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Great dIskdisk cacatalogingtalogIng saIdsaid it "per/orms"performs IIkalike a thoroughbredthoroughbred."." TOUCH TYPE TUTOR (300) NEWNEW!I Superb custom le!tertleads,lelterheads, envelopes.envelopes, labels systamsystem winowftio dadatatacnentry.try. 384K,OOS3.0384K.DOS 3.0 +. THOUGHT ORGANIZER ((1013)1013) Text based InteraInteractivective typing InstrucInstructor.tor. ttoo fpson/EpsonflBM1BM compa1!blocompatible prlnprinters.l ers. SCREEN CACAPTUREPTURE ((445)<<5) NEW! captureCapture database oorganizesrgan!zas dadatala and thoughta.thoughts. WORDPEWORDPERFECTRFECT lEARNINGLEARNING SYSTEM (JS3,(353, ON-5IDEON-SIDE ((121)121) NewlNew! Print sidesidewaysways wllhwith screens InCGA.in CGA, EGEGA,A. VGA&savotodisk.VGA S save to disk. dPROG (1<,221(1022) FantaFantasticstic dBASE III auto­auto- 354) lforor 4.2. (355,(355. 3SW358) fforor S.D.5.0. custom lonls.fonts. Menu-drivenMenu-driven., PC·PC-BROWSE BROWSE (492) NEWNEW!! IncredIncredibleible file & programmer wriwritesles all codoscodes lloror you. COMPUTOR TUTOR (3021(302) ComplotoComplete CrTYOESKCfTYDESK (123l(1231 Desktop publishing lorfor 2 text &earchsearch lromfrom mallersmakers of PC·Wrlle.PC-Write. WAMPUM ItD06,(1006,1007) 1007)(2(2 disdisks)ks! Superb, fufull-U· Intointeractiveractlvo DOS and computer ttutorial.ulorlal. column nowslellers.newsletters. Hypeflen.Hypertext, Cut/Paste.Cut/Paste, much more. 640K..640K. leaturedfeatured dBASE III cloneclone.. Requires EASY DOS (305) Two greagreatt programs make MR. LALABELBEL (1241(124 MMostost versaversatiletile & powerful LIST (411")(417) Read texttexi fUesfiles on screen. All-All· 5121<,512K, hahardrd disk. ususinging DOS velYvery easyeasy.. label printingpri nting program. time bestlbest! dFllPPERdFLIPPER (1025)( 10 ~ Now!New! Directly edit ddBASEBASE SPANISH TUTOR (35(351)11 3 powerlulpowerful pr0-pro ADDRESS-O-MATICADDRESS.o-MATlC (127) Grabs names and BBATCHATCH FFILEilE MENUINGMENUtNG ((419)'19) EasEasilyily add & compcompatibleallble Illesfiles Iromfrom DOSDOS.. grams to help you learn Spanls"Spanish,. adthsSl:lslromaddresses frotn lolettersnors and aulomaUcal·automatical professlonaprofessionalt memenusnus to batch Illes.files. PC·AlEPC-FILE+ + 2.02.0(10O9-101i)(3dlsks)Jim (1009·10111 tJ disks! But Iyly prinprintsts enVillopesenvelopes.. BAKER'S DOZEN (4()6)(406) Powerful package ton's relationalI database masterpiece.I COMMUNICAnoNS IMAGEPRINT{\IMAGEPRINTI128)2&\ Remarkable Jtettereu er quail·quali of 14M utll!Uesutilities homfrom Jim Button. TTopop rated_rated . CREATIVITY PRIVATE ACCESS (1718) NEW! Connects PC ttyy printing on a 9 pin dot matrix printerprinter.. CGA SIMULATOR <*33) Run most CGA pro CGA SIMULATOR (433J Run mosl CGA pro­ to answering & FAX machines. & pagers. BANNER MAKER (1(130)30) Create signs and grams on HerHerculescules compatible I11OIlI>mono CREATIVITY PACKAGE (3000-3002) (3 PROCOMM (1700. 1701) (2 disks) Newest. banners with mullJple multiple lonls fonts &8 stylesstyles.. chrome cards. disks) Unique, 3-phase pkg. Computer All features, menu-driven. Top rated. HARD DISK UTILITIES (437) Very uselul. brainstorming unleashes your creativity, GAMES IDEATREE(3003) Unique thinking tool 4 info manager. Gain control of thoughts with WORDS'WORDS'WOROS WORDS (2OQ)(200) NEWNEW!! WoldWord puzzle manager. I graphic display of Ideas. Top honors. game uses 6.000 words. Challenging! graphic display 01 Ideas. Top POSTAL CONSULTANT (8934) NEWINEW! Com-Com game uses 6,000 words. Challenglngl POwmPOWER DESK (aoe)(608) NEWINEW! Superb deslltopdesktop BATTLE GROUND (286) NEW! Terrific puterIzedputerized UU.S..S. PoslalPostal rules guide. BATILE GROUND f.286) NEW! Torrlflc manager & complete office syssystem.tem. PROGRAMMING sstrategictraleglc war game game.. GrealGreat graphgraphics.ics. CGACGA.. FREIGHTFREIGHT- + (8904(8904., 89051 (2 dldisks)sksl NEWNEW!! POwmPOWER MENU (7021(702) Excellenl,Excellent, easy menu­menu- ADVBAS (1413) Best Basic programming aid. FOROFORD StMULATORSIMULATOR II l28o(230,, 281) (2 disks) ADVBAS (1413) Best Be5k programming ald. Top raratedted commercIalcommercial UPS shipping Iingng prografTLprogram. NNeedseeds hhardard disk..disk. library, windows. NEW! excitingExciting new driving ssimulatorimulator Advanced function library, windoWs. system. CompleComplete,le, lullyfully functional. Re­Re TREEVIEWTREEV1EW (7(16)(706) New! OUfOur lfavoritea'lOfite DOS quires DOS 3.0+, 380K. hard disk. I(romrom FOld Fold Motor CoCo.. LoLotsts 01of optionsoptions.. A86 and DB6 (1403·(1403-1404)14()4) (2 disks) FFinestloest quires DOS 3.0+,3801<, hard disk. command shell with pull doWndown menus. macro assembler &S debugger. Fast! FINANCE MANAGER II !891(8917-8922)(6disks)7·8922) (6disks) FACING THE EMPIRE (290) NEWNEW!I GraatGreat EelEBL & OPAlOPAL ((1407)14OT) Two fantastfantasticic batchbaich NEWNEW!! BeslBest bUSibusinessness accountingaccounting.. GILG/L, Intergalacticinter galactic adventuadventurere gamegame.. llanguageanguage processors.processors.. Supet-chatg8Super-charge youyourr fiJP,AlP, A/R,AIR, PayrPayroll.oll. 2110pples2 floppies or hard ddisk.isk. RETURN TO KROZ (291) UnUniqueique arcade­arcade- WORD PROCESSING f.291) itch files ACTIVEACTlVE LIFE 1509,(509.510) 510) 12(2 disks! NEWNEW!! BesBestt adventure gamegame.. Sequel toto prize­prize- " HElPPERFECTHELPPERFECT (801) lforor 5.05.0.. 18021(802) lorfor 44.1.1 4-S overever appolnlmerllappointment/scheduling/schedullng prografTLprogram. winning Kingdom of Kroz. winning Kingdom o f Kroz- 44.2..2. NEW! IncredIncredibleible must·havemust-have WordWord· GRAPHICS Unique lfeatureseatures In a ggraphicraphic inIntertace.te/lece. PP1NBALLINBALL ART(295)ART(2g!j)NEWNEW!! FastFast-paced·paced nighhigh-· PerlectPerfect utilityutility.. Pull-down menus wIthwith 70 ICONVERT(CONVERT ((1GQ0)1601)) NEW■JEW! PoPowerfulwerful graph graphicsics NNeedseeds ggraphicsraphics rnooltor,monitor, 5t2K.512K, hard disk. quality pinballplnball gamasgames.. RequlrasRequires CGA. commands. filefi!e converterconverter.. Converts between 16 fformats.ormats. MAMASSSS APPEAL ((1963)1963) NEWINEW! CompleCompletele CHIME LAB (279) Great, unique graphic CRIME LAB (279) Great. unique graphic WORDPERFECWORDPERFECTT 5.0 TTOOLSOOLS 1841)(Ml) ASCII to Needs graphics, 2 !lopplosfloppies 01or hard dIsk.disk. popowerfulwerful mall list manager. RequRequiresires murder mystery game. CGA or EGA, mUIRECIPESA")fIECIPES (1831) NEWNEW!! Computer chef with ARCADE GAMES 11»55 1220)(220) Rockets.Rockets, Snake,Snake. and reports. almost every Lotus llunction.uncllon. lotoadsads oolf dellcloosdelicious recipesrecipes.. Xonlx, NNemon,emon, Spacewar. NeodsNeeds CGA. EASY PROJECT (19321(1932) TotaTotall prOJOCIproject QUBECALCOUBECALC (903)~ Unlquo.Unique, powerlutpowerful 3-3DD PC-BARTENDER (1823) Professionally mix FAVORFAVORITEITE GAGAMESMES (221)(22t) PPango,ango, Qbert,Obert. PC· BARTENDER (18231 Professionally ml~ managermanager.. GanllGantt ccharts,harts. roportsreports.. sspreadsheet.preadsheet. View data as never before. almosalmostt any drink. FrOOller,Frogger, Packman, 3-Demon3-Demon.. CGA. ASC ININ-CONTROL·CONTROL 11952.(1952. 1953)19531 (2(2 Disks) LLOTUSOTUS TEMPLATES t907)007) Ready ttoo run.run. Re­Re GARDERNERGARDERNEH'S'S ASSISTANT (11109)(1809) Plan youyourr GAMBUNGGAMBLING GAMES 1229)(229) BlackjackBlackjack,, POkOl,Poker, SaleSaless Plospeclngltracklng,prospecing/tracking, billing, quirquireses Lotus 123. garden Inin every dotal!.detail. Roulette, CrapsCraps.. CGA requlradrequired.. schedscheduling,uling. aulo-dial,auto-dial, tabels.labels. LOTUS MACROS (908) Saves loads of time. VIDEO LIBRARIAN (1812) Catalogs your BOARD GAMES t1HI (230) MMonopolyonopoly and LOTU S MACROS (908) Saves loads oltima. VIDEO LIBRARIAN (18121 Cata logs your FONE (1954) New! Price your phone calls Requires Lotuslotus 123123.. video tape library. Menu-driven. FONE (1954) New! Pr l"",.,~yo,",.,,;;.;;;.;;;~ Risk. RequIresFlequires CGA. vldeo lape library. MemHlriveo. while you're on the line & save money. 