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Finance, Accounting & Auditing

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes

Brought to You by

The Resume Writing Academy

Wendy Enelow & Louise Kursmark

E-Summit Update 2013

Since we first introduced this E-Summit in 2010, resume trends have evolved. The advice, keywords, and industry information provided remain accurate and up to date, and the resumes themselves remain excellent examples that illustrate the key strategies we share in this training program.

However, as you view the samples, keep in mind the following guidelines that apply for resumes today and may be slightly different from the examples:

 Resumes are getting shorter, and it is seldom that we write longer than a 2-page resume. Today’s Advice: Write tight, lean, and clean!  Content must be presented in smaller “bites.” Paragraphs should be no more than 3–4 lines in length, and bullet lists should contain no more than 4–5 items, as a general guideline. Today’s Advice: Tell the whole career story in half the words!

We have updated the dates on the sample resumes, but we have not altered the content or style to avoid any confusion with the audio presentation.

If you are interested in learning more about today’s trends in career communications, check out our most recent E-Summits:

 Modernize Your Resumes  Today's Modern Cover Letter: The E-Note  Writing LinkedIn Profiles  6-Step Process for Writing Extraordinary Resumes

Details and registration: All contents of this E-Summit training program are copyright 2010, 2013 Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow. All rights reserved – material may not be reproduced or transmitted in any way whatsoever including photocopying, recording, or transmitting electronically, without express written permission of the authors.

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 2 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission What to Include in a Technology Resume

Items to Showcase (as appropriate to your client’s background and goals)

1. Project Highlights

2. Quantifiable Results

3. Record of Technology Advancement and Innovation

4. General Management & Team Leadership Achievements

5. Record of Strong & Steady Promotion

Three Options for the Technology Qualifications section:

1. Do NOT include a Technology Qualifications section on the resume.  Senior-level technology managers and executives

2. DO include a Technology Qualifications section at the beginning of the resume.  Most common scenario: their #1 qualification  A key part of the Career Summary

3. DO include a Technology Qualifications section at the end of the resume.  Secondary qualification but still important  Standalone section or integrated with affiliations, public speaking, and other professional activities

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 3 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Structure and Format Guidelines

Use a chronological/hybrid resume format in most instances.

Consider a nontraditional format for specific circumstances.

Write tight!

Adapt the format to fit your content.

Inspect for overall appearance.

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 4 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Technology Job Seekers: Job Descriptions

Source for more detailed descriptions:

Computer Programmers Programmer Programmer Analyst Software Developer Internet Programmer Web Programmer

The workhorses of the computer industry, programmers’ primary job is to convert project specifications into detailed logical flow charts for coding into a specific computer language. Programmers develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve specific documents, data and information. There are literally thousands of computer languages. Among those in most common use today are C++, Java, Visual, HTML, ASP, and Ruby on Rails.

Computer Security Specialists Computer Security Specialist Data Security Administrator Information Systems Security Analyst Information Systems (or Technology) Security Officer Information Systems (or Technology) Security Director

Computer Security Specialists are a pretty easy group to understand since what they do is all about security and risk management … the protection of information, data, intellectual property and more. In a nutshell, they’re the folks who plan, coordinate and implement security measures to regulate access to computer files and prevent unauthorized modification, destruction or disclosure of information.

Computer Software Engineers Software Developer/Software Engineer Applications Engineer Software Architect Software Developer/Software Engineer Systems Engineer/Network Engineer Systems Programmer Business Systems Analyst

When it comes to Computer Software Engineers, they really fall into 2 different classifications: those who specialize in Applications – the programs used by end users – and those who specialize in Systems Software – the programs that run the system in the background. Applications programmers analyze user needs and then develop, create and upgrade computer applications software, specialized utility programs and solutions – from off-the-shelf programs such as Microsoft Word to customized applications within a company’s proprietary computer system.

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 5 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Conversely, Computer Software Engineers who specialize in systems software are responsible for researching, designing, developing and testing operating system-level software, compilers and network distribution software. They define operational specifications, formulate and analyze software requirements, and apply the techniques of computer science, engineering and mathematical analysis to create software.

Computer Systems Analyst Business Systems Analyst/Consultant Information Technology Specialist/Consultant Systems Engineer

Computer Systems Analysts analyze science, engineering, business and other technology problems for application to electronic data processing systems. Basically, they analyze user requirements, procedures and problems to create new technology solutions or improve existing systems, system capabilities, workflow, scheduling and other operating limitations. They may recommend the development of internal solutions or the acquisition of commercially available software.

Computer Systems Engineer Computer Systems Architect Systems Engineer Systems Architect

Often working closely with Computer Systems Analysts are Computer Systems Engineers or Computer Systems Architects. These individuals are responsible for the design and development of technology solutions for complex application problems, system administration issues or network operating concerns, often at a level deeper than the Computer Systems Analyst. In addition, they are accountable for systems management and systems integration functions.

Database Administrators Database Analyst Database Administration Manager Database Programmer Management Information Systems (MIS) Director Systems Manager

Database Administrators are responsible for testing, implementing, managing and upgrading computer databases. In addition, they are generally also responsible for planning, coordinating and implementing security measures to safeguard the databases and the information contained therein.

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 6 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Network & Computer Systems Administrators Systems Administrator Network Engineer/Network Specialist Network Manager LAN Administrator/WAN Administrator Information Technology Manager (IT Manager)

Network & Computer Systems Administrators are responsible for the installation, configuration, management and support of an organization’s local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and Internet system or segment of a network system. They maintain network hardware and software, monitor network availability to all system users and perform maintenance to support network availability. Like Database Administrators, they may also be responsible for planning, implementing and managing security to protect the integrity of the data, the system and the network.

Network Systems & Data Communications Analysts Systems Analyst Systems Engineer/Systems Specialist Systems Administrator Network Manager Networking Systems & Distributed Systems Engineer Telecommunications Manager

Working closely with Network & Computer Systems Administrators are Network Systems & Data Communications Analysts. These professional analyze, design, test and evaluate network systems (such as LAN, WAN, Internet, intranet and other data communication systems). They perform networking modeling, analysis and planning, and recommend network and data communications hardware, software, systems and applications. This category also includes telecommunications specialists who deal with the interface of computer technology and communications equipment.

Operations Research Analysts/Managers

The professions of Operations Research Analyst and Operations Research Manager are a very scientific and mathematical field. These individuals formulate and apply mathematical modeling and computer- assisted modeling to develop and interpret information that assists management with decision making, policy formulation and other managerial functions. They may develop related software, services or solutions, and are frequently involved in collecting and analyzing data to develop decision-support software and applications. Generally, there are no other job titles for this very specific profession.

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 7 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Web Administrators Web Administrator Web Developer Webmaster Web Designer Website Manager

Web Administrators manage web environment design, deployment and maintenance activities for both web sites and web applications. These individuals work hand-in-hand with, or also perform the functions of Web Developers. These individuals create and specify architectural and technical parameters for development of web sites and web applications. In addition, they’re also responsible for web site content creation, enhancement and maintenance, and may also be accountable for search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and actions.

Computer Support Specialist Information Technology Specialist (IT Specialist) Help Desk Analyst Technical Support Specialist Network Support Specialist Computer Specialist

This next group of technology professionals are the ones we might personally consider the most important – the Computer Support Specialist, the person who provides technical support to computer system users. We’ve all interacted with them when we’ve encountered technical problems. They answer questions and resolve computer installation and operating problems in person, via telephone and from remote locations – problems regarding computer hardware and software, operating systems, networks, email and every other component of systems operations.

Technology Executives Chief Information Officer (CIO) Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Vice President of Information Systems Vie President of Information Technology Director of Management Information Systems

Although the specific responsibilities of these individuals at the top tier will vary from one organization to another, generally they are responsible for a broad combination of both technology and general management functions.

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 8 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Writing Branded Technology Resumes: Top 5 Tips

#1 – Tie the branding statement to the bottom line.

Branding Statement Example: Programmer/Systems Engineer credited with the design and development of the first-ever e- learning solutions for the biomedical industry … solutions currently generating $10B+ in annual revenues.

#2 – Tie the technologist to the business.

Branding Statement Example: Leading from the intersection of business and technology to drive development, marketing and commercialization of more than $2B+ in new e-business solutions.

#3 – Tie the technologist to the industry.

Branding Statement Example: Pioneer in the strategic planning, tactical development and global implementation of leading-edge technology solutions for the New Media, Multimedia Broadcasting and Web 2.0 industries.

#4 – Tie the technologist to a particular, widely recognized solution.

Branding Statement Example: Member of 4-person technology team that conceived, engineered and launched WordPress, a vital technological backbone of today's interactive Web 2.0 community.

#5 – Tie the technologist to a particular company or two.

Branding Statement Example: Telecommunications Systems Engineer building best-in-class, high-performance networks and network infrastructures for Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, Revlon, Mattel and other leading consumer-products corporations worldwide.

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 9 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Technology Job Seekers: Rules of the Road

#1 – There are no rules for resume format, design or writing strategy.

#2 – Speak their language.

#3 – Make it easy to do business with you.

#4 – Charge appropriately … charge what you’re worth.

