Annual Report Template National YMCA Movement

1) Cover Page with YMCA Brand and Photos: The cover page should have a great youth photo with the YMCA brand.

2) YMCA Mission Statement/Vision Statement/Core Values: One page that lists the YMCA mission statement, vision and core values. It may also include basic historical information on the YMCA in the country and around the world.

3) National General Secretary/Board Chair Message: One page summary of the YMCA annual achievements and priority goals by the NGS and Board Chair.

4) YMCA Programs and Impact: One page description of the YMCA core programs and social impact.

5) Case Studies/News Stories: One page with individual case studies and/or new stories on YMCA impact on youth and communities.

6) YMCA Numbers: One page of statistics on YMCA members, program beneficiaries, and volunteers

7) YMCA International/National/Community Partners: One page list of key partners (YMCA and non-YMCA).

8) Board Members: One page list of national YMCA board members.

9) Key Staff: One page list of key staff and titles

10) Annual Budget Statement: One page overview of annual income and expenditures.

11) YMCA Contact Information: One page contact information on National Council and local YMCAs.

12) YMCA Donors: Optional section recognizing individual, corporate, foundation an/or government donors (if applicable) ANNUAL REPORT BEST PRACTICES

A) The Annual Report utilizes compelling YMCA youth and program photos.

B) The Annual Report brand is aligned with regional branding guidelines.

C) The Annual Report is well written and edited.

D) The Annual Report design is visually attractive.

E) The Mission/Vision Statement are clearly linked to YMCA programs.

F) The Annual Report contains convincing statistics and evidence of social impact.

G) The case studies capture the unique role and importance of the YMCA for youth and communities. They are linked to the YMCA core programs.

H) The budget information is accurate and clear.

I) Contact information is accurate and up to date. Local YMCAs that are defunct and/or in serious crisis are not listed.

J) The list of board members enhances the visibility and credibility of the YMCA.

K) The donor recognition information is accurate. The list strengthens the visibility and credibility of the YMCA.

L) The Annual Report is completed within 3 months of the end of the calendar year.

M) The Annual Report is sent to all key stakeholders including board members, donors, YMCA partners, Area Alliances and the World Alliance.

N) The Annual Report is posted on-line.

O) The Annual Report is utilized effectively as a core fundraising tool.