying to either get out of Code 8 – Inappropriate use of language trouble or get someone in trouble (1 day) (1 day) Code 17 – Inappropriate Use of technology (2 days) Code 19 – Poor Cafeteria Behavior (1 day) Other Code 9 – Stealing (2 days) Code 10 – Cheating/Plagiarism (2 days) Code 11 – Misuse or destruction of school or teachers property (2 days) Code 12 – Missing Detention (1 day) Code 13 – Unauthorized Eating/Gum Chewing (1 day) Code 14 – Cell Phone/Electronic Device Infraction (1 day)
Teacher Explanation:
Please sign below acknowledging that your child has detention on the date noted above and return it.
Student Name: ____ Advisory: _____ Parent Signature: Date:
Date: To the Parent(s) of:
It is my deepest concern to know that your child has accumulated ? points according to The Stadium School’s Discipline Plan. This is a sign of not following school rules and can lead to other things outside of school if the behavior isn’t changed. Meaning, if this behavior is displayed outside of school, a different consequences will arise. We, at The Stadium School, will do all we can to help Student become a better school citizen. He/She is and can be a top student if he is focused and maintains proper behavior and attitude. Student will have an opportunity to erase points by he/she and Mr. Roycroft coming up with a plan of action and an agreement he/she must abide by for 30 days per four points loss.
Point System Each Suspension = automatic 4 points Each detention referral = ½ point per infraction Each office referral = 2 points Saturday Detention = 2 points Neglecting your responsibility of your Contract = 3 points Neglecting your responsibility to abide by your contract on three occasions = you will be written up on office referrals only for the remainder of the time you commit an infraction. (3) Referrals of any kind in a week = 3 points plus automatic parent call
(4) Discipline points Student fails to earn 1 week of recess/next school activity (any other activity at teacher discretion)/refer to SST (6) Discipline points Student fails to earn 2 weeks of recess/ next two school activities (any other activity at teacher discretion) placed on a Behavior Tracking Form and/or suspension (8) Discipline points Student fails to earn 3 weeks of recess/ and three school activities (any other activity at teacher discretion) placed on a Behavior Tracking Form, and a behavior contract will be developed and/or suspension (10) Discipline points Student fails to earn 1 month of recess/ and the next four school related activities (any other activity at teacher discretion) placed on a Behavior Tracking Form and/or suspension. A mandatory meeting with parents, teachers on that grade level team, and an administrator. (12) Discipline points Students is excluded from all remaining school activities; including end of year activities (eighth grade trip and possible promotion ceremony itself) placed on a Behavior Tracking Form Once you have accumulated the max amount of points (12) and not upholding your part of the contract, you will be written up on office referrals for the remainder of the time.
Mr. George Roycroft Dean of Discipline The Stadium School#15 1300 Gorsuch Avenue Baltimore, MD 21218 (443) 984-2682 (410) 340-7731 [email protected]
Behavior Contract 8 or more Points
I, , will help create the following terms of this contract:
1. That I will follow all school rules as written in the Stadium School Discipline Plan 2. That I will follow the Code of Conduct as written in the School Discipline Plan 3. That Every 30 Days I go incident free, I will lose four points based on the School point system 4. That I failed to earn 1, 2, 3, or all remaining activities while at the Stadium School or any activity at teacher discretion. (Circle a number) 5. That I failed to earn 1, 2, 3, or all weeks of recess while at the Stadium School (Circle a number) 6. That I will receive an S, G, or E on all class slips turned in and on the placed on a Behavior Tracking Form. Receiving a U will terminate my contract.
If I choose to compromise the integrity of this contract:
1. The contract will automatically terminate and I’ll have to wait 3 days before I can start again. 2. I will receive an automatic 3 points if my contract is terminated. 3. I will also do this for neglecting my responsibility of my contract:
I agree and understand the terms of this contract. If I choose to compromise the integrity of this contract or any of the above, I will receive the outcome of what I have agreed.
Student Signature: Date: Behavior Tracking Form
Student Name: Date:
Circle Advisory: 6A 6B 6C 6D 7A 7B 7C 7D 8A 8B 8C 8D School In Uniform Participated in Group On Time Advisory Class on Follow Homework Class Good Peer Time Directions Completed/Attempted Assignment Interaction Completed Math Science Language Arts History Art Spanish Social Action NFTE Food & Nutrition
Advisor: Please give a rubric score for being on time, in uniform, and participating in group where it says advisory. Point break down: 2 points for being on time, 2 points for being in uniform, and 1 point for group. Total 5 points. Give a point for each item done. Came to class 1 point + follow directions 1 point + attempted homework 1 point + assignment not done 0 points + good peer interaction 1 point = 4 points The student can only receive a total of 5 points per class 1 point per block. If you didn’t assign homework or there is no class assignments give the point. (Pleas e allot time for this to be filled out and given back to the student for their next class.)
Students must maintain between 20 and 30 points daily to be in good standing. Daily Points earned points earned: E: 30-26 G: 25-21 S: 20 U: 19 and below
Student Signature: Date: Parent Signature: Date:
This form is to be confidentially maintained in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g.
