Ucr Design Review Board Process
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CHARGE: The Design Review Board (DRB) is charged with the review of major planning initiatives (e.g. area studies, master plans), and facilities siting, facilities design and landscaping for major projects to ensure that they are consistent with the campus Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) and UCR’s planning principles as specified in the Campus Physical Design Framework, Campus Design Guidelines and Landscape Guidelines. A copy of the LRDP can be found on Capital & Physical Planning’s web site, http://lrdp.ucr.edu/.
The Board is advisory to the Chancellor via the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor, Finance & Business Operations.
MEMBERSHIP COMPOSITION: Associate Vice Chancellor/Campus Architect, Office of Design & Construction (Chair) Associate Vice Chancellor, Capital & Physical Planning/Real Estate Services Chair (or designee), Academic Senate Physical Resources Committee Faculty Representatives – one each from the following colleges – BCOE, CHASS and CNAS External Consulting Architects (three) External Landscape Architect (one)
EXTERNAL CONSULTANT APPOINTEES: Selection of the two external consulting architects and landscape architect to serve on the DRB will be via a Selection Committee consisting of the following:
Associate Vice Chancellor/Campus Architect, Office of Design & Construction (Chair) Associate Vice Chancellor, Capital & Physical Planning/Real Estate Services Chair (or designee), Academic Senate Physical Resources Committee
The Selection Committee shall shortlist and conduct interviews of potential candidates to determine a recommendation. The choice of proposed appointee is then forwarded to the Vice Chancellor, Finance & Business Operations. Appointments are made by the Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor, Finance & Business Operations.
The term for the external architects and landscape architect is three years (fiscal-year basis). Appointments are to be staggered, so that at least one new appointment is made each year.
1 In addition to the above external consulting architect appointments, the Chancellor shall have the authority to appoint an external consulting architect to the DRB whose focus is sustainability. The term of this appointment shall be one year (fiscal-year basis) and is renewable at the discretion of the Chancellor.
Each external consultant appointee receives compensation for their attendance and professional services in the amount of $1,000.00 per meeting. Personal vehicle, round-trip travel reimbursement, is paid based on the University’s current mileage reimbursement rate.
FACULTY APPOINTEES Faculty representatives will serve three-year terms (fiscal-year basis) and be appointed by their respective Deans. One representative shall be appointed from the following colleges:
Bourns College of Engineering College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences
PROCESS: Each major planning initiative and/or project may be presented to the Board two times:
1. When the consultant team is in the initial stages of considering solutions (DPP/pre-design). This review will precede Capital Coordinating Committee (CPAC) review.
2. When the Executive Architect is prepared to present design alternatives and a recommended solution (schematic/design development). This review precedes CPAC review and Regents’ Design Approval.
Additional reviews may be scheduled on an as-needed basis, as appropriate.
PRESENTATIONS: Each presentation may be comprised of open and closed sessions. The open session will include the presentation by the Executive Architect, questions from the Board, and the Board’s recommendations. The closed session allows the Board candid discussions to arrive at a consensus position for its recommendation.
The DRB will consider comments from the related University project management team prior to each DRB presentation.
MEETINGS: The DRB normally meets the first Tuesday of each month from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in Bannockburn J102, unless there are no agenda items for review.
Written summaries/minutes of DRB discussions and recommendations will be maintained and distributed by the Office of Design & Construction to all concerned parties.
Revised: July 20, 2010