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First United Methodist Church s4

Pell City First United Methodist Church 2200 Third Avenue North Pell City, Alabama 35125 Phone 205.338.3374 Fax 205.338.0025

Safe Sanctuaries Policies and Procedures

As presented to the Staff-Parish Relations Committee on 25 October 2005, adopted by the Administrative Council on 6 November 2005, and presented to the Charge Conference on 17 November 2005

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES EFFECTIVE 1 JANUARY 2006 Pell City First United Methodist Church 2200 Third Avenue North Pell City, Alabama 35125 Phone 205.338.3374 Fax 205.338.0025


Senior Pastor Rev. Sam Huffstutler Office 205.338.3374 Email [email protected]

Associate Pastor Rev. Arthur Harrison Office 205.338.3374 Email [email protected]

Director of Daycare/Preschool Donna Ambrosius Office 205.338.3374 Email [email protected]

Director of Student Ministry Johnnie Layfield Office 205.338.3374 Email [email protected]

Director of Children’s Ministry Judy Hicks and Kristina Alexander Office 205.338.3374 Email [email protected]


Staff contact information...... 2

Introduction...... 4

Definitions...... 5-6

General Policies...... 7-8

Children’s Ministry Policies...... 9-10

Student Ministry Policies...... 11-12

Daycare/Preschool Ministry Policies...... 13-14

Reporting Alleged Abuse...... 15

Alabama State Law...... 16

APPENDIX I: ...... 17

Children’s and Student Ministry Application Form

APPENDIX II: ...... 18

Reference Form

APPENDIX III: ...... 19-20

Report of Suspected/Alleged Abuse Form

APPENDIX IV: ...... 21

Safe Sanctuaries Covenant

APPENDIX V: ...... 22

Overview of Training

APPENDIX VI: ...... 23

Certificate of Completion


The General Conference of The United Methodist Church, in April 1996, adopted a resolution aimed at reducing the risk of child sexual abuse in the church. The adopted resolution includes the following statement:

Jesus said, “Whoever welcomes [a] child … welcomes me." (Matthew 18:5). Children are our present and our future, our hope, our teachers, our inspiration. They are full participants in the life of the church and in the realm of God.

Jesus also said, "If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones …, it would be better for you if a great millstone were fastened around your neck and you were drowned in the depth of the sea." (Matthew 18:6). Our Christian faith calls us to offer both hospitality and protection to the little ones, the children. The Social Principles of The United Methodist Church state that "children must be protected from economic, physical and sexual exploitation, and abuse."

Tragically, churches have not always been safe places for children. Child sexual abuse, exploitation and ritual abuse (ritual abuse refers to abusive acts committed as part of ceremonies or rites; ritual abusers are often related to cults, or pretend to be) occur in churches, both large and small, urban and rural. The problem cuts across all economic, cultural and racial lines. It is real, and it appears to be increasing. Most annual conferences can cite specific incidents of child sexual abuse and exploitation in their churches. Virtually every congregation has among its members adult survivors of early sexual trauma.

Such incidents are devastating to all who are involved: the child, the family, the local church and its leaders. Increasingly, churches are torn apart by the legal, emotional, and monetary consequences of litigation following allegations of abuse.

God calls us to make our churches safe places, protecting children and other vulnerable persons from sexual and ritual abuse. God calls us to create communities of faith where children and adults grow safe and strong. (From The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church--1996. Copyright © 1996 by The United Methodist Publishing House. [pp. 384-386])

Thus, in covenant with all United Methodist congregations, we adopt this policy for the prevention of child abuse in our church.

The purpose of this policy is to address the safety of our children and students. We recognize the need to have a formal, written policy with procedures in place (1) to help prevent the opportunity for the occurrence and/or the appearance of abuse of children and students and (2) to help protect workers from false accusations and/or suspicions.

The following policy and procedures are not based on a lack of trust in workers, but are intended to protect our preschoolers, children, students, workers, employees, volunteers, and the entire church body.