123 POWPOWERER WORKSWORKSHEETSHEETS t9tl·91:z)(911-912) (2 SHOPPERS ASSISTANT (1(1816)816) Easy grocery EGA ARCADE GAMES '#11 (251) Aldo, A~TANT BUSINESS FORM LETTERS (1936) 100 disksdisks)) 13t3 great worksheets fOffor LoLotus.lus. shopping and coupon filer. EgaBreakout, Egarok1sEgaroids.. NeedSNeeds EGAEGA.. shopplng and coupon Il ler. common business letters Fill in blanks. EGEGAA ARCADE GAMES 112»2 t252)(252) SSnarfsnarls and Ega·StarEga-Star Tlell.Trek. RequRequiresires EGA. BOARD GAMES #3(245) Scrabble, Concen Call Toll Free for 800-359-9998 BOARD GAM ES,3 (245) Scrabble, Concen­ TRIPI PLANNER (1305) NEW! Fantastic trationtration,. BoBoris.ris, Seek & SISink.nk. NeedNeedss color SAME DAY SHIPPING Orders Only& Free Catalog compucomputerizedterized U.S. roadcroad chart.hart. Finds monilormonitor.. shortest rouroutes,tes, mucl1more!much more! MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL (203) Super MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL I200l Super COLLEGE PROBE (J(4)(304) NEWNEW!l A wealth of baseball gamegame.. Neat graphgraphics.ics. CGA. Name ______InfoInto helps you setecselectt best college..college. EGA GOLF (250) 18 holes ol the best Name EGA GOLF (25(1) 18 hOles 01 the best ELECTRONIC ALMANACALMANAC (2700) NEWNEW!! scenery availableavailable.. Requires EGA. Address HuHundredsndrtKIs ofol tradittraditionalional lefeatures.alUfes. SSIMBASE(206,207)IMBASE(206, 207)(2:dlsks)Great(2 disks) Great babaseballseball Address JORJ 1331,(331,332) 3321 (2 ddisks)lsllsl NEWNEW!! Extraordinary sisimulationmulation withwIth dela detailedlled 8I1analysis.alysls. ClClty.'SttylSlatate/ZipalZip phonephonetictic englishEnglish dictionary. PowerfuPowerful,l. BASS TOUR (258J(256) NewlNew! FFeature-paeature-packedeked unique leafeatures.lures. Needs hard disk. fishing game. Select rod. reel. ball, NNo.o. 0of1 ddisks_isk s ___ x 52S2.89.89 eea.a.I(PayPay lforor eaea.. ddisk,sk Inm mmultipleultiple dISkdisk Sflsets)ts! ::n ______IIShing game. Select rod, roe!, bait, MICRO WORLD DATA BANK \26Op-251211512606-2612) (5 everytheverything.ing. NNeedseeds CGA or EGA. ((S2.39$2. 39 eaeachc h 1100 or more ddisks)Isks) disks! Ultra ddetailedelalled worldwortd mappingmapping.. BOARD GAMES *2 (231) Checkers. Chess. BOARD GAMES 12 t2l11 Oteckers, C"85II, 33.5"disks-add$1ea..5- d isks· add $1 ea. ::= ______Produced by the CIA. Needs CGA or Dominoes, Backgammon. Needs CGA. Checks.Checks, Money Orders. Dominoes, Backgammon. Needs CGA. Money EGA. FFeatureseatures 2 types 01of mappingmapping.. ADVENTURE GAMES U2 (246) Empire & VlSAyiSAJMC.IMC. CcopOD AcceptedAcc~ t ed CA reSideresidentsnts add6.75add 6.75%% sasalesles ltaxax ::= _~~~ ADVENTURE GAMES 12 (246) empire & PIANOMAN 4.0 (2202l(2202) Play ~and compose !Add(Add SolS4 lorfor COCOOrO) Shipping and handling = S3.50 McMurphy's MansionMansion.. Shipping and handling :: _~$3=.50,,-_ musicmusic.. New updupdate8le Isis betbetterler tthanhan ever. STRATEGIC WAR GAMES (226) War on the STRATEGIC WAR GAMES (226l War on the CCheckheck disk sisize:ze: 5 '. • -______3'13'A", ·_____ TTotalo tal ::= ______WORLD 12801»(2600) StuMlnglStunning! Feature-packed Sea, Tank 4 African Desert Campaign. Sea, Tank & Alrican Oeser! Campaign. worldwortd map wflDomw/zoom.. NeedNeedss CGA or EGA. VISA/ M e Ii ______EXEXP.P. DATEDATE. _ _ ARCADEARCA DE SPORTS GAMES I22J)(223) PC-PooI,PC-Pool. ASTROLOGY 9.5 1270\) (2701) CompComplete,lote. accurate PC-Bowl & Archery. CGA or EGA. PCBowl & ArchelY. CGA or EGA. chanchart cacalculation.lculation. ARCADE GAMES *1 (218) Spiders, Tank ARCADE GAMES " (2:161 Spiders, Tank lOnOLOTTO BUSTEBUSTERR 121301(2130) lotteryLoitery program Wars & Disk Crash. Requires CGA. s The Software Labs o Wars & Disk Crash. Requires CGA. rereallyally works on any pplcMVplctt-7lck-6lpfck·710tterylottery.. EGA FOOTBALll2snFOOTBALL (257) NNew!ewl You conuolcontrol aJiall 3767 Overland Ave. #112 Los Angeles, CA 90034 (213) 559-5456 WISDOM OF THE AGES

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CGA o o □ Sleuth (1903) Play detective in this tivetive money management system.system. all youryour household expenses and □D Banner Maker (1502) PrintsPrints bannersbanners o Sleuth (1903) Play detective In this DBIakbooko Blakbook (1603) Great forfor keeping helps you toto set budgets and goals.goals. inin variousvarious sizes, styles,styfes, and fonts.fonts. "Who~Who done it?"It?" adventure. tracktrack of addresses and phone numnum­ □ Express Check (1104) Excellent □O PrfntShopPrlntShop Graphics (1503) A largelarge □o Sports Games (1927) Bowling, archarch­ o ery, and pool. CGA bers.bers. Prints an address book. checkbook program with reconcilia­ collection of PrintshopPrintshop clipclip art. ery, and pool. e GA □o Form Lettersletters (1607)(1607) 100 businessbusiness and tiontion and great screen displays.displays. 51;512K □O PC-Art (1509) A colorcolor graphics paintpaint­ □o Star Trek (1948) Two versionsversions forfor all legallegal formsforms (contracts,(contracts, employmentemployment □o Home Inventory (1105)(1105) Keeps tracktrack of ing/drawinging/drawing package.package. CGA you TREKiesTREKles out there.there. applications,applications, filings,filings, etc.).etc.). all your personal property.property. fj]111 Epson UtilitiesUtilities (1514,1515)(1514,1515) Enhance □D Strategic Games (1926) Fight on land [U00 PC-Payroll (1608,1609)\1608.1609) A complete H][!] Edna'sEdna's Cookbook (1118,1119)(1118,1119) An easyeasy thethe printprint quality of your Epson-Epson· and sea inin thisthis war simulation.simulation. and powerfulpowerfu payroll system.system . (2(2 disks)disks) toto use computerized cookbook.cookbook. compatiblecompatible printer.printer. (2 disks)disks) □o Striker (1904) Helicopter attack and □D Stock ChartingCharting (1612)(1612) A completecomplete Comes withwith severalseveral great recipes-recipes­ Hm PC-KeypC-Key Draw (1520-1523)(1520-1523) Powerful rescuerescue arcade game.game. CGACGA portfolioportfolio systemsystem to10 track,track, analyze,analyze, and add your own favorites.favorites. (2 disks)diSks) CAD design system. Works with □D Trivialli"tvJel byby PAS (1953) Test your knowlknow!· chart your stocks.stocks. H]rn Brother's Keeper (1120,1121)(1120,1121) A great mouse or keyboard.keyboard. (4(4 disks) CGA edge inIn several categories. D□ Small Business Accounting (1617)(1617) A genealogy program that allows you to □o City DeskDesk (1525)(1525) Simple desktop pubpub­ □o TuneTUne "TriviaTrivia (1968) A very funfun version must forfo r all small business owners!ownersl trace your family historyhistory (2(2 disks).disks). lishinglishing forfor newsletters. of "Name"Name That Tune."Tune.~ □D Solve-lt!Solve..1t1 (1618)(1618) Does over 20 vitalvital □o Charts Unlimited (1531) A designdesign tooltool □D Video Poker/UltimaPoker/Ultima 21 (1945) The financialfinancial calculations includingIncluding amoramor­ EDUCATION for creating any kind of chart.chart. CGA BEST poker and blackjack games!gamesl tization,tization, PV,PII, FV,FV, and IRH.IRR . [1[IJPC-PC-DraftDratt (1533,1534)(1533.1534) A high-qualityhigh-quality □DWWheelheel of Misfortune (1935) Like TVs □D PC-Books (1621) A complete,complete. easyeasy to [D{!JFrenchFrench I & II (1200,1201)(1200,1201) Learn and drawingdrawing program.program. (2 disks)disks) CGA Wheel of Fortune game.game_ use bookkeeping system.system. practicepractice French vocabulary (2(2 disks).disks). (H{lJRRubiconublcon DesktopDesktop Publisher (1541- D□ PC-LoansPC-Loans (1628) This package supsup­ I!l!!