Directions: Bullying, harassment, or intimidation are serious and will not be tolerated. This is a form to report alleged bullying harassment, or intimidation that occurred on school property; at a school-sponsored activity or event off school property; on a school bus; or on the way to and/or from school*, in the current school year. If you are a student victim, the parent/guardian of a student victim, or a close adult relative of a student victim, or a school staff member and wish to report an incident of alleged bullying harassment, or intimidation, complete this form and return it to the Principal at the student victim’s school. Contact the school for additional information or assistance at any time.
Bullying, harassment, or intimidation means intentional conduct, including verbal, physical, or written conduct, or an intentional electronic communication, that: (I) creates a hostile educational environment by substantially interfering with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, or with a student’s physical or psychological well- being and is: 1. motivated by an actual or a perceived personal characteristic including race, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, ancestry, physical attribute, socioeconomic status, familial status, or physical or mental ability or disability; or 2. threatening or seriously intimidating; and (II) 1. occurs on school property, at a school activity or event, or on a school bus; or 2. Substantially disrupts the orderly operation of a school. Electronic communication means a communication transmitted by means of an electronic device, including a telephone, cellular phone, computer, or pager.
Today’s date: ______/ _____ / _ School:______Month Day Year School System: ______
Telephone: ______Email:
Place an X in the appropriate box: � Student � Parent/guardian � Close adult relative � School Staff
1. Name of student victim: ______Age: ______(Please print)
2. Name(s) of alleged offender(s) (If known): (Please print) Age School Is he/she a student? (if known) ______� Yes � No ______� Yes � No ______� Yes � No
3. On what date(s) did the incident happen?: _____ / ______/ ______/ ______/ ______/ ______/ ______Month Day Year Month Day Year Month Day Year 4. Where did the incident happen (choose all that apply)?
� On school property � At a school-sponsored activity or event off school property
� On a school bus � On the way to/from school*
Maryland State Department of Education in accordance with the Safe Schools Reporting Act of 2005 8-05 This form is to be confidentially maintained in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g. *Will be collected unless specifically excluded by local board policy
5. Place an X next to the statement(s) that best describes what happened (choose all that apply):
� Hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting, hair pulling, or throwing something � Getting another person to hit or harm the student � Teasing, name-calling, making critical remarks, or threatening, in person or by other means � Demeaning and making the victim of jokes � Making rude and/or threatening gestures � Excluding or rejecting the student � Intimidating (bullying), extorting, or exploiting � Spreading harmful rumors or gossip � Other (specify)______
6. What did the alleged offender(s) say or do? ______(Attach a separate sheet if necessary)
7. Why did the harassment or intimidation (bullying) occur?
______(Attach a separate sheet if necessary)
8. Did a physical injury result from this incident? Place an X next to one of the following:
� No � Yes, but it did not require medical attention � Yes, and it required medical attention 9. If there was a physical injury, do you think there will be permanent effects? � Yes � No
10. Was the student victim absent from school as a result of the incident? � Yes � No If yes, how many days was the student victim absent from school as a result of the incident? ______
11. Did a psychological injury result from this incident? Place an X next to one of the following:
� No � Yes, but psychological services have not been sought � Yes, and psychological services have been sought
Maryland State Department of Education in accordance with the Safe Schools Reporting Act of 2005 8-05
This form is to be confidentially maintained in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g. *Will be collected unless specifically excluded by local board policy
12. Is there any additional information you would like to provide?
______(Attach a separate sheet if necessary)
Signature: ______Date: ______Maryland State Department of Education in accordance with the Safe Schools Reporting Act of 2005 8-05
Community Conferencing REFERRAL FORM 2300 N. Charles St., Baltimore MD 21218 410-889-7400 ph * 410-889-0944 fax
Date of referral Date of incident
Type of incident
Name of student (1) Name of student (2)
Race ______Sex ______Race ______Sex ______parent/guardian parent/guardian Address ______Address ______
Phone # (w) ______Phone # (w)______
(h) ______(h) ______
(c) ______(c) ______
*Additional students involved? Please include their above information on a second page.
Brief description of incident: ______
Person Making Referral:______Position at the School______
Email ______Phone#
PLEASE NOTE: The contact needs to be familiar with this incident and available if we need more info. Please provide their name and #: Contact Name______E-mail ______
Phone # (w) ______(c) ______
To the Parent(s) of :
It is my deep concern that your child has earned the maximum amount of points allotted here at The Stadium School. We try to maintain a high standard of discipline so that students can flourish academically, feel safe, and prosper as individuals. Your child has either prevented themselves or others in this process and therefore is up for review for their tenure here at The Stadium School. As we want to help serve the needs of all students that attend our school, we must not compromise our integrity and standards of high expectations that have been set forth for our students to follow. We have attempted every strategy we know, sought every resource we have, and utilized the community to help serve your son/daughter. But to no avail, your child’s behavior has affected their learning as well as that of others, in which they have no right to do. We will need to set a conference/SST meeting with you, your son/daughter, the grade level team and an administrator to have a discussion around the appropriate placement for your child. Further communication will be sent as to a date and time we can all meet. I look forward to meeting with you and hope for the best outcome for your child.
