Field Trip Guidelines s1

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Field Trip Guidelines s1


Field Trips-1

Requests need to be processed at least three weeks in advance. Utilize Form Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-10 for normal school day field trips.

Sub requests must be processed at least two weeks in advance.

Field trips must be between 9:15 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. if using school busses.

Times bus will be needed for pickup and return must be indicated.

If chartering a bus or using private transportation, certificates of insurance are required. (Private transportation also requires a copy of the driver’s license.)

Account number of funds paying for trip must be indicated.

One chaperone per ten students (Form Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-17).

Chaperones must complete a volunteer/chaperone screening form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-24). Submit the form to Principal a minimum of seven (7) working days prior to the date of the field trip.

Regular Field Trip Consent Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-11) must be signed by student’s parent.

Process field trip packet through building principal and Central Administration.


Following is a checklist to assist in making sure you have the correct forms prepared and on file from the Field Trip Guidelines packet.

For In-State/Local field trips – Extended Overnight Trips, the following forms are pertinent: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

For In-State/Local field trips – Day Trips, the following forms are pertinent: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24

For Out of State field trips, the following forms are pertinent: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24

For Out of Country field trips, the following forms are pertinent: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24 OWOSSO SCHOOL DISTRICT

Field Trips-2

A field trip is a logical extension of the classroom curriculum because it has educational/ instructional value. The Superintendent shall develop the procedures necessary to ensure the safety and well being of all field trip participants and to obtain the written permission of the parent or guardian of each student prior to the field trip. During all field trips, students must follow the guidelines and expectations of the Owosso Schools’ Student Conduct Code. Students shall not be prohibited from participation on field trips because of inability to pay.

Field trips recognized by the Board include:

1. Regular Field Trips - Field trips normally taken as part of the school program of one day or less in duration.

2. Extended Field Trips – Overnight field trips are considered extended field trips. These include athletic camps and/or exhibitions, fine and performing arts shows and performances, foreign travel, and any overnight activities where students are representing the district and are accompanied by district employees.

Recreational trips, tours or programs traditionally known as “senior class trips” place undue burdens of financial and legal responsibilities on school employees and the school district. School employees are, therefore, enjoined not to sponsor, chaperone, supervise, or organize such trips. If students, parents or outside groups wish to plan such excursions independently, they do so without school endorsement or support. Distribution of descriptive materials/advertisements for such trips sponsored by outside individuals or groups will not be permitted.

LEGAL REF: MCL, 380.1321-1332; R 340.241-243 OWOSSO SCHOOL DISTRICT

Field Trips-3

The Board recognizes the value of student field trips that enhance the district’s educational program(s). Such trips are permissible within the following guidelines:

All requests for field trips are to be submitted to the building principal for approval and then to the Assistant Superintendent for final approval before students and employees engage in the planning of a trip.

1. Regular Field Trips

Field trips normally taken as part of the school program of one day or less in duration are considered Regular Field Trips. All requests for regular field trips shall be initiated by a teacher utilizing the “Regular Field Trip Request Form: (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-10).

a. Approved Regular Field Trips will be funded by the district within the budgetary allowance approved annually. When district funds are not available, students may be charged for expenses only if students are not prohibited from participating because of inability to pay. b. The district will not permit Regular Field Trips which are not related to sound educational objectives. c. The teacher shall notify parents in a timely manner of provisions relative to the approved Regular Field Trip and shall secure written permission from the parent/ guardian for each child participating in the trip (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-11, Consent Form – Regular Field Trip). d. Chaperones attending the field trip must complete a volunteer/chaperone screening form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-24). Submit the form to the Principal a minimum of seven (7) working days prior to the date of the field trip. e. The teacher shall adhere to the regulations and procedures set forth in “Administration of Medications – Field Trips (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-22). f. All financial transactions relative to the approved Regular Field Trip shall be conducted through the building internal account system. The district will not assume any financial responsibility, such as responsibility for salaries to a teacher sponsor or adult chaperone unless provided for in the master agreement. g. The district will not assume financial responsibility for Regular Field Trips sponsored and conducted by an independent organization when participation depends upon an individual’s ability to pay. h. The district will not release staff from their assigned class or classes to act as a sponsor, nor will the district pay salaries for employee sponsors, substitutes or chaperones, for a Regular Field Trip sponsored and conducted by an independent party, unless the activity is authorized by the Assistant Superintendent. i. Student eligibility for participation on a filed trip is the responsibility of the teacher/sponsor. Written eligibility requirements, based on citizenship, must be provided to students/parents prior to the field trip. Field Trips-3

2. Extended Field Trips

Overnight field trips are considered extended field trips. All requests for extended field trips must be initiated by a teacher/supervisor utilizing the “Extended Field Trip Request Form” and submitted for approval to the principal and assistant superintendent a minimum of four weeks in advance of the scheduled field trip, or in emergency situations, as soon as possible. The teacher/supervisor shall follow the Extended Field Trip Guidelines (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-4) as outlined herein. Chaperones attending the field trip must complete a volunteer/chaperone screening form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-24). Submit the form to the Principal a minimum of seven (7) working days prior to the date of the field trip.

