MYP Course Outline: Algebra 1 s1

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MYP Course Outline: Algebra 1 s1

MYP Course Outline: United States History Interdisciplinary Curriculum:

Unit Title, Length Area of Inter- Content Question Activities Assessment(s) Guiding Question action MYP Course Objectives

Geography Community and Is there a link between geograph- Examining maps of Europe & America of the To Analyze the development How does the make up of Where Service ic factors and the social, political, 16th century making connections between of American culture its diversity you live decide how you will 2 Weeks and cultural life of Early American environment and resources and multicultural context live? Environment peoples? Assessments: Quizzes, Es- Reading primary/secondary text that contrast says the cultural differences between Europeans and native Americans ; note taking

Colonial Settlements Human Ingenuity How did Colonial life evolve? Examining Primary sources( Journal entries; To understand the social, How do you begin life in New Archival documents)to establish the economic Political, Economic and reli- surroundings? How Did the political, economic and religious basis for early American settle- gious developments in United and social changes in Europe ments States History lead to colonial settlements in Reenactment of the Salem Witch Trials Assessments: Exams, DBQ America? Secondary sources establishing Native Amer- Essay writing ican conflicts ; note taking

Environment of the What extent did geography play Creating group maps that illustrate the region- To understand the role that geo- How does where you live help American Region Environment a role in the settling of the Ameri- al resources and inhabitants of New England, graphical differences in a region you build a community? can region? Middle, and Southern colonies contribute to the social and eco- nomic life of a region Assessments: Quizzes map posters

Political development Were the political systems in Creating charts that that differentiate the vari- To compare and contrast the How do you decide the rules in in Colonial America Human Ingenuity Colonial America able to address ous systems of governments within Colonial political ideas that develop Ear- your community? the need for justice and order? America ly America To Illustrate the connections Secondary sources assignments: note taking and interactions of people and events over time Groups Assignments. ,Quizzes

Economic relation- Human Ingenuity How did the policies from Great Examining maps and primary readings to cre- To understand the interrelation- How do countries maintain rela ships between Great Britain influence the economic ate a diagrams of the Trans Atlantic trade ships between world events tionships even when they are Britain and Colonial Life in the Colonies? routes and and developments in U.S. His- very far away? America tory Assessments: quizzes, Exams

To compare and contrast the Fulfilling Economic Human Ingenuity Examining the policies of Mercantilism and values and experiences of dif- How do Citizens help to take Demands in the Colo- salutary Neglect and the commercial revolu- ferent groups in America care of their government? nial America Environment How did the progression of slav- tion in England ery change race relations be- Assessment :tests essays tween Africans and British Using primary sources to review the introduc- quizzes colonists? tion of African slaves to the colonies

Video: PBS Africans in America Part I

Struggles that lead to Community and How do political and social needs Video series: Unfinished Nation: To analyze the development of What Happens when people Revolution Service of Great Britain lead to The Amer- *Strained Relations major themes in American His- are no longer approving of their ican Revolution? *Not much of a War tory Ex. Revolution government? Examining the outcome of the French & Indi- an War Creating a timeline of called The Acts& Re- Actions that lead to imposed by Economics in History: The Impact of British Taxes

Social interactions in Approaches to Were all groups included in the Examining the position of Women , Native To describe the evolution of How can all unite around a Revolutionary America Learning fight for American Independence Americans Africans and the working classes American democratic values cause? in the Late 18th Century? in Colonial America through primary sources and beliefs as expressed in the declaration of independence Primary readings: Declaration of Indepen- dence Common Sense Video series: PBS Liberty: Chronicle of the Revolution

The Constitution Community and How are the needs of each of the Understanding the importance of The Articles To describe the development of How can you create a Convention Service States included in the new gov- of Confederation Role play “ The Crisis of American Democratic Values Government that is fair to all? ernment? Shay’s Rebellion” and The U.S. Constitution

Federalism Community and How is The Constitution struc- Examining the Constitution as a primary doc- To describe the evolution of How can a government Service tured to express the strength of ument American democratic values balance its power? the National government? Creating a checks and balances chart and beliefs as expressed in the U.S. Constitution Constitutional Community and Examining the Constitution as a primary doc- To describe the evolution of How can governments share re Principles Service To What extent does the Constitu- ument American democratic values sponsibility? tion divide power between the and beliefs as expressed in the Federal and state governments? U.S. Constitution Midterm project: Constitution project 10 news articles that deal With constitutional issues In current events

Bill of Rights Health and Social How does the Bill of Rights ad- Examining the Constitution as a primary doc- To describe the evolution of How can a government secure Education dress the civil liberties of the ument Amendments: American democratic values your rights? American people? Court cases Ex. Marbury vs. Madison 1803 and beliefs as expressed in the U.S. Constitution

Domestic and Foreign Human Ingenuity To what extent did domestic and Primary document : To analyze the United States in- How does a government foreign policies/ events influence Washington’s Farewell address volvement in foreign affairs and relate to the rest of the world? the development of American Louisiana Purchase examining the ideas and tradi- political parties? French Revolution & its impact on America tions leading to foreign policies Note taking Court Cases: Mc Cullough V Maryland 1819