Page 4 of 26 DEFINITIONS

CHILD A person enrolled in the fifth grade and younger.

CLASSROOM VISITOR Someone visiting the class who is not serving as the regular teacher or assistant. Examples include: a church member who visits a day care class to tell stories; a parent visiting the class to help serve food at a class party; etc.

EMOTIONAL ABUSE Abuse in which a person exposes a minor to spoken and/or unspoken violence or emotional cruelty. Emotional abuse sends a message to the minor of worthlessness, badness, and being not only unloved but undeserving of love and care. Minors exposed to emotional abuse may have experienced being locked in a closet, being deprived of any sign of parental affection, being constantly told they are bad or stupid, or being allowed or forced to abuse alcohol or drugs. Emotional abuse is often very difficult to prove and is devastating to the victim.

ENRICHMENT TEACHER Someone leading a class who is not serving as the regular teacher or assistant. Examples include: a contracted dance teacher, computer teacher, Spanish teacher, etc.

FIVE YEAR RULE A policy which states that adults must be at least five years older than the oldest member of the group with which he/she intends to work.

MINOR A person under eighteen years of age.

NEGLECT Abuse in which a person endangers a minor’s health, safety, or welfare through negligence. Neglect may include withholding food, clothing, medical care, education, and even affection and affirmation of the minor’s self-worth. This is perhaps the most common form of abuse.

OPEN DOOR POLICY A policy which states that when it is not possible to have two adults in the classroom, classroom doors without windows must remain open and unobstructed. Adults, children, and students shall remain in clear view of the doorway at all times for the safety and precaution of all involved.

PAID STAFF Any person employed by the church who is responsible for activities involving children and students.

Page 5 of 26 PHYSICAL ABUSE Abuse in which a person deliberately and intentionally causes bodily harm to a minor. Examples may include violent battery with a weapon (knife, belt, strap, and so forth), burning, shaking, kicking, choking, fracturing bones, and any of a wide variety of non- accidental injuries to a minor’s body.

RITUAL ABUSE Abuse in which physical, sexual, or psychological violations of a minor are inflicted regularly, intentionally, and in a stylized way by a person or persons responsible for the minor’s welfare. The abuser may appeal to some higher authority or power to justify the abuse. The abuse may include cruel treatment of animals or repeated threats of harm to the minor, other persons, and animals. Reports of ritual abuse are often extremely horrifying and may seem too grim to be true.

RULE OF FOUR A policy which states that adults and minors must operate in groups of at least four.

SEXUAL ABUSE Abuse in which sexual contact between a minor and an adult (or another older and more powerful minor) occurs. The minor is never truly capable of consenting to or resisting such contact and/or such sexual acts. Often, the minor is physically and psychologically dependent upon the perpetrator of the abuse. Examples of sexual abuse may include fondling, intercourse, incest, the exploitation of and exposure to child pornography, or prostitution.

STUDENT A person enrolled in the sixth grade through twelfth grade.

TWO ADULT RULE A policy which states that two adults shall be present when a class of children or students is convened. A married couple shall count as one unit, and another adult must be present.

VOLUNTEER Any person who assists in conducting children’s or student activities under the supervision of a staff person.


Let it be here stated that the policies set forth in this document shall serve as a guide for our ministry programs; it is understood, however, that situations will arise where these policies will not be feasible (i.e.: sudden sickness of a scheduled teacher, unexpected family emergencies, other unforeseeable circumstances). In the event that these policies cannot be observed, common-sense rules will be followed, in keeping with and at all times mindful of the spirit of this policy. A church staff member must approve of the circumstances.

For the safety and protection of minors and adults, the following procedures have been adopted by Children’s, Student, and Daycare/Preschool Ministry.


REDIRECTION Often, undesired behavior can be obviated by redirection. Children and students will be diverted to another task when behavior is unruly.

TIME OUT For minor offenses and for younger children, time away from the group (“time out”) will be used as a means of disciplinary action.

PARENTAL NOTIFICATION For very unruly children or students, parents will be notified and children/students will be sent home immediately.

