Middle School s1

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Middle School s1

Faiss Middle School

Vocal Music Handbook INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Faiss Empowerment Middle School Choirs! I hope everyone has had a restful and rejuvenating summer and is glad to be back in school. I also hope that all choir members will find singing in the choir to be an enjoyable experience and that each of you will develop a love of choral music that will last a lifetime. In order to ensure that high standards of excellence are established and maintained throughout the school year, it is important that all students and their parents read this handbook and understand the commitment that being a part of this organization requires. The choral music classes are ultimately performance classes and, as such, the necessary student participation goes beyond the scope of the normal classroom. This handbook outlines the Choir policies and procedures for you and your parents. These policies enable the organization to run smoothly and effectively, thus helping the Choir to reach and maintain the absolute highest standard of excellence possible. It is very important that you and your parents/guardians read this handbook and agree to follow the policies and procedures. At the end of this handbook is an enrollment agreement for you and a parent/guardian to sign and return to me to be placed into your file. Let’s have a great year!

Lamont Russell Vocal Music Director Faiss Empowerment Middle School Choirs Email: [email protected] Phone: (702) 799-6850 ext. 4063


The course objectives have been designed to provide students the opportunity to become competent in the following musical understandings (by the end of the fourth year in high school). Competence in these areas assumes that a solid foundation of musical training has been provided to each student during the elementary and middle school years. These objectives are consistent with the standards set forth in the National Standards for the Arts in Education.

Content Standard 1: All students will apply skills and knowledge to perform in music. Students will be expected to:  Sing with expression and technical accuracy a large and varied repertoire of vocal literature with a moderate level of difficulty, including some songs performed from memory.  Sing music written in four parts, with and without accompaniment.  Perform an appropriate part in large and small ensembles, demonstrating well-developed ensemble skills.  Perform artistically on electronic instruments.  Read a vocal score of at least four staves.  Sight-read, accurately and expressively, music with a moderate level of difficulty.

Content Standard 2: All students will apply skills and knowledge to create in music. Students will be expected to:  Improvise stylistically appropriate harmonizing parts.  Improvise rhythmic and melodic variations given pentatonic melodies and melodies in major and minor keys.  Improvise original melodies over given chord progressions, each in a consistent style, meter, and tonality.  Compose music in several distinct styles, demonstrating creativity in using the elements of music for expressive effect.  Arrange pieces for voices or instruments other than those for which the pieces were written in ways that preserve or enhance the expressive effect of the music.  Compose and arrange music for voices and various acoustic and electronic instruments. Demonstrating knowledge of the ranges and traditional usage’s of the sound sources.  Create or adapt music to integrate with other media.

Content Standard 3: All students will analyze, describe, and evaluate works of music. Students will be expected to:  Demonstrate extensive knowledge and use of the technical vocabulary of music.  Analyze aural examples of varied repertoire of music, representing diverse genres and cultures, by describing the uses of music and expressive devices.  Identify and explain compositional devices and techniques and their purposes giving examples of other works that make similar use of these devices and techniques.  Evaluate the use of music in mixed media environments.  Make informed, critical evaluations of the quality and effectiveness of performances, compositions, arrangements, and improvisations applying specific criteria.  Evaluate a performance, composition, arrangement, or improvisation by comparing it to similar or exemplary models.

Content Standard 4: Students will understand, analyze, and describe the arts in their historical, social, and cultural contexts. Students will be expected to:  Classify by genre or style and by historical period or culture unfamiliar but representative aural examples of music and explain the reasoning behind their classifications.  Identify sources of American music genres, trace the evolution of those genres, and cite well-known musicians associated with them.  Identify various roles that musicians perform, cite representative individuals who have functioned in each role, and describe their activities and achievements.  Analyze the impact of electronic music in society and culture. 3 Content Standard 5: Students will recognize, analyze, and describe connections among the arts; between the arts and other disciplines; between the arts and everyday life. Students will be expected to:  Explain how elements, artistic processes and organizational principles are used in similar and distinctive ways in the various arts and cite examples.  Compare characteristics of two or more arts within a particular historical period or style and cite examples from various cultures.  Explain ways in which the principles and subjects of various disciplines outside the arts are interrelated with those of music.  Identify various roles that musicians perform, cite representative individuals who have functioned in each role, and describe their activities and achievements.  Analyze and consider the use of music and media for the future.