The teacher/supervisor shall adhere to the regulations and procedures set forth in “Administration of Medications-Field Trips. (Field Trips-22).

As a general rule, the per pupil cost of extended field trips is to be paid by a sponsor, individual parent/guardian, or by approved fund-raising. Student participation in extended field trips shall be voluntary and students who do not participate shall not be disadvantaged in terms of credit, course requirements, grades or eligibility. However, upon the request of the building administrator and approval of the superintendent’s designee, an extended field trip may be considered a mandatory and credit event. In such cases, students shall not be prohibited from participating because of inability to pay, e.g., students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.

If a non-school sponsored trip is planned or if approval for an extended field trip is denied, the administrator will provide information to the teacher, students and parents which specifies that the school and its facilities must not be used to organize, promote or conduct the extended field trip (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-12, Sample Letter).

The district neither endorses, supports nor assumes liability in any way for any staff member of the district who takes students on trips not approved by the Assistant Superintendent.

Students on extended field trips must follow the guidelines and expectations of the Owosso Public Schools’ Student Conduct Code. OWOSSO SCHOOL DISTRICT

Field Trips-4

Extended Field Trip Guidelines

The teacher/supervisor will:

1. Allow only students enrolled in class or activity on field trip. 2. Submit Extended Field Trip Request Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-13) to principal and Assistant Superintendent a minimum of four weeks in advance. 3. Complete an Extended Field Trip Site Data Form, if not on file in school office. 4. Submit Extended Field Trip Bus Request Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-14) and Extended Field Trip Parent Notice and Permission/Medical Consent Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips- 15) to principal and Assistant Superintendent for approval a minimum of four weeks in advance of the scheduled trip. 5. Submit Volunteer/Chaperone Screening form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-24) for all chaperones attending the field trip to the Principal a minimum of seven (7) working days prior to the date of the field trip. 6. Arrange for a minimum of one adult chaperone for every 10 elementary students, one chaperone for every 10 middle school students, and one chaperone for every 10 high school students. 7. Provide each chaperone with field trip information (Chaperone Guidelines, Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-17). 8. Provide each chaperone with a list of specific students for whom he/she will be responsible. 9. Arrange for elementary students to have name tags (school to determine content). 10. Collect approved medications for designated students. 11. Review with students and chaperones what will be expected of them throughout the extended field trip. This will include: a. bus safety rules d. plan of each day’s activities f. restroom safety b. conduct standards e. unauthorized prohibited items g. universal precautions c. lesson/enrichment objective h. emergency procedures 12. Have in possession fully completed Extended Field Trip Parent Permission/Medical Consent Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-15) during the trip (no verbal permission accepted). Any exception to be made by building principals or their designee ONLY, and then only for one-day field trips. 13. Take attendance prior to departure, periodically during trip, and upon boarding bus/cars for return trip. 14. Monitor elementary students going to restrooms. 15. Observe the following procedures if a student cannot be accounted for: a. Designate someone to stay with students. b. Organize available persons to participate in search. c. Designate individuals to concentrate on specific areas, including busses. d. Consult with on-site authorities. e. Designate someone to contact school administration, who will contact parents. f. Designate someone to call and meet with police. 16. For emergencies, use cellular phones, walkie-talkies, or carry change for phone and have phone numbers available. 17. Observe the following procedures in case of serious injury or accident: a. Call 911 b. Contact home school building c. Do not leave injured person unattended until medical service arrives d. Do not move injured person e. Complete Accident Report Form as soon as possible upon return from site. 18. Follow all district procedures for handling money. 19. If cost of chaperones is included in student fees, parents must be notified explicitly on permission form. OWOSSO SCHOOL DISTRICT Field Trips-5

Guidelines for Selecting and Training Chaperones

The selection and orientation of chaperones is the responsibility of the teacher/supervisor who is in charge of the trip. The use of chaperones contributes to the safety and well being of all field trip participants; therefore, adequate supervision of students should be carefully planned. The teacher/supervisor is considered a chaperone. The following chaperone-to-student ratios should be considered a minimum:

Elementary one chaperone per 10 students Middle School one chaperone per 10 students outside the district one chaperone per 10 students inside the district High School one chaperone per 10 students outside the district one chaperone per 12 students inside the district

The actual number of chaperones depends on the nature of the trip, the age and number of students, and whether or not the trip includes an overnight stay.

Because chaperones must give their full attention to the students for whom they are responsible, only students enrolled in the class/activity can be allowed on field trips. Chaperones must also assume a full-time commitment to their responsibility during the entire trip.