■ Spanish I & IIII (1205,1206)(1205.1206) Test and 1543) RequiresRequires a LaserJet or PostPost­ ports all common loan methods.methods. traintrain with with these excellentexcellent SpanishSpanish script compatiblecompatible printer.printer. (3 disks) IMPORTANT □D Easy Project (1629) A powerful vocabulary drills (2(2 disks).disks). CGA=RequiresCGA=Aequlres Color Computer project manager software package.package. □DGeograGeographyphy (1215)(1215) LearningLearning isis funfun MISC.MISC. APPLICATIONS HD= RequiresRequlres Hard DriveDrive □D FormGenFonnGen ((1630)1630) DesignDesign and printprint any withwith this great geography triviatrivl a game.game. 512K=Requires512K= Requlres 512K RAM officeoffice form,form , easily!easilyl □ PC-Gradebook (1217) Record and D □ Bowling League Secretary (1308) For multi-disk sets, i ! Employee Management (1641) A monitor your students'students' grades.grades. o For multi-disk sets, D Employee Management (1641) A Manages youryour league and keeps stats. count all disks in set. □ Funnels & Buckets (1219) A fun math count all dIsks in set. shockingly accurate employee perper­ o Funnels & Buckets (1219) A fun math □O Personal BlorhythmBiorhythm (1310)(1310) Will disdis· sonalitysonality test that helps lower turnover. learning game that kids love toto play!playl play or print a personal chart Do BlllerBiller (1642) Complete time & billing □DWorldWorld (1221) A computer encyclopeencyclope­ HJKwIkStat[IDKwlkStat (13(1314,1315)14,1315) A professionalprofessional * When you order and pay for 5 or program. Automates all your billing.billing. dia of global information.informatfon. CGA statistics packagepackage.. 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    114 COMCOMPUTE! PUT E I MMAY A V 19909 9 0 tronicallytronically keyedkeyed toto offeroffer assistanceassistance atat PPCsCs andand compatiblescompatibles andand hashas aa ssugug­ youyou mumustst battlebattle lhethe hheadead ofof thethe synd syndii­ youryour pointpoint ofof referencereference inin the diction­diction gestedgested retailretail priceprice of$5of $ catecate himselfhimself., KingKing Pin.Pin. aryary.. TranslationTranslation MasterMaster hashas aa suggest­suggest StratStrategicegic SiSimulations,mulations, 676755 AAlmanorlmallor Ave.,Ave.. AvailableAvailable forfor thethe IBIBMM PC andand eded retailretail priceprice of$299.95.of $299.95. Slil/IljI,Sunnyvale,'lIle, 0CA1 94086-290194086-2901 compatiblescompatibles., CCrimerime WavesupponsWave supports FranFranklinklin COComputer,li/pliler. 122122 BurrBurrss RdRd... . MI.Ml. ReaderReader ServiceService NumberNumber 206.206. VGAVGA graphicgraphicss andand has aa suggestedsuggested re­re HHolly.olly. NJNJ 0080608060 tailtail priceprice of$59of $59.95..95. ReadReaderer Service NumberNumber 204.204. AccAccessess SoliSoftware.ware. 554545 WW. 550000 S,S, SuitSuitee 1130,30, 2-4-U2-4-U 8Bountiful,0111111111. UTUT 88401040/0 UBI Soft Entertainment SnftwareSoftware has ReaderReader ServServiceice Number 208.208. New Titles from TaitoTaito added two titlestitles toto itsits growing lineline ofof Taito hhasas unveiledunveiled severaseverall titlestitles forfor productsproducts.. the IIBM BM PC andand compatiblescompatibles,, the PrProo TenniTenniss Tour-Tour—TheTh e UUltimateltimate Calculating Accessory Commodore 64, and the Amiga. TTennisennis Simulation featuresfeatures thethe fourfour With the Curtis KeKeyboardyboard CaCalculatorlculator Operation Thullderboit.Thunderbolt, ththee sese­ major Grand Slam tournamenttournaments:s: ththee from CCurtisurtis Manufacturing, yoyouu can quel toto OperatiollOperation WWolf,olf sendssends Roy Australian Open, the French OpenOpen,, perform mathematical calculations AdamsAdams,, commando of OperatiOperationon WimbledonWimbledon,, and the U U.S..S. Open. without interrupting programs run­run WolfWolf, to infiltrateinfiltrate aa hhostileostile AfricaAfricann Before steppingstepping onto center courtcourt,, you ning on your comp computer.uter. councountrytry and frccfree 23 hostageshostages.. The can practice against the computer or game featuresfeatures three-dimthree-dimensionalensional anothanotherer playerplayer., Six different practice forward-scrollingforward-scroll ing graphigraphicscs and a si­si programs feature three levels of diffi­diffi multaneous two-player option. Cur­ culty on grassgrass,, clayclay,, or cement courts. rentlrentlyy available for the Commodore An ininstant-replaystant-replay option allows you to 64 at a sugges suggestedted retail price of$29.95of $29.95 view that great shot again. Pro TenniTenniss and the Amiga for $34.95$34.95,, the game is TOllrTour is avaavailableil able for the IBM PC and set for release this June foforr IBM PCs compatiblescompatibles,, the AmigaAmiga,, and the AtarAtarii and compatibles and will also sell for ST for a suggested retail price of $34$34.95..95. $39.95$39.95.. A versioversionn for the Commodore In New ZZealandealalld Story, Tiki the 64 sellsellss for $29$29.95..95. kiwi purspursuesues an agitated seaseall who has IInn IronIr on Lord,Lord, you go back to me­me kidnapped Tiki's kiwi friends from dieval timestimes,, wwherehere youyou'll'll encoencounterunter a the zoo. You must help Tiki avoid ar­ar number oflegendaryof legendary characters. The Curtis Keyboard Calculator conve­conve rorowsws and other obstacles as you assist Prove youyourr birthright through strastrategytegy niently fits on most computer keyboards,keyboards. him in hihiss missionmi ssion by making him and strengthstrength,, and as yoyouu traveltravelloto lleap,eap, climbclimb,, flyfly,, and swim his way to towns throughout the cocountryside,untryside, ThiThiss multifunction, solasolar-r­ save the day. The Commodore 64 ver­ver build a following that will go toto war powered calculatorcalculator features an eight­eight- sion sellssell s for $29.95 while the Amiga for you. To win over the townsfol~townsfolk, character LCD display wiwithth a floating release retails for $34.95. The PC verver­ impress them wiwithth your archery, arm-arm ­ decimal point. The compact 6 X 1%11/.0 sion should be available in the fall and wrestling, swordplay,swordplay, and dice-throwing X Vs1/8 inch unit hhasas selfself-adhesive-adhesive will alsoalso carry a suggested retail price skills. Available for IBM PCs and mounting strips on the back and fits of$34.95. compatibles,compatibles, the Atari ST, and the unobtrusivelyunobtrusively on mostmost comcomputerputer OtherOther titlestitles comingco ming soon include CoCommodoremmodore 64,64, IronIroll Lord has a sugsug­ keyboards. Puzznic,Puzzllic. Where TimeTimeSlOodStood Still,Still. and gested retailretail price ofof$39.95.$39.95. The Curtis Keyboard Calculator Chase H.Q.H.Q. All UBI Soft productsproducts are distribdistrib­ has a suggestedsuggested retail price ofof$9.95$9.95 Taito,TailO. 267267 W.~v. Esplanade,Esplanade, NorthNorth VancouVanco u­ uted by Electronic Arts. andand comes with a one-yearone-year warranty.warranty, ver, B.C.,B.C. , Canada V7MV7M 1A5lA5 UBIUBI Soft.Soft, ElectronicElectronic Arts.Arts, 18201820 GatewayGateway CurtisCurtis Manufacturing,ManujQcturing, 30 Fitzgerald Dr..Dr., Reader Service Number 205.205. Dr.,Dr .. San Mateo,Mateo. CAOJ 94404 Jaffrey,Jaffrey. NH 03452 Reader Service Number 207. Reader Service Number 209.209.

