Jean Monnet Summer School on Global Challenges First week

SUNDAY 02 - Opening 20.00 Registration and Welcome aperitif (S. Bartolameo Campus) MONDAY 03 9.00-13.00 Lecture: “What Crisis? Whose Crisis? Drivers, journeys and responses to the Mediterranean boat migration in Europe and beyond”. Nando Sigona (Birmingham University, UK). 13.00 Lunch 14.00-18.00 Documentary and debate 19.00 Dinner TUESDAY 04 9.00-13.00 Lecture: “International Trade and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP. A rlo Poletti (UniTrento). 13.00 Lunch 14.00-18.00 Visit to local industry (Ferrari winery) 19.00 Dinner WEDNESDAY 05 9.00-12.00 Visit to local industry (La Sportiva, Val di Fiemme) 13.30 Lunch in a typical mountain restaurant 14.30-18.00 Excursion to the Dolomites 19.00 Dinner THURSDAY 06 9.00-13.00 Lecture: “International Security: Weapons of Mass Destruction today” Francesco Strazzari (University Sant’Anna, Pisa) 13.00 Lunch 14.00-18.00 Visit to Tecnoclima 19.00 Dinner FRIDAY 07 9.00-13.00 Methodologic Workshop (presentations) Free afternoon SATURDAY 08 and SUNDAY 09 Free

Jean Monnet Summer School on Global Challenges Second week

MONDAY 10 9.00-13.00 Lecture: “Beyond the Great Satan: people, society, and politics in contemporary Yemen”. Dr. Luca Nevola, Ph.D 13.00 Lunch 14.00-18.00 Meeting with The OECD LEED Trento Centre 19.00 Dinnerfor Local Development TUESDAY 11 9.00-13.00 Lecture: “The comparative politics of climate change” 13.00 LunchEmanuela Bozzini (UniTrento) 14.00-18.00 Debate: how to deal with climate change and its 19.00 Dinnerdenial? WEDNESDAY 12 9.00-13.00 Lecture: “Energy and energy transition” Saulesh Yessenova (Calgary University, 13.00 Canada)Lunch 14.00-18.00 Visit to Polo Meccatronica, Rovereto – 19.00 Dinnerparticipation of Trentino Sviluppo THURSDAY 13 9.00-13.00 Lecture: “Democratic malaise and populist outsiders”. Alfio Mastropaolo (University of Torino, Italy). 13.00 Lunch 14.00-18.00 Debate: how to face populism? 18.00 Farewell Aperitiv (Dept. of Sociology and Social FRIDAY 14 Research) 9.00-13.00 Lecture: “Terrorism and European and International Law”. Antonino Alì (UniTrento). 13.00 Lunch 14.00 KeyNote Speech - Jean Monnet Centre Director, 18.00 DinnerProf. Vincent Della Sala Information and management office: International Relations Division University of Trento Via Verdi, 6 - 38122 Trento (Italy) Tel + 39 0461 283530-3235 [email protected]