Sincerely in Education,
George W. Roycroft, III
Dean of Discipline
I have received the letter and am awaiting correspondence for the meeting
Student Name:
Parent Signature: Date:
To the Parents of :
Your meeting time to address the support of your child through our SST (Student Support Team) will be date. The time will be set for time. We have attempted every strategy we know, sought every resource we have, and utilized the community to help serve your son/daughter. Now, we will try with your help to come to an agreement on what we can do to better service your son/daughter, as your child’s behavior has affected their learning as well as that of others. The grade level team, an administrator, Student Support Team, and you will have a discussion around the appropriate placement for your child. I look forward to meeting with you and hope for the best outcome for your child.
Sincerely in Education,
George W. Roycroft, III
Dean of Discipline
I have received the letter and will be attending the meeting.
Student Name:
Parent Signature: Date:
Baltimore City Public Schools The Stadium School Attendance & Truancy Policy
The purpose for a policy on attendance here at the Stadium School is to assure that every child is safe and in school to receive a great education. Also, we will provide support and guidance to staff, students, and parents in order to increase the attendance rate at our school. We have had 97% or better for our attendance for the past few years. We want to reduce any habitual truancy and absences, and to ensure students achieve.
Attendance & Truancy Policy Maryland Law
Section 7-301 of the education article requires regular school attendance of all children between the ages of 5 and 16 years of age.
Lawful absence- absence from school will be lawful under the following conditions:
death in the family illness of student court summons observance of religious holiday state of emergency hazardous weather conditions approved work or activity sponsored by the school suspension lack of authorized transportation other emergency or set circumstances as determined by the CEO
Unlawful absence- an absence, including absence for any portion of the day, for any reason other than those cited as lawful are presumed to be unlawful and may constitute truancy:
a truant student is one that is absent without lawful cause a habitual truant student ages 5 to 20 during a school year, was in a membership of a school for 91 or more days, and is absent for more that 20% of the time
Chronic absence- calculated by monitoring both excused and unexcused absences.
What is truancy?
When a student is absent from school without a valid excuse.
Schools may excuse certain absences, but a student doesn’t have permission to: 1. arrive late 2. skip class 3. miss a whole day 4. miss many days
Truancy can have a negative effect on: students, parents, school, and the whole community.
As a parent you play an important role in preventing truancy. Making sure your child goes to school is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
There are many reasons for a child to be truant here are some: In the classroom: be worried about a test or handing in an assignment have a negative attitude towards learning or think that school is a waste of time feel out of place because they had to repeat the grade have poor academic skills have an undiagnosed learning disability have trouble making a transition from one grade or school to another
At home: (students trying to cope with) repeated moves parents’ separation/divorce family money problems a strained relationship with a parent or other family member abuse or neglect taking on adult responsibility/caring for siblings
With peers/friends: feel isolated or unpopular are afraid of bullies or gangs are being sexually harassed are easily influenced or feel pressure to join others who are cutting class/school
In their personal life: have low self-esteem want to rebel against parents or teachers feel hopeless or confused about their future not have good problem-solving skills not know how to cope with stress alcohol or drug related may be dealing with a physical or mental issue
How truancy affects students
Do poorly in school Quit school Get in trouble with the law Join a gang Use alcohol or other drugs Have low self-esteem Lose privileges or suffer other punishments
Truancy can have negative consequences for:
Parents- If a parent neglect their responsibility or ignore attendance laws, they may: need to take time off work to solve school and legal problems face fines be required to attend parenting classes or counseling programs
School- School may lose certain federal or state funds, if funding is based on attendance rates. This can affect all students in that school.
The Community- Areas with high truancy rates tend to have higher rates of crime. Law enforcement costs increase, which can result in higher taxes.
Parents play a key role in helping prevent truancy. Here’s how you can help:
1. Learn about school policies 2. Get to know the school staff 3. Stay in touch with the school 4. Be firm about school attendance 5. Ask how you can help at the school 6. Take school warnings seriously 7. Talk with you child 8. Work with the school (let the staff know you want to address the problem right away) 9. DO YOUR PART TO PREVENT TRUANCY A. Learn how truancy affects children and other in the community B. Make sure your child attends school every day C. Support your child’s efforts at school D. GET HELP IF YOU NEED IT
The Stadium school will do all we can to prevent truancy and monitor your child’s attendance. It is ultimately you, the parent/guardian’s, responsibility to ensure your child gets to and from school. We will take a proactive approach to help in this aspect of attendance.