Other chaperone guidelines include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Decide if chaperones should include male and female gender. 2. Inform chaperones, in writing, of their responsibilities. 3. Assign chaperones to each bus/vehicle depending on the number of students. 4. Provide each chaperone with a list of students for whom they will be responsible. 5. Orient chaperones to expect student conduct standards. 6. Orient chaperones to bus rules and regulations. 7. Orient chaperones to emergency medical procedures and emergency communication plan (see Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-17, Field Trip Chaperone Guidelines and Information Form). 8. Chaperones are to: a. Maintain vigilance over assigned students by taking periodic head counts, i.e., by completing bed checks and room checks to stay abreast of students leaving rooms. b. Report unacceptable student conduct to the teacher/supervisor. c. Monitor students going to restrooms as per teacher/supervisor instructions. d. Other, as determined by teacher/supervisor. 9. Parents who accompany their children as field trip chaperones must allow students to be governed by school rules and provisions of the Owosso Student Conduct Code. 10. Chaperones’ children who are not enrolled in the class or activity may not accompany the chaperone on the field trip. 11. Older siblings may not substitute for parents. Other close relatives (grandparents, aunts, uncles) may substitute for parents at the principal’s discretion only. 12. Chaperones may not consume alcoholic beverages at any time during a field trip. Smoking is discouraged, but not allowed in the presence of students. It is important that clear heads are maintained to be prepared for any emergency. It is also important that chaperones set proper examples in the presence of students by refraining from smoking. 13. Chaperones must complete a volunteer/chaperone screening form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-24). OWOSSO SCHOOL DISTRICT

Field Trips-6

Bus Transportation Information

1. Requests for use of bus transportation for regular field trips shall be submitted to the transportation department on a Regular Field Trip Request Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-10) at least three weeks prior to the field trip. 2. Requests for use of bus transportation for extended field trips shall be submitted to the transportation department on an Extended Field Trip Bus Request Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-14), which shall be stapled to the Extended Field Trip Request Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-13) at least three weeks prior to the field trip. 3. The principal and the Assistant Superintendent must sign all requests for field trips and use of bus transportation for field trips. 4. The transportation department will return a copy of the bus transportation request to the building principal indicating if the request is approved or disapproved. 5. The Owosso Schools’ Student Conduct Code applies to all students while on field trips. 6. When students are dropped off at the close of the field trip, it is the teacher/supervisor’s responsibility to ensure all students are picked up or transported to their homes. 7. NO “outside of class” children will be allowed on any field trips. 8. Chaperones must ride with students. OWOSSO SCHOOL DISTRICT

Field Trips-7

Field Trip Bus Safety Rules

Parents and Students: Please review these guidelines together. They have been designed with student safety in mind. Students are responsible for knowing and following the bus rules. Please sign the bottom of this form and return to your teacher by the date requested.

1. Follow directions the first time they are given. The bus driver is in charge and responsible. 2. Be polite; show good manners. Yelling, swearing, rude gestures, pushing, shoving or teasing other bus riders is not allowed. 3. Ask the bus driver before opening windows. Keep hands, feet, head, objects, etc. inside the bus at all times. 4. Eating or drinking is not allowed on school busses. (Includes gum or candy.) 5. Tobacco products, drugs, alcohol or dangerous items will not be allowed on the bus at any time. 6. Respect school property. Writing on, cutting or damaging the bus in any way costs money and can be a safety hazard. Violators will be invoiced for repair costs. 7. All students must remain seated. Face the front of the bus with both feet down. Keep the isles clear of all objects. 8. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. 9. Animals, bugs, fish and glass containers can create havoc and may not ride the bus. 10. All students on field trips are subject to bus code regulations in the Student Conduct Code.


Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature


Field Trips-8

Use of Private Transportation

Adult Volunteer Drivers

1. Completed Field Trip Private Transportation Driver Guidelines Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-18) on file in the main office. 2. The owner’s insurance is considered primary according to Michigan no-fault insurance. 3. A minimum of $100,000/300,000 liability insurance is required on the vehicle. 4. The vehicle is properly maintained and in good repair, particularly as it pertains to safety equipment such as brakes, horn, tires, lights, etc. 5. No open-type vehicle, such as a pickup truck, shall be used for transporting students. 6. A legal seat belt will be available and used by each occupant while in the vehicle. 7. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age with a valid driver’s license with no court-ordered restrictions. 8. Completed volunteer/chaperone screening form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-24) submitted to the Principal a minimum of seven (7) working days prior to the date of the field trip.

