Chapter 1 General Provisions

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Chapter 1 General Provisions

The Bylaws of the Douglas Matheson Squadron

Article I – General Provisions

1.1. Name. This Squadron of the Arnold Air Society (AAS) shall be officially named The Douglas Matheson Squadron.

1.2. Purpose. The purpose of these bylaws is to supplement the AASMAN-1. These bylaws establish specific policies and procedures for this Squadron.

1.3. Amendments. In order to meet the changing needs of the Douglas Matheson Squadron, amendments to these bylaws may be made.

1.3.1. A proposed amendment must be submitted in the form of a resolution to the SQ/CC. It must include the proposed amendment, verbatim; the section of the bylaws it will be included in; and any justification behind its addition.

1.3.2. The amendment may be voted on during the course of the meeting following its submission.

1.3.3. The amendment will be made only if the resolution passes with a 2/3 majority vote by the squadron.

1.4. Bylaw Rewrite. If a general rewrite of the bylaws is deemed necessary by a 2/3 majority vote of the Squadron, then a committee will be appointed by the SQ/CC to make all necessary changes. The final draft will be voted on as an amendment as stated in section 1.3.

Article II – Membership

2.1. Activation. To be activated in The Douglas Matheson Squadron, a candidate must complete all requirements of the candidate training program as stipulated by the CTO.

2.1.1. If a candidate fails to meet any of the training requirements, the CTO must first consult with the SQ/CC and SQ/CD before eliminating the candidate from the program.

2.1.2. A candidate may appeal his/her elimination from the program by meeting with the SQ/CC and SQ/CD. The SQ/CC will have the final decision on the retention of the candidate in the program and may or may not confer with the CTO. 2.2. Retention. A squadron member, once activated into the Squadron must meet the requirements stipulated in these bylaws and in the governing documents of the AAS in order to remain active within the squadron.

2.2.1. Meeting Attendance. All active members must attend a minimum of 80 percent of all squadron meetings. Before the command period begins, the SQ/CC will determine, based on the number of planned squadron meetings, the number of unexcused absences that will be tolerated. This number will be communicated to the Squadron. If a member has a school or work conflict during the meeting time, they must contact the SQ/CD at least one day before the scheduled squadron meeting describing why they cannot attend. If approved, this will not count as an unexcused absence. Any other excusal due to extenuating circumstance must be approved by the SQ/CC prior to the meeting. If a squadron member misses more meetings than the allotted 20%, then each meeting after the 20% will count as a separate offense according to section 2.3.

2.2.2. Service Project Attendance. All active members will be required to have 10 service hours in the command period. A maximum of 5 service hours will count from each service project, regardless of the number of hours actually worked. Service hours will only be counted from official squadron service projects. Official service projects will be announced by Squadron Staff via meetings or email.

2.2.3. Social Attendance. All active members will be required to attend at least one social during the course of the Command Period. The Squadron will have a minimum of one social every two months and a maximum of three every month. A work or school conflict will be grounds for excusal if the member contacts the SQ/CD at least one day prior to the event describing their excuse for not attending. Any other extenuating circumstances that requires an excusal must be approved by the SQ/CC at least one day prior to the event.

2.2.4. Fundraiser Attendance. All active members will be required to work for a total of 5 hours or 1 event in a command period at squadron fundraisers.

2.2.5. Unprofessional Behavior. Unprofessional behavior and dropping commitments will not be tolerated within the Squadron as this is not becoming of an AAS member and future Air Force officer. Disciplinary action as outlined in section 2.3 will be followed as a result of any squadron member’s unprofessional behavior. A majority vote of the Squadron Staff is required to discipline an individual due to unprofessional behavior.

2.3. Disciplinary Action. In the event that a member does not conform to the requirements of membership, disciplinary action will be taken at the discretion of the SQ/CC and SQ/CD.

2.3.1. The first offense will result in a verbal warning from the SQ/CC or SQ/CD.

2.3.2. The second offense will result in a counseling with the SQ/CD, and depending on the severity of the offense, the SQ/CC.

2.3.3. The third offense will result in the member being in bad standing within the AAS.

2.3.4. The fourth offense will result in the individual’s membership within the AAS being terminated.

2.3.5. Depending on the severity and circumstance of the offense, the order of repercussions may be altered at the discretion of the SQ/CC.

2.4. Bad Standing. Squadron members may be placed on bad standing at the discretion by the SQ/CC and the Squadron Staff. The SQ/CC and Squadron Staff must show good cause in their decision and must issue a report to the Squadron describing their decision.

