Saltwater Aquarium Test

Name: ______Date: ______ACS Mrs. Salvati

Write the purpose of each of the following pieces of equipment: Thermometer – Tells us the temperature of the water

Heater - Keeps water warm (75-79*F)

Lighting – Allows better viewing, highlights color of fish

Decorations – Make tank look pretty, provides hiding spots

Filter – Cleans water

Sea Salt - Salt needed for saltwater fish

Hydrometer - Check specific gravity of water

Biowheel – will provide bacteria necessary to help get rid of toxic waste created by fish

Conditioner – Removes chlorine from tap water

11. Where is the best place to keep a fish tank? Place tank on level surface that can support the weight

12. Why should you add conditioner to the tank every time you clean it? Removes chlorine from the tap water

13. When introducing fish into the aquarium, how long should you keep them in their bag floating in the new tank of water? 30 minutes

14. Once your tank is setup how long should you wait before you purchase fish and introduce them to your tank? 24 hours to 1 week

15. What should the specific gravity of a saltwater tank be? 1.022-1.024 16. What should you do if the specific gravity is too high? Add more water 17. What should you do if the specific gravity is to low? Add more salt

18. What should the pH level of saltwater fish be? 7.6-8.4

19. What does pH measure? The acidity or alkalinity of the water

Answer the following questions according to these directions: Add 2 cups of salt for every gallon of water.

How much salt should you add to a 10 gallon tank? 20 cups

How much salt should you add to a 12 gallon tank? 24 cups

How much salt should you add to a 20 gallon tank? 40 cups

Answer the following questions according to these instructions:

1” of fish for every 2 gallons of water.

How many 1” fish can I get for a 20 gallon tank?


How many 2” fish can I get for a 20 gallon tank?


How many 3” fish can I get for a 20 gallon tank?


How many 4” fish can I get for a 30 gallon tank? 3