CRHP Holy Trinity Pentecost Guidebook

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CRHP Holy Trinity Pentecost Guidebook

Holy Trinity, Lenexa KS Pentecost Guidebook for Christ Renews His Parish The manual used for Christ Renews His Parish provides one explanation of this component of the overall program as a “restoration process [that] must come from the upper room of your parish”. It reminds us that Pentecost “was the Church’s commencement exercise. The first graduating class was sent forth to restore all things in Christ” {Scripture Reference – CCC}.

Table of Contents Pre-work Materials 2 The Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory 2 First Evening of Pentecost 2 Program Overview (25 min) 2 Opening Scripture – lectio divina (30 min) 3 The Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory Analysis (100 min) 3 Areas of Ministry and Mission (5 min) 4 Holy Trinity Ministries and Lay Leadership (15 min) 4 Prayer, Reflection, Study (5 min) 5 Second Evening of Pentecost 6 Opening Scripture (10 min) 6 Reviewing the Call & Gifted Participant Handout (80 min) 6 My Plan of Life – Using My Talents for Growth and Service (60 min) 6 Next Steps (15 min) 7 Closing Prayer (5 min) 8 Complete the Evaluation (10 min) 8 Handouts 9 Pre-work: Spiritual Preparation and CGSI Overview 9 Holy Trinity Mission Statement 10 The Call and Gifted Workshop – Participant Handout 10 Plan of Life/Wheat: EWTN 11 Meditation ( 12 Evaluation 13

CRHP Holy Trinity Pentecost Guidebook Page 1 of 15 September 2011 Holy Trinity, Lenexa KS Pentecost Guidebook for Christ Renews His Parish

Pre-work Materials

The Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory In preparation for optimizing the first Evening of Pentecost, each person will be given a folder with an introductory Spiritual Preparation sheet and a copy of the CSGI. Completing this inventory prior to attending the first night will allow for a much richer experience with team members during the two Evenings of Pentecost.

First Evening of Pentecost

Program Overview (25 min)

Open with Acts 2:1-2

“In the days following Pentecost, the temple was an old church hearing the new message of a young church. You are a young church. Your parish is a young church in action. You have completed the first two chapters in your own Book of Acts. We can only suggest the beginning of Chapter Three.” [CRHP Manual Part V – 9]

The CRHP program suggests a focus on three areas of restoration: (1) personal growth, (2) ministerial development, and (3) committee responsibilities. Providentially, the mission statement for Holy Trinity, crafted around 1980, highlights the same three elements. Refer to HT Mission Statement

As the guidebook for CRHP concludes its process, it makes way for each parish to discern how it contributes to the Great Commission (MT 28:19), quoted in our mission statement.

The Continuation Committee at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Lenexa, Kansas suggests two 3-hour evenings of Pentecost which will ultimately provide some guidance to assist each of you in developing an individual plan for spiritual growth which is outlined in the section below entitled “My Plan of Life”.

● The Glossary of the CC defines Pentecost on p. 893 as …

● The CC Index, on p 832, refers to three different days of Pentecost

● The Apostolic Exhortation, EVANGELII NUNTIANDI (On Evangelization in the Modern World), of Pope Paul VI promulgated on December 8, 1975, the 10th anniversary of the close of the Second Vatican Council stated: CRHP Holy Trinity Pentecost Guidebook Page 2 of 15 September 2011 Holy Trinity, Lenexa KS Pentecost Guidebook for Christ Renews His Parish

In fact, it is only after the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost that the apostles depart to all the ends of the earth in order to begin the great work of the Church's evangelization. Peter explains this event as the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel: "I will pour out my spirit."[112] Peter is filled with the Holy Spirit so that he can speak to the people about Jesus, the Son of God.[113] Paul too is filled with the Holy Spirit[114] before dedicating himself to his apostolic ministry, as is Stephen when he is chosen for the ministry of service and later on for the witness of blood.[115] The Spirit, who causes Peter, Paul and the Twelve to speak, and who inspires the words that they are to utter, also comes down "on those who heard the word."[116]