    Russian Front Second Front:Front: Germany TurnsTurns East isis It's a Crime Computer Economics Strategic Simulations1Simulations' strategy game AccessAccess Software's animated arcade Mindscape'sMindscape's Guns & ButterBUller isis a milimili­ based on Hitler'sHitler's invasionin vasion of Russia. game CrimeCrim e Wave usesuses televisionlike tarytary conquestconquest simulationsi mulation with an ecoeco­ DesignedDesigned for thethe advanced war images to conveyconvey itsits plot.plot. AdditionalAdditional­ nomic twist.twist. In thisthis game designed by gamer.gamer, SecondSecolld FrontFrollt isis set in 1941194 I ly,ly, thethe game employsemploys Access's Real-Real­ ChrisChris Crawford,Crawford, you rulerule a smallsmall andand covers the war fromfrom BerlinBerlin in the Sound technology,technology, which producesproduces countrycountry and want toto taketake overover the enen­ westwest toto Stalingrad inin thethe east,east, includinclud­ enhancedenhanced PCPC soundsound withoutwithout anyany extra tiretire continent.continent. To accomplish this,this, inging thethe entire RussianRussian front.fronL YouYou hardware.hardware. youyou needneed weapons as wellwell as manpowmanpow­ command over 150I SO German divisions Set inin 1995,1995, thethe game beginsbegins withwith er. You alsoalso must undertake some andand overover 200200 Soviet units,units, withwith assetasset aa powerfulpowerful crime syndicatesyndicate kidnapkidnap­ economiceconomic planningplanning andand determine thethe informationinformation availableavailable down toto thethe inin­ pingping thethe daughterdaughter of the the presidentpresident of bestbest wayway toto allocate resourcesresources betweenbetween dividualdividual tank,tank, plane,plane, andand infantryinfantry thethe UnitedUnited States. AsAs thethe game'sgame's hero,hero, militarymilitary productionproduction (guns)(guns) andand thethe squadsquad level.level. youryour jobjob isis toto rescuerescue thethe president'spresident's manufacturing of domestic domestic goodsgoods YouYou cancan direct a varietyvariety ofofair air opop­ daughterdaughter andand destroydestroy thisthis criminalcriminal oror­ (butter).(butter). erationserations suchsuch asas interdiction,interdiction, airlifts,airlifts, ganizationganization beforebefore itit ruinsruins America.America. GunsGuns & ButterButter featuresfeatures thethe same andand strategicstrategic bombings.bombings. Pop-upPop-up CrimeCrime Wave featuresfeatures 1111 different artificial-intelligenceartificial-intelligence routinesroutines foundfound menusmenus helphelp youyou exerciseexercise controlcontrol overover arcadearcade sequencessequences inin whichwhich youyou do batbat­ inin Crawford'sCrawford's BalanceBalallce ofPower Power andand youryour productionproduction facilitiesfacilities andand callcall upup tletle withwith thethe mobster's henchmen.henchmen. BalanceBalance ofPower:Power: TheThe 19901990 Edition.Edition. vitalvital informationinformation aboutabout youryour enemy.enemy. AfterAfter youyou havehave successfullysuccessfully avoidedavoided aa ThereThere areare thousandsthousands ofofcomputer- computer­ SecondSecond FrontFront isis availableavailable forfor IBMIBM seriesseries ofofevil evil machinerymachinery andand droids,droids, controlledcontrolled variablesvariables andand moremore thanthan aa

    MAYMA Y 19901990 CCOMO M PPUTU TE E I I 115115 billionbillion randomlyrandomly generatedgenerated conticonti­ editededited andand modifiedmodified toto suitsuit youryour AA trainingtraining modemode offersoffers youyou thethe nents,nents, changingchanging thethe looklook ofofthe the gamegame tastes.tastes. opportunityopportunity toto learnlearn aboutabout thethe craftcraft eacheach timetime youyou play.play. OtherOther featuresfeatures inin­ AsAs coach,coach, youyou controlcontrol thethe offenoffen­ andand itsits weapons.weapons. WhenWhen you'reyou're readyready cludeclude threethree levelslevels ofofdifficulty difficulty andand sivesive andand defensivedefensive strategiesstrategies andand forfor aa mission,mission, youyou cancan selectselect oneone ofof mousemouse support.support. makemake substitutionssubstitutions whenwhen youryour playersplayers fourfour positionspositions onon thethe boat.boat. AnAn overover­ AvailableAvailable forfor IBMIBM PCsPCs andand comcom­ beginbegin toto tire.tire. YouYou alsoalso controlcontrol thethe acac­ headhead mapmap screenscreen helpshelps youyou planplan stratstrat­ patiblespatibles andand thethe Macintosh,Macintosh, GunsGuns & tiontion onon thethe court,court, includingincluding passingpassing egyegy andand plotplot a course.course. ButlerButler hashas aa suggestedsuggested retailretail priceprice of andand shooting.shooting. Two toto fourfour playersplayers cancan GunboatGunboat isis availableavailable forfor IBMIBM PCsPCs $49.95.$49.95. competecompete simultaneously,simultaneously, oror youyou cancan andand compatiblescompatibles andand hashas aa suggestedsuggested Mindscape,Mindscape, 34443444 DundeeDundee Rd..Rd., Northbrook,Northbrook. playplay head-to-headhead-ta-head withwith thethe computer.computer. retailretail priceprice ofof$49$49.95..95. ILIL 6006260062 AvailableAvailable soonsoon forfor thethe Amiga,Amiga, Accolade,Accolade, 550550 S.S. WinchesterWinchester Blvd.,Bb·d., SuiteSuite ReaderReader ServiceService NumberNumber 210.210. AtariAtari ST, andand IBMIBM PCsPCs andand compaticompati­ 200,200. SanSail Jose.Jos,. Ol019595128128 bles,bles, TV Sports:Sports: BasketballBasketball hashas aa sugsug­ ReaderReader ServiceService NumberNumber 213.213. gestedgested retailretail priceprice ofof$49$49.95..95. TandyTandy 1OOO1000 SL Upgrade TV Sports:Sports: BaseballBaseball includesincludes aa RadioRadio Shack hashas introducedintroduced thethe 26-team league withwith variable-lengthvariable-length TheThe PursuitPursuit ofof TriviaTrivia TandyTandy 10001000 SL/2SL/ 2 personalpersonal computer,computer, seasons,seasons, differentdifferent levelslevels of difficulty, difficulty, Parker Brothers,Brothers, aa leadingleading developer anan upgraded versionversion of the the TandyTandy instantinstant replay,replay, andand an All-Star game.game. of games games andand toys,toys, makesmakes itsits entranceentrance 10001000 SL. ImprovementsImprovements toto the 8086- In addition toto youryour ability,ability. unpredictunpredict­ intointo thethe PCPC software marketmarket with basedbased computer include 512K of inin­ able weather can influenceinfluence thethe play on TrivialTrivial Pursuit:Pursuit: The ComputerComputer