COUNSELING SESSION Consistently unruly children/students will be called to a counseling session with their leader or a church staff member.

PARENT MEETING Parental cooperation is vital to a successful children’s ministry! Parents will be apprised of all disciplinary actions in written or verbal form. When all current methods of discipline are ineffective in controlling unruly behavior, parents will be called to a meeting with the leader or a staff member in order to communicate concern and establish a plan to implement with the child/student.


An adult convicted of any of the following will not under any circumstances be allowed to serve in children’s, student, or daycare/preschool ministry:  Child abuse of any nature  Violent offenses (including, but not limited to, rape, battery, domestic violence, assault, murder, etc.)  Adults having a criminal history of a drug related conviction within the five years prior to application

Page 7 of 26  Adults having a criminal history of DUI or DWI conviction within five years prior to application shall not be allowed to act as a driver

RECRUITING, HIRING, AND TRAINING All volunteer and staff leaders will:  complete a Safe Sanctuaries training and have documentation on file of training completion (see APPENDIX VI)  have applications (detailing name, address, phone numbers, social security number, etc.) and personal background/reference checks on file (see APPENDICES I and II)  have a signed Safe Sanctuaries covenant of compliance on file (see APPENDIX IV)  be willing and available to attend annual training/review sessions


For the safety and protection of children and adults, the following procedures have been adopted by the Children’s Ministry.

VOLUNTEER AND STAFF LEADERS Regardless whether an adult is serving under volunteer or staff status, certain guidelines must be met and maintained. Adult leaders will follow the guidelines set forth under the general policy regarding recruiting, hiring, and training of leaders.

UNCERTIFIED ADULTS AND STUDENT ASSISTANTS In the event that an adult who has not been trained on Safe Sanctuaries policies will be present, that adult must be in the presence of a certified Safe Sanctuaries adult. The uncertified adult or student assistant will never be alone with a minor or group of minors, and good-faith efforts must be made to have the adult trained as quickly as possible. Student assistants will follow the five year rule. The uncertified adult/student will be issued a copy of this policy and must demonstrate acceptable knowledge of the policies to the satisfaction of the Director of Children’s Ministry.

SITUATIONAL POLICIES Children participate in various church-sponsored activities. To make our church policies as clear as possible, efforts have been made to list the most common activities and the policies which apply to each. This list is in no way comprehensive, and the Director of Children’s Ministry should be contacted immediately if it is unclear which procedures should be followed in any given circumstance.

AT ALL TIMES Children will be supervised at all times. Children will not be allowed to leave the group without permission and supervision. Classes will adhere to the “Two Adult Rule” unless it is impractical to do so. A married couple shall be counted as one unit, requiring another adult to be present to fulfill the “Two Adult Rule.” Every effort will be made to have access to a telephone at all times for emergency situations. Groups will follow the “Rule of Four” unless it is impractical to do so. Unauthorized visitors will not be allowed to remain with the group.

CLASSROOM TIME (Sunday School, Church Nursery, Children’s Church, Wednesday night, Vacation Bible School, comparable classroom time) Every effort shall be made to follow the “Two Adult Rule” at all times. When the two adult rule in the classroom is not possible, the “Open Door Policy” will be followed, and a supervisor will float between classrooms observing activity and ensuring adherence to Safe Sanctuaries policy. Adults will have completed Safe Sanctuaries training and have the necessary documentation on file; uncertified adults shall make good-faith effort to be certified and trained as quickly as possible. All adults will attend annual training sessions to refresh knowledge of policies and state law.

Page 9 of 26 COUNSELING SESSIONS (Disciplinary meetings with children, child-initiated or parent-requested counseling, other one-on-one sessions) While in one-on-one sessions with a child, an adult must follow the “Open Door Policy.” The door to the room must remain open, and the child and adult must remain in clear sight from the doorway. The adult must have completed Safe Sanctuary training and have the necessary documentation on file. If the adult leader involved in the counseling has not been trained/certified, the session must take place in the presence of a trained/certified adult.

