Present Your Book at Our Book Fair

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Present Your Book at Our Book Fair


The best publicity for a book is when someone else suggests that you read it, namely someone your age. So this IR activity is designed to get the class talking about their books. Using persuasive techniques that you’ve learned, you are going to give a 2 - 3 minute oral presentation selling your book.


 Note cards, numbered, write only on one side  Attention grabbing opening – HOOK (just like an essay)  Title, author of book  Short introduction to the plot  Description of at least one character (positive and/or negative traits, agree or disagree with actions, realistic or unrealistic, etc)  Reasons a person would enjoy this novel (“This book is exciting,” is not enough)  Type of person who would enjoy this novel  Lasting thought to entice the reader  Visual aid such as poster, power point image, glogster, prezi, iMovie, padlet The visual is simply a visual. It cannot have any writing. (except for a short caption)  Good eye contact, appropriate volume and pace


Complete handout.


 Costumes- perhaps you want to be the author or a character  Sound effects, music, brief part of song  iMovie, Windows Movie Maker- You MUST have a way to share these in class. Do a test run in class before you spend lots of time creating a trailer.  Your own idea (needs teacher approval)

SPEECH NO-NO’s  reading from a script, reading a poster or power point- Remember there are no words in your power point.  speaking quickly and softly  moving around  giving an introduction and then saying, “If you want to know the rest, go read the book.”  Saying, “This book has excitement” or “If you like suspense” as your only reasons for reading the book  Beginning with “Hi, I am ______and I am going to tell you about ______.” E-mail or share your video to your Literature Connections teacher.

*A note about “appropriate sounds and images”: First, they must be school-appropriate. Second, you must give credit for the sounds and images you use. All images and sounds you use must be attributed (include the name of the creator and the website from which you got it) in your closing credits.

Online Resources for creating a book trailer: Naomi Bates, a high school librarian in Texas, has developed a great resource for creating book trailers. Go to and click on the PowerPoint presentation, “Creating Book Trailers.” Her web page also has some sample trailers. Animoto is an online resource for creating videos using still photos and music. Check out the Ridgewood Public Library for some sample book trailers (some are created by publishing companies; some are created by teens). Name______RUBRIC Written part- speech outline handout 10 SPEECH CONTENT Superior Good Needs work Poor Beginning/hook attention getting states topic may state topic weak and unclear 10 8-7 6-5 4-3

Middle focused, logical, mostly focused some focus and little or no focus  introduction to plot organized, and and specific detail or detail  character specific description  reasons/people 20 18-16 14-12 8-6 who would enjoy

End/lasting thought briefly partial summary; weak lasting no lasting thought summarizes and attempt at lasting thought leaves an thought impression 10 8-7 6-5 4-3

Persuasive very convincing, mostly convincing somewhat not convincing techniques audience will run convincing out and get this book 10 8-7 6-5 4-3

PRESENTATION Superior Good Needs work Poor volume loud and mostly audible parts inaudible spoke too softly appropriate 6 5-4 3-2 1 pace speaks slowly and mostly expressive partly expressive no expression; too with expression quick 6 5-4 3-2 1 fluency flows nicely, no flows nicely for partial flow no flow “um’s”, “like’s” the most part 6 5-4 3-2 1 eye contact looks at audience looks at audience some reading little or no eye throughout most of the time contact speech, uses notes cards effectively 6 5-4 3-2 1 time limit stays within 2-3 slightly under or between 1-2 min. less than one minutes over or over 3 minute 6 5-4 3-2 1 visual aid enhances speech good; mostly minimal effort Does not follow and follows follows criteria criteria; poor criteria effort 10 8-7 6-5 4-3 Name______

HOOK (just like an essay)your attention grabbing beginning – ______


Author: ______

Characters: ______

Description of at least one character (positive and/or negative traits, agree or disagree with actions, realistic or unrealistic, etc) ______

Setting (time and place):______

Short introduction to the plot ______

Reasons a person would enjoy this novel (“This book is exciting,” is not enough) ______

Type of person who would enjoy this novel ______

Lasting thought to entice the reader ______Visual aid

Circle your choice: poster, power point image, glogster, prezi, iMovie

The visual is simply a visual. It cannot have any substantial writing. Captions are acceptable.

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