NVC S Transfer Advocate Program (TAP)
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NVC’s Transfer Advocate Program (TAP) Contact the below participants to discuss their colleges/universities and or majors.
First Major & Name Last Name Specialty Alma Mater(s) Email Room Number Women's dalexander@napavall Rm 2044 Danielle Alexander Studies Mills College ey.edu
Anthropolog y Rm 1735F Archaeolog [email protected] Jessica Amato y Univ. of Florida du
dangelovich@napaval Rm 1037C David Angelovich Accounting ley.edu
Business, sbalassi@napavalley. Rm 1030B Steve Balassi Mgt Sonoma State University edu
Humanities, English, PE Rm 610 Educational [email protected] Sally Baldwin Technology U of Southern Ca. om
Liberal jsanclair@napavalley. Welcome Center, Jolie San Clair Brown Studies Sonoma State University edu Office 1331B
Art & rbruggeman@napaval Rm 3501 Rue Bruggeman Humanities Alfred University ley.edu
Manageme mlbullock@napavalley Michelle Bullock Pacific Union College Rm 1544D nt .edu
Early Childhood Pacific Union College mburhorn@napavalle Rm 3000 Michelle Burhorn Education St. Mary’s Coll. of Ca. y.edu
Loretta Carr English Sonoma State University [email protected] Rm 832 NVC’s Transfer Advocate Program (TAP) Contact the below participants to discuss their colleges/universities and or majors. Naomi Chianese Sociology San Diego State U. 1030K CSU San Marcos nchianese@napavalle CSU Fullerton y.edu NVC’s Transfer Advocate Program (TAP) Contact the below participants to discuss their colleges/universities and or majors.
First Name Last Name Major & Specialty Alma Mater(s) Email Room Number
Reneé Coffin Business: Small Business Sonoma State [email protected] Office 1333 University
Oscar De Haro Public Administration, San Jose State [email protected] Rm 1339G Political Science, Education. University
English/Creative Rm 1031D Aaron Di Franco Writing/Humanities UC Davis [email protected]
Prescott College Art Bldg. 3700 John Dotta Photography San Jose State [email protected]
Sonoma State 1764H Jeremy Ecklin Liberal Studies University [email protected]
UW-Madison Rm 1031P David Ellingson Mathematics UC Santa Barbara [email protected]
Susan Engle Nursing CSU Dominguez Hills [email protected] Rm 806
Sheryl Fernandez Rehabilitation Counseling San Diego State [email protected] Counseling 1339B
Bob Freschi PE/Athletics USF [email protected] Rm 618
Cathy Gillis English UC Riverside [email protected] Rm 1765G
Terry Giugni Biology Cal Poly SLO, UC Irvine [email protected] Rm 1531
First Last Name Major & Alma Mater(s) Email Room Number NVC’s Transfer Advocate Program (TAP) Contact the below participants to discuss their colleges/universities and or majors. Name Specialt y
Stephanie Grohs Political UC Berkeley cgrohs@napaval Stephanie Science ley.edu
Aaron Hakenen Geology, UC Berkeley ahakenen@na Rm 874 Emerge pavalley.edu ncy Services
M’Kormik Hamilton Liberal CSU Sacramento mhamilton@na Rm 141 Studies/ Montana State University pavalley.edu Theater Arts
Fain Hancock any Art California College of the Arts fhancock@nap Rm 3715B major avalley.edu
Jose Hernandez STEM UCLA jhernandez@n MESA 1804A apavalley.edu
Stacey Howard All CSU Long Beach showard@nap Rm 1339K CSU Dominguez Hills avalley.edu
Maricel Ignacio Counseli Argosy University mignacio@nap 707.256.7312 ng, avalley.edu Psychol ogy Comput er Science
Kristie Iwamoto English CSU East Bay kiwamoto@na Rm. 1031D pavalley.edu
Brooke Jackson History UC Santa Barbara bjackson@nap Office 1001 NVC’s Transfer Advocate Program (TAP) Contact the below participants to discuss their colleges/universities and or majors. avalley.edu
Gwen Kell Psychol Kalamazoo College gkell@napavall Counseling 1339F ogy ey.edu
First Last Name Major & Alma Mater(s) Email Room Number Name Specialt y
