Section 20 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985
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Section 20 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985
Notice of Intention
Property address: «LBS Address 1» «LBS Address 2» 12th September 2014
«Number» «Property_Address 1» «Property_Address 2» Reference: cwg-14/132T65 «Property_Address 3» Contact Tabitha Cox «Property_Address 4» Tel: 020 7525 4324 «Property_Address 5» Fax: 020 8929 9387 «Property_Address 6» Ref: «iWorld_Ref» Property address: «LBS Address 1» «LBS Address 2»
Leathermarket JMB Heating Repairs
The Council, in partnership with Leathermarket JMB, are responsible for maintaining your block and are proposing to invite tenders for a long term agreement with a contractor to maintain and repair the heating systems over the next 5 years.
The current contract for this work is due to come to an end and it is proposed to invite tenders from alternative providers for this service. The cost of this work forms part of your annual revenue service charges.
Why are we writing to you?
Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 requires leaseholders to be consulted before the Council enters into a long term agreement. The Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 introduced additional requirements for this statutory consultation. The Council is required by these acts to consult leaseholders on an agreement where their contribution towards the works will amount to £100 or more in any one year. This is called Section 20 consultation. This Notice of Intention is the first stage in the consultation process, we are not able to give you any indication of costs at this stage.
This notice has been sent to individual leaseholders and to any relevant recognised tenants' association (RTA).
What works are included in this contract:
Maintenance and repair of individual heating systems to tenanted properties which are not rechargeable to leaseholders Gas safety checks for tenants and not rechargeable to leaseholders Maintenance and repair of communal heating systems Maintenance and repair of communal water tanks which are generally secondary water supplies to bathrooms Maintenance and repair of secondary water supply in tower blocks Maintenance and repair of mechanical ventilation systems in tower blocks Maintenance and repair of Hamilton square sewerage system
You might not be affected by all of the services listed in this contract and will only be charged if the service is provided. This is a responsive repair contract and therefore work will be carried out as required.
Schedule 2 Notice of Intention page 1 How long is the contract for?
The agreement is for a period of 5 years.
Why is the Council proposing this contract?
The Council is responsible for the repair, maintenance and renewal of the building and services in accordance with Schedule 6 paragraph 14 of the Housing Act 1985, and in accordance with the landlord’s covenants of your lease. This obligation includes all of the service chargeable elements contained within this contract.
Currently there is a contract in place which is due to come to an end in October 2015 and the Leathermarket JMB has to retender for a new contract. There needs to be a contract put in place before the existing contract expires, so there is a smooth handover from one contractor to another to avoid any problems with service provisions.
The service chargeable elements of the contracts will be let on a tendered schedule of rates that allows the council to place work quickly with the contractor at a competitive rate.
Viewing documents
Further detailed documents for these works are available for inspection at the Leathermarket JMB office at 26 Leathermarket Street, London, SE1 3HN, Monday to Friday between the hours of 10am and 4pm. No appointment is necessary to view the details - however if you would like to discuss this contract in detail or to arrange a more convenient time to inspect the documents, please telephone to make an appointment. Alternatively a copy of the detailed documents can be sent out but this may incur an administration charge.
How do leaseholders make legal observations?
Where the council is inviting individual tenders for contracts leaseholders are entitled to nominate a contractor to be included in the tender list. However in the case of this contract the budget estimate exceeds the threshold at which it is necessary to give public notice in the Official Journal of the European Union. Under these circumstances the Council is not required to invite nominations from Leaseholders and any company may express an interest. You may however draw the attention of any preferred contractor to the public notice if you wish, Section 20 requires the Council to allow leaseholders and Recognised Tenants Associations (RTAs) 30 days from the date of this notice, to submit written observations regarding the proposed works. The final contract is subject to observations made at this stage in the consultation process.
If you would like to make such observations, they should be addressed to:
Tabitha Cox Capital Works Team Home Ownership Services 153-159 Abbeyfield Road Rotherhithe London SE16 2BS
Or Email: [email protected]
Schedule 2 Notice of Intention page 2 Observation must reach the Capital Works Team by Tuesday, 14th October 2014. For your convenience an observation form is attached to this notice. Observations do not have to be made using this form.
What happens next
If this contract proceeds you will receive a further Section 20 notice which will contain details of the estimates received. It will give a summary of leaseholder observations provided at this Notice of Intention stage.
Leaseholders and any RTA will be given a further 30 days to comment on the estimates. The council’s decision to enter into contract is subject to leaseholder observations made at this time.
Yours sincerely
Tabitha Cox
Capital Works Team Home Ownership Service Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7525 4324
Schedule 2 Notice of Intention page 3 Schedule 2 Notice of Intention page 4 Section 20 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 Notice of Intention
14/132T65 : Leathermarket JMB Heating Repairs
Leaseholder Observation and Contractor Nomination Form
This form has been included to help you make observations regarding the proposed agreement outlined in the Notice of Intention. You may also wish to nominate a contractor to be invited to price the schedule of rates. You do not have to use this form, if you do not, please include the information in the grey-box in your reply.
I have the following comments regarding the proposed agreement
Name Mr/Mrs/Ms Contract 14/132T65 (print) LBS add «LBS_Address1» «LBS Address 2» Address «Number» «Property_Address LBS ref «iWorld_Ref» 1» «Property_Address 2» «Property_Address 3» Return to Tabitha Cox «Property_Address 4» Capital Works Team «Property_Address 5» Home Ownership Services «Property_Address 6» 153-159 Abbeyfield Road Rotherhithe, London Signature SE16 2BS
Date Due by 14th October 2014
Schedule 2 Notice of Intention page 5