Inclusive Tourism Award Eligibility Criteria

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Inclusive Tourism Award Eligibility Criteria

Inclusive Tourism Award

Eligibility Criteria

 Any business directly involved in tourism is eligible. This includes accommodation providers, visitor attractions, restaurant/cafes, tourist information providers and other types of businesses that are part of the visitor economy  Please note: Retail outlets are not eligible

Please try to answer all questions as fully as possible, but within the word limit. At the end of each question you may include web links, if you have them, to support your answer. These can be in addition to the word count.

Visit England Awards for Excellence

For the first time, all shortlisted North East England Tourism Awards applicants will be automatically entered into the Visit England Awards for Excellence 2017 by NewcastleGateshead Initiative. If you would prefer not to be entered into these awards, please place an X in the box below

I do not wish to be entered into the Visit England Awards for Excellence 2017

This decision has been made to streamline the application process for the National Awards meaning that you no longer have to complete separate application forms.

If you have any queries, please call Anne Howes on 0191 440 5722.

Businesses must be open for business at some point between Monday 17th October 2016 to Friday 24th February 2017, so that the Visit England Awards for Excellence judges can visit/make a booking. If you are closed for any part of this period, please ensure this is highlighted on your application form. Even if your business is closed for this entire period, if you are able to receive a visit from a judge you may still be able to enter.

Previous Awards Winners and Finalists

Gold winners from the 2015 North East England Tourism Awards can apply for the same category in the 2016 North East England Tourism Awards.

Gold winners from the 2016 VisitEngland Awards for Excellence may not apply for the same category in the 2017 VisitEngland Awards for Excellence.


 The judging will be based on this entry form, your website (viewed on desktop, mobile and tablet), and any other online presence that you might have, including social media. The judges will also look at your online customer reviews.  A shortlist of entrants is selected from the applications, who may then receive a judging visit. Shortlisted parties will have the chance to win Gold, Silver, Bronze or Highly Commended in each award category, however, please note, just because a business is shortlisted, it doesn’t mean that it will win an award.  Announced visits will be undertaken to all shortlisted businesses.  Businesses will be notified in late September 2016, if they are shortlisted.  Judges will be looking for evidence of excellence and best practice in all areas of business operations.  Any claims made in applications must be substantiated and may be subject to testing by judges.  Judges and judging panels will be comprised of representatives appointed for their extensive experience and knowledge of the region and/or the tourism industry.

Supporting Evidence

 If there is any other evidence (not available online) that you would like to include to illustrate points made in your entry, for example, regional or national press coverage, please upload one pdf document no larger than 5mb. If more than one document is sent or it is larger than 5mb it cannot be sent on to the national judges.  Please ensure that each piece of supporting evidence is relevant, valid, up-to-date and fully referenced in the application form. This includes websites and social media channels.

Next Steps

All applications, supporting information and a photograph of your tourism business must be submitted electronically to [email protected] by 4pm on Friday 09 September, 2016. Please note hard copy submissions will not be considered.

If you have any questions please email [email protected] or call us on 0191 440 5722.

Terms and Conditions

 By submitting an entry into the North East England Tourism Awards, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:  The closing date for receipt of entries is 4pm on Friday 09 September, 2016.  Employees or representatives/agents of VisitEngland are not eligible for entry into the Awards  Businesses can enter more than one category, but separate entry forms and supplementary information must be completed for each.  By entering the Awards, you agree to be part of the publicity if you are a finalist in any category.  The judges’ decisions are final and they cannot enter into discussion about the shortlisting process, choice of finalists or choice of winners.  In the event of any dispute regarding the awards criteria, application forms, judging process or any other matter relating to the Awards, the decision of the judges shall be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.  All businesses entering the competition will be given written feedback from the judges. Please give details of the person we should contact with regard to this entry. The email given here will be the email address we will use for all future correspondence.