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 10 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Extremely Valuable Online Resources: Dictionaries, Glossaries & More for Technology Professionals Technology _ Dictionary .pdf Dictionary .html technology technology - dictionary TECHNOLOGY /GLOSSARY

tech dictionary .com

tech dictionary .org

Resource for finding common fonts found on most Windows and Mac computers:

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 11 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Acronyms for Technology

AI – Artificial Intelligence ASP – Application Service Provider CAD – Computer-Aided Drafting (or Design) CADD – Computer-Aided Drafting & Design CCNA – CISCO Certified Network Associate CICS – Customer Information Control System CIO – Chief Information Officer CNA – Certified Novell Administrator CNE – Certified Novell Engineer CTO – Chief Technology Officer DB2 – Database 2 DBA – Database Administrator DOS – Disk Operating System DPMA – Data Processing Management Association FTP – File Transfer Protocol HTML – HyperText Markup Language IIS – Internet Information Services IP – Internet Protocol IS – Information Systems ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network ISP – Internet Service Provider IT – Information Technology JCL – Job Control Language LAN – Local Area Network MCP – Microsoft Certified Professional MCSE – Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer MIS – Management Information Systems MS – Microsoft NIC – Network Interface Card OS – Operating System RAM – Random-Access Memory ROM – Read-Only Memory SQL – Structured Query Language TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol UNIX – Uniplexed Information and Computing System VBA – Visual BASIC for Applications VPN – Virtual Private Network WAN – Wide Area Network

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 12 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission General Keywords and Keyword Phrases for Technology Professionals

Advanced Technology CD-ROM Advanced Telecommunications Institute (ATI) Center for Research on Parallel Computation (CRPC) Alliance for Competitive Communications (ACC) Chip Alliance for Public Technology (APT) Circuit Board American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Cluster System American Communication Association (ACA) Computer Analysis Computer Architecture Analytic Hierarchy Process Computer File Applied Mathematics Computer Graphics Architecture Computer Hardware Articulated Robots Computer Integration Artificial Intelligence (AI) Computer Network Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) Machine Association for Computer Operations Management (ACOM) Computer Scanner Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Computer Scanning Technology Association for Educating Communications & Technology Computer Science (AECT) Computer Server Association for Information & Image Management (AIIM) Computer Software Association for Information Systems (AIS) Computer Specifications Association for Systems Management (ASM) Computer System Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (AUAI) Computer Systems Design Association of Information Systems Professionals (AISP / Computer Systems Engineering DPMA) Computer Technology Association of Logic Programming (ALP) Computer Terminology Automated Data Collection Computing Technology Industry Association (CTIA) Automated Diagnostic Program Configuration Automated Voice Response (AVR) Configuration Management Backbone Cross-Functional Project Backbone Architecture Cross-Functional Team Backbone Infrastructure Cyber Backup Cyber Attack Benchmark Cyber Crime Benchmarking Cyber Security Budget Cyberspace Budget Administration Data Budget Authorization Data Acquisition Budget Control Data Analysis Budget Management Data Capture Budgeting Data Center Operations Camera-Based Vision System Data Collection Capacity Data Communications Capacity Analysis Data Control Capacity Management Data Development Capacity Planning E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 13 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Data Dictionary Field Support Data Envelopment Analysis File Servers Data Integrity Floppy Disks Data Management Flow Chart Data Manipulation Frame Relay Data Mining Global Systems Support Data Modeling Graphics Pipeline Data Operations Hand-Held Devices Data Operations Management Hard Disk Data Processing Hard Disk Arrays Data Processing Director Hardware Data Processing Management Hardware Configuration Data Processing Manager Hardware Design Data Recovery Hardware Development Data Security Hardware Engineering Data Warehousing Hardware Upgrades Debug Help Desk Decision Analysis Help Desk Operations Decision Process High-End Computer Server Desktop Computer Host Desktop Technology Host-Based System Digital Media Hosting Digital Tapes Human-Computer Interface Director of Data Operations IEEE Computer Society Director of Data Processing Image Director of Information Systems Image Capture Director of Information Technology Image Capture Device Disaster Recovery Imaging Technology Distributed Heterogeneous Computer In-Circuit Emulator (ICE) Document Imaging Industrial Computing Society (ICS) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) Card Electronic Equipment Information Management Electronic Infrastructure Information Research Science Electronic Mail (Email) Information Resources Electronic Messaging Association (EMA) Information Science Electronics Information Security Electronics Device Information Systems (IS) Electronics Equipment Information Systems (IS) Management Electronics System Information Technology (IT) Electronics Technology Information Technology (IT) Management Emerging Technology Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC) End-User Support Information Technology Systems (ITS) Engineering Information Technology Systems (ITS) Management Engineering Terminology Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals (ICCP) Enterprise Systems Institute of Electronics & Electrical Engineers (IEEE) Expense Control Computer Society Expert Systems Integrated Circuit Tester Fiber Optics Interactive Multimedia Association (IMA)

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 14 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission International Association for Mathematics & Computers in Notebook Computer Simulation (IAMCS) Notebook Personal Computer (PC) International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) Office Automation (OA) International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) Online International Association for the Management of Operations Technology (IAMT) Parallel Systems Operations International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Card International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR) Peripheral Device Laptop Peripheral Equipment Laptop Computer Peripheral Technology Laser Peripherals Laser Scanner Personal Computer (PC) Logic Personal Computer (PC) Technology Logical Analysis Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) Logistics Pick Robot Mainframe Pilot Mainframe Computer Pilot Implementation Management Information Systems (MIS) Pilot Testing Management Information Systems (MIS) Management Place Robot Markov Decision Process Policies & Procedures Massively Parallel Processor Power Mathematical Model Power Analysis Mathematical Modeling Power Capacity Mathematics Power Meter MBA (Master of Business Administration) Power Requirements Microprocessor Problem Analysis Middleware Problem Isolation Military Operations Research Society (MORS) Problem Resolution Mobile Robot Problem Testing Mobile Robotics Problem Troubleshooting MS (Master of Science) Process MS-DOS Process Diagram MS-DOS Bootable Process Modeling MS-DOS Bootable Disk Processor Multimedia Project Multimedia Technology Project Administration Multi-User Project Budget Multi-User Interface Project Development Multi-Vendor Systems Integration Project Leadership National Consortium for High-Performance Computing (NCHPC) Project Lifecycle National Technology Transfer Center (NTTC) Project Management National Workforce Center for Emerging Technologies Project Management Methodology (NWCET) Project Recordkeeping Needs Analysis Project Reporting Next Generation Quality Assurance (QA) Next Generation System Quality Control (QC) Next Generation Technology Real Time Notebook Real-Time Data

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 15 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Real-Time Motion Capture System Systems Management Recordkeeping Systems Requirements Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) System Systems Security Relational Database Systems Security Management Remote Systems Access Systems Specifications Reporting Systems Testing Research & Development (R&D) Systems Upgrades Resource Management Tape Resources Tape Array Rice Simulator Tape Drive Robot Team Building Robotics Team Leadership Robotics Design Technical Robotics Development Technical Analysis Robotics Management Technical Documentation Scan Technical Management Scanner Technical Services Scientific Analysis Technical Services Management Scientific Terminology Technical Support Server Technical Support Management Society for Technical Communication (STC) Technical Terminology Specifications Technical Training Statistical Analysis Technical Training Management Statistical Reporting Technology Statistics Technology Commercialization Stochastic-Process Model Technology Integration Storage Server Technology Licensing Strategic Analysis Technology Needs Assessment Strategic Computing Technology Rightsizing Strategic Needs Assessment Technology Solution Strategic Planning Technology Transfer Structured Analysis Testing System Administrators Guild (SAG) Training & Development Systems Vendor Systems Acquisition Vendor Contract Systems Backup Vendor Contract Negotiations Systems Charts Vendor Management Systems Configuration Vendor Negotiations Systems Design Vendor Partnership Systems Development Vendor Relations Systems Development Methodology Vendor Selection Systems Documentation Vendor Sourcing Systems Engineering Video Editing Software Systems Functionality Virtual Reality Systems Implementation Virtual Systems Systems Installation Workstation Systems Integration

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 16 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Additional Keywords and Keyword Phrases for Computer Operations

Commands Failure Analysis Computer Commands Failure Documentation Computer Control Failure Isolation Computer Hardware Failure Recordkeeping Computer Hardware Commands Failure Reporting Computer Hardware Control Information Systems (IS) Commands Computer Hardware Monitoring Information Systems (IS) Control Computer Hardware Operations Information Systems (IS) Monitoring Computer Hardware Set Up Information Systems (IS) Operations Computer Hardware Set-Up Instructions Information Systems (IS) Set Up Computer Monitoring Information Systems (IS) Set-Up Instructions Computer Network Information Technology (IT) Commands Computer Network Commands Information Technology (IT) Control Computer Network Control Information Technology (IT) Monitoring Computer Network Monitoring Information Technology (IT) Operations Computer Network Operations Information Technology (IT) Set Up Computer Network Set Up Information Technology (IT) Set-Up Instructions Computer Network Set-Up Instructions Institute for Operations Research & the Management Computer Operations Sciences (IORMS) Computer Set Up Job Set Up Computer Set-Up Instructions Job Set-Up Instructions Computer Terminal Commands Operating Computer Terminal Control Operating Instructions Computer Terminal Monitoring Operating Manual Computer Terminal Operations Operating Message Computer Terminal Set Up Operations Computer Terminal Set-Up Instructions Output Control Settings Peripheral Device Commands Electronic Data Processing Equipment Commands Peripheral Device Control Electronic Data Processing Equipment Control Peripheral Device Monitoring Electronic Data Processing Equipment Monitoring Peripheral Device Operations Electronic Data Processing Equipment Operations Program Error Message Electronic Data Processing Equipment Set Up Program Output Electronic Data Processing Equipment Set-Up Instructions Program Output Retrieval Equipment Failure Program Output Separation Equipment Malfunction Program Output Sorting Error Message Set Up Failure Set-Up Instructions Additional Keywords and Keyword Phrases for Computer Programming, Applications, Software Engineering & Database Management