Nationalism and eco- Human Ingenuity How does American Leadership Examine primary sources : U.S. Census 1822 To analyze to contribution of How does a new country grow nomic growth Devise policies that diversify Role play: Business North, Agricultural South key leaders in the development successfully? growth in the American North, Monroe Doctrine of American policies and ideas South, and West? Court Cases Gibbons v. Ogden 1824

Rise of Jacksonian Human Ingenuity How did the Leadership of An- Analyzing political cartoons : “King Andrew” To analyze to contribution of Hoe Does a leader change a Democracy drew Jackson influence American Primary documents : The trail of Tears key leaders in the development country? policies toward national govern- Note taking of American policies and ideas ment, state governments and Human rights? To analyze the decisions lead- ing to major turning points in United Sates History Territorial Expansion Human Ingenuity To what extent did America drive Manifest Destiny Role play Live from The How does a new country grow westward run counter to the Alamo by Sean Price successfully? ideals of freedom and Primary doc. : The Building of the Transat- democracy? lantic Railroad Views on the Mexican war Court Cases Worchester V . Georgia 1832

Sectionalism & Human Ingenuity How did policies in19th Century Women reformers project : Choose a Women! How do people share views and Reforms America develop to benefit states Show her Power! change their Nation? regionally yet push the country to Primary doc. Lucretia Mott: Seneca Falls War? Manifesto How do new ideas help reform Emerson; Thoreau social issues in America? William Lloyd Garrison The Liberator Uncle Tom’s Cabin Court cases Dred Scott V Sanford 1857

The Civil War Community and To what extent was war between Role play: Abe Lincoln from Illinois How can different ideas bring a service the States inevitable? Primary sources country to War? Film: Glory Primary source: Graft & Shortages North & South Civil Liberties North And South The Emancipation Proclamation

The Reconstructed Community and To What extent was Reconstruc- Primary Sources; Black Leaders express their How does a country heal after Service tion a success or a failure? view the losses of war? Controversy over the fifteenth Amendment Court Cases 1883 civil right cases

The American Health and social How important was the frontier in Frontier Education the making of American Understanding the contribution of key leaders Democracy? Theodore Roosevelt Booker T Washington W.E.B. Du Bois Court cases: Plessey Vs. Fergusson1896 In Re Debs( US v Debs) 1895 The rise of American Human Ingenuity How did the development of Primary readings: Captains of Industry Business Large corporations bring both Court cases Northern Securites Co, v. United Health And benefits and problems to late 19th States 1904 Social Education Century America?

Rise of the American Community and How does America become part Service of world Imperialism movements in the late 19th Century?

Immigration Health and Social To What extent and in what ways Education were the new immigrants assimilated into American Society?

The Progressive Health and Social To what extent does America To analyze the decisions lead- Movement Education Reform society socially and ing to major turning points in Politically? United Sates History

World War I Human Ingenuity How does America become in- To analyze the United States in- volved in World War I? volvement in foreign affairs and Environment examining the ideas and tradi- tions leading to foreign policies

American Policies at Community and How does American foreign policy home and Abroad Service change in post war America and How does American life reflect the prosperity of the post WWI period The Great Depression Community and To what extent does critical Service problems threaten the American economy in the late 1920’s and Health and Social how does America create an eco- Education nomic solution?

World War II Human Ingenuity How does America become To analyze the United States in- involved in World War II & and volvement in foreign affairs and Community and how extensive are the outcomes examining the ideas and tradi- Service on American society? tions leading to foreign policies

Cold War Conflicts Community and How does changes in policies To analyze the United States in- Service worldwide lead America into a volvement in foreign affairs and Cold War? examining the ideas and tradi- tions leading to foreign policies

To under stand major themes and developments in United States History

Post war America: Human Ingenuity To what extent do the events in How does a country unite after The decade of American life after world war II war? Community and change American society? Service

Civil Rights & The Human Ingenuity How do the Social and Legal To analyze the development of How can a country change to Great Society events in America during the Late American culture explaining protect the rights of all its peo Community and 20th Century try to deal with the how ideas, values ,beliefs, and ple? Service Civil Liberties of groups in Ameri- traditions have changed over ca? time

Cold war Vietnam Community and How does the Vietnam War Film : Born on the Fourth of July How do you deal with a world Service become an issue in America and Primary readings: conflict? how do the American people deal with the issues the war brings to our country? America and the trend Human Ingenuity To what extent does Film Fahrenheit 911 To analyze the development of How can political ideas change Towards Conservatism become a major Lessons Nixon , Reagan, Bush American culture explaining a nation? Conservatism force in the American political how ideas, values ,beliefs, and System by the late 20th Century? traditions have changed over time Assessments: oral reports, Quizzes

America in The 21st Human Ingenuity How does technology, Primary sources: America and terrorism Assessments: Reports , tests How Does America move into world issues, and political polices America and global To understand how ideas and the 21st Century? Shaped America in the Interdependence principles and values in Ameri- 21st Century? ca evolve with changing times Assessments: Quizzes, reports

U.S. History & What are key topics on the U.S Regents review exercises practice essay Assessments practice tests How do we work toward test Government History Regents? writing Document based success in U.S. History? Regents Review Essay writing To understand various reading and thematic approaches re- quired for the U.S. History & Government Exam

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