Game. ternal memorymemory and aa 3'/2-inch3'/'-inch floppyfloppy thethe field.field. The game also trackstracks indiindi­ ComposedComposed of questions fromfrom thethe diskdisk drive.drive. MS-DOS version 3.3 and vidualvidual and team statistics and featuresfeatures board game editionsed.itions of TrivialTrivial PurPur­ Tandy's DeskMateDeskMate havehave also been a practice mode. TV Sports:Sports: Baseball suit, thethe game includesincludes trivia aboutabout built into thethe computer's ROM.ROM. hashas a suggested retailretail price ofof$49.95$49.95 the 1980s.1980s. As in the board game,game, youyo u TheThe 1000 SL/2SL/2 can also record,record, andand will be available for thethe Amiga as must correctlycorrectly answer triviatri via questionsquestions store,store, and playplay back high-fidelityhigh-fidelity well as IBMIBM PCs and compatibles.compatibles. as you playplay against other humanhuman opop­ speech and sound through itsits internalinternal Cinemaware,Ciflemaware, 41654/65 ThousandThollsand OaksOaks Blvd.,Blvd., ponents,ponents, butbut in the computer version,version, digital-to-analogdigital-ta-analog and analog-to-digital WestlakeWestlake Village,Village. CA019913621362 youyou cancan competecompete against anyany of six anan­ converterconverter circuitry.circuitry. Other features inin­ Reader Service NumberNumber 212.212. imated characters,characters, eacheach with different cludeclude supportsupport for a secondsecond Vh-3'/'- or 5Vt-5'1.­ ability levelslevels andand areas of expertise.expertise. inch floppy drive;drive; on-boardon-board video Onscreen graphics include a support for monochromemonochrome text,text, Hercu ­ River Combat game board,board , moving game pieces,pieces, and lesles monochrome graphics,graphics, and AAccolade'sccolade's Gunboat: River CombatCombat characterscharacters thatthat smile and frown,frown , dede­ Tandy-enhancedTandy-enhanced CGA graphics with Simulation puts you in command ofofaa pendingpending on the correctness of theirtheir anan­ 640 X 200 resolutionresolution and 16 colors;colors; high-speedhigh-speed PatrolPatrol Boat RiverinRiverinee swers. ThThee game supports both EGA five PC-compatible expansionexpan sion sslots;lots; a ((PBR)PBR) asas you try yoyourur hand at moremore and CGA graphics.graphics. 101-keyIOI -key eenhancednhanced keyboard;keyboard; a parallel than 20 realisticrealistic mismissionssions alongalong jungle Trivial Pursuit:Pursuit: The Computer printer port;port; an RS-232 serial port;port; rivers.rivers. Game has a suggested retail price of two joystick ports; a stereo headphone $39$39.95..95. jackjack with volume cocontrol;ntrol; and Desk-Desk­ ParkerParker Brothers,Brothers, 50 DunhamDunham Rd.,Rd., Beverly.B(!l'erl) ~ Mate 3.03.01 softwaresoftware.. MA 0019151915 The ssuggesteduggested retairetaill price of the RReadereader Service NNumberumber 21214.4, Tandy 1000 SLSL/2/2 is $999$999.00..00. For a limited time, Tandy is offering ththe-e- 1000 SLSL/2/ 2 bundled with a CM-5 color Knights of the Desktop monmonitoritor aandnd a DeskMate Software Sierra hhasas brought ttoo ththee computer BBonusonus PaPackck for a specspecialial introductory scscreenreen a sstorytory known to manmany.y. CoConn­ pripricece of$of $ I1,098.95. ,098.95. The BBonusonus Pack ququestsests oJCofCamelot,amelOf. a three-dimthree-dimensionalensional includincludeses QuiQuickencken bbyy IntuitIntuit,, InstantInstant animated aadventuredventure game, tatakeskes yoyouu PagesPages by ElectroniElectronicc ArtsArts,, and Right-Right· back to ththee days ofthe of the KnighKnightsts of ththee Writer by RightSoftRightSoft,, all DDeskMate-eskMate· DDangerousangerous jungle river bbattlesattles and high­ Round TabTablele and ththeireir search for the cocompatible.mpatible. sspeedpeed exexcitementcitement awaawaitit you iinn GunboGunboatat. HolHolyy GraGrail.il. RRadioadio Shack,Shack. TandyTandy,, 1700 One Tandy HHoldingolding trutruee to the CeCelticltic llegend,egend, OrOr... . FFortort Wonh.Worth, TTXX 7761026102 ThThee PBR was intrintroducedoduced during ththee gagameme fefeaturesatures allall ooff ththee ffamiliaramiliar Reader Service Number 211211.. the Vietnam War and iiss sstilltill in active characcharactersters including King ArthurArthur., useuse.. It can travel at 35 knotknotss in 1188 GwenhGwenhyver,yver, Sir LauncelotLauncelot,, and MMerer­ inches of wawaterter and can turn 118080 de­ linlin.. In ssimulatedimu lated cocombat,mbat, yyouou wwieldield EExpandedxpanded TV CCoverageoverage grees almosalmostt iinstantly.nstantly. After boardboardinging ExExcaliber.cali ber, ththee swoswordrd of KingKings,s, and On tthehe heeheelsls of the ssuccessfuluccessful TTVV thethe craftcraft,, yoyouu mumustst seselectlect iitsts payload joujoustst from hhorsebackorseback as yoyouu joujourneyrn ey Sports: FFootball,ootball, CiCinemawarenemaware pplanslans toto and ththenen execexecuteute eeitherither a dadayy or a ttoo ffindind ththee lostlost Grail. rreleaseelease TV Sports:Sports: BBasketballasketball and TV night mimission.ssion. Your assignmassignmentsent s in­in CCurrentlyurrently avaavailableilable fforor ththee IBM SportsSports:: BBaseball.aseball. clcludeude rrescuingescuing POWs in VietnamVietnam,, PC andand cocompatibles,mpatibles, ConquesConqueststs oofj TVTV Sports:Sports: BaBasketballsketball featuresfeatures bubustingsting cocacocaineine runnerunnersrs iinn ColombColombia,ia, Camelot has aa ssuggesteduggested rretailetail pripricece ofof fufull-courtll-court five-on-fifive-on-fiveve actionaction,, aa 28-28- andand apprehapprehendingending ininsurgentssurgents inin ththee $59$59.95..95. ThThee gagameme will soosoonn be avaiavaill­ tteameam lleague,eague, a 24-game scschedule,hedule, aandnd ririversvers aandnd babaysys of of ththee PPanamaanama CaCanalnal ablablee forfor thethe MMacintosh,aci ntosh, AmigaAmiga,, andand ppostseasonostseason plaplayoffs.yoffs. You cacann c choosehoose zozone.ne. WhilWhilee carryingcarrying ooutut yoyourur duduties,ti es, AtaAtariri ST. ththee sstartingtarting linlineupeup frofromm eaceachh teteam'sam's yoyou'llu'll bebe undunderer constaconstantnt aattackttack ffromrom SierrSierra,a, P.OP.O.. BBoxox 4485.85, CCoarsegold.oarsegold. 0CA1 rosterroster ofof 1212 plaplayers.yers. EacEachh plaplayer'syer's ththee eenemynemy inin ththee airair,, onon tthehe wawater,ter, oror 9369361414 stystylele andand characteristicscharacteristics cancan alsoalso bbee frfromom eieitherther sideside ofof ththee riverbank.riverbank. RReadereader SerServicevice NumberNumber 2215.15. >