Employee Drivers

1. The owner’s insurance is considered primary according to Michigan no-fault insurance. 2. A minimum of $100,000/300,000 liability insurance is required on the vehicle. 3. The vehicle is properly maintained and in good repair, particularly as it pertains to safety equipment such as brakes, horn, tires, lights, etc. 4. No open-type vehicle, such as a pickup truck, shall be used for transporting students. 5. A legal seat belt will be available and used by each occupant while in the vehicle. 6. The driver possesses a valid driver’s license with no court-ordered restrictions.

Student Drivers and Students Riding with Student Drivers

Students driving and students riding with student drivers on field trips shall be prohibited unless specifically authorized by the principal (e.g., under unusual circumstances and with parent approval).

1. The owner’s insurance is considered primary according to Michigan no-fault insurance. 2. A minimum of $100,000/300,000 liability insurance is required on the vehicle. 3. The vehicle is properly maintained and in good repair, particularly as it pertains to safety equipment such as brakes, horn, tires, lights, etc. 4. No open-type vehicle, such as a pickup truck, shall be used for transporting students. 5. A legal seat belt will be available and used by each occupant while in the vehicle. 6. Student driver possesses a valid driver’s license with no court-ordered restrictions. 7. Field Trip Parent Notice/Permission and Medical Consent Form (Owosso Public Schools FieldTrips-15) on file in the main office 8. Field Trip Student Driver Information (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-19) on field in the main office. 9. Field Trip Student Driver/Rider Permission and Waiver of Liability Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-20) on file in the main office. OWOSSO SCHOOL DISTRICT

Field Trips-9

Guidelines for Sleeping Overnight in Owosso Public Schools Buildings

School buildings are not designed for sleepovers; therefore, the following guidelines must be considered in order to maintain a safe environment.

1. All requests for building sleepovers shall be limited to Owosso Schools students and must be approved by the principal. 2. Forty-eight hour prior notification must be provided to the building principal, director of operations, assistant superintendent of schools and to emergency services (Fire/Police Departments) in Owosso. 3. Overnight arrangements should always be temporary in nature. 4. Consideration should be given to a “common sense” student ratio, i.e., two teachers for every 25 students, and applicable number of chaperones. 5. The teacher/supervisor shall have in his/her possession a fully completed Extended Field Trip Parent Permission and Medical Consent Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-15). 6. The teacher/supervisor should have access to a working telephone. 7. At least two exits are required. Window exiting should not be considered when determining the exit plan. Access to all corridors may be necessary to meet the requirements for two remote egress doors. 8. There should be at least two portable emergency lighting devices readily available. 9. If the swimming pool is to be used, the pool utilities person must be notified and available as well as a certified water safety instructor. 10. All costs of additional personnel and/or services shall be the responsibility of the sponsor or individual parent/guardian or fund-raising effort. Field Trips-10 TRIP LOG # ______OWOSSO PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR FIELD TRIP REQUEST FORM Teacher Grade Date Requested School Total # Students to be Transported Date Bus Wanted Total # Teachers to be Transported Destination Total # Chaperones to be Transported (Please attach directions, if available) Total # Instruments to be Transported Time of Departure from School Time of Return to School

Field trips are to be taken between the hours of 9:15AM-2:15PM. 65-passenger busses are used for field trips. One form must be completed per bus needed. ***Only Owosso students and authorized chaperones are permitted to ride the school bus.*** Have you made necessary arrangements with authorities at your destination? Have you notified cafeteria and itinerant staff of the date of your trip? ______Have you submitted the volunteer/chaperone screening form for all chaperones to the Principal? ______Funding source:  Athletics,  Band,  Bldg. Budget (classroom trip),  PAC,  Other (specify) . If bldg. budget or other, specify account # . Indicate account number/organization for billing purposes: (You must provide an account number or your requisition will be returned.) Type of field trip: Please indicate educational merits of this field trip and how it relates to your classroom instruction:


Principal’s Signature Assistant Superintendent

FIELD TRIP CONFIRMATION – FOR TRANSPORTATION USE ONLY  APPROVED  DISAPPROVED Reason for disapproval . Assigned to Transportation Supervisor’s Signature Bus Number Attention driver: attach driver trip sheet to the upper left hand corner of this form when trip is completed. DEBIT NOTICE/INVOICE – FOR CENTRAL OFFICE USE ONLY Your accounts have been charged as follows: Distribution Directions: 1 Copy – Confirmation FIELD TRIP SALARY $______2 Copies – Transportation (______Hours ______Minutes @ $______/Hour) 1 Copy – Debit Notice DRIVING TIME: ______LAYOVER TIME: ______Journal Entry Number: ______FIELD TRIP FICA & RETIREMENT $______Date: ______By:______FIELD TRIP Bus Operating Costs $______(______Miles @ .65/Mile) Total Cost $______Field Trips-11 OWOSSO PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR FIELD TRIP CONSENT FORM

Student Name: School: Grade: Date of Trip: Destination: Cost: Mode of Transportation: Chaperones: . Planned Itinerary:


My child has my permission to participate in this regular field trip as described. If I cannot be contacted, the school is authorized to take appropriate action on behalf of my child in the case of a medical emergency.