● In the Apostolic Letter, Novo Millennio Inuente, at the close of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, Pope John Paul II stated the following:

52. Clearly, all this [work of the Church] must be done in a specifically Christian way: the laity especially must be present in these areas in fulfillment of their lay vocation, without ever yielding to the temptation to turn Christian communities into mere social agencies. In particular, the Church's relationship with civil society should respect the latter's autonomy and areas of competence, in accordance with the teachings of the Church's social doctrine.

The conclusion states: Every Sunday, the Risen Christ asks us to meet him as it were once more in the Upper Room where, on the evening of "the first day of the week" (Jn 20:19) he appeared to his disciples in order to "breathe" on them his life-giving Spirit and launch them on the great adventure of proclaiming the Gospel.

Opening Scripture – lectio divina (30 min) ● Use this section to take note of different types of preparation used as each person was asked to read Ephesians 4: 7-16 prior to completing the inventory.

● Ask someone to read the passage. Each person then shares his/her reflections on a word that strikes them and what God might be inviting them to through the scripture.

● Ask for a show of hands for those that took notes, wrote reflections, etc. Also see if anyone would like to share. This might offer some related to the degree to which people journal, reflect, meditate, etc.

“No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher.” (Luke 6:40)

The Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory Analysis (100 min)

1 Make sure each person has completed the CSGI and is prepared to summarize their answer sheet. CRHP Holy Trinity Pentecost Guidebook Page 3 of 15 September 2011 Holy Trinity, Lenexa KS Pentecost Guidebook for Christ Renews His Parish

2 Emphasize that a complete discernment of Charisms is a process requiring much prayer, meditation, awareness, feedback from others, journaling, etc.

3 This is one tool chosen by the CRHP CC to initiate that process for those entering into the Pentecost phase.

4 Hand out and discuss the Call & Gifted Workshop Participant Handbook.

Areas of Ministry and Mission (5 min)

All ministries within the Parish should be encouraged to incorporate all of these areas into their groups/committees/ministries/programs.

● Study (didache) – to teach ● Mutual Support (koinonia) – community ● Prayer (leiturgia) – worship ● Faith Sharing (kerygma) – 1st proclamation ● Evangelization (evangelizo) – preach the gospel ● Outreach (dikonia) – service

Holy Trinity Ministries and Lay Leadership (15 min)

● Review the Holy Trinity Parish Directory and explain that the ministries are organized into 4 categories (Worship, Formation, Service and Social) which are quite similar to the 4 pillars of Catholic stewardship (Hospitality, Prayer, Formation, and Service).

● Also outline the Lay Leadership opportunities within the ○ Parish staff – serving on committees, web design, staff support, volunteers

○ CRHP – Continuation Committee, CC support roles, History Giving/Faith Sharing Facilitator, Evening of Discernment Facilitator, Pentecost Facilitator, Web master

There may be some benefit to have them discern what age of people they are feeling called to do service with/for. For instance if someone feels called to youth then core team or life teen in general might be their spot.

Also, it is important they don't limit themselves to parish ministries that already exist or even parish ministries in the global sense. We would love to find people who are interested in starting ministries that don't exist, serving populations that are being left out, etc. Also, even if they aren't called to service in the parish their service in the world renews us as a parish.

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Prayer, Reflection, Study (5 min)

Does anyone know the source of this statement?

Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

It is step 11 of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous!

In a reflection on this, Fr. Richard Roar states that

“Prayer is not about changing God, but being willing to let God change us, or as Step Eleven says, ‘Praying only for the knowledge of God’s will.’

If you are able to switch minds to the mind of Christ, your prayer has already been answered! That new mind knows, understands, accepts, and sees correctly, widely, and wisely. Its prayers are always answered because they are, in fact, the prayers of God too.”