Aerospace Applications Custom Applications Aerospace Systems Custom Software Applications Customer Information Control System (CICS) Programming Applications Development Data Elements Applications Integration Data Model Applications Programming Data Modeling Applications Server Data Processing Systems Analysis Applications Testing Database Business Applications Database Administration Business Systems Database Analysis Center for Innovative Computer Applications (CICA) Database Design Center for Software Development (CSD) Database Management Client-Server Application Database Management Systems Code Database Parameters Code Database Programming Communications Applications Database Server Communications Systems Database Testing Communications Technology Directory Server Component-Oriented Development Dynamic Programming Computer Applications Embedded Systems Computer Applications Programming Embedded Systems Development Computer Applications System Engineering Applications Computer Coding Engineering Systems Computer Language General Computing Computer Program General Computing Applications Computer Programming Geographic Information System (GIS) Computer Programming Graphical User Interface (GUI) Computer Software Hardware-Software Interface Computer Software Engineering Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Programming Computer Software Programming Industrial Applications Computer Software Testing Industrial Systems Computer Systems International Programmers Guild (IPG) Computer Systems Analysis Internet Directory Computer Systems Architecture Internet Programming Computer Systems Consulting Joint Application Development (JAD) Computer Systems Engineering Knowledge-Based System Computer Systems Programming Linear Programming Computer Systems Testing Logical Flow Chart Computer-Assisted Software Engineering (CASE) Mathematical Applications Computer-Assisted Software Engineering (CASE) Tools Mathematical Systems Medical Applications Software Quality Medical Computing Applications Software Quality Assurance Engineering Medical Systems Software Regression Testing Military Applications Software Solution Military Systems Software Systems National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Software Systems Analysis Network Distribution Programming Software Systems Architecture Network Distribution Systems Software Systems Configuration Network Engineering Software Systems Design Network Programming Software Systems Development Network Programming Engineering Software Systems Development Engineering Non-Linear Programming Software Systems Development Management Object-Oriented Development Software Systems Engineering Object-Oriented Development Environment Software Systems Library Object-Oriented Programmer Software Systems Management Object-Oriented Programming Software Systems Package Operating System Software Systems Solution Process Control Programming Software Systems Testing Program Software Systems Upgrade Program Testing Software Test Plan Programming Software Test Procedures Programming Code Software Test Scenario Rapid Application Development (RAD) Software Test Script Relational Database Software Testing Scientific Applications Software Upgrade Scientific Systems Source Code Software Source Code Management (SCM) Software Analysis Source Code Management (SCM) Programming Software Architecture Source Code Migration Software Bug Specialized Utility Programs Software Bug Tracking Systems Analysis Software Configuration Systems Development Software Defect Systems Engineering Software Design Systems Management Software Development Systems Program Software Development Engineering Systems Programming Software Development Management Systems Testing Software Engineering Technical Applications Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Technical Systems Software Failure Test Validation Software Failure Analysis Testing Software Library Web Programming Software Management Website Programming Software Package

TeleSummit on Technology Resumes Page 19 Additional Keywords and Keyword Phrases for Computer Security

Authentication Security National Computer Security Association (NCSA) Authentication Security Program Network Security Program Computer Data Security Password Computer Files Security Password Administration Computer Security Password Management Computer Security Files Password Protection Computer Security Management Secure Computer Security Program Secure Systems Data Security Administration Secure Systems Technology Data Security Files Security Data Security Management System Security Data Security Program Transaction Security Digital Security Transaction Security Program Emergency Data Processing Virtual Private Network (VPN) Firewall Virus Information Systems (IS) Security Analysis Virus Protection Information Systems (IS) Security Management Virus Protection Program Information Technology (IT) Security Analysis Virus Protection System Information Technology (IT) Security Management Virus Removal Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Virus Scanning System Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Additional Keywords and Keyword Phrases for Computer User Support

Computer Diagnostics Power Meter Computer Support Reflectometer Computer Systems Support Systems Error Detection Computer Technical Support Systems Error Isolation Customer Systems User Systems Error Resolution Data Communication Failure Systems Failure Detection Data Communication Problem Systems Failure Isolation Data Communications Transaction Systems Failure Resolution Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Audit Systems Functioning Error Systems Modification Error Detection Systems Operations Error Isolation Systems Recovery Error Resolution Systems Start-Up Fault Technical Assistance Fault Analysis Technical Service Fault Identification Technical Support Fault Isolation Technical Troubleshooting Fault Resolution Upgrade Help Desk User Installation User Help Installation Support User Help Desk Installation Training User Interface Installation User Support User Requirements Installation User Training User Support Office Systems Management User Training Additional Keywords and Keyword Phrases for Network & Computer Systems Administration

Applications Migration Local Area Network (LAN) Engineering Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Analyzer Local Area Network (LAN) Hardware Data Backup Local Area Network (LAN) Installation Disaster Recovery Local Area Network (LAN) Management Disaster Recovery Operations Local Area Network (LAN) Monitoring Client-Server Local Area Network (LAN) Security Client-Server Architecture Local Area Network (LAN) Support Client-Server Network Netware Computer Administration Netware Server Computer Network Netware Users International (NUI) Computer Network Administration Network Computer Network Architecture Network Administration Computer Network Configuration Network Analysis Computer Network Design Network Architecture Computer Network Engineering Network Availability Computer Network Hardware Network Configuration Computer Network Installation Network Connectivity Tester Computer Network Management Network Design Computer Network Monitoring Network Distribution Computer Network Security Network Engineering Computer Network Support Network Hardware Computer Systems Network Installation Computer Systems Administration Network Interface Card (NIC) Computer Systems Architecture Network Maintenance Computer Systems Configuration Network Maintenance Management Computer Systems Design Network Management Computer Systems Engineering Network Modeling Computer Systems Hardware Network Monitoring Computer Systems Installation Network Multimeter Computer Systems Management Network Patch Computer Systems Monitoring Network Security Computer Systems Security Network Support Computer Systems Support Network System Data Communications Analysis Network Systems Administration Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Analyzer Network Systems Architecture Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Tester Network Systems Configuration Interferometer Network Systems Design Local Area Network (LAN) Network Systems Engineering Local Area Network (LAN) Administration Network Systems Hardware Local Area Network (LAN) Architecture Network Systems Installation Local Area Network (LAN) Configuration Network Systems Management Local Area Network (LAN) Design Network Systems Monitoring Network Systems Security Systems Monitoring Network Systems Support Systems Security Networking Systems Specialist Neural Network Systems Support Power Meter Virtual Private Network (VPN) Powerline Monitor Wide Area Network (WAN) Administration Protocol Analyzer Wide Area Network (WAN) Architecture Systems Wide Area Network (WAN) Configuration Systems Administration Wide Area Network (WAN) Design Systems Architecture Wide Area Network (WAN) Engineering Systems Configuration Wide Area Network (WAN) Hardware Systems Design Wide Area Network (WAN) Installation Systems Engineering Wide Area Network (WAN) Management Systems Hardware Wide Area Network (WAN) Monitoring Systems Installation Wide Area Network (WAN) Security Systems Management Wide Area Network (WAN) Support Systems Migration Wireless Network

TeleSummit on Technology Resumes Page 23 Additional Keywords and Keyword Phrases for Operations Research

Alternatives Modeling Center for Advanced Computing Research (CACR) Numbers Computation Numerical Computational Method Numerical Analysis Conflicting Objectives Numerical Analysis Group Management Constants Numerical Equation Data Analysis Numerical Parameters Data Collection Numerical Value Data Modeling Operational Problem Data Reporting Operations Analysis Data Requirements Operations Research Data Requirements Definition Operations Research Analysis Data Tracking Operations Research Management Decision Making Policy Decision Support Policy Development Decision Support System Policy Formulation Information Analysis Probability Information Collection Probability Analysis Information Management Probability Theory Institute for Operations Research & the Management Program Evaluation Sciences (IORMS) Program Implementation Management Decision Making Program Management Manipulative Methods Program Review Mathematical Equation Restrictions Mathematical Formula Service Mathematical Knowledge Service Development Mathematical Methodology Simulation Mathematical Methods Simulation Model Mathematical Model Simulation Modeling Mathematical Modeling Software Development Mathematical Principles Statistical Analysis Mathematical Science Statistical Data Mathematical Techniques Statistical Methods Mathematical Theories Statistical Model Mathematics Statistical Modeling Model Statistical Theory Model Testing Statistics Model Validation Variable Additional Keywords and Keyword Phrases for Radio Communications

American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Radio Equipment Operations Broadcast Radio Frequency Broadcast Monitoring Radio Operations Broadcast Transmission Radio Signal Broadcasting Radiotelegraph Chips Radiotelegraph Communications Circuit Board Radiotelegraph Equipment Circuits Radiotelegraph System Communications Radiotelegraph System Communications Equipment Radiotelegraph System Operations Communications Equipment Operations Radiotelephone Communications Operations Radiotelephone Communications Control Radiotelephone Equipment Control Room Radiotelephone System Control Room Operations Radiotelephone System Operations Dials Receiving Operations Direction-Finding Equipment Recording Direction-Finding Procedures Signal Electrical Principles Switching Electricity Taping Electronic Equipment Telecommunications Electronic Principles Telecommunications Equipment Electronics Telecommunications System Emergency Frequency Telecommunications System Operations Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Transmission Frequency Transmitting Operations Gauges Voice Modulation Voice Modulation Power Voice Volume Power Activation Volume Radio Volume Adjustment Radio Equipment Additional Keywords and Keyword Phrases for Telecommunications

Bandwidth International Interactive Communications Society (IILS) Cell International Mobile Telecommunications Association Cell Phone (IMTA) Cellular International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium (IMTC) Cellular Communications Network Communications Cellular Communications Equipment Network Communications Equipment Cellular Communications Network Network Communications Network Cellular Communications Network Architecture Network Communications Network Architecture Cellular Communications Network Backbone Network Communications Network Backbone Cellular Communications Network Equipment Network Communications Network Equipment Cellular Communications Network System Network Communications Network System Cellular Communications Network Technology Network Communications Network Technology Cellular Communications System Network Communications System Cellular Communications Technology Network Communications Technology Cellular Technology Satellite Communications Center for Telecommunications Research (CTR) Satellite Communications Equipment Communications Satellite Communications Network Communications Equipment Satellite Communications Network Architecture Communications Network Satellite Communications Network Backbone Communications Protocol Satellite Communications Network Equipment Communications System Satellite Communications Network System Communications Technology Satellite Communications Network Technology Competitive Telecommunications Association (CTA) Satellite Communications System Data Communications Satellite Communications Technology Ethernet Telecommunications Ethernet Card Telecommunications Technology Institute for Telecommunications Sciences (ITS) Teleconferencing Technology Institute of Electronics & Electrical Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society Voice Communications Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Additional Keywords and Keyword Phrases for Web & Internet Technology