If students are constantly absent or truant from school, you may be faced to attend a attendance hearing. If parents and students have to attend a hearing:
will be given two weeks to improve attendance those that improve will continue to be monitored throughout the school year those that do not improve will be referred to district Court
Parents and students that do not attend the hearing will be subject to:
school will be emailed a list of no shows and asked to complete a referral form referrals must be completed and returned to the Attendance Office within 5 school days must include parent description must identify the name and contact information of school staff to serve as a court witness schools must continue efforts to get student to attend school daily Maryland Penalties:
any person who has legal custody or care and control of a child 5 years old and under 16, who fails to see that the child attends school or receives instruction under this section is guilty of a misdemeanor a first conviction is subject to a fine not to exceed $50.00 per day of unlawful absence or imprisonment or both a second or subsequent conviction is subject to a fine not to exceed $100 per day of unlawful absence or imprisonment, or both
Baltimore City Public Schools Attendance Procedures Lawful & Unlawful Student Absences
On-going School Level On-going District Level Interventions Interventions Teachers record accurate daily *Begin the school year attendance. monitoring and contacting the top 1 Identify administrator 7,191 truant students (Phone, point person for attendance mail, home visits). issues. *Monthly review of chronic 2 Identify staff contact as truants by name and school attendance liaison. *Monthly identification of top 3 Attendance staff will 1,000 students and contact by maintain up to date and accurate phone, mail, and/or home visits. attendance. *Attend SIT or SST meetings 4 Attendance staff will with attendance staff and school ensure students are marked administrative staff. appropriately in SASI . i.e. tardy *Monitor students with chronic vs. absent attendance challenges. 5 Each day schools will *Conduct attendance hearings. ensure that attendance is entered *Focus on 21 schools that in SASI. account for over 50% of City Confer and collaborate with SST *Schools’ truancy rate. staff for additional school level *Provide bi-weekly absences strategies and interventions. report to principals. *Distribute monthly absences list to schools.
School Responsibility District Support (Actions required when (Actions required when students are absent) students are absent) Teachers should meet 1-3 Days Absent with student regarding the Attendance Bands importance of attendance 1 Contact parent/guardian via telephone call. Administrator to meet Attend school level 4-5 Days Absent with student to discuss parent conferences when Attendance Bands attendance. appropriate. 1 Letters will be mailed to 1 Refer student and parent parents to request a conference to to community resources if ascertain the reasons for necessary. absences. 2 Refer student to SST when appropriate.
1 Letter will be mailed to Make home visits where 6-10 Days Absent parent to request an informal necessary. Attendance Bands hearing at the school to determine 1 Weekly monitoring of nature of chronic absences, students with 10 or more explain legal consequences, and absences to include contact at make referral for additional school or home if absent. support/assistance. 2 Attend informal hearing 2 Develop attendance at schools when necessary. agreement between all concerned 3 Phone calls and home parties visits to parents if student is 3 Monitor student absent. attendance daily. 4 Monitor attendance weekly. 5 Collaborate with schools to discuss the progress of attendance for these students; develop action plan for improved attendance. 6 Refer students to school- based community programs(where available).i.e. Truancy Court, BSMART, Community Mediation 7
11-15 Days Absent 1 Continued monitoring of Assist schools by making Attendance Bands daily attendance. additional calls to parents. 2 Make phone calls to • Conduct home visits. remind parents and student about • Continued monitoring of the agreement from the informal student’s attendance. hearing. • Continued collaboration with school to discuss next steps for non-compliance. • Students and parents will attend a Mock attendance hearing at District Court
16+ Days Absent Support central office attendance Parent and student are required to Attendance Bands staff by attending informal attend a formal hearing at Central hearing to provide additional Office to further discuss reasons information about school level for non-compliance; collaborate efforts. to provide interventions. • Parent and student attendance contract will be signed. • File ‘Statement of Charges’ when necessary. • Provide updates to school on individual cases.
Forms Used in Specific Cases of either Absences or Truancy
Attendance and Truancy Office REFFERAL FORM
Date: Referred:
Position: Email Address:
Principal’s Signature:
Student/Parent Information: Name: ID# DOB: Age: Sex: Male Female Race: Grade: Special Education: Yes No
Home Address: Home Phone#: Mother’s Name: Race: Height: Weight: Eye Color: Hair Color: Complexion: Address (if different): Father’s Name: Race: Height: Weight: Eye Color: Hair Color: Complexion: Address (if different): Primary Language: Translation needed: Yes No
School Information: Current School Name & #: Telephone #: Principal: Homeroom Teacher: Student Date of Entry: # of Days Absent______# of Days Tardy______Attach SASI/Attendance Data
School Interventions/Strategies Referred to Student Support Team (Date and Outcome): Referred to IEP Team (Date and Outcome): Teacher Conference (Date and Outcome): Administrative Conference (Date and Outcome): Home Visits, Telephone Calls, Parent Letters (Dates and Outcomes): DJS Involved: Yes No Probation Officer’s Name & #: Phone#: DSS Involved: Yes No Case Worker’s Name & #: Medical Concerns: Yes No SH-19, CHIP Program, Home teaching
Special Education Information: Active IEP: Yes No Date of IEP: Disability/LRE: Active 504 Plan: Yes No Date of 504 Plan: Most Recent IEP or 504 Plan Mtg. Date: Attendance Addressed: Yes No
ATTENDANCE AND TRUANCY OFFICE USE ONLY Specific Checklist for Attendance and Truancy Referral: Supporting Documents Attached (i.e. letters to parents, telephone logs, conference Date: notes)
SASI Data Attached Date: Referral form is completed Date: Feedback has been provided to Schools (Date ______contact Date: person______) Attendance Office Case Manager______Date Assigned______Date Closed______SCHOOL ATTENDANCE CONTRACT DATE OF HEARING:______School:______#______Student:______#______D.O.B.______Principal/School Designee:______
The purpose of the attendance agreement is to establish methods for improving school attendance for ______by 1) explaining formally the legal requirements and ramifications of school attendance; 2) determining the nature of the poor attendance and develop an action plan to facilitate improved attendance; 3) review/develop the Student Support learning plan and to provide support and interventions that will reduce or eliminate absences from school; and 4) develop a contract (agreement) between all parties spelling out responsibilities and consequences.