● Encourage review and further prayer and discernment. ● Announce next meeting. ● Close in prayer.

“Every tree is known by its own fruit”. (Luke 6:44)

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Second Evening of Pentecost

Opening Scripture (10 min) Reading from the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (8-28-2011) ● Jeremiah 20:7-9 ● Romans 12:1-2 ● Matthew 16:21-27 Highlight the three requirements of a Christian (24)

Reviewing the Call & Gifted Participant Handout (80 min)

More to come after Errante attends the Archdiocese workshop on September 17.

My Plan of Life – Using My Talents for Growth and Service (60 min)

Consider dividing this block of time according to the following suggested segments:

A Individual reflection, journaling, discernment (about 20 minutes) B Small groups of 3-4 to share ideas, thoughts, strategies (about 20 minutes) C Come back together as a large group to share and discuss the process(about 20 minutes)

Your talents are a precious gift from God. They are the essences of the ways in which He designed you to naturally think, feel, and behave. Resist the common temptation to fill in the “valleys” of your lesser talents; focus instead on building upon the peaks of potential God created in you. In doing so, you will begin to fulfill that potential – and you will begin to see more clearly His calling for you. Listen to God; read scriptures; look within your heart. And remember: You will be successful because of who you are, not because of who you are not. (The Living your Strengths Journey, Winseman & Petters) Refer to Plan of Life/Wheat: EWTN

Many of us have daily routines that serve important purposes in our lives. We make plans for person and family events, plans for property and life insurance, and perhaps even occasionally update our retirement plans.

But how much time have we ever seriously taken to create a Plan for Life (Eternal Life)? We would like to provide you with some time here tonight, to review the handout entitled Plan of Life/Wheat: EWTN and to begin to craft YOUR Plan of Life.

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Prior to reading the article, we ask that you seriously reflect on your answers to the following questions which are listed at the top of this handout.

● What do YOU want in life? ● What do YOU want in death ● What does GOD want of me? ● What has GOD gifted me?

As you read this article, we suggest you begin with an outline of what small daily activities you could do within YOUR Plan of Life. As with any change, it will require at least 25- 30 days of consistent practice. Start small and as you find the joy and peace in these moments you spend with God, don’t be too surprised if you find yourself adding a few more activities to your plan.

In the handout, Fr. John McCloskey provides a list of THE SEVEN DAILY HABITS OF HOLY APOSTOLIC PEOPLE. The facilitator should offer a routine that he/she finds helpful and fulfilling.

Suggest that rather than holding yourself accountable for every day initially, perhaps set a goal of 4-5 times each week. The ultimate goal would be to create a routine that works for every day of the week and ensures some “private time with God”.

If people decide that they want to continue to meet as a faith sharing community, please contact the Director of Adult Faith Formation – Stacy Hettinger for additional resources and direction.

It is the vision of our parish staff that these leaders go through some training to ensure the longevity of the group and to enrich their get-togethers with some resources, suggestions, etc. We hope that faith sharing communities at Holy Trinity will grow and prosper and there will be a process to support those groups and to help them understand the areas of mission and ministry.

Next Steps (15 min)

Callings are not just meant for the devout and holy. Everyone has a calling. You just need to discover what it is. And that calling doesn’t come from God’s voice thundering from above; it comes from His whispers deep within you, from the very essence of your being. (Read 1st Kings 19 where Elijah found the Lord in a “tiny whispering sound”.) God expects nothing more from you than to live that life for which you were created. He wants you to be yourself. (The Living your Strengths Journey, Winseman & Petters)

● Reviewing your CRHP commitment sheets.

CRHP Holy Trinity Pentecost Guidebook Page 8 of 15 September 2011 Holy Trinity, Lenexa KS Pentecost Guidebook for Christ Renews His Parish ● What support is needed and available?