Date: Signature of Parent/Guardian

Address City Zip Telephone Number(s)

EMERGENCY INFORMATION If you will not be home during the hours of the trip, please list a telephone number where you can be reached in case of an emergency.

Emergency telephone number: Medical Insurance Company: Policy Number: Subscriber’s Name Field Trips-12


Dear Parents and Students,

It has come to my attention that students are currently planning a ski trip to Schuss Mountain from December 18-22. We do find it necessary to make sure that all persons involved understand that this is not a school-sponsored, school-authorized or school-approved trip. It is my understanding that there will not be a certified teacher in attendance the first two days of the trip. The Owosso School District has no connection with this trip, will not be providing supervision of any kind, and assumes no responsibility for any aspect of this activity.

We must also advise all concerned that since this is not a school function, no school facilities can be made available except under the provisions of existing Board policies relating to non-school groups. Likewise, the Owosso School District cannot be involved in any promotional support, such as teacher participating during school hours, announcements, use of school materials, etc. Should parents decide to absent their youth from school for this activity, it will be necessary to follow the established attendance procedure at Owosso High School.

Please do not hesitate to call me should you have questions about this matter.


This form is to be completed by the teacher and submitted to the principal. Upon his/her approval, this form will be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent.

School Department Grade Teacher Course # of Students Destination Phone Number of Days Date Leaving Date Returning Number of Chaperones Method of Transportation Funding source:  Athletics,  Band,  Bldg. Budget (classroom trip),  PAC,  Other (specify) . If bldg. budget or other, specify account # . LODGING INFORMATION Date Facility Address Phone Date Facility Address Phone Please indicate educational merits of this extended field trip and how it relates to your classroom instruction or co-curricular activity:

. Method of Payment (fund-raising) Use the back of this form or attach a sheet if there is other pertinent information.

Principal Approval (date) Assistant Superintendent

TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES FOR EXTENDED FIELD TRIP 1. Submit this form (and Extended Field Trip Bus Request Form Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-14, if needed) to principal a minimum of three weeks in advance of start date of trip. 2. Submit volunteer/chaperone screening form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-24) for all chaperones to the principal a minimum of seven (7) working days prior to the date of the field trip. 3. Discuss method of payment/fund-raising with principal at least four weeks prior to trip. 4. Send Extended Field Trip Parent Notice/Permission & Medical Consent Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-15) to parent. 5. Have in possession signed Permission & Medical Consent Form for each student. 6. Discuss with each chaperone his/her responsibility. 7. Assign students to each chaperone. 8. Discuss with all students your rules and their responsibilities. 9. Anticipate safety concerns. 10. Have emergency preparedness information (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-21) and materials in your possession. 11. Attach Foreign Travel Information Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-16) to this form for trips abroad. Field Trips-14

OWOSSO PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT EXTENDED FIELD TRIP BUS REQUEST FORM (This form must be stapled to Extended Field Trip Request Form)

Teacher Grade Date Requested School Total # Students to be Transported Date Bus Wanted Total # Teachers to be Transported Destination Total # Chaperones to be Transported (Please attach directions, if available) Total # Instruments to be Transported Have you made necessary arrangements with authorities at your destination? Have you notified cafeteria and itinerant staff of the date of your trip? Have you submitted the volunteer/chaperone screening form for all chaperones to the Principal?

Funding source:  Athletics,  Band,  Bldg. Budget (classroom trip),  PAC,  Other (specify) . If bldg. budget or other, specify account # . Indicate account number/organization for billing purposes: (You must provide an account number or your request will be returned)

This form must be stapled to Extended Field Trip Request Form or it will not be approved.

Principal’s Signature Assistant Superintendent


Reason for disapproval . Assigned to Transportation Supervisor’s Signature Bus Number

DEBIT NOTICE/INVOICE – FOR CENTRAL OFFICE USE ONLY Your accounts have been charged as follows: Distribution Directions: 1 Copy – Confirmation FIELD TRIP SALARY $______2 Copies – Transportation (______Hours ______Minutes @ $______/Hour) 1 Copy – Debit Notice FIELD TRIP FICA & RETIREMENT $______Journal Entry Number: ______FIELD TRIP Bus Operating Costs $______(______Miles @ .65/Mile) Total Cost $______Logged on: ______Field Trips-15 OWOSSO PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT EXTENDED (OVERNIGHT) FIELD TRIP PARENT NOTICE

School Department Grade Teacher Course # of Students Destination Phone Number of Days Date Leaving Date Returning Number of Chaperones Method of Transportation LODGING INFORMATION Date Facility Address Phone Date Facility Address Phone Please complete bottom portion and return no later than ______

