OPEN TENDER NOTICE NO: 09/DSL/SGUJ/E. Check/OVH/NDM6 (Loco No.602)/2016-17
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OPEN TENDER NOTICE NO: 09/DSL/SGUJ/E. Check/OVH/NDM6 (Loco No.602)/2016-17.
Tenders in sealed cover are invited from experienced and Reputed Tenderer(s) for the following work: -
1. Name of the work : E-check/POH of NDM6 shunting Loco No. 602(Model NT855LFFC) at Narrow Gauge Diesel Shed/Siliguri Junction for a period of 01 year.
2. Estimated cost : Rs.19,06,322.00 (Rupees Nineteen lakhs Six Thousand Three Hundred Twenty Two) only. (inclusive of all taxes).
3. Earnest Money : Rs.38,130/- (Thirty eight thousand one hundred thirty) only.
4. Cost of Tender paper : Rs. 2000/- (two thousand) only in cash. The outstation firms may remit Rs. 2500/- (two thousand five hundred) only by money order to the undersigned or by Demand Drafts in favour of FA&CAO/N.F.Railway/Maligaon, being the cost of Tender documents including postal charges. The Rly. Administration will not be responsible for any Postal delays.
5. Validity of the offer : 120 days from the date of opening of tender.
6. Contract period : 01 (one) year from the date of commencement of work or signing of the contract agreement, whichever is earlier.
7. Tender obtained from : Office of the Sr.Divl. Mech. Engineer/Diesel/Siliguri Jn., N.F.Rly., P.O.-Pradhan Nagar, Dist.-Darjeeling, West Bengal, Pin -734003. From 08/05 /2017 to 07/06 /2017 during working days.
8. Tender Forms will be sold on all working days. Tender Forms can also be down loaded from website during the above mentioned period and used as Tender documents for submitting the offer. However the Demand Draft of Rs. 2,000/- towards the cost of Tender document in favour of FA & CAO/MLG/N.F.Railway will have to be enclosed along with the Tender document otherwise the tender will be summarily rejected.
9. Railway Administration will not be responsible for delay /difficulties /inaccessibility of the down loading facility for any reason whatsoever. In case of any discrepancy between the Tender documents down loaded from Internet and the master copy available in the office of Sr.DME/Diesel/Siliguri Jn. the later shall prevail and will be binding on the tenders. No claim on this account will be entertained.
10. Receipt of Tender, date & time: Sealed Tender Box will be kept in the office of (i) Sr. DME/D/ SGUJ, P.O. Pradhan Nagar, Siliguri-734003 (ii) Sr. DME/IC/N.F.Rly., DRM Building, P.O. & Dist. Katihar & (iii) CMPE/DSL./N.F. Rly./ Maligaon from 08/06/2017 to 09/06/2017 in between 10.00 Hrs. to 15.30 Hrs. for dropping the Tenders. Tenderer can also send their tender form by Registered/Speed Post in a sealed envelope, clearly indicating on envelop in bold letters ‘TENDER AGAINST NOTICE NO.-09/DSL/SGUJ/E.Check/OVH/NDM6(Loco No.602)/2016-17 and must be reached/dropped before 15.30 Hrs. on 09/06/2017. Railway will not be responsible for any delay, damage or loss of Tender documents in transit or postal delay. Tenderers have the option to drop the tender at any one place convenient to them as mentioned above.
11. Opening of Tender, date & time : Tenders will be opened at 15.30 Hrs. on 12/06/2017 in the Office of the Sr. Divl. Mech. Engineer/Diesel/Siliguri Jn., N.F. Rly., P.O. Pradhan Nagar, Dist.- Darjeeling, West Bengal, Pin – 734003. If the date happens to be a Holiday/Bandh, the tenders will be received/opened on the next working day at the time and place specified above.
12. Department : Mechanical / Diesel Loco Shed /Siliguri Junction.
13. The following documents should be specified for submission along with tender : (a) Tenderer(s) should submit the List of Personal, Organization available on hand and proposed to be engaged for the subject work. (b) List of Plant & Machinery available on hand (own) and proposed to be inducted (own and hired to be given separately) for the subject work. (c) List of works completed in the last three financial years giving description of work, organization for whom executed, approximate value of contract at the time of award, date of award and date of schedule completion of work. Date of actual start, actual completion and final value of contract should also be given.
(d) List of works on hand indicating description of work, contract value, and approximate value of balance work yet to be done and date of award.
Note : i) In case of items (b) and (c) above, supportive documents / certificates from the Organizations with whom they worked/are working should be enclosed. ii) Certificates from private individuals for whom such works are executed / being executed should not be accepted. iii) Tenderer should have adequate financial resources to carry out the work within the prescribed time of ‘Date of Completion’ in accordance with the agreement. iv) The Tenderers are advised to visit the site of work and acquaint themselves with the condition and quantum of work in their own interest before submitting their offer. v) If the Tenderer(s) deliberately gives/give wrong information in his/their Tender or creates/create circumstances for the acceptance of his/their tender, the Rly. reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage. 14. Tenderer(s) Credentials : Documents testifying tenderer’s previous experience and financial status should be produced along with the tender or when desired by competent authority of the N. F. Railway. Tenderer(s) who has/have not carried out any work so far on this Railway and who is/are not borne on the approved list of the Contractors of N. F. Railway should submit along with his/their tender credentials to establish;
(i) His capacity to carry out the work satisfactorily (ii) His financial status supported by Bank reference and other documents. (iii) Certificates duly attested and testimonials regarding contracting experience for the type of job for which tender is invited with list of works carried out in the past.
Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer / Diesel Northeast Frontier Railway / Siliguri Junction for and on behalf of the President of India No. 09/DSL/SGUJ/E. Check/OVH/NDM6(Loco No.602)/2016-17. Date: 26/04/2017
Copy to: - 1. CME / MLG: - Copy of the Tender Notice & Tender Form (One Set) is being enclosed herewith for kind information please. 2. CVO/MLG - for kind information please. 3. CPRO/MALIGAON,…One set of uploaded tender notice is enclosed for kind information, together with 10 sets of notice in brief with a request to arrange for publication of the tender notice in prominent News Papers as per extant rules for wide publicity and papers cutting may be sent to this office for record. Fund is available and debit towards the cost of publicity may be sent for acceptance under allocation-05-300-32. 4. Sr. DME/IC/KIR …… for kind information and wide circulation. It is also requested to kindly arrange to keep the tender box provided by this office for dropping of tender paper and send the same to this office duly sealed and signed after closing by the nominated committee through this office special messenger duly authorized for taking back the same by next available train. 5. CMPE/DSL/MLG…. It is requested to kindly arrange to keep the tender box provided by this office for dropping of tender paper and send the same to this office duly sealed and signed after closing by the nominated committee through this office’s special messenger duly authorized for taking back the same by next available train. 6. FA & CAO/F&B/Maligaon, & DFM/NJP……. for information please. 7. DRM/N.F.Rly./KIR …….for information please. 8. ASC/NJP & OC/IPF/SGUJ- It is requested to deploy security guards at the office where the tenders would be opened on the date of opening of tenders to avoid any unusual incidences. 9. Sr.AM, Dy.CE/CON, Dy.CMM-NJP, for information and wide circulation please. 10. Sr.DME/D/MLDT, SMM/DSL, SSE/Diesel/SGUJ : for information and wide circulation.
Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer / Diesel Northeast Frontier Railway / Siliguri Junction for and on behalf of the President of India