OFF-CAMPUS DAY TRIPS (Pumpkin patch, children’s mission days, parties at private homes, bicycle rides, comparable off-campus day trips) Chaperones and drivers will have applications on file with completed background and reference checks and will have completed a Safe Sanctuaries training course. Uncertified adults shall make good-faith effort to be certified and trained as quickly as possible, and shall remain in the presence of a certified/trained adult. Children and adults will observe the “Rule of Four,” traveling in groups of four or more, unless it is impractical to do so. Private cars may be utilized, but at no time will an adult transport only one child in his/her car except for family units. In the event that an outside trip involves visiting a private home, the host will have met the guidelines outlined for teachers and chaperones.

OVERNIGHT EVENTS (Sleepovers, lock-ins, camp-outs, other overnight events) Co-ed overnight events will have at least two male and female chaperones present at all times. The rule of four will be observed at all times except for family units. Male and female sleeping areas will be established, and under no circumstances will male and female adults or children be in a sleeping area of the opposite sex. All chaperones will be trained in Safe Sanctuaries policies and have the proper documentation on file.

RESTROOM BREAKS AND DIAPER CHANGES It must be acknowledged that some children will need diaper changes and assistance in the restroom. Adults changing diapers must do so with another adult in the room or else with an open door and in clear sight of the doorway. Restroom assistance must occur with the door open and in clear sight of the restroom door (while respecting the child’s right to privacy).


For the safety and protection of students and adults, the following procedures have been adopted by the Student Ministry.


All adults serving under volunteer or student leader status must meet the following guidelines in addition to all general requirements as set forth by this policy:  Be of excellent character, above reproof, and possess an indelible, visibly strong relationship with Jesus Christ

No adult serving as a volunteer or student leader shall ever:  Touch, rub, massage, or kiss any student. Only student-initiated, side-body hugs in public surroundings will ever be allowed; never frontal or full-body type hugs.  Be engaged in physical contact with a student during any “water event.” A water event is any event involving water sports, water recreation, or any event requiring a swimsuit to be worn.  Use suggestive language, show suggestive pictures, tell off-color jokes or stories, or view/show any soft-core or hard-core pornographic images to any student or in the presence of any student  Be in a position to view a student or be viewed by a student without proper clothing  Counsel a student one-on-one without another adult present or an open door

SITUATIONAL POLICIES Students participate in various church-sponsored activities. To make our church policies as clear as possible, efforts have been made to list the most common activities and the policies which apply to each. This list is in no way comprehensive, and the Director of Student Ministry should be contacted immediately if it is unclear which procedures should be followed in any given circumstance.

SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSROOMS When possible, two unmarried adults will be present with the class at all times. When two adults cannot be present in the classroom, a door must remain open to normal pedestrian traffic at all times.

LESSONS ON THE LAKE (Bible study afloat in tethered boats) When possible, at least one adult with Safe Sanctuaries certification shall remain on each boat. When having one adult with Safe Sanctuaries certification on each boat cannot be achieved, all boats must remain in close, visual proximity to the adult with Safe Sanctuaries certification. There will be no wearing of swimsuits or removing of any articles of clothing during any Lessons on the Lake program. No student may ride alone in a car with an adult volunteer or student leader not of their family while en route to or from a Lessons on the Lake program.

Page 11 of 26 SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE (SNL) (progressive Bible study) SNL cannot be held in the home of any person not cleared by one of the following checks: 1) Safe Sanctuaries certification, or 2) ministerial staff consultation. Students are not allowed into any other part of the home or grounds with an adult volunteer or student leader alone or away from the majority of the group. No student may ride alone in a car with an adult volunteer or student leader not of their family while en route to or from a SNL program. Students are not allowed to be alone with any adult volunteer or student leader while in the church building for any reason during a SNL study held at Pell City FUMC.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT SERVICES Whenever possible, the Two Adult Rule will be enforced. When the Two Adult Rule is impossible, the doors to the third floor or other meeting space will remain open, or a window will be available for unobstructed viewing of the meeting area. No adult volunteer will sit or lie down on any furniture or on the floor with a student. Students waiting for parents to pick them up must wait at the bottom of the stairs by the church office. No student is allowed to be alone with an adult volunteer or student leader in any office or closed room.

