Dept: of Social Science

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Dept: of Social Science




Explain the Following:-

1. Examine the Historical reasons involved in the development of ancient cities. An *The rise of industrial capitalism. s *The establishment of colonial rule over large parts of the world. *The development of democratic ideals. 2. Name the major industries in London where the largest no: of people were employed. An *Clothing and footwear. s *Wood and furniture. *Metal and engineering. *Printing and stationary. *Precision products like surgical instruments, watches and objects of precious metal.

3. “Slums are considered to be a threat to public health in London” Explain:- Or “The British Government decided to give housing facilities for the poor” Give reasons An -Slums were considered as a threat because :- s *They were overcrowded. *They were badly ventilated. *Slums were unhygienic and lacked sanitation. *There were worries about fire hazards created to poor housing. *There was a widespread fear of social disorder, especially after the Russian Revolution in 1917. *They never wanted the outbreak of a worker’s rebellion. 4. What are the functions/characteristic features of ancient cities? An *Ancient cities mainly developed along river valleys and used the water for agriculture, irrigation s etc. *The cities were the centers of political power. *The cities were a canter of administrative network. *The cities were a center of trade and industry. *Cities were also centers of religious institutions, intellectual activities and supported various. social groups like artisans, merchants and priests. 5. ‘London was a powerful magnet for the migrant population’ Justify the statement. These are the words of Gareth Stedman Jones. An * The city of London was a powerful magnet for migrant populations, even though it did not have s large factories. * ‘Nineteenth century London, says historian Gareth Stedman Jones was a city of clerks and shopkeepers of small masters and skilled of a growing number of semi-skilled and out workers of casual labourers, street sellers and beggars. *Apart from the London dockyards, five major types of industries employed large numbers which included clothing and footwear, wood and furniture, metals & Engineering, Printing & Stationary and precision products such as surgical instruments , watches and objects of precious metal etc. *During the first World War (1914-18) London began manufacturing motor cars and electrical goods and the number of large factories increased. 6. How did the rich and poor spend their leisure time in London? OR Explain any five sources of Entertainment which came up in the 19th century England to provide leisure activities.

Ans (C.B.S.E 2014-15) Rich:- *For the wealthy Britishers, there had long been annual London season. *Several cultural events such as the opera, the theatre for the classical performances, were organized for an Elite group of 300-400 *Cinema became the great mass entertainment for the mixed audiences. Poor:- *State n an, art galleries and museum were established in the 19th century for the commons. *Music halls were popular among the lower classes. *British industrial workers were increasingly encouraged to spend their holidays in the sea shore.

7. Describe the various steps which were taken to clean up the city of London. (C.B.S.E 2012-13) An *Attempts were made to decongest localities; greened the open spaces, reduce pollution and s landscaped the cities. *Large blocks of apartments were built like those in Berlin and New York. *Rent control was introduced in Britain during the First World War. *Attempts were made to bridge the country side around London. *Slums were cleared and better housing facilities were given to the people. 8. “The function and shape of the family were completely transformed by the life in the industrial city” Support this statement with example. (C .B.S.E An 2012-13) s -In the eighteenth century, family had been a unit of production and consumption as well as of political decision making. There was a big change in the older pattern. *Ties between the members of household began to be loosened. *The institution of marriage among the working class tended to break down. *The women of upper and middle class in Britain faced higher level of isolation, although their lives were made easier by maids. *Women who worked for wages had some control over their lives, particularly among the lower social class. *By the 20th century, the urban family had been transformed again partly by the experience of the war-time work done by the women who were employed in large numbers. 9. Presidency cities are called multi Functional. Give reason? An -They were called multifunctional cities as:- s *They had major ports. *Ware houses. *Homes and offices. *Army camps as well as educational institutions. *Museums and libraries. 10. Explain the evolution of Bombay as a multi Functional city. An *In the seventeenth century, Bombay was a group of seven islands under Portuguese control. s *In 1661, control of islands passed into British hands after the marriage of Britain king Charles 11 to Portuguese princess. The East India Company quickly shifted its headquarters from Surat, to Bombay. *At first, Bombay was the major outlet for cotton textiles and was shifted to Gujarat. *Later, in the 19th century, the city functioned as a port through which large quantities of raw materials such as cotton and opium would pass. *Gradually, it also became an important administrative centre in Western India and then by the end of the 19th century, a major industrial centre.