○ Monthly gathering for Men (third Thursday of each month) ○ Monthly gathering for Women (?) ○ Holy Trinity Christ Renews His Parish web site ○ Charism Monthly Group Meetings ○ Stacy Hettinger, Adult Faith Formation/Communications Staff Coordinator ○ Holy Trinity Christian Formation Council ○ Consider getting a Spiritual Director ○ EWTN (Catholic web site and television station) ○ KEXS-1090-AM-Kansas-City---Catholic-Radio-Network

● Suggestions. Closing Prayer (5 min) Mt 16:24-27 - Recall Deacon Stuart’s homily regarding the three actions required of all Christians.

After open prayer, close with the last verse of the bible – (Rev 22:21) “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.”

Complete the Evaluation (10 min) Please allow time for participants to complete the evaluation and turn it in prior to leaving. This data will be compiled and used to continue to improve this process.

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Pre-work: Spiritual Preparation and CGSI Overview Prior to attending your first of two nights of Pentecost on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at 6:30 – 9:30 PM in School Library, please complete pages 3 – 20 of The Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory.

Prior to taking the 30-45 minutes needed to complete this material, we ask that you recite the Prayer of The Holy Spirit used in CRHP and then read the following scripture verses to center yourself in the Holy Spirit. Space is provided beneath each verse to make any notes, capture reflections, etc.

Acts 2: 1-4

Romans 12: 1-8

Ephesians 4: 7-16

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Holy Trinity Mission Statement

The Call and Gifted Workshop – Participant Handout

This will be passed out during the Second Evening of Pentecost.

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Plan of Life/Wheat: EWTN

What do YOU want in life? What do YOU want in death? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What does GOD want of me? How has GOD gifted me? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Have you found that the daily quest for holiness called for in our Faith from the time of our Baptism is inextricably linked to our human search for happiness? Are you therefore searching for a practical way to live holy Faith in daily life -- to be happy here and in Heaven?

Or do you perhaps have an interest in/attraction to certain devotions (Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy, Our Lady of Fatima, etc.) or spiritualities (Benedictine, Franciscan, Dominican, Ignatian, etc.), but find yourself overwhelmed by the possibilities? Maybe this post may be of use to you.

As I began my professional life after college, I gradually realized that I had to fan the spark of my love of the Faith into a fire of living the Faith in daily life. But, I soon discovered that one cannot dedicate herself to even a fraction of the absolute plethora of useful devotions and spiritual practices that the Church has gifted us with in the last 2,000 years. So, I set about selecting what would be most helpful for my spiritual life and growth in holiness. It's still a matter of trial and error, but I have a mostly workable Plan of Life (a daily/regular spiritual regimen), which I will likely post on at length. It would help to have a wise spiritual director (such as a gifted priest or sister) to guide me, but like many others, I have not yet found one who is available. So, I pray and search.

Enter, again, our reliable guide, Fr. John McCloskey, this time providing us with: THE SEVEN DAILY HABITS OF HOLY APOSTOLIC PEOPLE

Fr. McCloskey notes that integrating these habits into one’s life is a gradual process that may require some modifications, but at the same time a priority overriding lesser things/timewasters. He estimates that the habits as he describes them will take about an hour-and-a-half per day, but will yield unexpected benefits.

CRHP Holy Trinity Pentecost Guidebook Page 12 of 15 September 2011 Holy Trinity, Lenexa KS Pentecost Guidebook for Christ Renews His Parish 1 morning offering (Rise promptly to offer your day to God, in your own words or with a formula.) 2 meditation for 15 minutes (Please see the next post, "Meditation." Or see page 2 of this.) 3 spiritual reading for 15 minutes (Please see the previous post, "On Drowning by the Page.") 4 daily Mass (If you cannot attend daily Mass, perhaps consider spending some time before the Blessed Sacrament or at home prayerfully reading the Mass readings and praying a spiritual communion (asking to receive Our Lord spiritually since you cannot receive His Body and Blood at Mass). The Mass readings, in text or in audio with a homily, can be found at EWTN. 5 Angelus/Regina Coeli (at midday; the former for all seasons but Easter, the latter for Easter) 6 Rosary 7 examination of conscience (Before bed: give thanks to God; ask His grace to know your sins; examine your thoughts, words and deeds in each part of your day, especially in light of the previous day’s resolutions; pray an act of contrition; make specific resolutions to avoid these sins in the coming day; and pray an Our Father. This is a summary of the method of St. Ignatius.)