    116116 COMC OM PUTP U EE I! MAYMAY 19901990 I Raining Discounts froip §DA We have what you're looking for!

    DATADATA EASTEAST GAMESTARGAMESTAH ABC McroayMonday Nile FootbaIFootball S32 FaceFace 011Off Hockey ••• ••.. $29$29 maccess Bad Dudes ...... S25$25 TakeTake Down WrestWrestlingfing . . .. $23 New desktop publishing 1I~££f!!tUF ^: 'r.1."' ------■■ - BatmaBatmann . $25 tool that helps kids ages 8- GAMETE)(GAMETEK tool that helps kids ages 8- Heavy BanelBarrel ...... $25 Chutes & Ladders S9.88 14 write & thinkthink cclearly.learly. YouYou've've nevernever seen aanythingnything Robocop ...... $25 OIutes & l..addefS ..... S9.86 & DoubleDoublf Dare ••• . . S9$9.38.68 like this before. Digitized Super HaHang-Onng-On . • . . .• S25$25 SStimulatestimulates the naturalnatural ccrere~ like this before. Digitized HollywoodHollywood Squares ... $9$988.68 DAVIDSON ative writing process. Use 3D animatanimation!ion! Tremendous DAVIDSON Jeopardy 25th AnnoyAnmv •.•..$988 $9.8B alive wri ting process. Use Algeblaster Plus $32 depth & payability. Save AJgeblaster Plus •.•..••.. S32 Super Password ..•••. S9$9.88.86 youyourr P~ShP-Shopop graphicsgraphics.. depth & playability. Save Malh Blaster Plus $29 Ma:h Blaster Plus ••. . .. $29 Iht1eeIWheel 0of1 Fortune Gold •...$9.88 59.86 128K or GS our country from a ssinisterinister ReadReadinging & Me .. 524$24 128K or GS crime organization Word AttacAttackk Plus •.••. . $29 HHI-TECHI-TECH CHILDRCHILDRENSEN S WRITING & crime organization Looney Tunes Pnnt Kit. $9.8B ElEELECTRONICCTRONIC ARTARTSS Looney Tunes Print Kit . $9.86 PUBLISHING CENTCENTERER SDA Abrams Battle Tank $16 MMjppetuppet Adventure ... . $9$9.88.sa CRIME WAVE SOASDA Abrams Battle Tank ...•• $\6 Muppet Print Kit $966 List $69.95 Discount Price $44 CRIME WAVE Jard3ardsTale2's Tale 2 ...... $16 Muppel Prinl Kit ...... $986 List $69.95 Discount Price RemoteRemote ConControltrot. . • . . . S8$8.88.86 List $59.95 Discount Price $39 Battle Hawks 1942 $32 MMINDSCAPEINOSCAPE Tank $39 L!::~.!::~~ _____~D ~lsc~ou~n~t~P~n~' c~e,--,~~ ~~~~~ ~ : . :::: ~ Ses. SI.St FirsFirstl WWriterr'iter .•••.... $9$9.86.86 Tank •.•..•• Bruce Lee Lives $25 Afler Burner $25 Tetns S23 50s..Ses. SI.St. PrinlPrint Kit.Kit ...... $9S9.88.86 Alter Burner .. ..$25 Tellis •••. , ••. ACCESSACCESS TTongueongue 0of1 mIhee FatmanFaiman ...... $25 $25 BodokanBudokan MarlMartiallal Arts .• $32 BalanooolBalance ol Power 11990...990 ... $32S32 VeneVette •.•••••. S32 Carlooners $32 Swim Wear Calendar ..• $6$5.88.86 CnmeCrime WaWaveve ((w/sound)w/ sounct) ....$39 $39 AARTWORXRTWORX Cartoooors . .. . .•....•.. $32 Clubhouse SportSSports .... . • GallCall WellltlWelllnss .••... . ,.$1£ Caveman Ugh-Lympics $21 WinWin., LLoseose or CrawDraw 2 .... . $8£B.8688 Mean Streets (|w/sound)..w/sound) . $39 Bridge 66.0.0. • • •.•• S25$25 Caveman Ugh-Lymp.cs • $2\ FFiendishiendISh Freddy' Freddy'ss BogtopBigtop 529S29 SSPOTLIGHTPOTLIGHT aiessmaster2IOO $32 WWin,in. loseLose or Draw OIxDlx ...... $16 516 WCWCLBLB GotlGolf ((wsound)w/sound) •... •.$35 $35 CenterloldCenterfold Squares ••.••• 519$19 Olessmaster 2\00 ..••.. $32 GauntleGauntlett 2 ...... ••.•• $25S25 DarkSlClODarkside .•.••.•••..••. 525$25 ACCOLADE Cribbage/Gin King ...... $25 \INFOCOM ACCOLADE Ka~Kaledokubesokubes •...... • 519S19 HaHarleyrley DaVIdsonDavidson ...... S25$25 DeathtHlDealhbrmgernge.- ...... S25 C. Yeagers AFT 2.0 $16 Battletech. Bar Games . . . $29S29 LLmkwordinIIWQfd Languages •... .. canCall .$32 IIni'lnn Team SportsSpoils ...... $23S23 SpeedballSpeedoail •..••.••••.••. S25 Blue Angels Flight Sim. . .$32 C.Deluxe Yeagers Paint AFT 2 Enhanced 2.0 •..••.. S89$16$89 Hitchhikers Guide $14 Blue Angels flight s.m. .. $32 StripStnpPoker2 Poker 2 . . .. $25S25 ~~~:~ .G ~o.; ••••• ,. ill Out Run ...... ••.. S25$25 551SSI Cycles $25 Earl WeaWeaverver Baseball •.•.... .S26 $26 Journey $32 Cycles ...... $25 SS.. P P.. 2 Females.lFemales ftl .. . . 514$14 ShI!lClblShmobi ...... ••.• 523$23 ChampionChampionsS 0of1 Krynn .•..., S32 Day of the Viper $32 Empire S32 King Arthur $25 Oay Oilhe Viper ••••••.• S32 S. PP. 2 Female/Male.2Femate'Male "2.. ...$14 $\4 Empire ...... $32 Space HarnerHarrier ...... •••• S25$25 CurCursese 0of1 Azure BondBondss •••.. .$32 $32 Don't Go Alone $25 FF/16Combal/ 16 Combat PilOtPilot ...... $32 Leather Goddesses S14 Don' Go Alone ...... $25 5SP P 2 Females.3 Females »3 . . .. 514S14 Star Trek 5 FinalFtnal FFrontierrorulOf S35$35 Dragon s 01 of AameFlame ••••.•• $26 4th & inches Football ... .Slfl FerranFerrari FFormulaormula One ... $26 Mines of Titan $29 4th & IncheS Football ••.. S 14 BEBETHESDATHESDA ORIGIN Heroes 0of1 lIheila laLancence ..... S26 Grand Pnx Circuit $25 FFoolsools EtrandErrand ...•.... •.•, .$32 $32 Shogun $39 Grand Pox CireLlit . ..$25 Wayne Gretzky Hockey S35 Knights of Legend ,532$32 HHillslarlllslar ••.••.••. ..$32 Gunboat.Gunboat .. • .. $32 Gold 0of1 AmericasAmencas . • .. 526$26 Zork Zero $39 Omega $32 BOX OFFIOFFICECE .... $32 Pool otol RadRadianceI8l1C8. . . S32$32 Hardball S9.B8 Quest Foi Clues Book 2. S19 Hardball . • .. 59.88 Elvira's Personal Nilemare S32 MELBOURNE Book 2 519 RooRed liLightningghtrung ••...... $39S39 Hardball 2 S32 ElvIra's Personal Nitemare.532 Hardball2 ••...... S32 Space Rogue $32 SSwordword 01ol AragonAiagon . . . 526S26 Heatwave Boat Racing .. .$25 BRrTANBRITANNICA/DESIGNWARENICA/DESlGNWARE HOUSE Heatwave Boat Racrng •.. S25 HOUSE T::;;;-";';'i':i;:'Tangled Tales"." : : : : : : : : : $19~ SSUBLOGICUBLOGIC Jack Nicklaus Golf S32 ArchipelagosArc/"upelagos •••.....••. S25 Jack NickIaIJS Golf .•.•. . S32 PrPro-golfo-golf at itsits best w/Gregw/ Greg Times oll...ofeof Lore ...... $25 HawaHawaiil. Scenery . . $19S19 J N Golf Champ Courses S16 OeslgnasaurusDesignasaurus • . . ••• , . S25 at J.N Golf Champ Courses $16 UltimaUltima4or5 4 or 5 ••.••.• $39S39Ea Ea. UFO S32 BRODERBJND Norman! More than a UFO •..••.•• . .... $32 JJN.N GoHlntlGolf Irtfl CouISeSCourses...... $\6$16 B ROOERBLNO Ultima 6 ...... GaltCall Ancient An of War at Sea S29 TTAITOAllO - OONN SALSALEE !-.teMentalnlal BBlockslocks $$9689.88 Anoent Ar1 01 War at Sea S29 gamegame,, itsits trutruee golf simu~simu UUltimaltima TnTrilogylogy . • . .. 539$39 Banner Mania S23 Arkanoid Steel ThundefThunder ...... S25$25 BarvlOf Manoa .•••...••• 523 lation. Studythelieofeach Windv.alkerWmdwalker •••.•••. . $25S25 Carmen S D - Europe . .. S32 lation. Study the lie of each IV"""""AlkaflOldArkanoiO 2 RCYefl\JeRevenge Test OrlVODrive 2:2 The DueIDuel. .•... $32S32 Carmen S.O - EUfOPO ... 532 POLAHWARE shot. Changing wind, POLARWARE BuBubblebble Bobble TTD.O 2;2 Calif Scenery •••.....$16 $16 carmenCarmen 5SD.0 --TimeTWne ...•• $32 shot. Changing wind, Bobble Galli. AllAll Dogs go to Heaven •.•.. .$25 S25 Operation Wolf TD 2 Europe Scenery $16 CarmenSD -USA ....$32 weather & more. OperatlOfl Wotl !. ~\ T.O 2. Europe Sceoety $16 carmen S.O • U SA •.•• 532 DragonDragon's's LalfLair . . . 