Town of Milo MINUTES s1

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Town of Milo MINUTES s1

Town of Milo MINUTES

Municipal Office Selectmen’s Meeting

P. O. Box 218 April 7, 2015 Milo, Me 04463

MEMBERS PRESENT: Lee McMannus, Jerry Brown, Peter Hamlin, Wilma Stanchfield,Isabelle Warren and Damien Pickel. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. 6:30 PM Call to Order – by Lee McMannus, Chairman. MINUTES: Jerry made the Motion to amend the Minutes of March 17th as discussed. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously. Peter made the Motion to approve the Minutes of March 17th as amended. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously. CORRESPONDENCE: Betty read the letter from Darlene Vendelboe requesting that the Selectmen look into forming a committee that would do research regarding renewable and sustainable activities. Right now the committee would consist of Darlene, Bob Ade and Ron Desmarais. Lee received a letter from Lynn Ricker stating that the Special Town Meeting on April 9th did not follow the correct posting laws or was advertised in a paper. Lee stated that he has spoken with Erik Stumpfel who stated that all the guidelines were followed correctly. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS: Jerry Cole wanted to inform the Board that fiber optic will be installed on the pole by the library. This should be ready by September or October. Jerry has spoken with Darlene who suggested running it to a tower on the Town Hall to supply the area with free internet. Jerry will be looking into this. Bobby Ade asked the Board to make a Motion to move forward with the suggested committee regarding the renewable and sustainable activities. Currently there are 3 members but they would like to have 5 members, including someone from the Board of Selectmen. They would bring their recommendations back to the Board. Bobby stated that with Board approval and by being under the town, the committee will have better access to information. This committee will also look into recycling options. Lee stated that the committee can still move forward as is but he would like to check into the legalities of this before making a Motion on this. Mike Beland informed the Board that he has spoken with someone who stated that they can pick up the trash for $900/week. Glenn stated that he has talked to the same person a few years ago and he was quoted a price of $1200 - $1500/week after they drove the routes for both days. Lee stated that the town is still currently doing trash pickup as cheap as it can be done. AGENDA: CEMETERY PRICES DISCUSSION: Lee stated that this was discussed and voted on during the last meeting. MILO WEBSITE DISCUSSION: Peter stated that he has spoken with Jeff Gahagan and has gotten more information regarding the website that he suggested. Peter has also contacted the other interested company. However, he has not been able to speak to anyone yet. He will try to have more information by the next meeting. DEPARTMENT UPDATES: Budget – Robin stated that everything is going smoothly. She has the 2015 Budget entered into the computer. The first reports showing the budget have been run. Robin will have the spreadsheets for the next meeting. Fire Department – David stated that all was going good for the Fire Department. Recently, there have been a couple structure fires that destroyed one home. The other structure was saved by a neighbor calling in shortly after the fire started. Kenny Demers gave the Selectmen some handouts. The Fire Department would like the Selectmen to accept equipment worth ($2,610 – and first year of contract) as gift from the Fishing Derby to monitor fire tones and responding fire fighters through individual cell phones. The costs to the town will be $500/year for the system starting in 2016. Jerry made the Motion to accept the equipment for the Fire Department as requested. Second – Wilma. Passed - unanimously Public Works Department – Glenn stated that everything is going good for the Department. He would like to address some comments that were made at the last meeting as follows: 1. Glenn was asked about hiring a contractor to plow the outer roads. Response – Glenn stated that his winter budget is $140,850 plus $35,000 for equipment purchase which totals $175,850. Divide this by the 40 miles of plowing will figure out to $4,396/mile which also includes blow downs, sidewalks, parking lots, schools, skate rink, frozen culverts, catch basins and other duties as assigned. A contractor would cost $6,000/mile for plowing and sanding. 2. Glenn was asked about selling the grader if there was no operator. Response – Glenn clarified his comment of not having an operator to not having anyone available to operate the grader. Glenn stated that all his employees are work assignments and they are all qualified operators. 3. Glen was asked about contracting curbside pickup and what the cost would be. Response – Glenn stated that Ireland’s Rubbish did do an extensive survey here 10 years ago with an estimate of $900 - $1000/week. Glenn spoke with them on April 3, 2015 and was quoted a new price of $1200 - $1500/week to currently do the routes. This also would not include any dumpsters. Glenn has 72 dumpsters/week. Police Department – Chief Pickel stated that the department has responded to 54 incidents last week. The officers are adding more interaction to Rite Aid due to other Rite Aid pharmacies being robbed. Chief has been getting a lot of questions regarding the meeting about the school controversy. This meeting on Wednesday is not a Town Meeting so Chief will only be there to monitor the activity. Lee stated that they were not charged for use of the Town Hall. He didn’t think they should be charged for this type of meeting to get information out to the public. Public Health – Ben Kittredge stated he has no report tonight. BUSINESS DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE: Jerry stated that he has been talking to Erik Stumpfel about the Land Use Ordinance/Business District Improvement Ordinance. Jerry stated that the maps will be available at least 2 weeks before the Public Hearing on May 12th. The community will be allowed to give their input during the Public Hearing. This will be the first of two Public Hearings. The Board can enact this Ordinance but the community will participate. Jane Jones stated to the Board that there are many restrictions in this Ordinance. Peter stated that the town needs to start somewhere and it will be a continuing working document.