Being a member of choir is being a member of a team. We must work together for our team to be successful and accomplish our goals. Teamwork takes cooperation, courtesy, and commitment. Everyone is important to the team, and everyone has responsibilities to the team. These responsibilities include (but are not limited to):  Show respect for the director, other members of the ensemble, and yourself.  Show respect for the choir room, the equipment, and the music.  Be on time to all rehearsals and performances.  Be prepared with music folder and in seat when it is time for class to begin.  Put forth your best effort every day with a positive attitude.  Be responsible for all classroom materials (music, written work, handouts, permission slips, choir uniforms, etc.)  No gum, food or drinks in class (water bottles are an exception).


Classroom and Performance Participation: To earn the full amount of possible points for classroom participation, students must be on time and be a contributing member to that rehearsal. Unexcused absences will result in 0 points for the missed class period or performance. These points cannot be made up. Students that have excused absences from class will be given opportunity to earn their missed points through other work assigned by the director.

Full points can be earned for performances if the student is on time for the warm-up, is dressed accordingly, and acts appropriately as a performer and audience member during the concert. Each student’s performance will be evaluated in the following areas for grading purposes:  Application of proper rehearsal behaviors and procedures.  Music history/theory homework, tests, and quizzes.  Vocal improvement.  Sight-singing and ear-training dailies, tests, and quizzes.  Concert attendance and performance.


Grading Criteria: Maximum Points: Daily classroom participation 10 points per day Successful participation in performances 100 points per performance Singing Tests 50 points per test Written Work/Extra Credit To be determined Paperwork/Signature pages To be determined

4 1. Class Participation = 60% 2. Test = 30% a. Warm-ups, theory, sight-reading, music a. Oral/written rehearsal b. Performances b. Following class rules and procedures c. Anything requiring parental/guardian c. Effort and attitude signatures d. Any class activity d. Extra rehearsals 3. Final Exam = 10% SINGING TESTS

Students will be asked to sing a short excerpt from their classroom music during each quarter. (Tests will include examples from sight-reading texts as well as concert music.) Students will not be required to sing in front of their classmates, but will need to sing for the director to show they know their parts and so that the director can check individual vocal development.


Our district is committed to teaching all students in all classes the importance of reading, writing, mathematics, technology, and citizenship. Written assignments will be given throughout the school year. Students will be given ample notice as to what each assignment is, how each relates to the music we are working on in class and a reasonable amount of time to complete every assignment before it is graded. Assignments will count toward the final grade for the quarter/semester.


A = 100 – 90%  The student always participates in classroom activities.  The student never talks out or intentionally disrupts the class.  The student is always attentive and cooperative.  The student always applies his/her best effort to the music. B= 89 - 80%  The student usually participates in classroom activities.  The student almost never talks out or intentionally disrupts class.  The student is usually attentive and cooperative.  The student usually applies his/her best effort to the music. C= 79 - 70%  The student participates about 50% of the time.  The student talks or disrupts the class about 50% of the time.  The student is attentive and cooperative about half the time.  The student applies his/her best effort about half the time. D= 69- 60%  The student rarely participates in classroom activities.  The student often talks or disrupts class.  The student is rarely attentive or cooperative.  The student rarely applies his/her best effort. F= <59%  The student virtually never participates in classroom activities.  The student is frequently noisy and disruptive.  The student is virtually never attentive and cooperative.  The student is making little or no effort to learn music.


The Faiss Empowerment Middle School Activity Fee covers the choir uniform and supplies. Choir’s activity fee is $25.00. It should be paid in the front office before school or during lunch. It is Faiss Empowerment Middle School’s policy to not accept checks. FMS only recognizes money orders or cash as acceptable forms of payment. Your uniform will be ordered for you to wear in performances after you have paid your activity fee. If there is a financial issue with 5 paying, please contact the front off at 799-6850, ASAP. Fees must be taken care of by October 1 to insure a t-shirt will be ordered for you in time for the first concert of the year. Fees not paid will be documented on each student’s personal account.


