Stock Market Portfolio Project

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Stock Market Portfolio Project

Economics - Hamilton Stock Market Presentations

GOAL: To learn about a variety of stocks through researching and presenting information on two companies that are publicly traded. You MUST sign up for the stocks you will be researching & presenting (there will be NO repeats amongst class members).

Research/Presentation Requirements: 1. You must turn in a concise (1 page, typed, double spaced) analysis on your two chosen stocks.

2. You must answer the following questions FOR BOTH STOCKS in the above analysis and in your presentation.

3. Questions: a. Explain why you chose this stock. b. What is the principal business of the company? c. What industry is the company affiliated with? d. How has the stock of the company performed over the past 1 to 3 year (minimum of one year)? You may use a graph to represent the fluctuations. e. Have there been any recent new articles about this stock or industry? How might these articles or lack of articles affect the future performance of the stock? f. Would you recommend this stock to your classmates? Why or why not? g. Do you plan on investing in this stock? Please explain your answer.

4. Your presentation should be between 1 – 2 minutes long and should include ONLY the answers to the above questions. Remember to present BOTH of the stocks you researched.


PRESENTATIONS ARE WORTH A TOTAL OF 24 POINTS Presentation = 14 points (good eye contact & voice projection and ALL questions were answered) Written Analysis = 10 points (typed, double spaced, 12 pt, times new roman font, proofread, well organized, and clearly answers all the above questions for both stocks) Economics - Hamilton


SUMMARY: For this class you are going to invest your “savings” in the Stock Market. You will be given $10,000 to invest. You must choose three stocks to buy, using the $10,000, and you will track these stocks in a portfolio for 8 weeks. Good Luck!

In order to make an educated decision about the stocks you have already participated in a presentation about a variety of stocks. Please consider the information that was presented to you before selecting the three stocks you will buy.

THE PORTFOLIO Portfolio Requirements (In this order): 1. Cover Page with a graphic, your name, and period. (3pts)

2. Stock Portfolio Buy-In Record Sheet and Sell-Out Sheet (5pts)

3. Weekly Record Sheets (8pts) a. Every Wednesday you will bring in your weekly record sheet and will look up your stock in either the newspaper or online. b. If you are absent you are responsible for looking up your stock at home. c. You should have a total of 8 entries

4. Current Event Articles and Analysis (20 points) a. You will choose one of your three stocks to research and reflect on. b. You must find TWO current articles related to the stock you have chosen to research (these articles can be about the company specifically or the industry as a whole). c. For EACH of the two articles you will write a ½ page analysis on your stock, making references and connections between stock fluctuations and the news article you have found. d. You should have a total of 2 articles and 2 reflections for this part of the portfolio. e. ALL articles must be turned in to receive credit – NO ARTICLE NO POINTS!!!

5. Company Background (10 points) a. You will find two additional articles that focus only on the background of the company. i. These articles can be from the company’s website. ii. You will need to include these in your portfolio. b. You will write a ½ page explanation of the company. c. You should include: i. The product/service that the company specializes in. ii. The size of the company. iii. The history of the company. iv. Any other pertinent information.

6. Stock Graphs (5pts) a. You will create a graph (hand written or computer generated) of the weekly performance of each of your stocks. b. You need to create these graphs; they should reflect only the days you checked your stock. 7. Final Analysis of Stock Portfolio (5pts) a. You should write a ½ page analysis of your own project. You should include references to : i. Initial investment ii. Stock articles and current happenings in the company/industry/stock market in general iii. Things you learned/you would do differently iv. Final profit or loss on all three stocks TOTAL PORTFOLIO POINTS: 56 (see online rubric for more info on grading) PORTFOLIO DUE ON: ______(remember no late work accepted)

Cover Page Buy In/Sell Out Sheet Weekly Record Sheet (name, period, picture)

1 2 3

Current Article #1 for ½ page analysis on Current Article #2 for researched stock Article #1 researched stock

4 5 6

½ page analysis on Company Background Company Background Article #2 Article #1 Article #2

7 8 9

½ page company Graphs of ALL three ½ page final analysis background summary stocks of portfolio project

10 11 12

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