Katherine Kittel Anthrop San Jose State U. kkittel@napava Rm 841 ology Monterey Inst. of International lley.edu Translati Studies on/Interp reting
Christy Kling Physical Point Loma University ckling@napava Rm 402 Educatio Washington State lley.edu n/Athleti cs Biology, Chemistr y, Kinesiol ogy
Karen Larsen English UC Davis klarsen@napa LADS, Rm 1031C valley.edu
Tia Madison Speech tmadison@nap Rm 3305 NVC’s Transfer Advocate Program (TAP) Contact the below participants to discuss their colleges/universities and or majors. avalley.edu
Mark Martin Commer University of Wisconsin - Madison mmartin@napa Transfer Center 1335C cial and valley.edu Fine Art
Kelly McCann Dance Mills College kmccann@nap Rm 608A avalley.edu
Sean McCann Criminal CSU Sacramento smccann@nap Rm 1030F Justice avalley.edu
Robert Miller Sociolog Sonoma State University rmiller@napav Rm 1031H y alley.edu
Jessica Erickson Psychol UC Davis jerickson@nap Rm 1331B ogy avalley.edu
Jim McGowan History UC Santa Barbara Jmcgowan@n Rm 1031B UC Davis apavalley.edu
Lynda Monger Sociolog CSU Chico lmonger@napa Rm 1339C y, valley.edu Psychol ogy
First Name Las Major & Specialty Alma Mater(s) Email Room Number t Na me
Valerie Mull Business Pacific Union College vmull@napaval Rm 1132 ley.edu NVC’s Transfer Advocate Program (TAP) Contact the below participants to discuss their colleges/universities and or majors. Leticia Nar Human Development CSU East Bay lnaranjo@napa Rm 1331D anjo valley.edu
Forest Qui Chemical Engineering UC Santa Barbara fquinlan@napa Rm 1843 nlan Chemistry and 1st CSU Bakersfield valley.edu Generation/Athletes UC Davis
Regina Oro Nursing, Women's and Sonoma State University rorozco@napa Rm 804N zco Gender Studies: Woman's valley.edu Health
Christine Pal Any Sonoma State University cpalella@napa 1031F ella valley.edu palella@somo ma.edu
Erin Que Physics, Engineering, Carleton College equealy@napa Rm 1840 aly Computer Science UC Berkeley valley.edu
Charlene Reil Nursing Sonoma State University creilly@napava Rm 2250 ly lley.edu
Mary Sal Latin American & Iberian UC Santa Barbara msalceda@na Office 1132C ced Studies, Spanish pavalley.edu a- Nun ez
Marci San Sociology UC Davis msanchez@na Counseling 1339E che pavalley.edu z
Jan Sch Business Administration Pacific Union College jschardt@napa Library 1771 ardt valley.edu NVC’s Transfer Advocate Program (TAP) Contact the below participants to discuss their colleges/universities and or majors. First Name Las Major & Specialty Alma Mater(s) Email Room Number t Na me
Rebecca Sco Education/Special Ed Western State College, Colo. rscott@napava Rm 1735C tt lley.edu
Renee Sic Human Resources Sonoma State University rsicard@napav Office 1339 ard alley.edu
Eileene Tej English, Comparative University of California, San etejada@napa Rm. 1031E ada Literature, General Literature Diego, valley.edu Andrews University
Melinda Tra Psychology, Human UC Davis mtran@napava Rm. 1339I n Development, Social Work San Francisco State lley.edu
Christa Truj Communication Studies CSU Sacramento ctrujillo@napav Rm. 866 illo CSU Northridge alley.edu
Diane Van Mathematics, Statistics Sonoma State University dvandeusen@ Rm 1031S Deu napavalley.edu sen
Maria Villa Spanish, Mexican-American Sacramento State mvillagomez@ Rm 1038E go Studies, Chicano Studies napavalley.edu mez
Robyn Wor Political Science Stanford University rwornall@napa Admin Bldg, Rm 1532 nall valley.edu
Marian Wo Community Relations Chico State mwouters@na A&R Building 1300 uter pavalley.edu s
Sonya Wri Sociology & Psychology Mills College sowright@nap Office 1334 NVC’s Transfer Advocate Program (TAP) Contact the below participants to discuss their colleges/universities and or majors. ght avalley.edu
Last updated: 9/29/15