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After60Alter 60 daysdays fromIrom youryour purchasepurchase date,date, pleaseplease referrefer toto tr>ethe warrantywarranty includedrncluded withWl lh thethe product purchasedpurchased & returnreturn directlydireclly toto thethe manufacturermanufacturer CustomerCusto.Toer" serviceservrce willWill notnot acceptaccept collectc otlecl callscalls or calls onon SOSD of01 As.A·s. 800OCX).n orderorde!" lines1lines! PricesPrices & availabilityavailabili ty areare subjectsub)OC1loto change1changel New titlestrtles areare arrivingamvmg daily1dally' Please callcall forfor more informationInlormal/01"1 MODEM OWNERS You can order on-line fromfrom ourour IBMIBM shop viavia thethe CompuServe, GEnie and Q-Link electronic malls. - Budayeen ViceVice ized thethe streetsstreets ofof HongHong Kong.Kong. video,video, whichwhich retailsretails forfor $24.95,$24.95, absoabso­ InIn Circuit'sCirclIii's Edge,Edge, fromfrom Infocom,Infocom, youyou BruceBnlce LeeLee LivesLives supports CGA, lutelylutely free.free. assumeassume thethe rolerole ofofMaridMarid Audran, a EGA,EGA, andand VGAVGA graphics and hashas a ToTo qualifyqualifY forfor thethe offer,offer, youyou mustmust privateprivate investigatorinvestigator tryingtrying toto make a suggested retailretail price ofof$49.95.$49.95. have purchasedpurchased one or moremore IndyIndy livingliving inin a ghettoghetto called thethe Budayeen.Budayeen. The Software Toolworks,Too/works. 1980819808 NordhoffNordhoff gamesgames fromfrom aa participatingparticipating retailer be ­ ItIt isis thethe yearyear 22022202 and modules areare PiXhatsworth.Pl., Chatsworth. CAOf 91311 tweenlween FebruaryFebruary 1I and June 30,30, 1990.1990. availableavailable thatthat can transform you into Reader ServiceService NumberNumber 217. The Action Game takes some of the the someone else.else. You can also obtainobtain film's best chase and fighting sese­ chips thatthat give youyou temporary knowlknowl­ quences and translates them intoin to arar­ edge of any subject. With thisthis technoltechnol­ Railroad Baron cadecade action,action, while The GraphicGraphic ogy, youyou can use the skills of a burglar,burglar, Sid Meier'sMeier's GoldenGoldell Age ofojRailroadsRailr oads Adventure placesplaces youyou in the role of spy, thief,thief, or kung fu master to sursur­ for the IBM PCPC and compatibles al ­ Indy as you taketake on his perilous quest vivevive inin the ghetto. lows youyou toto build youryo ur own railroad for thethe Holy Grail.G ra il. The characters and environment empire fromfrom the nineteenthnineteenth century DetailsDetails concerning proofproof of purpur­ in Circuit'sCircuil's Edge are taken fromfrom throughthrough today. chase and other requirements are WhenWizen GravityGravity Fails and A Fire in the In this MicroProse release,release, youyou available at participatingparticipating retailers Sun, two science-fictionscience-fiction novels by must decide where the trackstracks should throughout the U.S.U.S. and Canada. George Alec Effinger. The game bebe­ go and plan the placement ofoftermi­termi LucasfilmLucas(ilm Games,Games. P.O.P.D. Box2009.Box 2009. SanSail gins when a mysterious notebook isis nals and switches. You alsoalso select the Rafael,Rafael. C-i01 949129491 J stolen from thethe Budayeen's crime routesroutes and decide which towns,towns, cities, Reader Service Number 219.219. lord.lord. You are ordered to recover the and harbors to connect. Along the notebook. During your investigation,investigation, way,way, you'll encounter equipment failfail­ youyou must visit sleazy nightnjght clubs,clubs, tattat­ ures,ures, natural catastrophes, and ecoeco­ Low-Cost Dot-Matrix too parlors,parlors, pawn shops,shops, and hotels nomicnomic fluctuations,fluctuations, but you'll also TheNX-2415The NX-2415 Multi-Font,Multi-Font, a wide-wide­ and interrogate the hustlers,hustlers, hookers,hookers, discoverd.iscover opportunities. Your financial carriage 24-wire dot-matrix printer thieves,thieves, and dealers who inhabit success will depend on building your from Star Micronics,Micronics, offers letter-letter­ them. In thisthis simulated world,world, other empireempire from scratch through hard quality output,output, high-speed printing,printing, characters can act on their own,own, both work,work, acquiring low-costlow-cost operationsoperations four internal fonts,fonts, and advanced on and off the screen,screen, which can and turning them around,around , or making paper handling. change the story.story. IdeallyIdeally suitedsuited for printing spreadspread­ The world of Budayeen is disdis­ sheets and other wide-formatwide-format docudocu­ played three-dimensionally on thethe ments, the NX-2415NX-2415 prints at 200 screen,screen, and youyou can navigate thethe characters per second (cps) in draft streetsstreets with keyboard controlscontrols oror with eliteelite modemode arid 67 cps in letter-qualityletter-quality a mouse. Menu selectionsselections allow youyou mode. It is aalsolso well suited for busi ­ to collect and manipulate objects, inin­ ness correspondence,correspondence, data processing.processi ng, teract with other characters,characters, and set desktop publishing,publishing, and computer-computer­ game options.options. aided design. AvailableAvailable for IBM PCSPCs and comcom­ The control panel allows yoyouu 10to patibles, CircuCircuit'sit 's Edge has a suggest­ select and set almost all commonly ed retail price of$44.95.of $44.95. WheelWheelandand deal as you build a railroad used functions.functions. The four resident Infocom,In/OCain. DistributedDistribllled by Mediagenk,Mediagen;c, 3885 empire with the Golden Age of Railroads.Railroads. fonts—Courier,fonts-Courier, Prestige, Orator,Orator, and BohannonBohannon Dr., Menlo Park,Park. OfCA 94025 Script—canScript-can be printed in pica,pica, elitcelite,, ReadReaderer Service Number 216. ruthless business deals with a little fifi­ condensed pica,pica, condensed elite,elite, and nancial trickery. proportional sizes. Optional font Experience railroading in four rere­ cards provide additional fontsfonts,, and an Still Kicking gions of the world: Eastern U.S., optional 32K RAM card can store The Software Toolworks has been au­ Western U.S.,U.S., EnglandEngland,, and Western downloaded fonts. thorizedthorized by the Bruce Lee Estate to re­re EuropeEurope.. The advanced paper-handling lleaseease BruceBnlce Lee Lives for IBM PCs The suggested retail price of features include paper parking, which aandnd compatibcompatibles.les. It is the only martial Golden Age ojofRailroads is $59.95$59.95.. allows sing1e-sheetleedingsingle-sheet feeding without rere­ arts program that features computer MicrMicroProse,oProse, 180 LakefromLAkefrollt Dr.,Dr .. HuntHum Va/­Val moving tractor-fed paper. It also feafea­ opponents equipped with artificial in­in ley, MDM D J21030 /030 tures automatic paper lloading,oading, telligencetelligence,, which eenablesnables them to rec­ rec Reader Service Number 218. friction aandnd adjustabadjustablele push-tractor ognizeognize,, llearn,earn, and remember yoyourur feeds, an opoptionaltional pull tractortractor,, and fighting strategystrategy.. forward and rreverseeverse microfecd.microfeed. An The game also has a programmaprogramma­ Video Value optional 120-120-sheetsheet automatic sheet ble macro key, which allows you to Now you can live ououtt your IndiIndianaana feeder is also availabavailable.le. choose and choreograph a series of Jones fantasiefantasiess on both your cocomm­ ThcThe NXNX-2415-2415 has a parallel inter­inter fighting moves. You can use these puter and television screescreens.ns. For a face and incorporateincorporatess Epson LQ-ILQ-1050050 moves against your opponents by limited timetime,, Lucasfilm Games is of­of and IBM Proprinter XL24 emula­emula pressing ononlyly a single key. fering a special promotion in conjunc­conjunc lions.tions. An II11K K buffer cacann be expanded You assume the role of Bruce Lee tion with the release of the movie to 43K43K. with an optional 32K RAM and begin the game by studyistudyingng and IndianaIndiana JJonesOlles and the Last CCrusaden/sade card. training in Lee's personal training on videocassetvideocassette. teo ThThee suggested retairetaill price of the room. EventuallyEventually,, howeverhowever,, yoyouu will IIff you buy one of the games based NX-24l5NX-2415is$699. is $699. be required to chachallengellenge the renegade on the hit moviemovie,, you can purchase Star MicrMicronics,ollics. 