Sixth Form Home/School Learning Contract

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Sixth Form Home/School Learning Contract

Sixth Form Home/School Learning Contract

Students entering the Sixth Form at Carr Hill will find many differences from their previous experience of study. In particular, students are expected to work far more independently, taking more responsibility for organising their time and developing effective study habits. You will be given guidance in the development of learning skills required for individual subjects by the appropriate teachers and through mentor time. However, there are some general expectations that you should be aware of before embarking on a course in the sixth form.

All AS level students will continue with all their subjects up to the August results, before decisions will be made about what subjects to continue or discontinue into A-Level. A-Level lessons begin again after the exams in June until the end of term.

In particular, please take note of the following attendance and progression policies.

Progression Policy Entrance onto any sixth form course is dependent on meeting the minimum entry requirements as specified in the sixth form prospectus. However, progression once a course is started is not guaranteed unless a satisfactory standard is maintained throughout its duration. Every student will be allocated a target grade for every course using nationally agreed data and based on their GCSE performance. This grade, along with assessment data and predicted grades will be used to monitor a student’s progress. Interventions will be put into place for students not making satisfactory progress.

Attendance Policy Our expectation is that all students will maintain 100% attendance. Attendance will be formally monitored. Attendance below 95% will result in intervention and serious attendance issues will mean students are placed on a contract and could face further sanctions up to and including being asked to leave the Sixth Form. Students in Carr Hill are expected to:

Attendance • attend Carr Hill from 8.55am to 3.10pm every day, and attend all lessons and mentor time punctually.

• give notice in advance, to both mentors and subject tutors, of any planned future absence. You will need to fill in an absence form (signed by parents if you are under 18) and return this to Ms Stirzaker in the attendance office.

• Call the school attendance line (01772 689011) on the day of absence for illness or personal reasons. If this cannot be provided, a phone call or a letter of explanation from a parent/guardian should be provided as soon as possible thereafter.

• Seek authorisation from the Sixth form Leadership team (GCY/SID/LST) and sign-out with Mrs. Borrill, the Post 16 Administrator, if leaving due to illness.

• ensure that any work/assignment missed is completed on return from a period of absence.

• under no circumstances arrange driving lessons during timetabled lesson times.

• arrange dental and medical and any other appointments outside timetabled lesson times.

Wear your lanyard at all times and use it to sign in as directed by staff.

Study & Extra-Curricular Participation • prepare fully for ANY formal assessments to ensure progression throughout the year.

• devote a significant amount of time each week to independent study. This will include consolidation of work done in class and wider reading or research. For example, at least 5 hours independent study should be devoted to each single advanced level subject e.g. 5 hours for one AS level.

• ensure that any homework/work/assignment/coursework drafts and coursework set is completed on time in agreement with the subject teacher. • participate in all activities specifically arranged for sixth formers by Carr Hill.

• represent the school, if selected, in sports, music or other extra-curricular activities.

• become fully involved in the school Post 16 enrichment programme.

• it is strongly advised that students undertake no more than 10 hours per week paid employment during term time. If students do choose to undertake employment, it should be mainly at weekends.

Regulations & Procedures

 read the noticeboards and posters in the post 16 area, watch the TV monitors daily.  Dress appropriately for studying in sixth form in line with the dress code, avoiding extremes of fashion. The Sixth Form leadership team will have the final say on this matter.  keep the common room and any sixth form areas litter free and treat facilities with respect at all times.  abide by the school rules. Note that smoking is not allowed on site, or in the vicinity of the school, or any area where contact may occur with uniformed students.  behave in an appropriate manner as a senior member of the school.


 Plagiarism is taken very seriously in Sixth Form, especially if it is connected with coursework or controlled assessment work. Plagiarism can result in an exam board cancelling a student’s exam entry and refusing to award a grade. Students who engage in plagiarism at Carr Hill not only risk having their exam papers and coursework disallowed by the exam board, they also risk being ejected from the Sixth Form.

For Drivers • drive with due care and consideration for local residents and other students.

 Park off-site and with respect for local residents.

Whole-School Participation Sixth Formers are in a position to set an example to younger pupils, and to help lower school pupils in many ways such as being Head Boy, Head Girl, Sixth Form Committee member, paired reader or a club leader. We expect all students to take part in at least ONE enrichment activity and attend any talks by visiting speakers that school arranges.

Carr Hill believes that the school, student and parent/guardians all have an important part to play in making a student’s career in sixth form successful. For this reason we ask parents/guardians to read the following undertakings which are on the next sheet and ask us if you have any questions.

L3 Students

Those students who are taking A-Levels or vocational subjects must be aware of the following;

 This is a two year course.  All A-Level students are expected to take 4 subjects in year 12 and drop to 3 in year 13 unless permission is given from GCY/SID  Students taking vocational subjects cannot drop these and must complete them through to year 13 – these are Business Studies, Sport, Music, Drama (currently – this may be changed and parents informed) Health and Social Care, Applied Science, Information Technology  All A-Level students will take AS examinations at the end of the academic year 2015/2016  Some AS subjects have been de-coupled from A-Level. If a student wants to take a subject through to A-Level, they will be required to sit ALL the A-Level units in year 13 (including those which re-cover the AS content) The reformed subjects for 2015/2016 are as follows;

Art and Design Biology Chemistry Computer Science English language English literature History Physics Psychology Sociology L2 Students

 Must complete their English and Maths qualifications up to the equivalent of a L2 grade C. If students have achieved a grade D in maths and/or English, they are required to be registered for GCSE rather than an equivalent qualification.  Must complete all aspects of the ASDAN level 2 Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (COPE) qualification as directed by their teacher  Must attend their work experience placement, act professionally and politely and follow all instructions given by the placement provider. If there are issues with the placement, these must be raised immediately with both the placement provider and Carr Hill (GCY/SID/LST)  Unavoidable absences from the work experience placement due to illness etc must be registered with contact to BOTH the placement provider and Carr Hill (absence line)  Work experience placements will take time to organise at the beginning of term. Whilst placements are organised, students are not expected to attend Carr Hill on their work experience timetabled days but must complete independent study at home on their other subjects.  This is a one year course. Sixth Form Learning Contract Agreement -Acceptance Sheet.

This signed sheet will be returned to school and kept on file. The remainder of this document can be kept by the student and parents at home for reference purposes.


I ______accept the Sixth Form Home/School Learning Contract and agree to abide by the guidelines and policies in addition to whole school rules.

Signed ______Date ______


I ______accept the Sixth Form Home/School Learning Contract and agree to support my son/daughter and Carr Hill in abiding by the guidelines and policies in addition to whole school rules.

Signed ______Date ______

School – We agree to

Provide an appropriate L3/L2 curriculum provide a variety of private study facilities provide guidance on learning/ study techniques provide regular assessments of performance, opportunities for self assessment, and target setting provide opportunities for the student to get involved in the life of the school

Signed Assistant Headteacher - Post 16. Date: September 2015

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