2.4.1. A member in bad standing will be considered inactive within the Squadron as described in the AASMAN-1 and these bylaws.

2.4.2. A member in bad standing will remain so for a period of no less than 30 days. After that time, he/she may schedule a meeting with the SQ/CC and SQ/CD appealing their status within the Squadron. Their status within the Squadron will be decided by the SQ/CC and Squadron Staff, with the final decision being a 2/3 majority vote of the Squadron in favor of reinstating good standing. If this vote fails, another appeal may be made only after a period of 30 days.

2.5. Inactive Status. AASMAN-1 section 2.3.1 defines the treatment of members considered as inactive. A member may be voluntary or involuntarily made inactive.

2.5.1. A squadron member may at any time voluntarily inactivate their membership. To do so, they must submit an official memorandum to the SQ/CC describing their reasons for inactivation. With submission of this memorandum they will immediately be considered as inactive within the Squadron.

2.5.2. Involuntary inactivation will be considered the same as being in bad standing.

2.5.3. Inactive members will lose their voting privileges, though they retain the right to attend all squadron meetings and events. Inactive members will be authorized to wear the AAS membership ribbon, though they will not wear the AAS fourragere or rank pin.

2.6. Dismissal. Dismissal is the loss of membership status as defined in AASMAN-1.

2.6.1. If a dismissed member wishes to reenter the Squadron, they must submit an appeal in the form of an official memorandum to the SQ/CC addressing why they should be allowed to reenter the program. Then, if permitted they must complete the candidate training program again before reentering the Squadron as an active member.

2.6.2. A member may be dismissed by a unanimous vote of the Squadron Staff or at the discretion of the SQ/CC if disciplinary action as described in section 2.3 of these bylaws is fitting.

2.6.3. Any member may voluntarily terminate their membership. To do so, they must submit an official memorandum to the SQ/CC stating their desire to terminate their membership.

2.6.4 Dismissed members will not be permitted to attend any squadron events or meetings and will not be authorized to wear any AAS accoutrements.

Article III – Candidacy

3.1. Eligibility. Any active member of AFROTC at Detachment 910 is eligible given they meet all AFROTC requirements including passing the PFT and maintaining a 2.5 cumulative GPA.

3.2. Requirements. All member candidates must meet the requirements of these bylaws and the AASMAN-1. 3.2.1. Candidates are required to attend 100% of all training unless their absence is approved by the CTO.

3.2.2. All candidates and trainers will be in the proper uniform during training events. The required uniform will be at the discretion of the CTO.

3.2.3. Candidates will be required to wear the candidacy pin with the service dress at all times during the candidacy term.

3.3. Entrance into Squadron. In order to enter into active membership of the Douglas Matheson Squadron, the following requirements must be met:

3.3.1. The candidate class must complete two service projects which are approved by the CTO.

3.3.2. The class must complete at least one fundraiser which together meet a monetary goal set by the class and approved by the CTO.

3.3.3. The class must successfully complete the Extended Training Exercise to be determined by the CTO.

3.3.4. The class must gather the signatures of all active members, endorsing their entrance into the squadron.

3.3.5. The candidate must pass the National Candidate Test with at least a score of 80%.

3.3.6. The candidate must sign attachment two of the AASMAN-1 on the AAS hazing policy.

3.3.7. The candidate must pay an initiation fee of $75.

Article IV – Squadron Staff

4.1. Purpose. The purpose of the Squadron Staff of the Douglas Matheson Squadron is to make and implement squadron policy; to guide and direct the mission and objectives of the Arnold Air Society and the Douglas Matheson Squadron, IAW AASMAN-1 and these bylaws; to serve as a review board; and to make decisions concerning disciplinary actions.

4.2. Structure. The Squadron Staff will be headed by a Squadron Commander (SQ/CC) who will hold the AAS rank of C/Maj and will exercise general command over the Squadron. Their staff will consist of the following positions:

4.2.1. Deputy Squadron Commander (SQ/CD). The SQ/CD will hold the AAS rank of C/Capt and will exercise command of the Squadron in the absence of the SQ/CC. They are responsible for assisting the SQ/CC by maintaining squadron event attendance and for maintaining general discipline within the Squadron. The SQ/CD will act as the liaison between the Squadron and the local AFA chapter.

4.2.2. Operations Officer (SQ/DO). The SQ/DO will hold the AAS rank of C/1st Lt. and is directly responsible for all squadron operations, to include organization and execution of all service projects, support of fundraiser organization and support of social and professional development activities.