I would be remiss if I didn't recommend here the greatest work of one of the greatest spiritual directors who ever lived, the Gentle Saint, bishop St. Francis de Sales. His Introduction to the Devout Life is very readable and practical, several hundred years after his death.

Finally, in creating this post, I am greatly indebted to one of the foremost sites on the Web and TV for authentic Catholic spirituality, which I highly recommend: Mother Angelica's EWTN. Among the exhaustive resources there, you will find schedules, live feeds, and videos/podcasts of their excellent programming, including daily Mass and numerous spiritual shows. You will also find a very large library of texts, audio and video, and a religious catalog.

Meditation ( ) This post is a continuation of the previous post, "Plan of Life/Wheat: EWTN."


In his splendid book of detailed meditations on the entirety of all four Gospels, The Better Part, Fr. John Bartunek points-up the importance of meditation in our daily lives. He defines meditation as “lifting the heart and mind to God through focused reflection on some truth of God’s revelation. It involves the intellect, the imagination, the memory, the emotions — the whole person” (p. 21). When we use ready-made meditation books, though, we “easily slip into the spiritual reading mode: instead of using the points of reflection as springboards for focused personal reflection, attentive listening to the Holy Spirit, and intimate heart-to-heart conversation with Christ, [we] simply read, understand, agree, and move on … yet, unless you learn to go deeper, to personalize your prayer more, you will limit your growth in virtue” (p.24).

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He describes a very simple and effective four-part method of meditation, summarized as: ● concentrate (Recall that God is present, seeing you and listening to you, and that He has something to say to you that you need and want to hear. Ask for whatever grace you need most.) ● consider (Read the text slowly and calmly until something strikes you; if you wish, perhaps read it again or read a commentary. If it’s a Scripture, perhaps place yourself in the story to listen to God’s word to you. If it’s a commentary, perhaps ask what the words say about the Church, or you and your resolutions, or your responsibilities as a Catholic/spouse/parent/worker.) ● converse (Savor what God is telling you and talk to Him in your own words, perhaps of adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, or supplication [ACTS]. If you wish, when you response quiets, go back to the text for more.) ● commit (Make a specific resolution. Thank Christ for your meditation. Jot any insights down in your journal [perhaps noting the text you read]. Make a concluding prayer, perhaps an Our Father/Hail Mary/Glory Be.)

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Your honest answers to these questions will help the HT CRHP Continuation Committee make the necessary modifications to make this as rich a Pentecostal Experience as we can. Thank you for your participation and cooperation.

Please circle the number that applies: 1=Strong Agree, 3=Neutral, 5=Strongly Agree 1 This Pentecost experience helped me 1 2 3 4 5 understand ways to Grow in my faith. 2 This Pentecost experience helped me 1 2 3 4 5 understand ways to Show my faith through ministry and other lay leadership opportunities. 3 As a result of this experience, I 1 2 3 4 5 learned more about Adult Faith Formation programs at Holy Trinity and within the Archdiocese. 4 The materials used to help identify 1 2 3 4 5 my spiritual gifts were meaningful and helpful. 5 I feel motivated to continue to 1 2 3 4 5 develop and implement a Plan of Life.

6. What changes would you recommend to enhance any part of this Pentecostal experience?

7. What specific elements of this experience did YOU find most informative and/or helpful?

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