11. Bombay became a Centre of migrant population. Explain An *Bombay nominated the maritime trade of India till well into the 20th century. s *It was also at the junction head of two major railways. *The railways encouraged an even higher scale of migration into the city. Famine in the dry regions of Kutch drove large numbers of people into Bombay in 1888-89. *The flood of migrants in some years created panic and alarm in official circles. *Worried by the influx of population during the plague epidemic of1898, district authorities sent about 30,000 people back to their place of origin by 1901. 12. Explain the Mumbai - Fort area. OR The policy of racialism and discrimination was clearly visible with colonial cities. Justify.

An (C.B.S.E 2014-15) s Bombay was a crowded city while, every Londoner in the 1840’s enjoyed an average space of 155 square yards, Bombay had a mere 9.5 yards. *By 1897, when London had an average of eight persons per house, the density in Bombay was as high as 20. *Bombay did not grow according to any plan and houses especially in the Fort Area were interspersed with gardens. The Bombay Fort Area which formed the heart of the city in the early 1800’s was divided between a ‘native’ town most of the Indians lived, and a European or ‘White Section’. *A European suburb and an industrial zone began to develop to the north of the Fort settlement area, with a similar suburb and cantonment in the south. *This racial pattern was true of all three presidency cities – Bombay, Madras and Calcutta. 13. What is Akharas? An (Refer page no: 144) s 14. Explain the term Reclamation. An (Refer page no: 144) s 15. What is ‘reclamation’? Why were reclamation projects under taken in Bombay? Explain any two such projects. (C.B.S.E 2103) An *The reclaiming of marshy or submerged areas or other wasteland for settlements cultivation is s called reclamation. *The need for additional commercial space in the mid- 19th century was the reason for reclamation both by private and government companies. (i)Back bay reclamation company was one such company to reclaim the foreshore from the tip of Malabar Hill to the end of Colaba. (ii)Bombay Port Trust was another reclamation project which created Ballard Estate. (iii)Marine Drive of Bombay was also developed. 16. Who were the philanthropists? What were the steps taken to reduce the number of crimes in cities? (C.B.S.E 2013) An *Those who works for social upliftment and charity, donating time and money for the purpose. s *To reduce the crime, the authorities imposed high penalties. *Offered work to those who were considered the ‘deserving poor’.

17 What led to the Expansion of population in Bombay in the Mid 19th century? Give any three reasons. (C.B.S.E 2015-16) An s *It was the Junction head quarters of two major Railways – Western and Central Railways. *Famine in the dry regions of Kutch drove large numbers of people in to Bombay. *Bombay provides so many employment opportunities to the migrant population. Describe the Features of the big modern city of Calcutta ( Kolkata) as viewed by the Gods in the 18 Novel written by Durgacharan Roy. (C.B.S.E 2015-16) The Gods were Wonderstruck by :- * The train travel, Large ships on the river Ganges, Factories releasing smokes, Bridges and Monuments. *A dazzling array of shops selling a wide range commodities * Museum and High court

They were dismayed by:- *Anti-Social elements, poor quality of housing, cheating and poverty. *Caste, religious and gender biases. * All social distinctions that appeared to be natural and normal seemed to be breaking down.

19 Why did the people of London call underground Railway ‘the iron Monster‘? Give reasons.

( C.B.S.E. 2015-16) *Underground railway was considered a menace to health. *The massive destruction was also made in the process of construction of underground railway. *Houses were knocked down, streets broken through and stopped. *Deep pits and trenches dug in the ground. *It led to the massive displacement of the poor people in London. 20 “Women who are engaged in paid jobs are an example of persons who fulfill mix of goals” Analyse the statement. ( C.B.S.E. 2015-16) *If a woman is engaged in a paid work, she is able to achieve a mix of goals. Her dignity in the Household and society increases. *An independent working women commands more respect. *Such a women gets better acceptance. Her goals of development are widened along with income. She can expect safe and secure life. 21 Explain the position of women in Britain in the 19th century? (C.B.S.E 2015-16) *Women ih the early 19th century were employed in large numbers in the factories ,because their wages are less than men. *Due to technological developments women gradually lost their industrial jobs. *Some of them worked as house maids and some of them were remained in the four walls of their homes. *Some women worked from home to increase their family income through various activities *However later in the 20th century, there was a large change when women got employment in the wartime industries and offices. 22 Define “Tenement” Explain the causes for it’s origin. *Tenement are the Run-down and often overcrowded apartment especially for the poor people in a large city. *Factory or the Industrial owners didn’t provide housing facilities for the migrant workers. * This tempted the land owners to make profit by building cheap and unsafe buildings for the migrant population in the cities called Tenement

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