Choir students should be dressed in their Faiss Choir uniform for each performance. · 6th Grade Girls Choir Polo Shirt, Black Dress Pants, Black Socks, Black Dress Shoes · 7th & 8th Grade Girls Performance Dress, Hose, Black Dress Shoes (Flats are ok)  6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys White Dress Shirt, Bowtie, Vest, Black Dress Pants, Black Socks, Black Dress Shoes

Pants – Dockers and Dickies are OK. NO spandex or denim. NO tennis shoes, clogs, or sandals. Absolutely NO bright hair color, colored hair sprays/gels, glitter sprays/lotions or anything of the sort is allowed. Ladies, please remember to put your hair up and out of your face. NO Jewelry. One pair of earrings is allowed but no bigger than studs. All hair and makeup must be nicely done, and all polo shirts must be tucked in. All students are required to stay for the entire length of the concert. Concert etiquette must be followed at all times, and all school rules must be adhered to. If it is not possible for you to furnish your own outfit, see me as soon as possible so we can try to work something out. Do not wait until the week of the concert – see me NOW!


Attendance is required for all students at all concerts/events scheduled for full choir participation. Any unexcused absence will result in the quarterly grade being affected to the point of reducing it two full grades.

Excused absences, however, may include the following:  School attendance records show that the student has an excused absence on the day of the performance.  Parent contact has been made prior to the day of the performance and the absence approved by the director.  There is a death, illness, or other emergency in the family.  Some necessary absences, such as school activity conflicts, may be approved for make-up work.  See Mr. Russell prior to any conflicts to arrange necessary assignments so points are not lost.


1st offense: Warning/Conference with student. This will be documented by student signature and date. 2nd offense: Phone call to parent/guardian. Documented and dated. 3rd Offense: One-hour detention after school and a phone call to parent/guardian. Teacher will document day and time.  No show for detention will result in a referral to the Deans’ office. If a student causes a major disruption or blatantly breaks the school/class rules during class, he/she will be sent directly to the Deans’ office and parent/guardian will be notified.


Rehearsals are more than simply time allotted to learn words and melodies. Singing is a learned skill, requiring the training of various muscle groups in the body as well as the ear. Rehearsal is also a time to develop a better understanding of the cognitive fundamentals of music. It is therefore important for you to come to each rehearsal prepared to invest your mind and body in total concentration. Please observe the following at each rehearsal:

Time: Be in the choir room when the bell rings so that class time is not lost. If you are not on time, you will be counted as tardy. (The hall just outside the choir room door is not considered being in the choir room. Neither is having someone else tell me where you are.) In order for us to begin work in a timely manner, have your folder and music at your seat with you before rehearsal begins. Since rehearsal time is valuable and cannot be made up once it is lost, do not expect to use rehearsal time as a study hall. Study time for other classes will not be given, except on certain occasions. If another section is working and yours is not, practice quietly on your part to improve your own skills.

7 Pre-Dismissal: Rehearsals will run from bell to bell (in one form or another); therefore, do not expect a study period during this time unless written work is assigned in class. Do not ask to leave early. The last 3 – 5 minutes of class is pre- dismissal. During this time the teacher can answer questions, handle discipline and tardy issues, and complete housekeeping duties.

Hall Passes: Because hall passes will be issued very sparingly, if at all, use the restroom and/or get a drink of water before you come to class. Please deal with administrative or scheduling/counseling problems before you come to class, during lunch, or during passing time. The phone in the choir room is for appropriate school business uses only. Please do not ask to use the phone during rehearsal time. The computers at the teacher’s desk in the classroom and office are off limits to students who do not have permission or reasons to be there.

Classroom Equipment: Although the incidental musical equipment, both electronic and acoustic, is ultimately intended to be beneficial to student performance, most of it is expensive and calls for special instruction or training for proper use. That being said please do not attempt to use it without specific permission from the director in charge. This request also includes any stereo playback equipment.

Gum/Candy/Lozenge/Mint/Plastic/Paper/Other: Since any foreign object in the mouth impedes good diction and choral tone and is a choking hazard, DO NOT bring candy, gum, or other snacks (including soft drinks) to rehearsal. Each student is allowed one “oops, I forgot”; after that points will be deducted and the behavior will be noted in the behavior log.

Courtesy: It is expected that you ask appropriate questions in class, but please remember to do so courteously and remember there should be no extraneous talking during rehearsal. Always treat other members of the choir with courtesy and respect, as you would like to be treated. Our ability to develop pride in our accomplishments will be in direct proportion to our ability to work together during each and every rehearsal. One of our primary classroom goals is to develop excellence in vocal music performance; therefore you will be expected to try your hardest every day to work to that end.