MISSION TRIPS, RETREATS, LOCK-INS, ETC. Whenever possible, one adult volunteer or student leader with Safe Sanctuaries certification will chaperone for every ten (10) students on the event of the same gender. Adult chaperones, volunteers, or student leaders are not permitted to sleep in the bed with any student. All counseling done on a trip off-campus will be done either A) with another adult present, or B) in plain and unaided sight of other adult leaders. Whenever situations dictate that a small group of students is alone with an adult volunteer or student leader, the Open Door Policy must be implemented.


The Daycare/Preschool program abides by the Minimum Standards as set forth by the State of Alabama Department of Human Resources. In the event that discrepancies between the Children’s Ministry and Minimum Standards policies should arise, the Minimum Standards shall supersede this policy. A copy of the Minimum Standards is available in the Daycare/Preschool office during regular operating hours.

For the safety and protection of students and adults, the following procedures have been adopted by the Daycare/Preschool Ministry.

EMPLOYMENT PROCEDURES All persons employed as staff of First United Methodist Day Care will have on file the following: A. Employment application B. Three written references C. Personal background check D. Certificate of completion in Safe Sanctuaries policies and procedures E. Signed copy of covenant of compliance

STAFF MEMBERS Staff members must participate in ongoing training opportunities to ensure a heightened awareness of issues and regulations pertaining to the safety and well being of children.

ENRICHMENT TEACHERS All persons who provide enrichment classes for our preschool and elementary age children but are not regular employees of First United Methodist Day Care must have the following on file: A. Personal Information Form B. Personal background check C. Signed copy of covenant of compliance

CLASSROOM VISITORS At no time should children be left alone strictly in the company of a classroom visitor, regardless of the status of that particular individual. The care and safety of the students at First United Methodist Day Care is the responsibility of the teachers and staff.

SITUATIONAL POLICIES Children participate in various daycare-sponsored activities. To make our policies as clear as possible, efforts have been made to list the most common activities and the policies which apply to each. This list is in no way comprehensive, and the Daycare Director should be contacted immediately if it is unclear which procedures should be followed in any given circumstance.

CLASSROOM Designated regular classrooms shall be those rooms located in the preschool area of the Beacon and be equipped with interior window visibility. Ratio of teacher

Page 13 of 26 to children will follow those standards set forth by the Department of Human Resources. When at all possible, two staff persons will be assigned to each age group. In the event it is not feasible to have two staff persons directly assigned to a particular group, a staff person will serve as a “floater” and be accessible at all times.

ENHANCEMENT AREAS (Gym, playground, education building, Kilgroe building, etc.) Two staff persons will accompany and remain with the children at all times.

FIELD TRIPS All chaperones shall be staff members of the First United Methodist Day Care. Parents and accompanying adult guests of students will have no supervisory function outside meeting the needs of their own individual child. The Rule of Four will be followed at all times.


In the instance that abuse is reported (by a staff member, volunteer, parent, or minor), the following procedure will be followed.

1. The person filing the report must fill out the Report of Suspected/Alleged Abuse (see APPENDIX III). The report details the church’s predetermined procedures beginning with the allegation/suspicion of abuse. The person filing the report must complete:  Their name  Other adult witnesses  The victim’s name  The victim’s age/date of birth  Date/location of alleged/suspected abuse  Victim’s statement  Name of accused and relationship to victim  Report to: pastor  Report to: victim’s parent  Report to: local Department of Human Resources agency  Report to: local law enforcement  Report to: other contacts  Sign/date form 2. The accused party will be presumed innocent until proven guilty. In an appropriate case, an accused party may be placed on paid or non-paid leave where there are no witnesses other than the accused and the accuser. However, where two adults were present at the time of the alleged incident, one of whom was the accused, and the other adult states in writing that he or she observed no incident to occur, then the accused employee or volunteer shall remain as a church employee or volunteer throughout the investigative process. 3. If the investigative process, or the church’s own investigation, clearly shows that the accused is in fact guilty of the incident, then the church will take all reasonable steps to cooperate with law enforcement authorities in any action they may take against the accused. 4. The church’s spokesperson to the media will be the senior pastor. The senior pastor, after consulting the church conference lawyer, will prepare all official statements. No others should make statements, on or off the record, to the media. Any questions should be directed to the senior pastor for comment.