Legal Requirements and Ramifications The parent/guardian hereby acknowledges that he/she is legally responsible for causing the child to have a regular full time attendance; therefore the following conditions are herein agreed:
Student will not have additional unexcused absences effective the date of this signed agreement. Parent will call school administrator(s) or send written reason whenever student is absent. The principal will determine whether the absence is excused or unexcused based on the Attendance Policy of the Baltimore City Public School System.
COMAR 13A.08.01.04 states that An absence, including absence for any portion of the day, for any reason other than those cited as lawful is presumed unlawful and may constitute truancy. A truant is a student (age 5 through 20) who is absent without lawful cause as defined in COMAR 13A.08.01.03 from attendance for a school day or portion thereof. BCPSS defines habitual truant as a student who has been in school for 91 or more days in a school year and is unlawfully absent from a school for a number of days of portion of days in excess of 15% (14 school days) missed within any marking period, semester, or year.
You are meeting today because you have accumulated excessive absences in one or more of your classes and because you already have more than 10 unexcused absences this marking period. The meeting is to be sure that you understand clearly that, if you continue to have absences, this case will be referred to the Attendance and Truancy Office for appropriate follow-up and/or court action.
Nature of Poor Attendance: Student’s explanation for attendance difficulties: ______
School staff in put regarding attendance difficulties: ______
______Action Plan to Improve Attendance: 1300 Gorsuch Avenue Student agrees to the following to addressBaltimore, the Marylandabove attendance 21218 concerns: Phone: 443.984.2682 Fax: 410.366.2762 Email: [email protected] ______Parent agrees to the following to address the above attendance concerns: ______School staff agrees to the following to support the attendance improvement of the student: ______
I have read this attendance contract and have discussed my absences and the possible consequences if they continue. I do understand that the school will refer this case to the Attendance and Truancy Office for appropriate follow-up and/or court action if there are additional unexcused absences and/or if this contract is not upheld by the student/parent.
Signature of Student: ______Date: Signature of Parent: ______Date:
Signature of Principal/School Designee: ______Date:
By signing, school staff has tried all efforts to obtain signature of contract from the student. Signature of Principal/School Designee: ______Date:
Contract is NOT signed by student and/or parent due to the following reason:
Student is reported as a runaway. Student/parent was uncooperative and/or refused to sign or attend meeting. Attendance Date:
Dear Parent,
I wish to express my deep concern about the number of times your child has been absent from school this trimester. We are now corresponding with you regarding this matter, in hopes that your child’s attendance will improved.
The Compulsory Attendance Law of the state of Maryland requires students between the ages of 5 and up to 16 to attend school each day unless there is a lawful reason for being absent. The law states that it is the parent’s responsibility to see that his/her child is in school regularly and on time. I am therefore requesting that you and your child attend an informal hearing with me, on at to discuss this serious matter. This meeting will be considered an informal attendance hearing; failure to keep this appointment will result in a referral to the Attendance and Truancy Office for possible court action.
Please call if you need to reschedule this hearing.
Sincerely, Mr. George Roycroft Dean of Discipline
Cc: Mr. Ronald Shelley, Principal Mrs. Kenya Johnson, Assistant Principal Ms. Nneka Barnett, Assistant Principal Tardiness Date:
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I wish to express my deep concern about the number of times your child has been tardy to school. We have 4 allotted days according to our school discipline plan. If they are late over 4 times allotted your child will serve detention each day they are late to school until 3:20 PM. Your child now has 7 lateness’s and per the discipline plan a parent conference must be scheduled to discuss what we can do to resolve your child being late to school.
With: Date: Time:
Dates they were late:
Sincerely, Mr. George Roycroft Dean of Discipline
Cc: Mr. Ronald Shelley, Principal Mrs. Kenya Johnson, Assistant Principal Ms. Nneka Barnett, Assistant Principal Tardiness
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I wish to express my deep concern about the number of times your child has been tardy to school. We have 4 allotted days according to our school discipline plan. If they are late over 4 times allotted your child will serve detention each day they are late to school until 3:20 PM.
Dates they were late:
Sincerely, Mr. George Roycroft Dean of Discipline
Cc: Mr. Ronald Shelley, Principal Mrs. Kenya Johnson, Assistant Principal Ms. Nneka Barnett, Assistant Principal Stadium School Policies, Rules, & Regulations
Teacher Protocol in the Classroom: Teacher will use proper classroom management tools before writing a detention form. They will discuss the behavior with the student, “Daily RAP”, peer mediation, a call home, and then give detention, if there are too many detention forms that accumulate to 12 points then that student will get office referrals that are electronically put into the computer and sent to Baltimore City Schools Headquarters. So, the teacher will do all they can to prevent poor behavior with the help of the parents and the student themselves.
