City of Orem

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City of Orem

CITY OF OREM CITY COUNCIL / CDBG ADVISORY COMMISSION WORK SESSION 56 North State Street, Room 106, Orem, Utah February 19, 2008


CONDUCTING Mayor Jerry C. Washburn

ELECTED OFFICIALS Councilmembers Margaret Black, Dean Dickerson, Carl Hernandez, and Shiree Thurston CDBG ADVISORY COMMISSION MEMBERS Lyman Durfee, Richard Jackson, James Manookin, Ann Moeai, Derek Whetten, and Bonnie Wright

APPOINTED STAFF Jim Reams, City Manager; Richard Manning, Assistant City Manager; Charlene Mackay, Community and Neighborhood Services Coordinator; Donna R. Weaver, City Recorder; and Rachelle Conner, Deputy City Recorder

EXCUSED Councilmembers Karen McCandless and Mark Seastrand

INVOCATION Councilmember Margaret Black

James Manookin, chair, stated the funds available this year are down again from last year. There is approximately $90,000 to distribute, and they received over $300,000 in requests. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Advisory Commission had to make some very difficult decisions this year, and they chose not to fund some organizations because they have other options for funding.

Mr. Manookin reviewed the commission’s recommendations for this year’s funding, which included:

Last Year’s Recommendation for this NAME OR ORGANIZATION Amount Requested Funding Year

CDBG: PUBLIC SERVICE Requested $10,500.00 American Red Cross $10,800.00 $0.00 Funded $0.00 Boys and Girls Club $29,000.00 No Request $0.00 Center for Women & Children $10,000.00 $8,000.00 $9,000.00 in Crisis $0.00 New funding Central Utah Center for $8,000.00 No Request $8,000.00 reprogrammed Independent Living funding Children’s Justice $35,000.00 $11,000.00 $12,000.00 Community Action $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 Crisis Line $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00

City Council / CDBG Work Session Minutes - February 19, 2008 (p.1) Last Year’s Recommendation for this NAME OR ORGANIZATION Amount Requested Funding Year

Family Support & Treatment $25,000.00 $9,000.00 $7,000.00 Center Food & Care Coalition $10,000.00 $6,038.00 $6,500.00 Gathering Place $15,000.00 No Request $2,125.00 Kids on the Move, Therapy $15,000.00 $11,000.00 $10,000.00 Services Mountainlands Community Requested $16,500.00 $16,500.00 $0.00 Foundation Funded $0.00 Orem, Literacy Resources $12,000.00 $8,000.00 $5,500.00 Parent Education Resource $14,400.00 $7000.00 $4,500.00 Center (PERC) Project Read $7,500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Recreation Habilitation $12,000.00 $8,000.00 $7,000.00 Services (RAH) Senior Meals and $41,000.00 No Request $0.00 Transportation Utah Alcoholism Foundation $6,000.00 $4,000.00 $6,000.00 (House of Hope) TOTAL $90,625.00

Charlene Mackay, Community and Neighborhood Services Coordinator, noted that the Central Utah Center for Independent Living has been trying to save money for a van for several years. There was some funding that was not used from previous year’s allocations, so the commission would like to use $8,000 from the reprogrammed funds to assist with the van purchase. The organizations that did not use the funding were the Gathering Place and Crisis Line.

Mayor Washburn noted that Lehi City has invested a lot of City funding for their literacy program. Mr. Manookin advised that the City of Orem has already donated the space for the program in the Orem Library as well as the Senior Friendship Center.

Richard Jackson, commission member, indicated that he would like to see each of the schools in Orem donate $100 to the PERC program. This could be accomplished through the PTA Program, and the schools really benefit from this organization.

Mayor Washburn commented that the Council will speak with the Alpine School District and see what they can do to help this program.

Mrs. Black asked whether Project Read was located in Provo. Ms. Mackay responded that the parent program is located in Provo; however, the tutors work with the adults at the Utah Valley State College Library and the Orem Public Library. The CDBG funds allocated to this program only go towards helping Orem residents.