4.2.3. Finance Officer (SQ/FM). The SQ/FM will hold the AAS rank of C/1st Lt. and manages all financial aspects, including planning and managing the squadron budget, collection of dues, reimbursements and payments, and organization and execution of fundraisers.

4.2.4. Information Management Officer (SQ/IM). The SQ/IM will hold the AAS rank of C/1st Lt. and maintains squadron and staff meeting minutes and communication, including all files and reports, and keeps track of membership renewal. They are responsible for communication of all necessary information within the Squadron.

4.2.5. Public Affairs Officer/Silver Wings Liaison (SQ/PA). The SQ/PA will hold the AAS rank of C/1st Lt. and is responsible for both in-squadron and out of- squadron support, providing good relations within the community and the wing while raising the morale of the Squadron.

4.2.6. Director of Support (SQ/DS). The SQ/DS will hold the AAS rank of C/1st Lt. and is responsible for general squadron morale. This is accomplished through the planning and execution of squadron socials and professional development activities. The SQ/DS will also be responsible for putting together award packets for the Squadron and squadron members.

4.2.7. Candidate Training Officer (SQ/CTO). The SQ/CTO will hold the AAS rank of C/1st Lt. and is responsible for the recruitment and training of candidates for the Douglas Matheson Squadron. This individual is required to put together a training program for the candidate class and submit it to the SQ/CC before training begins.

4.2.8. AAS/SW Chapter/Squadron Chief of Protocol (CSCOP). The CSCOP is a joint AAS/SW position and may be held by a member of either organization. This individual is to be knowledgeable of all AAS and SW policies and procedures on the national, area/regional and squadron/chapter levels and any further guidance given by the Area/Region Chief of Protocol and to ensure that these policies are being met by the Squadron/Chapter. Special Election of CSCOP. Due to the joint nature of this position, their election is inherently different. All active members of either AAS or SW may seek the CSCOP position. If a member of The Douglas Matheson Squadron wishes to seek this position, they must submit a letter of intent to the current SQ/CC no later than 30 days prior to the conclusion of NATCON. All candidates will then be interviewed by the current SQ/CC and SW President prior to NATCON, who will then make a selection prior to the conclusion of NATCON. The term of office of the CSCOP is the same as all other staff positions. Rank in AAS. If the CSCOP is a member of AAS, they will hold the rank of C/Capt. Regardless of AAS or SW membership, the CSCOP will be considered as a member of Squadron Staff and will report to the SQ/CC. Conclaves. The CSCOP will have the responsibility of preparing the Squadron for all conclaves.

4.3. Term of Office. The term of office for the Squadron Staff will be for one year, beginning and ending at the conclusion of NATCON. This term is subject to change at the discretion of both the incoming and outgoing SQ/CCs.

4.4. Election. Any active squadron member who is in good standing may seek any Squadron Staff position.

4.4.1. Any member who is interested in seeking the position of SQ/CC must submit a letter of intent to the current SQ/CC no later than 30 days prior to the conclusion of NATCON.

4.4.2. Elections for SQ/CC will occur no later than 14 days prior to the conclusion of NATCON, at the discretion of the current SQ/CC.

4.4.3. After election, the SQ/CC will be responsible for appointing a staff before the beginning of his/her term of office.

Article V – Squadron Operations

5.1. Squadron Meetings. Squadron meetings will be held on a biweekly basis during the academic year and will be chaired by the SQ/CC. 5.1.1. Squadron Staff is responsible for notifying all squadron members of any squadron meeting at least 14 days prior to the meeting.

5.1.2. Squadron meeting times will be set by the Squadron Staff prior to the term of office, and will be at a regular time and place.

5.1.3. Squadron Staff has the ability to change these meeting times or to add extra meetings to fit the needs of the Squadron

5.1.4. Squadron meeting minutes will be taken by the SQ/IM and will be available to the Squadron within three days of each squadron meeting.

5.2. Squadron Staff Meetings. Squadron Staff Meetings will be held on a weekly basis during the academic year and will be chaired by the SQ/CC.

5.2.1. Meeting times will be determined by the SQ/CC and will occur at a regular time and place.

5.2.2. The SQ/CC has the ability to change the meeting times or add extra meetings to fit the needs of the Squadron Staff and Squadron.

5.2.3. The minutes of the Squadron Staff meetings will be taken by the SQ/IM and will be available to the Squadron within three days of each meeting.

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