Sit-Write: If you are present but have a sore throat or are on doctor prescribed “vocal rest,” you will be excused from singing in that class period. To receive your grade for that day, you may turn in a report of what was covered in that day’s rehearsal. It should follow standard writing format. No less than the front of one piece of lined paper.


Each student will be assigned a folder number along with music of the same number. You will be responsible for any music assigned to you. The choir activity fee covers the first copy each piece of music. If your copy is missing or damaged, you will be charged the current replacement cost for the music (no excuses accepted) and will not have the music for personal study. You will still be responsible for knowing the music. Music may be marked (and should be) in pencil only; music marked in pen will be considered damaged. Please do not mark on the rehearsal folders.


Remember that your concert behavior and appearance (both on stage and in the audience) reflect an image of the school and community as well as the choir itself. Choir students are almost always required to stay for a complete concert. Students are never permitted to leave their seats during a performance except at intermission. Be courteous and respectful at all times and always put your best foot forward for the public.


You are expected to practice on your own each day. You should plan to spend at least 30 minutes per day of your own time on the music and/or vocal exercises. As individual skills improve, so too will group skills. I will be available after school (by advance appointment please) to help you in any way that I can.


8 It is important that the director, students, and parents/guardians all work together as a team to achieve our goals. Communication, understanding, and commitment are essential for this team to be a success. Please feel free to call or email me at school with any questions or concerns about your child or the choir program.

9 edmodo.com

Edmodo is a social network designed specifically for teachers, student and parents. Everyone is encouraged to sign up for an account as this will be the place to go for current information (choir announcements, performance schedules, reminders, assignments, grades, required forms, etc…) from home, school or work. A group code is needed to sign up for an account. If you already have an account, you will need to join the group for your choir class. Group codes will be given during class. This is an effective tool to keep everyone up to date on what is happening in choir as well as individual progress with assignments. You will automatically be connected to Mr. Russell and your classmates. More information will be given in class. We look forward to seeing you there!

Faiss Empowerment Middle School Choirs

6 th Grade Girls’ Choir This one-year course develops the basic skills necessary to build the musical fundamentals for performance. Students learn to sing for personal enjoyment and develop their musicality. Students perform an assortment of choral literature and experience a variety of performing experiences. This course is open to 6th grade girls with no prior middle school choral music experience. Concert attendance is mandatory. Concert Attire: See page 6 for requirements. Fees: Activity & Uniform. Students will be required to participate in after-school rehearsals, evening performances, and CCSD festivals.

7 th Grade Girls’ Choir This one-year course builds on the fundamentals taught in the 6th grade Girls’ Choir. This is a more in-depth study in vocal production and technique, as well as choreography. Emphasis will be placed on literature, music theory, and sight singing. Career possibilities will also be explored. Opportunities to sing for personal enjoyment and perform in various choral productions are available in this class. This course is open to 7th grade girls with at least one to two years of either school or church choir experience. Concert attendance is mandatory. Concert Attire: See page 6 for requirements. Fees: Activity & Uniform. Students will be required to participate in after-school rehearsals, evening performances, and CCSD festivals.

8 th Grade Girls’ Choir This one year course builds on the fundamentals taught in the 7th Grade Girls’ Choir. This is a more in-depth study in vocal production and technique, as well as choreography. Emphasis will be placed on literature, music theory, and sight singing. Career possibilities will also be explored. Opportunities to sing for personal enjoyment and perform in various choral productions are available in this class. This course is open to 8th grade girls with at least one to two years of either school or church choir experience. Concert attendance is mandatory. Concert Attire: See page 6 for requirements. Fees: Activity & Uniform. Students will be required to participate in after-school rehearsals, evening performances, and CCSD festivals.

Boys’ Choir This course is specifically designed for the young male singer. Boys’ Choir provides an excellent opportunity to learn self-discipline, group cohesiveness and trust as students develop their voices within a vocal ensemble. The boys will learn to sing a variety of choral literature and styles from around the world in unison and two-or-three-part harmony. Though the daily rehearsal, various musical concepts are taught with an emphasis on those skills relating to singing, correct breathing, and vocal techniques (diction, blend, balance, phrasing, intonation, articulation, tone quality). This course is open to 6th, 7th, & 8th grade boys with at least one to two years of either school or church choir experience. Concert attendance is mandatory. Attire: See page 6 for requirements. Fees: Activity & Uniforms. Students will be required to participate in after-school rehearsals, evening performances, and CCSD festivals.