Cookies Web Environment Deployment Directory Web Environment Design Directory Structure Web Environment Development E-Commerce Web Environment Maintenance E-Learning Web Environment Management Electronic Commerce Web Hosting E-Mail (Email) Web Management E-Marketing Web Management Tools External Web Page Web Manager External Website Web Platform Image Template Web Server Internal Web Page Web Server Hardware Internal Website Web Specifications International Webcasting Association (IWA) Web Technical Parameters Internet Web Technologies Internet Directory Web Template Internet Infrastructure Webcasting Internet Technology Webinar Intranet Website Administration Intranet Infrastructure Website Application Models Intranet Technology Website Applications Mail Server Website Content Creation News Server Website Content Creation Tools Privacy Website Design Search Engine Website Development Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Website Maintenance Virtual Private Network (VPN) Website Management Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Website Management Tools Web Website Map Web Administration Website Performance Metrics Web Application Models Website Platform Web Applications Website Specifications Web Architectural Parameters Website Technical Metrics Web Architecture Website Technologies Web Content Creation Website Template Web Content Creation Tools Wireless Internet (WiFi) Web Environment World Wide Web (www) Software, Systems & Technology for Technology Resumes

Below is an extensive list of software, systems and technologies for the Technology industry and hundreds of other industries and professions. Although this list is extensive. and every attempt has been made to include the most critical and most widely used technologies, it is by no means comprehensive. There are tens of thousands of software products and systems available today. As such, an online search to capture additional industry-specific software, systems and technologies is strongly recommended.

1CadCam Unigraphics ActiveMaker 24/7 Systems Software Solutions ACTOR 3-D Graphics Software Ada 3-D Modeling Software Adaco Eclipse 3-D Motion Capture Software Adams Globalization LT Manager 3-D Scanning Software Addison Health Systems WritePad EMR System 3-D Solid Modeling Software AdEx Traffic & Billing Software 3rd Dimension Systems Software ADi SmartBOL 4n6xprt Systems StiffCalcs ADL 724 Solutions Software ADL Data Systems OptimumClinicals Electronic Health a la mode WINTOTAL Record A Mathematical Programming Language (AMPL) Administration Software A Total Retailing Solution Adobe Acrobat Aaxsys Technology Adobe Illustrator ABC Adobe InDesign ABELSoft ABELDent Adobe LiveMotion ABOL Manifest Systems Adobe Pagemaker AC Software BeamChek Adobe Photoshop Accelrys Insight II ADP EasyPay Access-It ADP/Vantra VOLTS AccessVia ADS Advantage Accommodation Management System Fiesta Reservation Adtec Agency Manager Software Advanced Computer Simulation Language (ACSL) Accountants Template JAZZ-It! Advanced Management Systems Resort Management Accounting Software System ACCUCert AdvanceRetail Technology Software Suite Accuchecker AdvanceWare Solutions Accutrac AeroPlanner AccuTrack Aerospace Software Achievement Management Systems Software Aestiva Purchase Order Acmeware Aftech Software ACOM Solutions Rapid EMR Agency Management Systems (AMS 360) AcornSystems Corporate Performance Management Agent Business Builder Acrendo Agilysys Lodging Management System Acronis Recovery Expert Aircharge Software ACT Contractors Forms Software Airline Pilots Daily Aviation Log PPC ACT! AIRPAX Active Data Online WebChat AirSmith FlightPrompt Active Directory Software Air-Track Cloudberry Active Technologies Hospitality Management System AirWRX