202000 ParkParkAiv.. ...11'e' . . Suil!"Suite 3513510.0. Shao Lin monkmonk,, Master Po, whose the VHS video for ononlyly $10.00.$ 10.00. Buy New York.York, NY 10166 dangerous band of thugs has terror-terror twtwoo games and you'you'llll receive the Reader Service Number 220. El



    Throwinghrowing aa ppartyarty forfor mmyy doesn't mmeltelt thrthroughough the tabletable afterafter enthenthusiastsusiasts are apt to hhaveave ononee or two compcomputeruter friefriendsnds is ttwowo mminutes,inutes, iit'st's nnotot spicyspicy enoughenough."." brewskis is when theythey've've didiscoveredscovered ttough.ough. They have speciaspeciall CoComputermputer food isisn'tn't jusjustt defined something reallyreally important-likeimportant—like that dietary rerequirements.quirements. But by what it is,is, but by when it'it'ss eaeaten—ten­ both sockssocks matchmatch.. Usually they rresortesort I'dI'd rather havhavee them usuausuallylly at some forsaken hour wwhenhen to something stimstimulating,ulating, usually Diet stastandingnding aaroundround cchewinghewing night isis darkest. Why is that? AfteAfterr Coke. Just for the caffeinecaffeine of iit. t. on stalestale doughnuts than just 36 hours in front of your PCPC,, And yoyouu cancan't't mention compcomputeruter playing "g"guessuess which part those hunger sensors fire like a com­com beverages witwithouthout talking about cof­ of the bribriee yoyou'reu're nnotot ssupup­ mmercialercial oonn ththee llate,ate, llateate sshow.how. ItIt's's fee. OnOnlyly God cocoulduld hahaveve created posed ttoo eat. eat."" wwhathat ddoctorsoctors and cocomputermputer scscientistsientists such a highly caffecaffeinatedinated beverage It was right before I calcalll the Human Food IntInterrupt.errupt. (This ththaiat hhasas lillIlittlee redeeming vvaluealue other left for the military-surplus grocery is technically a ""nonmaskablenonmaskable than covering up mmorningorning bbreath.reath. store that I realized wewe're're missing interrupt.") Coffee activates ddormantormant brain something in the computecomputerr indusindus­ CompComputeruter enthenthusiastsusiasts need sussustete­ circcircuits.uits. It promises ttoo keep yoyouu up try—atry-a cculinaryulinary guide. MMaybeaybe ththee nance to keep up their compcomputinguting llonger,onger, allowing you to enjoy yoyourur "ga"gangng of ninnine"e" who devedevelopedloped EISA habit. And ththeyey don't want anything computer for more hours of ththee night. ccouldould work on a hacker food coconn­ from ththee crocroissantissant and pastapasta bar at the This iiss why mmostost compcomputeruter people susumptionmption stastandard?ndard? Or mamaybeybe some­ some SizzlerSizzler.. In fact,fact, researchers have detdeterer­ wowon'tn't put on a pot 0'o' brew until tenten one wiwillll publish PeterPeter Norton'sNorton 's Guide mined that compcomputeruter enthusiasts need o'clocko'clock.. Before then it's DietDiet CoCokeke or to PC Cooking. to fulfill eacheach of four basicbasic electronic one of the most potent drinks legalllegallyy When yoyouu start computing as a food groups daildaily:y: ththee munchie group, availableavailable to a 14-14-year-old:year-old: Jolt CoCola.la. hobby,hobby, you ddevelopevelop these weird food the high fat andand ccholesterolholesterol group,group, ththee Jolt isis a computercomputer person's dream habits,habits, a sstrangetrange desiredesire for ssnacks,nacks, frozen or very coldcold grgroup,oup, and thethe comecome true;true; it'sit's serious stuff. It hashas all munchics,munchies, and sugar—asugar-a Pavlovian re­re fluorocarbon group (includes CheeseCheese the caffeine and twicetwice thethe sugar of sponse to the words malt balls.bails. Whiz).Whiz). wimpier cocolala drinks.drinks. (Or vice-versa—vice-versa­ Most computerco mputer people can't rere­ And what of beverages?beverages? I mean who reallyreaUy cares when your member what they've eaten from oneonc Unlike mostmost other hobbyists,hobbyists, eyes are open that wide?)wide?) meal toto the next. Hard-coreHard-core computercomputer computer peoplepeople don't get into beer.beer. In one scientificscientific study,study, a cow that nerds,nerds, onon the other hand,hand, justjust needneed to Long gone are the daysdays of the machomacho had been dipped into a vat of Jolt smile.smile. Since theythey nevernever brush theirtheir ColaCola managed to win the seventh at teeth,teeth, youyou cancan always see what they'vethey've Belmont. eaten.eaten. So therethere youyou havehave the rundownrundown But what exactlyexactly is computercomputer on hackerhacker food basics. If[fyou'reyou're throw­ food? ing a party for youryour compufriends,compufriends, II asked an expert: eight-year-oldeight-year-old here'shere's my recommended shoppingshopping food connoisseurconnoisseur RalphRalph McGuffinMcGuffin list.list. (The quantities here are for 20 who,who, accordingaccording toto hishi s best friend,fri end, Pe-Pe­ people.people. Use 1-2-31-2-3 to calculatecalculate tey,tey, isis "the" the fattestfallest kidkjd inin thethe fourth amountsamounts for largerlarger parties.)parties.) grade!" RalphRalph says nerd food isn'tisn't dede­ fined by the contents of the the packagepackage SixSix bags of Nacho Nacho CheeseCheese Doritos;DorilOs; but byby thethe sizesize of the package.package. "If"Ifyou you three 2-pound bagsbags of MM & Ms,Ms, guaca-guaca­ can'tcan't fitfit itit all inin youryour mouth at once,once, mole dip withwith tabasco;tabaseo; onion dipdip thenthen it'sit's notnot goodgood computercomputer food."food." (with(with spoons—whospoons-who uses chips?);chips?); twotwo Ralph'sRalph's reallyreally bigbig on computerscomputers cans of honey-roasted honey-roasted peanuts;peanuts; one andand eating.eating. InIn fact,fact, RalphRalph isis reallyreally big,big, can of mixedmixed nutsnuts (for thethe dBasedBase period.period. HeHe ordersorders thethe mealsmeals andand freaksfreaks toto sort);sort); oneone casecase ofofTwTwinkles;inkies; snackssnacks forfor allall of the the programmersprogrammers atat oneone vatvat of Cool Cool Whip;Whip; severalseveral bagsbags of BilgeSoft,BilgeSoft, wherewhere hehe headsheads upup productproduct Double-StuffDouble-StuffOreosOreos (buy(buy anan extraex tra botbot­ development.development. "There"There isis aa desire forfor FortranFortran programmer,programmer, sittingsitting byby hishis tleOe ofof"s"stuff'tuf!" soso youyou cancan recyclerecycle allall thethe somesome ethnicethnic food,"foo




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