Reporting abuse can precipitate severe consequences to a family, so it should never be done casually or thoughtlessly, and certainly not for malicious purposes. At the same time, failing to report abuse can have severe consequences to a minor at risk. Therefore, if you have reasonable cause to suspect abuse, you should talk with the a church administrator to see what steps could and should be taken to protect the minor and help the family. When time and circumstances permit, the report should first be made to the appropriate age-group minister, who will then proceed with the correct and thorough process.

Page 15 of 26 ALABAMA STATE LAW concerning the reporting of suspected/alleged abuse

MANDATORY REPORTING "(a) All hospitals, clinics, sanitariums, doctors, physicians, surgeons, medical examiners, coroners, dentists, osteopaths, optometrists, chiropractors, podiatrists, nurses, school teachers and officials, peace officers, law enforcement officials, pharmacists, social workers, day care workers or employees, mental health professionals, members of the clergy as defined in Rule 505 of the Alabama Rules of Evidence, or any other person called upon to render aid or medical assistance to any child, when the child is known or suspected to be a victim of child abuse or neglect, shall be required to report, or cause a report to be made of the same, orally, either by telephone or direct communication immediately, followed by a written report, to a duly constituted authority.” Ala. Code § 26-14-3(a) (Cum. Supp. 1996) as amended by Act Number 2003-273 of the 2003 Legislative Session

IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY “Any person, firm, corporation or official participating in the making of a report or the removal of a child pursuant to this chapter, or participating in a judicial proceeding resulting there from, shall, in so doing, be immune from any liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise be incurred or imposed.” Ala. Code § 26-14-9 (1975).

PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO MAKE A REQUIRED REPORT “Any person who shall knowingly fail to make the report required by this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a sentence of not more than six months’ imprisonment or a fine of not more than $500.00.” Ala. Code § 26-14-13 (1975).

STATE OF ALABAMA’S DEFINITION OF ABUSE “Sexual abuse includes the employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or having a child assist any other person to engage in any sexually explicit conduct or any simulation of the conduct for the purpose of producing any visual depiction of the conduct; or the rape, molestation, prostitution, or other form of sexual exploitation of children, or incest with children as those acts are defined by Alabama law. Sexual exploitation includes allowing, permitting, or encouraging a child to engage in prostitution and allowing, permitting, encouraging or engaging in the obscene or pornographic photographing, filming, or depicting of a child for commercial purposes.” Ala. Code § 26-14-1(1) (Cum. Supp. 1996).

If you have questions regarding reporting procedure, contact the administrator of the age group in question.


CONTACT AND PERSONAL INFORMATION Name (include all maiden/previous names) Day phone

Address Evening phone

City/State/ZIP Email

Social Security Number Date of birth


Work phone (circle one) full-time | part-time | self-employed |unemployed Current job responsibilities and schedule

PERSONAL DETAILS Hobbies Number, names, and ages of children (if any)


Why would you like to work with children/students?

Have you ever been charged with, convicted of, or pled guilty to a crime, either a misdemeanor or a felony (including, but not limited to, drug-related charges, child abuse, other crimes of violence, theft, or motor vehicle violations)?  NO  YES If yes, please explain fully:

Page 17 of 26 Would you be available for periodic volunteer training sessions?  YES  NO


Please list three personal references (people who are not related to you by blood or marriage) and provide complete address and phone information for each. References are confidential.