Lateness to school: We understand that being late happens and is sometime unavoidable, but being late constantly is unacceptable. Students are due in advisory by 8:05 AM and are marked late if they arrive after that time. On the 3rd time they will receive a letter to their parents. If a student is late more than four times in a trimester, on the fifth occasion, that child will have Saturday Detention and each day there after. Failure to serve detention may result in other disciplinary action, possible office referrals which will be logged in the city school system’s data base. On the 6th occurrence a parent conference or conference by phone will be made and the 8th or more other actions will be taken and ½ point per lateness will be given to that student which can result in loss of school privileges. A letter will go home informing you of your child’s tardiness. When the trimester is over we start a clean slate. Being late can/will result in your child’s grades falling, acceptance into High Schools, and missing information needed for school communication. Please be on time!
Dismissal: Students must leave school grounds 15 minutes upon dismissal. This mandate applies to general dismissal times, as well as dismissal times of after school programs. To ensure safety of students and to nurture a healthy school climate, this mandate must be enforced. It is our purpose to provide a school community where students are not only challenged academically, but are also safe, and responsible for their actions. Accordingly, many students stay after school to participate in various school activities or attend coach classes. Immediately following these activities, students must leave school grounds 15 minutes upon dismissal. At no time are students allowed going to the neighborhood corner stores and coming back on school property, they must go directly home. If they do so disciplinary action will be taken. This is for student safety, 90% of our students live in other neighborhoods and can be subject to harassment, bullying, and other acts of violence by other than Stadium students that may or may not live in the neighborhood of the school. Parents: Our school is not an after-care provider. Teachers can leave the building 10 minutes after dismissal; therefore it is your responsibility to ensure your child comes directly home from school. If a student is on school property (not in coach class or school activity) after the 15 minutes they will be told to leave the property. If they do not a letter will be sent home to you, if another infraction occurs other measures will be taken. Please tell your child to come directly home after school. Students left on school grounds after the said warnings given, will be subject to DSS.
Lockers: Lockers are the property of the school. At no time does the school relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for the convenience of students. School authorities may conduct inspection of lockers at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. Lockers should not be written on, damaged, or used to house obscene or illegal items. Students are expected to use their assigned locker for the duration of the school year. At no time should students share a locker with another student. Students MUST purchase a Stadium School Lock for use. The school will not be held responsible for missing property. Cell phones and/or other electronic devices that are kept in the lockers are done so at the students own risk.
Students are allowed to go to their lockers only during the following times: before advisory: 7:55-8:05 am, lunch/recess, and after school.
Passes: Students must have a pass when going to various destinations (office, nurse, restroom, etc.) throughout the school. Every teacher will have a designated pass with their name written on it for identification or a hand written pass with the date, time of departure, and teacher signature for a student leaving out of class. Students who are late for class must obtain a written pass from a faculty or staff member or are escorted to class. Students who fail to comply with having and obtaining a pass and are in the hall will be subject to disciplinary action.
Academic Dishonesty: Students who have been determined to have plagiarized, presented another person’s work as their own, or cheated on either their daily work or tests will be given a zero for the work involved. Classroom teachers responsible for the student in such a situation will notify the parent/guardian of the student as soon as possible. Teachers will also report this violation to an administrator; further disciplinary action may be taken.
Internet/Computer Use: The internet may be used by students for educational and research purposes only, students will be expected to use the internet in an appropriate and responsible manner. If it is found that a student abuses the privilege or misuses the computer, a consequence will be given.
Preparedness: Students are expected to go to class fully prepared. Preparedness requires students to have all work materials, assignments, pencils/pens, paper, etc; students may not be allowed to retrieve such materials after they are in class, it will be deemed the teachers discretion. A consequence/detention can be issued for not being prepared for class. Book Bags/Purses: Students are not allowed to carry book bags or purses of any type throughout the school day. These items should be kept in the students lockers until the end of the day. Students found carrying these items are subject to them being confiscated by a teacher/staff member and are deemed out of uniform and can receive disciplinary action for this infraction.
Bullying: Bullying is defined as conduct which subjects one or more students to insults, taunts or challenges, or which causes one or more students to be excluded or singled out in a negative way. Bullying comes on many forms. It can be verbal or physical in nature. It can be intimidating or designed to provoke a violent or disorderly response from the students being targeted. Bullying may involve group or clique behavior, hazing, threats, acts of violence, or exclusion. All students have the obligation to report instances of bullying behavior, including the student who is the victim of bullying or a bystander observing or hearing about bullying behavior. It is only through everyone’s effort to eliminate bullying that all students will feel comfortable in school. Students who bully other students will have disciplinary consequences. Harassment and Acts of Violence at The Stadium School are prohibited. It is the policy that The Stadium School maintains learning and working environment that is free from harassment and violence. In the event of such, an investigation will be conducted of all complaints, formal or informal, verbal or written, of harassment or violence. Students are encouraged to report any harassment and/or violent behavior to any staff or faculty member so that the proper action can be taken immediately.