EXTENDED FIELD TRIP PARENT PERMISSION & MEDICAL CONSENT FORM (No Verbal Permission Accepted) Grade ______Class ______Teacher has my permission to participate in a field trip to (Child’s Full Name) on (dates) Father’s Name Mother’s Name Address Address Home Phone(s) Home Phone(s) Employer Employer Phone Phone Alternatives in case of emergency: Name Phone Name Phone Health Information: Medications Allergies Special Concerns I recognize that while on an extended field trip, medical treatment on an emergency basis may be necessary, and I further recognize that school personnel may be unable to contact me for my consent for emergency medical care. Therefore, I consent in advance to such emergency care including hospital care as may be deemed necessary under the then existing circumstances. Therefore, I provide the following information: Insured’s Name Insurance Company Contract Number Group Number

I have discussed with my child the necessity of acting responsibly while on the trip and in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. If my child violates the Student Conduct Code, I agree to pick my child up and remove him/her from this field trip.


Field Trips-16

OWOSSO PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT FOREIGN TRAVEL INFORMATION FORM (This portion to be completed by teacher/supervisor)

Foreign travel is defined as all places outside the United States except Canada. This information will aid the district and the insurance provider in assessing the risk associated with trips abroad.

Date Teacher/Supervisor Grade Building Department

Funding source:  Athletics,  Band,  Bldg. Budget (classroom trip),  PAC,  Other (specify) . If bldg. budget or other, specify account # . Number of Students Age of Students Number of Chaperones Chaperone’s Relationship to School/Program: Parents Employees Other (please describe) Number of Days Date Leaving Date Returning Destination Purpose of Trip . Itinerary provide attachment with specific, daily itinerary) . Mode of Transportation to Destination Mode of Transportation while Abroad Sightseeing in Other Cities Has this trip been taken before?  Yes  No Will student medical forms be taken on trip?  Yes  No

Teacher/Supervisor Signature Date


Will parents and students hold school district harmless?  Yes  No Will release forms be signed?  Yes  No Are there other foreign trips planned for this year?  Yes  No If yes, describe . Additional information .


Date: To: (Chaperone) From: School Phone (Teacher(s)/Supervisor(s) GUIDELINES: We are pleased you have agreed to assist school personnel in the supervision of students during this field trip. As part of the School Safety Legislation that took effect January 1, 2006 Owosso Public Schools will screen any person who chaperones with the District through the Sex Offenders Registry list and the Internet Criminal History Access Tool criminal history records check. Your primary responsibilities will be to: 1. Complete the Volunteer/Chaperone Screening Form and return to your child’s teacher (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-24, 2 pages). 2. Request names of students for whom you will be responsible from teacher/supervisor. 3. Review attached Field Trip Bus Safety Rules (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-7). 4. Be aware of the following emergency procedures in case of serious injury or accident: a. Call 911 b. Designate someone to meet EMS technician and/or police officer c. Do not leave injured person unattended until medical service arrives d. Do not move injured person e. Complete Accident Report Form immediately upon return from site 5. Reinforce conduct standards as described by teacher/supervisor. 6. Maintain particular vigilance over your assigned students by taking periodic head counts. 7. Report unacceptable conduct of any student to teacher/supervisor. 8. Monitor students going to restrooms per teacher/supervisor instructions. 9. Remain with the students assigned to you during the entire trip. 10. Be aware of emergency communication plan. 11. No drinking of alcoholic beverages. 12. No smoking in presence of students. 13. Chaperones must attend all required chaperone meetings. 14. No abusive or vulgar language or behavior 15. Chaperones may be assigned to groups other than their own child’s, particularly at the secondary level. 16. Other instructions: . Because of the levels of responsibility that must be assumed by the teacher/supervisor, no outside of class/field trip children will be allowed on the trip.


I have read this form and agree to abide by its terms and enforce the Student Code of Conduct.

Chaperone Signature



I agree to provide student transportation services on a volunteer basis for the following school-sponsored field trip on the following date . As a volunteer driver for a field trip for Owosso Public Schools, I hereby state:  that I own/lease the vehicle described below  that my vehicle is in excellent working order, particularly as it pertains to safety equipment such as brakes, horn, tires, lights, etc.  that my vehicle is not an open-type vehicle such as a pickup truck  that I will obey all motor vehicle driving laws  that each passenger will have his/her own safety belt and will wear it during the entire trip  that I am not taking any medication or any other substance that may adversely affect my ability to drive  that I currently do not have any motor vehicle violations  that I will follow the exact route as prescribed by the classroom teacher  that I have full insurance, including medical coverage  that I possess a current and valid Michigan driver’s license and am at least 21 years of age  that I understand my automobile insurance provides primary coverage.