POLICY FOR DUMPSTERS: Lee stated that he has a copy of a letter from 2008 written by Jerry Brown as Interim Town Manager. The letter doesn’t really address the current issues/responsibilities. The dumpsters are owned by the business owners and not maintained by the town. Lee stated that Milo and Brownville are 2 of the few towns left that do not charge business owners for their dumpsters. By charging a nominal fee would be a good way to collect revenue. Most of the business owners who have spoken with Lee have no problem with the fees. An account could be set up to help offset the Trash Truck account line. Lee stated that if the town decides to charge a fee, the Board will still need to decide how to handle certain issues (as in would the town pay/repair for damages). Glenn may need to start doing inspections of the dumpsters along with the employees. Also if fees are charged, a waiver could be signed making the town not responsible for damages. Kevin Black wanted to inform the Board that damages also result from being frozen into the ground this time of year which is out of the employee’s control. Lee will get a list of business owners and get a questionnaire out to them. The business owners will also have a place to write comments or suggestions. Jerry made the Motion that the town does not repair dumpsters. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously. OTHER: Lee discussed with the Board about the need to look at the Town Manager’s account lines. Due to having to pay out the contract with David Maynard until August including insurance, vacation and sick day, the Town Manager’s account line could be running low depending on when a new Town Manager would be hired. Lee has spoken with Damien and the Town Office Staff. They are all willing to do everything that needs to be done until the end of the year. Lee is also assigning the Selectmen duties to help with other duties. NEW/UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Appointments: Betty informed the Board that there is still an opening for the Planning Board. The list of suggested members are Donald Banker, Brett Kirschbaum, Lois Wagner and Bob Hussey. Peter made the Motion to approve and sign the appointment for Lois Wagner as a member of the Planning Board. Second – Jerry. Passed – unanimously. It was brought to the attention of the Board that the Penquis Solid Waste Board is supposed to have 2 Selectmen and the Town Manager. Robin will look into the Penquis Solid Waste By-Laws in the morning. Town Manager’s Report: Damien did the Town Manager’s report updates. 1. Damien has spoken with Bruce Matson concerning the speed limit survey by Ron Desmarais’ property. MDOT will be here late spring or early summer to do this survey. 2. Damien has the application that Glenn has requested in regards to the boat launch by the Gazebo. This is to help with the concrete extensions. Damien has spoken with George Powell and the application needs to be submitted by May 13, 2015. A permit will be filed at that time. Robin stated that there is $8200 left from the Safe Streets Grant that could be used for the drudging. This money needs to be used by the middle of June of this year. 3. Damien informed the Board that Blaine is asking about putting the back deck out to bid for area construction builders. Robin stated that the Correctional Facility has agreed to do this job. 4. Damien wanted to formally thank all the Selectmen and the Town Office Staff with all the help and support he has been given.

Other – Purchase of Service Agreement with MMA: The Board discussed again the ability to finish out the year with Chief Damien Pickel as Interim Town Manager with the help of the Selectmen and Town Office. Lee stated that by not having to rush through the hiring process the chances would be better to hire a perfect candidate. MMA may have to put the job out more than once. The Board voted on the lesser hiring package ($2500) with MMA at their last meeting with the intention of filling the position within 3 months. After further discussions, the Board agrees it will be best to have MMA do the more extensive hiring package ($4900). Peter also pointed out that if the right candidate were to be interviewed sooner, the Board could discuss their options at that time. Peter made the Motion to do the hiring package with MMA for $4900. Second – Jerry. Passed – unanimously. Other – Renewal Agreement with Bangor Humane Society: Robin stated that even though the Selectmen had just signed the contract with the Bangor Humane Society that contract is only to finish their fiscal year which ends June 30th. This new agreement will be from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Jerry made the Motion to sign the Renewal Agreement with Bangor Humane Society as presented. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS: Lee stated that this is the first meeting where the Board is listening to Public Comments and Questions at the end of the meeting. Starting at the next meeting there will still be Public Comments and Questions at the beginning and at the end. However, during the rest of the meeting, the comments will be very limited. This will be a bit of a transition to get used to but it should cut down on a lot of the discussion. Darlene asked Glenn about the sink hole on Maple Street. She wanted to know when the issue will be resolved. Glenn stated that this may be a Water District issue. It will be fixed as soon as possible. Brett Kirschbaum wanted to state to the Board that it would be nice if the Board did not simply dismiss ideas and/or people that have a different prospective than the Board. The Board did not agree that this is accurate. Darlene asked if KEI owns the land at the Hydro Dam. Lee stated that the town owns the land and KEI owns the dam. Robin stated that last year KEI had $284,000 in revenues which Milo gets 15% of. There currently is a lease agreement with KEI until 2031. Robin also informed the public that most towns only get 4%. ADJOURNMENT: Jerry made the Motion to adjourn at 8:35 PM. Second – Peter. Passed – unanimously. Respectfully submitted: ______Leland McMannus, Chairman Betty Gormley, Secretary Date: ______

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