Restrooms: It is imperative that students help maintain the cleanliness and overall appearance of the restroom facilities. This can be done properly by disposing of paper towels and other waste items in the proper receptacles. Writing on restroom walls or in any defaming school property becomes a detriment to the school community. Any student found guilty of damaging school property will receive detention and/or suspension.
Unsupervised Area: It is important that students remain safe while on school premises. One safety measure includes that students should not be in an unsupervised area. Students found in an unsupervised area are subject to suspension. Unsupervised areas include Abbottston Elementary, classrooms where a teacher is not present, loitering in stairwells, etc.
Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco: The possession or use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco by a minor, is a serious violation of state laws and punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. Violators will be reported to the proper authorities. Students who consume, sell, give away, or have possession of drugs or alcohol on school property or at school activities will be suspended or possibly expelled from school. All illegal substances and related items will be confiscated. Before the student can be readmitted to the school, a conference consisting of parents, student, and school administration be arranged to determine the best course of action for the student and the school. In addition, the principal may send a student home with their parents when the distraction suspects (via smell, action, or appearance) that a student has used drugs/alcohol/tobacco. Our goal is to act in a manner that is in the best interest of the student and the school environment.
Weapons: Students in possession of a weapon will face expulsion from the school. A weapon is any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, and device or instrument designed as a weapon which is capable of threatening or producing bodily harm or death, or any device or instrument that is used to threaten or cause bodily harm or death. Some examples of weapons include, but are not limited to guns (including pellet guns, look-a-like guns and nonfunctioning guns that could be used to threaten others), knives, clubs, metal knuckles, throwing stars, stun guns, explosives, and ammunition. Possession refers to having a weapon on one’s person or in an area subject to one’s control on school property, at a school activity, school sponsored bus trip, or at/near a school bus stop during transit bus loading or departing.
Uniform Guidelines: It is our expectation that every student will be in uniform everyday. All students MUST wear the TSS shirts, black pants (NO JEANS!!!) or black shorts to the knee, and skirts as well to the knee. Uniform shirts must be tucked in at all times. We suggest you mark your shirts with your initials on the tag so that you can identify your shirt should they get lost, if a student is out of uniform, that student will be sent to an administrator(s) for remediation or if it is habitual they will receive detention or both. Outer and undergarments worn with the uniform must be either solid black or solid white. For example, a red shirt worn under the uniform shirt is not acceptable or black and white stripes or spots for that matter. It must be solid, this is not for interpretation. A solid black or white cardigan sweater is suggested during winter months; “hooded sweaters or jackets” are not allowed. No head apparel (including hats, scarves, skull caps, or bandanas) will be worn in the school by either males or female. Book bags or purses will not be carried during the school day they must be placed in the locker. This to, is considered a uniform violation.
No opened-toed shoes are permitted to be worn. Girls no earrings longer than a .05¢ tootsie roll and no hoops larger than a quarter. This will be at the discretion of the teachers and administration. Boys pants are to worn on the hips and not midriff the buttocks area. Wear a belt!!
In the event there is a no uniform day these are the guidelines students must follow: 1. Do not wear shirts or pants with inappropriate writing on it; i.e. guns, scenes of violence, inappropriate language, etc. 2. No tank tops or halter tops 3. No high heel or opened toed shoes 4. Girls do not wear shorts or skirts above the knee or pants with writing on the buttocks area 5. No underwear can be worn as outer ware 6. Out fit should never expose underwear 7. Shirts are not to be so long that pants are midriff
Judgment will be made by teachers and administration as to the appropriateness of clothing worn by students as to not disrupt the school’s educational process. Cell Phone and Other Electronic Devices: The Stadium School understands parents’ and guardians’ need to communicate with their children. Baltimore City has strict guide-lines involving cell phones, its use, and other electronic devices. Here at The Stadium School we have guide-lines as well, not as strict, but wish ours to be followed. In the event a student brings a cell phone or any electronic device to school he/she must not turn it on or display it. They may keep it in their locker with a Stadium school lock. Students may not place a cell phone on a clip and attach them to their person, i.e. belts, pants, shirts, etc.
Please note: Cell phones are not to be used in the building at any time. This includes during school hours, as well as, after school hours. In the event that a student needs to make a phone call in an emergency, he/she should go to the office with the permission of a teacher and use the school phone or if sent to the school nurse. If a parent comes to the school stating my child called me and it wasn’t from the school phone then there will be a consequence for the student the very next school day. This is unacceptable and we need your support.
Any student who violates BCPSS policy or does not adhere to the above stated recommendations will be asked to turn over their phone or electronic device to the staff member who witnessed the violation. Once the item is confiscated, the phone must be turned over to an administrator and tagged for the purpose of identification. The parent or guardian (not brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or cousin) must arrange to come to the school to obtain the release of the phone or electronic device. In the event that a student refuses to turn over the device or cell phone, he/she will immediately be referred for disciplinary action, which may include suspension.