Please Print: Name Address City Zip Phone No. Drivers License No. Vehicle Description (type, year, make) # Seat Belts Vehicle Insurance Carrier Policy No. Current Expiration Date Liability Limits of Policy *Please note: The minimal, acceptable liability limit for privately owned vehicles is $100,000/$300,000. A. The primary coverage for a private vehicle is the driver’s automobile insurance. B. The driver’s car insurance would provide primary coverage for medical and liability. C. The driver of the car is liable for passengers in their vehicle during transportation to and from field trip.

I have read and understood the above-listed guidelines. I release the Owosso Public Schools and its Board members, administrators, teachers, employees and agents (“released parties”) from any and all claims whatsoever arising from or relating to my participation or my children’s participation in this field trip (“released claims”). I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the released parties from the released claims, including any and all related costs, attorney fees, liabilities, settlements and/or judgments.



For Office Use Only:  Copy of Driver’s License  Copy of Automobile Liability Insurance  Copy of Vehicle Registration Field Trips-19


This form is to be completed by the teacher/supervisor, signed by the student driver and the owner of the vehicle, and accompanied by a signed Student Driver/Rider Permission and Waiver of Liability Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-20).

Date Teacher/Supervisor Initiating Request Home School Purpose of Field Trip Start Date Leave From Time Destination Est. Arrival Time Date Returning Est. Arrival Time Driver’s Name Phone Number Driver’s Address Driver’s License # Expiration Date Owner of Vehicle Owner’s Phone # Owner’s Address Year of Vehicle Make Model State/License Plate # Vehicle Insurance Co. Policy # I have a valid driver’s license with no court-ordered restrictions. I agree to drive directly to the destination and return, and not deviate there from unless authorized by school officials. The vehicle I will be driving has legal seat belts which will be available and used by each occupant while in the vehicle. The vehicle I will be driving is, to the best of my knowledge, in safe operating condition, particularly as it pertains to safety equipment such as brakes, horn, tires, lights, etc., and is covered by Michigan no- fault insurance. I understand that in case of an accident, the owner’s insurance is considered primary.

I have read and understand the above-listed guidelines. I release the Owosso Public Schools and its Board members, administrators, teachers, employees and agents (“released parties”) from any and all claims whatsoever arising from or relating to my participation or my children’s participation in this field trip (“released claims”). I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the released parties from the released claims, including any and all related costs, attorney fees, liabilities, settlements and/or judgments.

Date Student Driver’s Signature

Date Vehicle Owner’s Signature


Filed in School Office (Date)

Approved by

(Building Administrator) Date Field Trips-20


Teacher/Supervisor Building Start Date Destination I, the undersigned parent/guardian of , a student at , hereby give permission for my child to: (Check all that apply)  drive my personal vehicle  be driven by a fellow student Name  be driven by a school employee Name  be driven by a volunteer adult driver Name for the following purpose: .

TIME SCHEDULE Leave School Arrive Destination (Return) Leave Destination Arrive School


Driver’s Full Name

1. I hereby acknowledge that I believe my child to be a safe driver. 2. The vehicle he/she will drive is, to the best of my knowledge, in safe operating condition, particularly as it pertains to safety equipment such as brakes, horn, tires, lights, etc. 3. The vehicle my child will drive is not an open-type vehicle such as a pickup truck. 4. The vehicle my child will drive is covered by no-fault car insurance as required by Michigan law. 5. I understand that in case of an accident, the owner’s insurance will be considered primary according to Michigan no-fault insurance. 6. My child has a valid driver’s license with no court-ordered restrictions. 7. I understand that my child’s driving record may be checked, and that if he/she has a record of moving violation(s), he/she will not be allowed to transport other students. 8. A legal seat belt restraining device will be available and used by each occupant while the vehicle is moving.

I release the Owosso Public Schools and its Board members, administrators, teachers, employees and agents (“released parties”) from any and all claims whatsoever arising from or relating to my participation or my children’s participation in this field trip, including the use and operation of my vehicle while my child is driving my vehicle, or while my child is being driven in a personal vehicle by a fellow student, school employee or volunteer driver (“released claims”). I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the released parties from the released claims, including any and all related costs, attorney fees, liabilities, settlements and/or judgments. Date (Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian)

Field Trips-21


Teachers/supervisor should have the following materials and information in their possession while on an extended field trip:

1. Extended Field Trip Parent Permission and Medical Consent Form (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-15

2. List of students and their home phone numbers.

3. Latex gloves

4. Access to first aid supplies

5. Students’ medications and Authorization to Administer Medication forms (Owosso Public Schools Field Trips-22)

6. Change for telephone

7. Call 911 in case of serious injury or accident (submit /student Accident Report Form immediately upon return if student is injured while on trip)

Home Building

Building Address

Building Telephone Number

Building Administrator

Home Address

Home Telephone Number

Alternate Administrator

Office Telephone Home Telephone Field Trips-22


Choose one option:

I request that (name of child) be administered the medication listed below at school according to standard school policy and state law.