I know this is a lot of information to digest, but please read this handbook carefully and abide by what is here. It is important that we all work according to the same set of rules from the beginning in order to create a choral music department that we can all be proud of and eagerly display to the public. I’m looking forward to working with you this

10 year and I know we will make some great music together. By the way, this pamphlet is in no way intended to alter any responsibility for abiding by the rules and regulations in the regular student handbook.


* Please write these events on your calendars ASAP *

Monday, August 29 School Begins Monday, September 5 Labor Day (No School) Thursday, September 7 FMS Open House Thursday, October 27 End of 1st Quarter Friday, October 28 Nevada Day (No School) Friday, November 11 Veteran’s Day (No School) Thursday & Friday, November 24 & 25 Thanksgiving Day & Family Day Monday, December 12 Vocal Music Winter Concert @ 6:30 PM Friday, December 16 Winter Break begins @ end of school day Monday, December 19 thru Monday, January 2 Winter Break Tuesday, January 3 Classes Resume Monday, January 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No School) Tuesday, January 17 thru Monday, January 23 Musical Auditions Friday, January 20 End of 2nd Quarter & 1st Semester Monday, January 23 2nd Semester Begins Monday, February 20 President’s Day (No School) Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, March 21, 22 & Advanced CCSD Choir Festival (UNLV) @ TBA 23 End of 3rd Quarter Friday, March 23 Spring Break Begins @ end of school day Friday, March 30 Spring Break Monday, April 2 thru Friday, April 6 Classes Resume Monday, April 9 All City Choir Festival (LVA) @ TBA Monday & Tuesday, April 9 & 10 2nd Annual School Musical @ 6:30 pm Thursday, May 3 thru Saturday, May 5 Vocal Music Spring Concert @ 6:30 PM Monday, May 14 Memorial Day (No School) Monday, May 28 Last Day of School – End of 4th Quarter & 2nd Thursday, June 7 Semester Friday, Monday, Tuesday, June 8, 11 & 12 Emergency Days (If Needed)

Above dates are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. 

12 To: Parents and students of the Faiss Empowerment Middle School Vocal Music Department

The faculty of Faiss Empowerment Middle School and the Vocal Music Department feel that communication between the school and the parents is imperative for a good program. We, therefore, ask each student as well as parent/guardian to sign this form. You may access the complete handbook on the Faiss Middle School Website – http://schools.ccsd.net/faiss and/or www.edmodo.com. This is the last page of the handbook and is to be returned to Mr. Russell by the last Friday in September with appropriate signatures as well as any questions or suggestions you might have in regards to the Faiss Empowerment Middle School Vocal Music Department. After the signature section, there is a checklist for all other forms students are required to turn in. Each page is worth a grade as it is very important they be returned.


I have read, understand and agree to the information presented in the 2011 – 2012 Faiss Empowerment Middle School Vocal Music Handbook.

______(Student Printed Name) (Parent/Guardian Printed Name)

______(Student Signature) (Parent/Guardian Signature)

______(Date Signed) (Date Signed)

______Student’s Class Period & Block Day Requested T-shirt Size (XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL) 6th Grade only

Form Checklist (forms to be returned to Mr. Russell) Students will be give ONE copy of each form that needs to be turned in. If, for any reason, a student needs an additional copy of a form, he/she will need to go to the choir website to print them out: www.edmodo.com, sign up for an account (parents should make an account also!), join the class group with the code (the code will be given to students in class) and search for the specific form(s). If any student does not have access to the Internet and/or a printer at home, papers can be printed at the school library on his/her own time. Per library policy, three pages can be printed per day at no charge; each additional page is $0.05 and exact change must be given.

____ Choir Activity Fee Receipt (given to student when fee is paid – please bring to class to show) ____ Handbook Receipt/T-shirt Order Form (this form) ____ Student Medical Permission Form ____ Field Trip Permit ____ Media Release Form ____ Course Expectations for Band/Choir/Orchestra ____ Student Information Sheet ____ Behavior Contract ____ Uniform Contract (8th Grade Choir Only) ____ Festival Letter (Handed Out 2nd Semester) *Other papers will be handed out throughout the year and will also be available on Edmodo.

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