First Offense: Warning Second Offense: Confiscation/Detention Third Offense: Confiscation for the remainder of the Trimester/Detention/Suspension
Detention: Detention is defined as a period of time a student must stay after school or on a Saturday as a consequence to a school infraction and is cumulative based on the infraction(s) committed. During detention students must complete a reflective essay and/or school beautification tasks. Detention is non-negotiable except for dental or doctor appointments, and emergencies (in such cases written documentation is required and the detention will be rescheduled).Weekday detentions are scheduled from 2:50 pm – 3:20pm. Saturday detentions are scheduled from 7:00 am –9:00 am. Please note that detentions are a consequence in lieu of school suspension - Missed Saturday detentions will result in school suspension. A minimum of 48 hours noticed is given to parents and guardians regarding weekday detention and a minimum of 72 hours for Saturday detention. A detention form will be sent home via the student receiving it. It is the responsibility of the student to take the form home to be signed and brought back the next school day. If students have multiple days they can do “school beautification” and stay no longer than 4:20 knocking off three days for one.
Expected Student Behavior: Students who do not comply with the rules and regulations set forth by the Stadium School and Baltimore City Schools will face appropriate consequences for their behavior. These consequences may range from a simple reminder or expulsion. Naturally, the severity of the consequence will depend upon the degree and frequency of the students’ inappropriate behavior. Awards & Rewarding Students
We at the Stadium School will try to incorporate an assembly for all students for academic and behavioral prowess. This is something that cannot go unnoticed. Students need to receive rewards for doing their best and setting the example for having “Panther Pride”.
Rewards and awards will extend beyond the classroom. Teachers are very creative in how they reward students. Sometimes it’s just a simple; “Great job!” or “I really enjoyed your presentation.” But nonetheless, it should be a school wide celebration since we are a small school community. Here are some things that will be implementing this school year:
Achievement Box Competition
This is a competition with the classes that does the best in all categories and each class will receive a mark on a chart. The class with the most colored in boxes at the end of the month will receive a prize. Then there is an over-all box count to the class that earned the most colored in boxes over the entire school year will get the grand prize…TBA.
It will be the responsibility of the teacher to report what class did what as far as particular items they can do to earn an Achievement Box. If it is not reported that day no colored box will be issued and no retroactive boxes will be colored. If you are in the winning class and you have 2 or more points you are unable to partake in the winnings of your class.
What can my class do to earn can Achievement Box?
1. The class with no detention or office referrals earn (1 box) 2. The class that has all homework completed (Homework Wars) earn (3 boxes) 3. The class that has 75% of the class pass a test or quiz (2 boxes) 4. Perfect attendance with no one late (3 boxes) 5. Perfect Uniform with zero violations throughout the entire school day (5 boxes) 6. Boxes can be given on a teacher recommendation or TBD (up to 5 boxes) 7. Turning in the class slip Daily (1 box) 8. Turn in class slip with all E’s (3 boxes) 9. Turn in class slip with all E’s and G’s (2 boxes) 10. Administration Recommendation (up to 10 boxes) What can we earn if my class wins?
1. pizza party 2. Big Picture Theater (movie) 3. extra credit points per teacher (teacher approval and points determined by the teacher) 4. No Uniform for 3 Fridays 5. class trip (principal approval) (over-all winner) 6. start with 20 boxes for the next trimester 7. Based on teacher recommendation/TBD 8. What ever the class comes up with within reason
School Wide Activities
1.Spring (8th Grade) Ball Held in May 2.Field Day Activities (Grades compete in events) 3.Canned food Drive (Hosted by NAL) 4.Christmas (Adopt-A-Family) Hosted by NAL 5.Homework Club (Hosted by Youth Dreamers) 6.Student(s) OF THE MONTH/TRIMESTER 7.Awards Ceremony for recognition 8.Point Amnesty Day(s) 9.End of year activity for the students never receiving detention or an office referral for the entire school year 10. End of Year Cook Out (where many activities take place) 11. Winter Feast 12. Several School Dances 13. Anything else TBD by teachers, staff, admin. Discipline Signature Page
Dear Teachers & Staff,
Now that you have taken the time to review The Stadium School’s Discipline Plan, I would like your signature below indicating your acceptance, understanding, and support.
A school discipline plan is effective when supported by the teachers. The goal of this plan is “continuous progress towards appropriate behavior and academics” and the school needs your support to assure a successful school year.
Yours in Education, George Roycroft Dean of Discipline
Teacher Print Date
Teacher Signature Discipline Plan Signature Page
Dear Stadium School Student and Parent/Guardian,
Now that you have taken the time to review The Stadium School’s Discipline Plan, I would like your signature below indicating your acceptance, understanding, and support. Also, if you read it on the school web page, please sign.
A school discipline plan is effective when supported by the school and the home. The goal of this plan is “continuous progress towards appropriate behavior and academics” and the school needs the support of the student and the parent to assure a successful school year.
Yours in Education,
George Roycroft Dean of Discipline
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Student Signature Date
Student Print Name Advisory