E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 28 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission AJV Food & Beverage ASI OPDC Akoura SmarkToken ASI Point of Sale Alchemy Software Development Catalyst ASI Aldata G.O.L.D. Assembly Algol 60 Assisi Software Forest Inventory Algol 68 Astute Solutions PowerCenter Aljex Inventory At Your Service Software ALK Technologies FleetSuite atGlobal Allegro ALK Technologies PC*Miller atGlobal webMBR Allaire ColdFusion ATIR Engineering Software AllFusion Erwin Data Modeler Atlas Business Solutions Staff Files Alliance Automotive Shop Controller Software Atlas Construction Business Forms Allied Financial Software Act4Advisors Atlas OnePoint Allis Technologies Batam Atlas OnePoint GO TOAST AlphaFour ATMS StockTrack PLUS American Medical Association CodeManager Atris Technology Software Amstor Le Host Attitude Heading Reference Systems (AHRS) Amtec Engineering Tecplot atValue Narrative Report Analog Survey Meter AuditWare Analytical Software AURORA Auralization Software Anand Systems ASI FrontDesk Aurora FoodPro AnaSys Software Suite Austin Logistics CallSelect Anix Software HTML-View Austraat Globalization Solutions Globalization Image Anix Software MyThumbnails Assistant Anix Software PicViewer Authentication Security Software Anodas Software Limited Phoenix Authentication Software ANSYS Multiphysics AutoClerk Property Management Software Antek Healthware Autodesk 3D Studio Max Antelope Autodesk Architectural Desktop Anthill Autodesk AutoCAD Anthill Pro Autodesk AutoCAD Blue Sky Apache Software Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical APL Autodesk Softdesk AppleScript Autodialing Systems AppleWorks Automated Installation Software Application Management Software Automated Inventory Software Applications Migration Software Automated Microbial Identification System Applied Information Technologies Visual Localize Automated Microplate ELISA Reader Applied Technologies GuestALL RSO Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) Radio Systems Software Automatic Peptide Synethizer Aralco Retail Systems Software Automation Centre Personnel Tracker ArchiOffice Software AutoZone ALLDATA Software Archival Software Averaged High-Energy Neutron Data (HEND) ARCOM Masterspec Avidian Technologies Prophet ARES Corporation PRISM Project Estimator Awk ARES Corporation Software Axonwave Fraud & Abuse Management System Argon Laser AXSDry Argos Software ABECAS Insight WMS AXSLiner Ariba Spend Management Suite AXSMarine ARSoftware WinSMAC AXSTanker Ascend Property Assessment Software Back to Basics Software Ascentis Software Backup Software ASI Front Desk Bakefile E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 29 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Balboa Check Protector Software Boundary Survey Software Bamboo Bowen & Groves M1 BancTec BrainTRain IVA+Plus Bank Mark Software BrainTrain Software Banking Partners Software Suite BranchConnect Financial Systems Software BankServ BRC Technology QuickRoom Software Suite Brilliant Hotel Software PM BankSys Management Software Suite Broadcast Science Deltratrax BankTrade Software Broadcast Traffic System BankWare BSI Natural Grid Bar Code Labeling Software BSI Natural Log BASIC BSI Natural Music Basis BBx VisualPro/5 BSI Simian Basis Technology Rosette Globalization Platform BSI SkimmerPlus Bassnet Fleet Management System BSI Speedy BCCORP Burkitt W5 BSI Stinger BCCORP W5 BSI WaveCart BD Biosciences CellQuest BuddyTalk Beaver Creek Software The THERAPIST BuildBot Bed Management Suite Builder's Software BelAsset BuilderWire BenchmarkHQ BuildForge Benchtop Centrifuge Building Automation Software Benefits Technology Group SalesLogix Building Software Limited Software Suite Bentley MicroStation BuiltIT Bentley Transportation Data Manager BuildMonkey Berkeley Internet Domain Name (BIND) Software Business Software Berkshire Associates Software Suite BusinessObjects Desktop Intelligence BETA BusyB BidMaker Software Corporation BV Enterprise Software Bigwig C Bill of Materials Software C++ Billing Software CA eTrust Bioaerosol Impactor Cable Verifier Biomedical Information Software Cadence Allegro Design Entry Software Biometrics Video Game Software Cadence Software Bistro CADFind Sketch & Search Software BIT Corp ProMACS PLC Calendar & Scheduling Software Bit Error Rate (BER) Tester Callplus+ BizBench Benchmarking Software Callwave BizTrack Business Solutions Caml Bloomberg Professional Campus Café BLS Software Invoice! Cardiff Software Blue Cardinal Health Pyxis CII Safe Software Blumberg Drafting Libraries Cartesis ES Magnitude Boardmaker Software Cartography Software BookingCenter MyPMS CaseBank SpotLight Bookkeeping Software Cash-Tech Borland Delphi Castle Six Borland Paradox Catabatic Automation Technology Resort Sales Manager Bornemann Associates Flight Plan CaterPro BOSaNOVA CATT-Acoustic Bottom Line LoanMaster Loan Servicing CBORD FoodService Suite E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 30 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission CBORD Group Menu Management System CodeBuddy CCC EzNet Codefast CCH ProSystem Cognos 8 Business Intelligence CD-adapco STAR-CAD ColorSoft AutoMatch C-Desk Technology Columbia Ultimate Remit Cecil Command Interpreter Centerprise Solutions Software Commercial Plate Reader Software Ceridian Employer Services Software Suite Commercial Pro Cerner ProFile CommercialWare CETA Facilities Manager 2 Communications Software CETA Screenshots Compatibility Testing Software CETA Webview Compeat Restaurant Accounting System Cezanne Software Compiler Software CGA-AMS CACS Enterprise Compliance Pro Software CGI-AMS BureauLink Enterprise Compliance Software CGI-AMS CACS Enterprise Component-Oriented Development Software CGS Infographics Automation Software Compounder Software Chancery Student Management Solutions ComPower Technology KingSmart Chart Links Software Comprise Advanced Manager's Workstation ChefDesk Chef's Calculator Compu-Consults Software ChemInnovation Chem 4-D Computational Dynamics STAR-CD Chempute Software E-Notebook Computer Applications Software ChemSW Chemical Inventory System Computer Associates Integrated Data Management System ChemSW Molecular Modeling Pro (CA-IDMS) CHILL Computer Diagnostic Software Choice Job Cost Computer Documentation Software Cimple Software Computer Drawing Software Cisco Systems CiscoWorks Computer Network Software Citect IIM Computer Service & Support CLS-2000 Laboratory System CitectSCADA Computer Systems Software Citrix Systems Software Computer-Aided Design & Drafting (CADD) Software CLAM Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Software Clarion Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Software Clarity Commerce Solutions Clarity Central Computer-Assisted Manufacturing (CAM) Software ClassLeader Computer-Based Training Software Classteacher Learning Systems Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Software Clean Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Time Manager Click Tracks Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Warehouse Shipping Manager Clinicinet Software Computerized Aircraft Log Manager (CALM) CliniTrend Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Clipper Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) Programming Clockware Software Clover Technology Galena Computerized Patient Management Software CLU Computing Solutions LabSoft LIMS Micro CMake CompWatch Software CMS Hospitality GuestCentrix Confirmation Management Software CMT Incorporate CogoCAD Confluence On-Air Radio Logger CNC Mastercam Confluence On-Air Video Logger Cobol Confluence RPlayMan CobolScript Confluence VidXpress COBRA Solutions ConnStellar Hospitality Suite Cocoa Consilience Software Maven Insurance Automation Suite Code Generator Software E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 31 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Constrium Software Solutions Cuesol Software Construction Partner Curl Construction Software and Services Suite Curly Bracket Construction Software Center Software Suite Current Professional Terminology (CPT) Software ConstructionCalc, Inc. Customer Information Control System (CICS) Software Constructive Computing Software Suite CustomInsight Software Continuous Emission Management Software Cyber Records MediChart Express Continuum CyberMatrix POS Contractor Software Cygnus Software IncomeMax Convey Software Localization Suite CynapSys Virtual DER Coordinate Geometry (COGO) Software D CoP Software Daily Manager Software CoPilot Truck dailyVest Investment Personalization Platform Corel CorelDraw Dart Corel Paradox Dassault Systems Catia Corel QuattroPro Data Devices Hotelier Corel WordPerfect Data Entry Software CORESense Data Logging Software Corillilan Corporate e-Finance Software Data Modeling Software Corporate Responsibility System Technologies Limited Database Administration Software (CRSTL) Compliance Posting System Database Management Software CorVu Database Management System Software Cosmo Software Cosmo World Database Query Software Cost Estimating Software Database Software CostGuard Foodservice Database User Interface & Query Software Coulter Counter Database User Interface Software CPR Software Visual Estimator DataBasix Technologies Lead Commander Craftsman Book Company Databox Craftsman CD Estimator DATABUS Credit Adjudication & Lending Management System Dataflow (CALMS) Datamate Full House Crescendo Systems Corporation MedRite-XL DataModes TM/4 Crick Software Clicker 4 DB2 Crispin Archive Manager Software dBase Plus Crispin Asset Base Software Debugging Software Crispin Auto Dubber Software Decision Support Software Crispin Clip Panel Software Decisive Systems DecisionCost Crispin Digital Transfer Software Decompiler Software Crispin Dubber Assist Software Defect Tracking Software Crispin LoRez Software Deltek Costpoint Crispin NewsCat Software DemandTec Crispin NewsWheel Software Dental Billing Software Crispin RapidPlay X Software Dental Charting Software Crispin System 1000/2000 Software Dental Clinical Records Software CrossTec for Education Dental Digital Radiology Software CrossTec NetOp Remote Control Dental Imaging Software CrossTec Schoolvue Dental Intra-Oral Imaging Software CruiseControl Dental Office Management Software CSC Automated Work Distributor (AWD) Dentrix Software CSC Financial Services Software Deployment Software CSCI Software Systems Derivicom FinOptions XL CSI Complex Systems ClientTrade Derring Technologies FlexRent CubePMS Design Software E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 32 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Design Specification Database Software EHS Desktop Communications Software Eiffel Development Environment Software ElastiC Development Software Electro Meridian Imaging EMI Diagnostic Software Diagnostic Image Review Software Electromyograph Analysis Software Dialed Number Identification Systems (DNIS) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Software Digital Check Corporation Software Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Software Digital Communication Display Units (DCDU) Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Software Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Software Electronic Medical Record (EMR) System Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Software Electronic Pump Calibrator Digital Imaging Software Electronic Retail Software Digital Sonata Carabao Language Kit Element Management Software Dimensions Front Office Embedded Systems Development Software Disaster Recovery Software Embedded Systems Software Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) Software EMDAT Distributed Database Management Software Emdeon HealthPro Diversicon Technologies VisuTrac e-MDs Bill DM2 Bills of Lading e-MDs DocMan DocCalling Emerald Data Deed-Chek Dockmaster eMinerva Document Management Software Emissions Tracking Software Document Processing Solutions Software Suite Emporos Systems Software Dolphin Maritime Software Enablez ResortSuite PMS Domain Name System (DNS) Software Encryption Software DOS Endicia Internet Postage DOS Batch Endpoint Exchange Software Dotcom Technologies Online Hotel Reservation System ENERCALC FastFrame DotDude POS Software Engine Analysis Software Dresser & Associates Software Suite Engineering Software Drug Compatibility Software eNotebook Drumbeat CI Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software) DSSF3 Sound Measurement & Analysis System Enterprise Systems RFID Data Manager Duxbury Braille Translator eOriginal eCore Business Suite Dylan Epic Software e21Software AccommRes Epicor Vantage ERP EarthSoft SQuIS Geology Epiphany Easy Billing Software Epocrates Software Easy Solutions Easy Lab ePodcast Creator Easy Time Software ePodcast Express Easy Trucker ePodcast Producer Easypano Tourweaver EquatorIT eBoard Equifax Application Engine ECA International Software Ericom Software Echoscan Acoustics Engineering Software Erlang Echotech WinAQMS Erlenmeyer Flask ECT International Raceway Multi-Pack eSchool EDgear eSIS Edit CNC Software espSoftware Employee Schedule Partner E-Docwriter ESRI ArcEditor Educational Resource Software Suite ESRI ArcIMS EduTrak Software ESRI ArcInfo eFunds Corporation Software ESRI ArcPad eHospitality Solutions Innkeeper ESRI ArcView E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 33 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission ESRI ArcView 3D Analyst Finite Element Method (FEM) Software ESRI Personal Geodatabase Fire Behavior Modeling Software ESRI What If? Fire Safety Inspection & Testing Software ESS Compliance Suite FIReverb Suite Estimating Software First Byte Solutions Rentmaster eStrate Softphone First Byte Solutions RentMaster Estudiante First Resort Software V21 Reservation System eTrac FiServ Advanced Underwriting Software Euphoria Fiserv Software Suite Event Log Monitor Software Fleet Management Software Everest Diagnostics & Benchmarking Software FlexiLedger Evergreen Interactive Systems Floor Plan Software EVIVO FrontDesk Flow Cytometer Exact Software Macola ES Labor Performance FLS eDP Payrolltax ExecuTech HOTEL Premium Focus ExecuTech Property Management Suite Fog Line Software Truckn2004 Experian Credinomics FOLLOW Code Experian Strategy Management Food Service Solutions FoodCo Experian Transact Food Services Solutions DayCap Experian Transact SM Foreseer Management Solution Expert Health Data Programming Vialnet Forest Reconnaissance ArcView Editor RAVE Explosion-Proof Fume Hood Formula Translation/Translator (FORTRAN) Extensible Markup Language (XML) Forster & Associates Software Suite Extrasys Forth EZClaim Fortress eZee FrontDesk Four Groups Software Solution FABS Sales Automation Software Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometer FabTrol Fourth Generation Language Facilities Planning Software Fox Meadows Accent Data Manager Facility Energy Management Software FP Factiva Freelang Software Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FEMA) Software Freeportway Software Fair Isaac Claims Advisor FreightDATA FashionSense Software Frontier Software Fast Track Systems FrontRange Solutions Goldmine FastBooking FrontSuite Silver Fastrak FRx Fault Detection Isolation & Recovery (FDIR) Software Full Capacity International Software Suite Fault Testing Software FundCount Web Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Software FundsXpress Financial Network FGS Solutions Fusion Retail Solution Software Fidelity National Information Services Software G&P Engineering Software Fifth General Language Galilee Enterprise TargetPro Fifth Walk BillingTracker GCMaterials Software File Transfer Protocol (FTP) G-Code FileMaker Pro General Examination System (GENESYS) FileNet Content Manager Geographic Information System (GIS) Software FileNet P8 Software Geographic Positioning System (GPS) Software FinalBuilder Geological E-Logger Financeware Finance File Manager Geomechanical Design Analysis (GDA) Software Financial Industry Computer Systems Loan Accountant geoVue Software Financial Interactive Systems Software GERS Retail Systems Financial Tools Software Suite GHR Systems Software E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 34 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Gift Certificates Plus Giftworks HRM Software Suite Global Information System (GIS) Software HTML Global Positioning System (GPS) Software HTMLScript GlobaWare International SIAT Human Machine Interface (HMI) Software Glossy Human Resource Information System (HRIS) GNU Automake GoalView HVAC-Talk Goedel Hydraulic Modeling Software Golden Software Surfer Hyland Software OnBase Google Translation Gadget Hypercube HyperChem Gplex Database Hyperion Business Performance Management Suite GraceSoft Easy Inkeeping Hyperion Enterprise GradPro Hyperion Pillar Graphic Arts Software Hyperspace Software Graphic Presentation Software Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Graphical User Interface (GUI) Development Software HyperTox Graphical User Interface (GUI) Software i9Check Software Graphics Presentation Software Ibex Solutions Graphics Software IBM CATIA V5 Graphite Human Resource Management System IBM Check Processing Control System (CPCS) Greatis Object Inspector IBM Costimator Greenbrier Graphics Deed Plotter IBM DB2 GSupply Solutions ShopTrakker IBM i2 Transportation Manager Guest Tracker Hotel Software IBM Lotus 1-2-3 Guesthouse Software IBM Lotus Notes GuestMaster IBM Middleware Gump IBM Rational ClearQuest Hagen Business Systems Software IBM Rational Data Architect Haglof Sweden AB TCruise Forest Inventory IBM Rational RequisitePro Hands-On Technology TheraWriter PT IBM Rational Rose XDE Developer Happy Harvester IBM Rationale ClearQuest Hardware Auditing Software IBM Tivoli Identity Management (TIM) Software Harland Financial Solutions Software ICANotes Software Harris Tech BassBox ICSS Atrium Harris Tech X.over Pro ICVerify Harvard Graphics Idiom WorldServer HATPRO IFT-Pro Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response IGnet Standard (HAZWOPER) Software iHR3 Employee Productivity Software Healthcare Data Exchange Corporation Software iLanguage Global eBuild HEC RAS Image Analysis System HEC-1 iMagic Restaurant Reservation Software HEC-HMS Imagine Trading System Hewitt Software Imake Hewlett Packard SolidDesigner IMSure Solutions SHIPflex High-Frequency (HF) Radio Communication Systems Incident Tracking Software HighJump Software Warehouse Advantage INCORE Code Hoist Technology HotSoft Front Office Industrial Control Software HomeValue Plus Industrial Software HotelASP Infinium Software Hotels Online Lodgegate InfoLogix HealthTrax Engine HR Accent Software Informatica Corporation PowerCenter HR Advantage HRIS Informatik MapDraw Deed Plotter E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 35 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Information Management Subsystem Software ISCheck Information Systems Integration Ishashoft Technologies Hotel Management System Information Systems Integration Software ItemTracker Information Technology Incorporated Premier Teller Ivorix Neurostrategy Finance Infosite Technologies DM Warehousing i-Wealthview Infospeed J2EE Infosys Technologies Finacle Software Jacada Infotech Software Jack Henry & Associates Vertex Infrared Spectrometer Jaffe Software Suite Infusion Management Software Java Ingenuity at Work Software Java Hardware Description Language (JDHL) Injury Sciences EDR Insight Java Server Pages (JSP) INMASS JavaScript INNfinity Hospitality Management System JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project Management INNfinity Hotel Front Desk Software JDA Software Innformed Solutions The Innformed Manager JFC Banking Equipment InnRoad InnCenter Job Control Language (JCL) Installogy Jobber 5 Construction Calculator Instrumental Control Software Johnson Controls Metasys Insurance Claim Processing Software Jovial Insurance Technologies ForeSight Enterprise JulySoft Software InSystems Calligo Document Management System K12Planet Integrated Decision Support Corporation Expert Fuel Kale Consultants Software Suite Integrated Decision Support Corporation Match Advice Kentch Trig Kalculator Integrated Decision Support Corporation Netwise Kentech Kipware PLN Enterprise Key Survey Integrated Decision Support Corporation Netwise Frontline KEYENCE PLC Ladder Logic Integrated Decision Support Corporation Netwise Supply Keystroke POS Chain Khameleon Software E-Business Suite Special Edition Integrated Decision Support Corporation Route Advice KhiMetrics Integrated Materials Management System KidBase Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Analyzer Kliger-Weiss Infosystems Integrated Systems Management OmniMD KP Payroll System Intellimed KPOS Systems Software Suite Intellimed International Software Suite Kronos Enterprise Workforce Management InterCept Group Software Kronos Workforce Timekeeper Intergraph GeoMedia Transportation Manager Kubotek CADkey Intergraph Image Analyst KVS School Administration Software Intergraph INtools Label-Making Software Intergraph MGE Labelmaster Software REG-Trieve Internet Browser Software LabOne NET Internet Directory Services Software Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Interserve Webhotel Management System Software Intrax ProcedureNet Laboratory Systems Group Lab Manager Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Software LabVIEW Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Software Landmark Data Systems Software Intuit QuickBooks Language Automation WebPlexer Intuitex Software Language Weaver Inverted Microscope Laser Imaging Detection & Ranging (LIDAR) System IPIX Hometour360 Wizard Laser Particule Sizer IPro Restaurant Inventory Software Laser Substrates PostalXport Ipswitch What's Up Gold Lathem Time PayClock EZ iRez Systems Rezware XP7 Leading Market Technologies EXPO E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 36 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Leda Maintenance Information Database Legal MacPac Maintenance Management Software Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS) Software Maintenance Planning & Control Software LexisNexis Maintenance Planning Software LexisNexis Banko Maintenance Record Software LexisNexis CheckCite MAIS Fidelity Hotel Management LexisNexis RiskWise Makedepend LexisNexis Total Search Makeit Lexrotech LxPediatric Mannus Compliance Library 4 Universal Software Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP) Software Lighthammer Software Manufacturing Resources Planning Software Lightning Bolt Solutions Map Creation Software Limbo MAPICS LinearTeam WinISD Maplesoft Maple Lingobit Technologies Lingobit Localizer Marathon Systems Software Lingotek Maritime Software Suite Lingvistica PARS Translation Master Seafloor Digital Database Lingvosoft Software Mastermind Linux Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Software Lionbridge Technologies LionStream Materials Management Software Liquid Handling Robots Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) Logistics Software Liquid Impinger Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) Software Linux Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) Supply Chain Linux Virtual Server Software Listserv Mathematics GeoCart LJI Technologies Lumberjack Matheny Pattern Forecaster Plus Local Area Network (LAN) Software Mathsoft MathCAD Logger PC Software Mathworks MATLAB Logistics Management Software Matrix Inventory Solutions Software Logitech 3D Pro Maven LogNet Systems Maxan Systems Lone-Tar Maxwell Systems Software Low-Level Debugger Software MC QuizMaker Luci Mdansby Landlord Report Lumigent Entegra MDinTouch Software LuntBuild MealTime M&D Systems Myte Myke Software MedDataSolutions Regist*r MacGrade Media Professional Macromedia ColdFusion Mediamix Macromedia Dreamweaver Medical Information Software Macromedia Fireworks Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Software Macromedia Flash Medical Software Macromedia Freehand Medical Software Associates Software Suite MacroSoft Quo Vadis Medical X-Ray Film Archiving System Software MAGI MedicWare