Mayor Washburn commented that the Utah County Commission has been approached about making up the difference in funding for the Meals on Wheels Program, and they may be willing to do that. However, there is another area that the City is lacking in, and that is in-home health care. This program keeps elderly residents out of nursing homes.

City Council / CDBG Work Session Minutes - February 19, 2008 (p.2) Mr. Dickerson expressed appreciation to the commission for the work they put into making their recommendations. He stated that Kids on the Move has received hundreds of thousands of CDBG funding throughout the years. He asked whether there was some point the City should tell them that it is time to find other funding sources.

Lyman Durfee, commission member, indicated that there will probably never be a point that the City turns Kids on the Move away. This program will always be needed. Mr. Dickerson clarified that this is a very worthy cause; however, he questioned whether there should be a point that the City tells the organizations that their turn at the “CDBG well” is over.

Mr. Jackson noted it costs $25,000 to house an inmate at the prison each year. Any early prevention the City can help with will save money in the long run.

Mr. Manookin advised that Kids on the Move helps babies in the early development stages, which helps them integrate into society as they grow up.

Mayor Washburn clarified that the amount of CDBG funding is going down every year, and the commission needs to decide whether they are going to decrease the organization’s funding amounts by percentages each year or eliminate the funding for the organizations that have other funding options.

Mr. Manookin responded that next year they can look at helping some of the organizations with fund raising options rather than just funding their requests.

Mr. Dickerson asked why they are recommending funds for the Gathering Place and the Crisis Line this year when they did not use the funds that were allocated to them last year. Ms. Mackay responded that these organizations are definitely “on trial” this year. Both of these organizations provide a unique service that is not available anywhere else in the county. The Crisis Line has been taken over by the Center for Women and Children in Crisis, and the Gathering Place has a new administration this year. Hopefully they will not have the same problem as last year. Both of the organizations had to turn people away last year because of the lack of funding.

Derek Whetten, commission member, asked whether the commission should focus more on fundraising next year with some of these organizations.

Mrs. Thurston expressed appreciation for the comments from the commission. She stated that the world is ever changing, and the organizations will have to roll with it. She has had friends and family involved with The Kids on the Move since it first started. It began very small and has grown into something huge. Kids on the Move is currently helping her neighbor’s baby who is one year old, weighs twelve pounds, and has Downs Syndrome. They are helping teach the mother how to close the baby’s mouth and do other types of physical therapy. It might be time to for them to start distributing CDs to assist parents rather than having someone come out to the homes for therapy. She stated it is hard for the Council to give the commission specific criteria; however, she appreciates that they have been thinking about other options. She thanked the commission for their efforts.

City Council / CDBG Work Session Minutes - February 19, 2008 (p.3) Mayor Washburn commented that the City is looking at forming a commission that would assist organizations with fundraising efforts. That is not something the Council would expect the CDBG Advisory Commission to take care of.

Mr. Manookin then reviewed the recommendations for the CDBG: Other category, which included:

Recommendations Organization Amount Requested Funded 2007-2008 2008-2009 CDBG: OTHER CDBG Administration $115,000.00 $130,000.00 $115,000.00 Code Enforcement $120,000.00 $120,000.00 $120,000.00 Curb, Gutter, and $75,000.00 90,000.00 40,000.00 Sidewalk Habitat for Humanity $16,000.00 10,825.00 13,541.00 Housing Rehabilitation $120,000.00 $124,078.00 $100,000.00 Program Mountainlands $100,000.00 No request $0.00 Community Health Section 108 Loan $125,000.00 $105,000.00 $125,000.00 Repayment Total $513,541.00

Ms. Mackay expressed appreciation to the commission members for their willingness to attend the meetings even when the weather was bad. She advised it has been a pleasure to work with each one of them.

Mayor Washburn thanked the commission for the hard work that went into making these recommendations. He advised the City Council would hear public comment on these proposed allocations at the February 26, 2008, City Council meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.

Donna R. Weaver, City Recorder Approved: February 26, 2008

City Council / CDBG Work Session Minutes - February 19, 2008 (p.4)

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