Contact Name:

Job title / role:

Business name: (that may be used in future publicity)


Telephone number:


Email (for us to contact):


Details of any other websites you would like us to look at regarding your entry, including social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.):

When is your property closed? (We require this information in case your business is shortlisted for a judging visit)

1. Please give a brief description of your business?

For Example  How long have you owned and operated the business?  Do you employ staff?  The location and style of business.  What is your target market and who are your typical customers?

Maximum 200 words.

2. Please list any awards won and/or ratings and accolades achieved in the last two years relating specifically to the accessibility of your business, including title, awarding body, level and dates achieved. NB Details of all previous applications to the VisitEngland Awards for this category must be disclosed here.

Finalists will demonstrate exceptional commitment to excellence in accessibility, quality, customer care and business practices in the following areas: 3. Your Commitment to Excellence in Accessibility (max 200 words)

Describe your motivation for making your business/service accessible and tell us what you think puts you above the competition and at the top of your sector for accessibility.

4. Establishing and developing an Accessible Service (max 250 words)

Describe how you have established your accessible business/service. What resources / information did you use e.g. independent/self audit/survey, official standards, disability group input?

Evidence may include an accessibility auditor’s report, accessibility action plan (with completion dates for individual actions), customer surveys/questionnaires.

5. Customer Service and Disability Awareness Training (max 300 words)

A. Describe your approach to customer service and give specific examples in relation to people with access needs. Give examples of how you handle enquiries, visitor welcome and arrival, the stay/visit itself and departure.

Evidence may include testimonials (scanned originals) from customers with accessibility requirements. Focus on examples from the last 12 months.

B. How do you ensure that you and any other staff are access aware and have the key skills and knowledge to meet the requirements of people with access needs? Give details of any training owners/staff have completed.

Evidence may include training certificates (with date), internal training materials. 6. Providing Accessible Facilities and Services for All (max 400 words)

What facilities and services does your business/service have in place to accommodate the following groups of people?  The ageing population, guests who rely on balance aids  Visually or Hearing impaired  Temporary impaired (e.g. broken limb or people who have had a mild stroke)  Long term medical conditions (e.g. diabetics)  Families with pushchairs  Guests with a learning disability/disabilities  Guests with allergies  Guests who use wheelchairs either permanently or occasionally  Guests who travel with a carer and/or need mechanical assistance

Particularly highlight anything introduced in the last 12 months. And for previous applicants, improvements since your last application.

Evidence may include photographs of key accessibility equipment and facilities.

7. Information Provision and Promotion (max 300 words)

Please detail how you provide customers with accessibility information and the channels used to promote your accessibility to the accessible tourism market, with specific regard to the following:  Your Access Statement  Your marketing materials  Literature in alternative formats e.g. Braille, Large print and Audio  Your website  Social media

Particularly highlight whether you are targeting specific groups and specific channels you have used over the last 12 months. We are looking for creative and innovative ways in which you are promoting your accessibility.

Evidence may include a website accessibility certificate, scanned magazine advert, brochure/leaflet. Your Access Statement should be attached as a minimum. 8. Accessibility Innovation and Future Plans (max 200 words)

A. Give details of any innovative ways you have enhanced the experience of people with access needs or been a pioneer in relation to accessibility. This may be where innovation has been used to overcome the physical restriction of a building or innovative services for people with access needs e.g. virtual tours. Where possible give dates when these were introduced.

B. Explain what you plan to do in the future to further improve the accessibility of your service.

9. Sustainability (max 400 words)

A. Give specific examples of how your business/service cares for:  The environment (recycling, resource and energy/utility saving initiatives, waste management etc.)  The local community (forging links with local school or community groups etc)  The local economy (local purchasing, employing local people, supporting local businesses etc.)

Evidence may include a sustainability certification scheme certificate, photographs, sustainability policy.

B. Describe how you communicate this with guests/visitors and encourage them to get involved. Please give examples.

10. Business Benefits (max 100 words) NB this section is not included in the scoring

Give details of the benefits your business/service has derived from offering an accessible service

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