Software Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Software MediGraph Software Magnify Predictive Targeting System MEDITECH Behavioral Management Information System Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) MedQuist DocQment Enterprise Platform Software Megafuge Centrifuge Mainstreet Systems & Software DentaLab/PC II Megasys Hospitality Systems MegaPro Mainstreet Systems & Software DentalRx Memtest86+ Maintainability Prediction Software Mentor Graphics ModelSlim Maintenance Control Software Mercury Interactive LoadRunner E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 37 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission MESA International Software MoneyLine Group Software Metavante Software Suite MoneyTree Silver Financial Planner MethodWare ProAudit Advisor Moody's KMV FAMAS Metis Systems MainTrack Moody's KMV Risk Advisor Micro Computer Systems TMInvent Software Moody's KMV Risk Analyst MicroBiz POS Retail Software MP3 Microfirst Digital Automation System MPC Micro-Press MicroStation PowerDraft MPWord MicroSim Pspice MRA Technologies MRATrack Warehouse Management Microsoft Access System Microsoft ActiveX MSI Software Solutions Microsoft C#.NET mSQL Microsoft Excel MSR Visual Exporter Document Library Microsoft Great Plains MTech Espresso! Microsoft Office MTech HIP Microsoft Outlook MTech HotSOS Microsoft PowerPoint MTech PMWorks Microsoft Project MTech QIC Microsoft Total Quality Control Management MTS Testworks Microsoft Transact-Structured Query Language (T-SQL) Multibeam Echosounder Microsoft Visio Multi-Channel Contact Center Software Microsoft Visual MultiGen Paradigm Vega Prime Microsoft Visual Basic Multilizer 5.0 Microsoft Visual C# .NET Multi-Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) Software Microsoft Visual FoxPro Multistage Agar Impactor Microsoft Visual Studio Mumps Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service MusicReporter Microsoft Windows Mxi Technologies Maintenix Microsoft Windows Pre-Installation Environment My Inn Reservations Microsoft Word MySQL MicroSolve CAMA Nakisa Employee Directory Software MicroStrategy Desktop NAntBuilder MicroSurvey FieldGenius National Instruments LabVIEW MicroSurvey Software National Job Cost Microwell Reader National Source One Teller Management System Millenium Software Atrex Navzilla Millennium POS Solutions Ncat Millennium Software Atrex NCR NeighborhoodPOS MIRS Compliance Software NDCLytec Misys Healthcare Systems Software NDCMedisoft Software Misys Homecare Software Nedstate Sitestat Misys Tiger NEMPEE Audio Acoustics Software Misys-IBS Neodymium-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Nd Mitchell Manager Invoicing System NEOMAlogic ML Neoware Systems MMS NETEX Systems MNT Northwest MNT Assistant NetIQ Software MobileToysMAIDXL NetLims AutoLims Modular Diagnostic Information Systems NetPas MolDraw Netra j Server Software Molecular Devices Corporation MetaMorph Netsmart Technologies Avatar CWS Molecular Simulations WebLab ViewerPro NetSuite NetCRM Molsearch Pro Network Auditing Software E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 38 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Network Controls International Software Operation Respond Emergency Information System Network Directory Services Software (OREISTM) Network Distribution Software Optical Character Reader (OCR) Software Network Distribution Systems Software Optical Character Scanning Software Network Flow Modeling Software Optimization Software Network Management Software Oracle Advanced Procurement Network Monitoring Software Oracle Corporate Performance Management (CPM) Network Security Software Oracle DBMS Network Shutdown Software Oracle Financials Network Software Oracle PeopleSoft Network Systems Software Oracle Software Network Vulnerability Assessment Software OrCAD Capture Neural Network Modeling Software Orchard Harvest LIS NeuroSolutions Orisoft Human Resource Management System NeuroSolutions for MATLAB OS4Ed Nexiq Tech HDS Suite for Palm OxBlue Construction NILS INSource Packet Filter Software NiteVision PMS Pagoo Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) Software Paisley Cardmap Norchard Solution Succession Wizard Paltalk Northwide Maestro Property Management Solutions Panoweaver NOTAM-D Development Airport Insight Parabit Systems Software NovaLOG Parable Software Suite Novell GroupWise Parabuild NSB Retail Systems Software Parature eRealTime NTP Software PARCS Reservation Software Nuance PaperPort Professional PARS Professional Software Nupro CastView Pascal Nursing Documentation Software PassMark Performance Test Nuvosoft RWIZ Password Management Software Object Management Group Object Request Broker Patch & Upgrade Management Software Object-Oriented Development Environment Software Patch Management Software Object-Oriented Development Software Patient Records Software Objective-C Patient Scheduling Software Ocean Portal PC Bug Doctor Office Suite Software PC Chartplanner Officetrax PC Mapper Software OmniRIM PCi Corporation Software On Track Production PCI Geomatics Software OnAir PDF Snake Easy Bates Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Peartree ERP Software Open Admin for Schools PEDYN P2000 Open GL Pegasus Hotel CRS System Open To Buy Wizard Pendylum's People Management System Open Travel Software Hotel Management Software Penetration Testing Software Openmake Pentagon 2000SQL OpenMosixview Cluster Management GUI Pentana Audit Work System (PAWS) OpenOffice WRITER PeopleBoard OpenService Open NerveCenter PeopleSoft Operating Software People-Trak Operating System Monitoring Software Performance Solutions Technology ManagePro Operating System Software Per-Se Technologies ORSOS One-Call Perseus Survey Solutions E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 39 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Personal Computer (PC) Diagnostic Software Program Testing Software Personnel Scheduling Software Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Code Generation Pharmaceutical Care Network Software Software Pharmaceutical Software Project Analysis & Costing Software PhoenixPRO Forest Activity Tracking Project Management Software Photo Imaging Software Proleit AG Software Suite Photogrammetric Software Prolog Photo-Imaging Software Promain International Software PhotoModeler Propath Solutions Software PHP Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Control Software Physical Design Software Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Controller PhysProps Proteus PRO*Hotel Pick Software ProxyEdge PICS DietMate Professional PTC Pro/ENGINEER Picture Archiving & Communication System (PACS) PTC Pro/INTRALINK Pike PTC Pro/MECHANICAL Pilat Media IBMS Pulse Pilat Media MediaPro Pulse Software ChiroPulse Advanced Ping Software PurchasingNet eProcurement Piping & Instrumentation Design (PID) Software Python PL QA Software QMS Materials Management Planet Winner Front Desk QEF Global eBusiness System QHR Software PlanGraphics Citywide GIS Utility QMC CM4D Pliant QMSoftware Receivables Management Point-of-Sale (POS) Software QSM SLIM Polaris Software Labs Software Suite QSound Labs QCreator 3D Audio Software Polhemus Fasttrack System QUALCOMM QTRACS Policy Issuance System QUALCOMM ViaWeb POS International Software Qualitech Solutions Dynamic Scheduing Powerschool Quality Control Software PowerSoft PowerBuilder QualTimeMed Software Practical Extraction & Reporting Language (PERL) Quantrax Intelec Practice Management Software Quantum Retail Technology Precision Analytical Aerotriangulation Software Quark Prentice Hall Electronic Workbench MultiSim Quark Immedia Prescription Processing Software Quest BigBrother Presentation Software Quest Central PriceWaterhouseCoopers TeamMate Quickbuild Primatech AUDITWorks QuickPen International, Inc. Primavera SureTrakProjectManager QuickPractice Software Printed Circuit Board Design Software Quodata Process Reengineering Software Radiant Systems Software Suite Product Safety Documentation Software RAE Systems HazRAE Production Workbook Rain Catcher Inspire Pro-E CAD Raman Different Spectrometer ProEst Ramsete Room Acoustics Modeling Software Profanity Delay Software Rand McNally World Digital Database ProfitKey International Software Suite Rapide ProfitLogic RapidSolution Software RapidTranslation 4.0 Profitool Software RDM Software Profitool GearWatch RDS/DAB-Box Software ProForce Paralegal Pro-Pack Real Estate Center Caparate Calculator E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 40 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Real Time Financial Management Software Suite Root Cause Analysis Software RealData Comparative Lease Analysis Root Kit Detection Software REALHOUND Apartment Professional RoseStreet Systems Guest Manager Realm Business Solutions INSIGHT for ARGUS Rotation Symmetrical Buildings Software Realty Tools Toolkit for Market Share Route Navigation Software RealtyStar Real Estate Assistant RPG Record Retail Systems Software Suite RPIS Silent CMA Recording Spectrophotometer RPIS Silent Flyer RedPrairie DLx Warehouse RSE Hospitality Management System Redtail RSI International RoomKey Refrigerated Centrifuge Ruby Refrigerated Swinging Bucket Centrifuge Rubber Tree Solutions RezBook Registware POS Software Rudder Trim Knobs Regnow Chrysanth Inventory Management Run.It Systems Software Regulatory Compliance Management Software RxKinetics UD Labels for Windows Rehab Documentation Company ReDoc RxNT Software Reimbursement Software S.M.A.R.T. Aircraft Maintenance Tracking Relational Database Management Software S4 Retail Solutions Software Relational Database Software Sabre Relative Values for Physicians Software Sac River Systems HyperTools ReliaSoft XFMEA Sac River Systems PowerTools Relocate EZE Sac River Systems ProBase Remco Software NiteVision PMS SACLANTCEN Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) Sacramento Sky Ranch Mechanic's Toolbox Software Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Software Remote Control Software Safety Software OSHALOG 300 Rental Network Software Rental Management Safety, Health & Environmental Management Software RenWeb Sage Abra HRMS Report:Assist Sage Accpac Requirements Management Software Sage Accpac ERP Resort Data Processing RDPWin Sage CPAClient Checkbook Restructured Extended Executor (REXX) Sage CPAPractice Manager Retail Directions Groups Software Sage Fixed Asset Solution Retail Dynamics Software Sage MAS 200 ERP Retail Information Systems Software Suite Sage MAS 90 ERP Retail Management Systems Software Sage Master Builder Retail Systems Alert Group Software Sage MIP Fund Accounting Retail Technologies Software Suite Sage Software Accpac ERP Retalix Sage Software Healthcare Revionics Software Suite Samba Rexx SAP RGM Software SAP Business One Rhinoceros Software SAP Inventory Risk Assessment Software SAP Maintenance RM6000 Retail Management Software SAP Warehouse Management RMS Flitesoft Sapphire Laser Road Design Software SAP-RAPIDE myGUESTS Robotic Control Software SAS RockWare SieveGraph Satori Group proCube RockWare Stratbugs SBS International Maestro Suite Roof Builder Tools Software Scanning Software Roof Support Design Software ScanSoft Naturally Speaking RoofManager ScanSoft PaperPort Pro E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 41 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Scheduling Software SketchUp Software SCM4ALL SKILL School Information Records Systems (SIRS) Software Sky Scheduler School Management System 2000 Skylog Services Skylog Pro School MATRIX Skyscape Software School Run Software Suite Skyward School Software Company Suite Skyware Software InsBridge School Software Suite Skyware Software InsBridge School Tools Suite Smart Data Solutions RS Solutions Schoolmaster Smart Link @prompt Expert SchoolPro Smart Link @prompt Professional Scientech WinNUPRA Smart Makefile Now Scientific Software SMS2Studio Scientific Software Group EVS SnagIt Scientific Software Group ModTech Snap-On ShoKey Scientific Software Group WHI UnSAT Suite Snobol Scintillation Meter SNOINO