Name Relationship to you

Address Daytime phone

City/State/ZIP Evening phone

Name Relationship to you

Address Daytime phone

City/State/ZIP Evening phone

Name Relationship to you

Address Daytime phone

City/State/ZIP Evening phone


1. Name of worker (paid or volunteer) observing or receiving disclosure of child abuse:

Other adult witnesses:

2. Victim’s name: Victim’s age/date of birth:

3. Date/place of initial conversation with/report from victim:

4. Victim’s statement (give your detailed summary here):

5. Name of person accused of abuse: Relationship to victim:

6. Reported to pastor (name) Date/time: Summary:

7. Call to victim’s parent/guardian (name) Date/time: Summary:

Page 20 of 26

Page 21 of 26 8. Call to local Department of Human Resources agency (338-3353) Spoke with: Date/time: Summary:

9. Call to local law enforcement agency (884-3334 or 338-7692) Spoke with: Date/time: Summary:

10. Other contacts (phone number: ______) Spoke with: Date/time: Summary:

By signing below, I attest that I have been forthright and honest in my above statements. I have followed the Safe Sanctuaries policies and procedures of First United Methodist Church of Pell City to the best of my knowledge and ability.

Signature of Applicant Date

Signature of Witness Date

Page 22 of 26

Signature of Pastor Date


The congregation of Pell City First United Methodist Church is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all children, students, and volunteers who participate in ministries and activities sponsored by the church. The following policy statements reflect our congregation’s commitment to preserving this church as a holy place of safety and protection for all who would enter and as a place in which all people can experience the love of God through relationships with others.

1. No adult who has been convicted of child abuse should volunteer to work with children or student in any church-sponsored activity. 2. All adult volunteers involved with children or students of our church must have been active in our congregation for at least six months before beginning a volunteer assignment. 3. Adult volunteers with children shall observe the “two adult rule” whenever possible and the “open door rule” when necessary so that no adult is ever alone with children or students. 4. Adult volunteers with children and students shall attend regular training and educational events provided by the church to keep volunteers informed of church policies and state laws regarding child abuse. 5. Adult volunteers shall immediately report to their supervisor any behavior that seems abusive or inappropriate. 6. At least one adult with each group of minors must have completed Safe Sanctuaries training, and uncertified adults should make a good-faith effort to be trained as soon as possible.

Please answer each of the following questions: 1. As a volunteer in this congregation, do you agree to observe and abide by all church policies regarding working in ministries with children and students?  YES  NO 2. As a volunteer in this congregation, do you agree to observe the “two adult rule” whenever possible, and to observe the “open door policy” whenever necessary?  YES  NO 3. As a volunteer in this congregation, do you agree to participate in training and education events provided by the church related to your volunteer assignment?  YES  NO 4. As a volunteer in this congregation, do you agree to promptly report abusive or inappropriate behavior to your superiors?  YES  NO

I have read this covenant, and I agree to observe and abide by the policies set forth by Pell City First United Methodist Church.

Signature of applicant Date

Page 24 of 26 Print full name


But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and don’t try to stop them! People who are like these children belong to God’s kingdom.” (Matthew 19:14)

I. INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION A. 2003 national statistics 1. 3,000,000 reports each year in USA 2. 8,219 each day 3. 342 each hour 4. 5.7 each minute (or 1 every 10 seconds) B . 2003 state statistics 1. 19,632 reported incidents of child abuse 2. Almost twice as many victims were white as black 3. 20 children died from abuse in 2003 C. Reasons to implement a child abuse prevention strategy

II. WHAT IS ABUSE, AND HOW CAN WE RECOGNIZE IT? A. Physical abuse B. Emotional abuse C. Neglect D. Sexual abuse E. Ritual abuse

III. WHO ARE ABUSERS? A. Only 20% of abusers are strangers to the victim B. All demographics, cultures, economic status, etc.


V. OUR POLICIES A. General Conference 1996 resolution B. Screening of staff C. Training of staff D. Our adopted policies E. Reporting suspected abuse

VI. PAPERWORK A. Application form B. Background check release form C. Reference form D. Covenant form E. Certificate of completion

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