I request that (name of child) be allowed to self-administer the medication listed below according to school policy and state law. (This option is primarily for students who must have inhalers, adrenaline, and other medications that must be carried by a student and available on an immediate basis because of potentially life threatening circumstances.)

Choose one or both of these options:

Over the counter medication sent in its original container: Name of medication: Dosage: Time Administered:

Prescription medication sent in its original container: Name of medication: Dosage: Time Administered:

(Dosage notes may say, for instance, “As needed,” or “As requested by student,” or “As needed, but contact parents before administering the medication.” These kinds of directions may be particularly important for students who occasionally need a mild pain reliever after having braces tightened, etc.)

Please do not send students to school with medication unless it is absolutely unavoidable. If transported on the bus, students must give it to the bus driver upon entering the bus. When the bus arrives at school, the medication must be brought directly to the office. Unless extremely unusual circumstances exist, ALL MEDICATION IS KEPT IN THE OFFICE. Parents may pick up medication at the end of the school year. It will not be sent home with the student.

Any change in medication (type, dosage, time) must be accompanied by a new form. You may request one from the building office at any time. There is an additional form in the Appendix to this handbook.

Relationship: Signature

Date: Field Trips – 23



1. Which part of the field trip was most meaningful to you?


2. Why?


3. What did you learn today that you did not know before?


4. Would you recommend this field trip to another student/class?


5. Quality of the subject of the field trip: Excellent Good Needs Improvement

6. Subject: Very Interesting Somewhat Interesting Not Interesting

7. I learned: A Lot Something New Not Interesting

8. Length of performance/tour/program: Too short Just Right Too Long

9. Other types of field trips I would like to experience:

. Field Trips – 24

Please check which school your student attends: Bentley _____ Washington _____ Bryant _____ OMS _____ Students Name:______Central _____ OHS _____ Emerson _____ Lincoln _____ Roosevelt _____


As a prospective volunteer/chaperone of Owosso Public Schools, I understand that it is this agency’s policy to secure conviction criminal history information as part of their screening process using the information provided below.

NAME:______Last First Middle


Maiden name/names previously used:______




______Signature of Volunteer/Chaperone Date

It is the policy of The Owosso Public School District that no person shall on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin or handicap be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination, in employment or any of its programs or activities. Date Search Clear ______ICHAT ______Family Watchdog ______PSOR ______Please also complete the back of this page Field Trips – 24


As part of the School Safety Legislation that took effect January 1, 2006 Owosso Public Schools will screen any person who volunteers to work with the District through the Sex Offenders Registry list and the Internet Criminal History Access Tool criminal history records check who meet the following criteria.  Chaperone field trips, whether one day or overnight

 Will be volunteering on a regular basis of five or more times a year

As part of the screening process, volunteers will be required to complete the attached Volunteer Screening form prior to participating in any activity or program. All criminal history background checks will be conducted at the Central Office. Once the volunteer has been cleared, the prospective school will be notified by Central Office. Forms should be received at Central Office at least five working days prior to the start date of the volunteer participating in any activity or program. VOLUNTEER RELEASE FORM

I have offered my services as a volunteer to help the School District in the following areas:

I agree to abide by all relevant Board policies and administrative guidelines while on duty for the District. I understand that, although I am covered under the District’s liability insurance policy, I am not covered by its health insurance policy nor am I eligible for workers’ compensation. Should I become ill or suffer an accident while doing volunteer work for the District, I agree that I shall be responsible for any and all hospital and medical charges that may accrue.

I understand further that, as a volunteer, I am not in any manner considered an employee of the District or entitled to any benefits provided to employees. I further release the Board of Education from any and all liability for any damages, whatever their nature, which may result as a consequence of my volunteer services.

For the protection of the children in the school, the District is required by law to inquire of its staff members whether or not they have ever been convicted of a crime related to children. We would appreciate your cooperation by indicating that you have never been convicted of any of the following offenses: aggravated murder, murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, felonious assault, aggravated assault, assault, aggravated menacing, abuse or neglect of a child, kidnapping, abduction, child stealing, criminal child enticement, rape, sexual battery, corruption of a minor, gross sexual imposition, importuning, voyeurism, public indecency, felonious sexual penetration, compelling prostitution, promoting prostitution, procuring prostitution, disseminating matter harmful to juveniles, pandering obscenity, pandering obscenity involving a minor, pandering sexually-oriented matter involving a minor, illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material or performance, endangering children, contributing to the delinquency of children, carrying concealed weapons, improperly discharging a firearm at or into a school or house, corrupting another with drugs, placing harmful objects in or adulterating food or confection.

______Signature of Volunteer/Chaperone Date

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