Ttree SDL International Enterprise Translation Server Snowdrop Systems Software SDL WebFlow Soffront CRM Portal SDS Mortgage Systems Software Suite Soft Servo Systems LadderWorks PLC Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Software SoftBrands Fourth Shift Edition SecureThink Software SoftBrands Medallion PMS Security Incident Handling Software SoftCafe ScheduleWriter SEDCAD Softcopy Stereo Kit SSK Seedman Schwartz Software Suite SoftCost Select Software Pro-Active HR Solutions SofTech CADRA Self Softech Systems SeniorSystems SoftElegance Software Sentai Pinpoint Softimage Extreme Sentai WarehouseTrac SoftLab PHEdesign Sequence Database SoftMed ChartReserve SETL SoftPlan SGML Softree Technical Systems Terrain Tools Shafer's Service Systems SoftSelect Systems Software Suite Shaw Systems Associates Software Suite SoftStar Costar COCOMO II Shell Script Software Auditing Software Shop Management Software Software Distribution Software ShopKeeper Software Software on Sailboats Desktop Sales Manager ShopThin Softworx Solutions Siebel Server Sync Soil Moisture Irrometer Siemens SIENET Sky SoilVision Siemens Soarian Financials Sokkia G2 Sigmetrix CETOL 6 Sigma Sokkia Imap Simulation Language (SIMULA) Sokkia Spectrum Survey Suite Simulation of Fires in Enclosures (SOFIE) Software SolarWinds Software SIS SEMCI Partner Solid State Software Solutions Site Manager Software SolidWorks CAD Site Remediation Management Software Solomon Site@School Source Code Editor Software SiteComp Software Source Code Management (SCM) Software SITEMANAGER Source Code Migration Software Situation Resources Tracking Software Sourcing Simulator Skandis Systems WebGlobalization Southern Data Systems TellerPro E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 42 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Spatial Design Support Systems (SDSS) SunGard MicroHedge Special Education Software (SPED) Sunrise Software Spectral Dynamics STARAcoustics Sunshine Systems Ace Hospitality Suite Spectral Dynamics STARModal Supply Chain Software SpectraMedi EasyFlow Supply Documentation Software SpectraSoft AppointmentsPRO Supply Planning Multi-Site Material Planner Speech Recognition Software Supply System Software SpeedFan Sure Sales Software SpeedUp Trans Sure Will Writer Spellex AccuCount Surecomp Spiral Software Suite SureQuest Systems Square 1 SpiritWorks Software Rental Property Tracker Plus Surface Modeling Software S-PLUS Surfside Lighthouse Software Spreadsheet Software Surgery Workflow Communication Software SPX/OTC Genisys ConnecTech PC Survey Software SQL Survey Starnet Software SQN Signature System SweetWARE NutraCoster SRS Systems Software Sybase SS&C PTS Sybase iAnywhere Pharma Anyware SSA Global Supply Chain Management Sybase iAnywhere Sales Anywhere St. Paul Travelers e-CARMA Sybase PowerBuilder Stac Software ReachOut Sybase Replication Server Stack Smashing Protection (SSP) Software Sybase Structured Query Language (SQL) Star Software Materiality Calculator SY-CON PC-Toolcrib Inventory Management Software StarGarden Software Suite Sylvan Software STARLIMS Sylvan Software Complete Medical Pharmaceutical Spell Statistical Analysis Software Checker Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) Software Sylvan Software ShortCut Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Symantec Corporate Norton Antivirus Statistical Software Symantec Intruder Alert StatPoint StatGraphics Plus Symantec LiveState Step One Solutions Software Symantec pcAnywhere Stereoplotter Software Symantec Veritas File System Stoq Retail Management Software Symantec Veritas Volume Manager Stormwater Hydrology Software Symbolic Debugger Software StrataCare StrataWare eReview Sync Essentials Trade Accountant StreamTheWorld dCASTER Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Analyzer StreamTheWorld dMANAGER Synopsys PrimeTime StreamTheWorld dSERV Syntrillium CoolEdit2000 Digital Audio Software StruCalc 5.0 Syntrillium CoolEditPro Digital Audio Software Structural Concrete Software Systat Structured Data Entry Software Systat Table Curve Structured Query Language (SQL) System Crash AIR-BAG SubFinder System Innovators Software Succession Wizard System Testing Software Summary Systems Fleet Commander System Vulnerability Assessment Software Summation Blaze Systems Migration Software Summit Software CarePoint Systems Software Sun Microsystems Cobalt Systems Vulnerability Assessment Software Sun Microsystems NetManage SystemVerilog Sun Microsystems Solaris SYSTRAN Enterprise Sundblade Medical ChartWare Tac-Software Teaching Templates SunGard LockBox Talx Software E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 43 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Tamlin Software Manufacturing Conductor TimeTrak SchedulTrak Tangible Media Group Luminous Table Timpani Chat Tangle S Creations Your Insurance Office Timpani Contact Center TANKS Timpani Email T-Bird Tinderbox TCI XML Credit Interface TISCOR Software Suite TCS Hotel Software GuestTracker TLoad TeacherEase TMW PowerSuite TeamCity TNS Smart Network TechExcel Tomax Corporation Software Suite Technical Manual Database Software Tool Command Language (TCL) Technical Software Tool-TracK Techniflex Software ToolWatch Technology Group International Enterprise 21 ERP Top Producer TechOnSoftware HazMatCE Pro Top To Toe Software Suite TECSYS EliteSeries Top View Software TECSYS PointForce Enterprise Topographic Map Software TEDDS Total Hospitality Solutions Phoenix Hotel Manager Tektronix EZ-TEST Total Quality Management (TQM) Software Telemation e-CRM Total Synergy Telephone Triage Software Tote Code TeleTracking PreAdmit-Tracking TPNassist Software Tempo TRAC Test Result Delivery Software Track-IT Test Routing Software TrackTools Sofware Text Scanning Software TradeTools Financial Market Database The Agency Advantage TradeTools Monthly U.S. Economic Database The Alpha School System (TASS) School Administration Trading Blox Software Trados Corporate Translation Solution The Banker's Exchange Tranquilmoney Software The Education Edge Transaction Security Software The Mortgage Office Transition HD The Nutrition Company FoodWorks GlobalLink GMS The Retail Solution Software Suite Transportation Management Software thebigword TranzManager Trans-Project Office Themo ToxLab TravTech Business Solutions Voyager Hotel Theocratice Ministry School Software TreeView TheraClin Systems iMAPR TrendTracker Compliance Solution TherAssist Trillium Technology ProScribe Thermal Analysis Systems The Energy Analyst Trimble Digital Fieldbook Thermal Indoor Climate Simulation Software Trimble Geomatics Office ThinAnywhere Trimble GPS Pathfinder ThinPATH Systems Trimble HydroPro Thomson EndNote Trimble Pathfinder Office Thomson GoSystem Tax Trimble Terramodel Thomson West FindLaw Trimble TerraSync Tier Generator Software Trimble TyraSync TierOne Hospitality Solutions Tripod Data Systems COGO Tigerpaw Tripod Data Systems Foresight Tillinghast Actuarial Software (TAS) Triton Elics International Isis Time Accounting Software Tropics Claims Reserve Management Timekeeping Software Truckers Helper TimeTrak ClockTrak True Audio WinSpeakerz E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 44 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission TTP LabTech comPOUND Versa-Calc Jobber 6 Construction Calculator Tucows ChemBase VersaPOS Turbo-School Versatile Software System Turtle Creek Software Goldenseal VHDL Turtle Creek Software Goldenseal Architect VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) Tutortrac Vibration Analysis Software Tuttle Sullivan Video Game Software Tutuka Virtual Boss Software Twenty-First Century Inn System Virtual Interaction Simulator Software UBI Biotracker Virtual Local Area Network Management Software UDA Construction Office Construction Management Virtual Private Network (VPN) Management Software UGS I-DEAS Virtual Private Network (VPN) Software UGS Solid Edge Virtual Reality CT Imaging Software Ultimate Software Group Software Suite Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) Software Ultra High-Speed Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging Virtual Reality Software (MRI) Software Virus Protection Software Ultrasound Report Creation Software Virus Scanning Software UniDevCo UniResMan Visionary Medical Systems OfficePM Unified Modeling Language (UML) Vistar Technologies Software UniFocus Watson Human Resources Manager Visual Uniscribe Visual Basic Unistat Statistical Package Visual Build Unisys Advertising Manager Visual DialogScript United Data Systems Resort Management System Visual FoxPro United Systems & Software Individual Life & Health Visual Health Information VHI PC-Kits Administration System Visual One Hotel System Universal Indicators Software Visual OTTHYMO Universal Tax Systems TaxWise Visual PAMSPro Unix Visual Paradigm DB Visual ARCHITECT Upperspace DesignCAD Visual Records Incorporated Software Upperspace ModelCAD Visual Retail Plus UrbanSim Visual Statement Investigator Suite Usability Testing Software Visualization Software Spectrogram Audio Spectrum Valen Technologies Risk Manager Analysis Software Valiant Vantage Visualware Authentishield ValueTech Report Builder VME PowerPC VxWorks ValuSoft MasterCook VocalTec Vanguard Business Analytics Software Voice Dictation Software Vanguard Sales Manager Voice-Activated Perio Charting Software Vantage MCIF VueCentric Mortgage Dashboard Varsity ShipSoft Chain Execution Suite Vulcan Solutions VBScript W3 Data BatchAppend411 Vcstimeless Ward Systems Group GeneHunter Vedha Automation Software Ward Systems Group NeuralShell Predictor Vehicle Management Software Ward Systems Group NeuroShell Trader Vehicular Global Positioning System (GPS) Software Waste Management Software VerbumSoft QuickCount Water Verification Software Waterloo Hydrogeologic Flowpath II Verilog Waters e-Lab Notbook Veritas NerveCenter Waters MassLynx Veritas NetBackup Waters Millennium32 Verity Software House ModFit LT Waters Q-DIS/QM LIMS Vero International VISI-Series Wavefunction Spartan E-Summit: Writing Technology Resumes Page 45 ©2010 and 2013, Louise Kursmark & Wendy Enelow All Rights Reserved May Not Be Reproduced Without Written Permission Wavefunction Titan Wizcon WealthTec Foundations Wolf Track Software WeathTec WealthMaster Wolfel IMMI Web Browser Software Wolfram Research Mathematica Web Information Solutions Pocket Informant Wolfram Research Mathematica Financial Essentials Web Page Creation Software Wolfram Research Mathematica Pricing Engine Web Page Editing Software Wonderware DT Analyst Plant Productivity Improvement Web Platform Development Software Word Prediction Software Web Platform Software Work Technology WorkTech Time Web Server Software Workcell Simulation Software WebEx Sales Center Workforce Time & Attendance WebFOCUS Workscape Software Suite WebMed Technology WorkTech MAXIMO Welford Chart Notes World Vector Shoreline Welocalize XTEND Globalization Management Suite WORLDOX Western Business Systems EasyBook Xanadu Westlaw Xerces2 Java Parser Westlaw Real Property Deed Images Xfiles WHE Term-PAK Xilinix ModelSim Wheatworks Real Estate Calculator Suite Xilinx ISE Foundation White Clarke North America Credit Adjudication & Lending Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST) Management XML WhiteSmoke XOTcl WhizLabs XP Systems Software Suite WHONET XpertMart Wide Area Network (WAN) Software YAFL Wilson's Computer Applications RealEasy Appraisals YAG Laser Win CE Yet Another Scientific Artificial Reality Application WinCross (YASARA) Windent OMS Yield Management Systems Windent Structure Query Language (SQL) Yorick WindowBook Postage Package Partner Yost Engineering CodeSearch Pro Windward System Five POS Z Windward Technologies GRG2 ZABBIX Software WinEstimator (WinEst) Zanble WinGap Zeemax Software WinOcular Software Zone Modeling Software WinRetail POS ZooLib WinTOTAL ZTRack WinTR-55 Zukin Software Wise Solutions Software Zybertech Construction Software Wise Solutions Wise for Windows Installer Zymed Software Wirth

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