Instructor Biography s2

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Instructor Biography s2

SYLLABUS FOR HMSY 1338 Homeland Security Emergency Communications Management Hybrid Course Semester Hours Credit: 3 Lecture Hours: 48

Location: Naples American High School Course Dates: 22 Aug – 16 Oct 2016 In Class sessions Days/Times– 18:00-21:00, Wednesdays: 24, 31 Aug, 7, 14, 21, 28 Sept, 5, 12 Oct, with additional weekly CTC Blackboard discussions and assignments Instructor: Mr. Jeff Arter Office Hours: Wednesdays 1730-1800 Instructor Email: [email protected] Phone: 081-504-4562; Cell 334-213-5361

INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHY My name is Jeff Arter. I spent twenty years in the Air Force as a Security Forces NCO, joining as a Law Enforcement Specialist. I went from installation entry controller, patrol, flight armorer, element leader, assistant flight sergeant to flight sergeant. I have experience in all aspects of law enforcement and investigated all manner of misdemeanor and felony cases from domestic disturbances, child abduction, rape, murder, drug cases, arson, larceny, to traffic accident investigation. I performed duties as a Security NCO in the NATO AFSOUTH Intelligence Division, Counterintelligence and Security Branch. I am married and have three grown children.


A. This course is a study of public safety communication system interactions. Topics include political and policy basis of emergency management, technology, mitigation, and disaster recovery. Includes an overview of incident command systems, emergency management, mitigation for emergency managers, and individual and community disaster education.

B. This course is a required course in the Homeland Security – Emergency Management Associate of Applied Science Degree.

C. This course is occupationally related and serves as preparation for careers in: Homeland Security, Emergency Management, Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice, and Corrections.

D. Prerequisite(s): None

II. LEARNING OUTCOMES HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 1 of 14 Upon successful completion of this course, Homeland Security Emergency Communications Management the student will:

A. Demonstrate knowledge of the technologies applicable to each phase of homeland security and emergency management.

B. Know the key elements that must be in place for technology to enhance the emergency management process.

C. Understand the applications and tools available to Emergency Managers including Internet, telecommunications, networks, warning systems, radio systems, GIS software, and GPS tools.

D. Review the elements of a hazard model and demonstrate knowledge of the limitations of modeling programs.

E. Prepare a report defining a concept of operations and plan for applying a specific technology to address an assigned scenario.


A. The instructional materials identified for this course are viewable through

Required Student Textbook:

Pine, John C. (2006) Technology in Emergency Management. 1st Edition. Hoboken NJ, Wiley & Sons Publisher.

ISBN: 9780471789734


A. Your first responsibility is scholarship. The grade you receive for this course will not be the grade of the instructor, but rather the grade you and you alone make.

B. You should attend class regularly in both face-to-face and online Central Texas College (CTC) Blackboard classes. Online attendance involves logging into your Blackboard class and participating in discussions, submitting assignments, etc. Be prepared to also take any unannounced quizzes relating to text assignments and lecture material presented from the beginning of the course. Please refer to ‘Class Attendance and Course Progress’ under the Academic Policies section in our current CTC Course Catalog.

C. You are encouraged to give your best effort throughout the course. From the beginning, you should plan for a steady, organized, and continuous effort, which in

HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 2 of 14 the long run will prove more effective for your final grade than a last minute crash- cram policy. Your course grade is not determined solely by exam grade. Such factors as class participation, initiative, attendance, and individual research papers or projects will be considered in grade computation.

D. From time to time, special library and/or outside assignments will be made to members of the class individually and/or in groups. You are expected to read all assignments and fulfill your responsibilities to any group assignment.

E. You are expected to read all assigned material and bring your textbook/reading materials to class. Keep informed on all assignments, especially after an absence.

F. Good class notes are indispensable for earning a good grade, since both the material assigned and that discussed in class will be the basis for examination material.

G. Scholastic Honesty: All students are required and expected to maintain the highest standards of scholastic honesty in the preparation of all coursework and during examinations. The following are considered examples of scholastic dishonesty:

Plagiarism: The taking of passages from the writing of others without giving proper credit to the sources.

Collusion: Using another’s work as one’s own, or working together with another person in the preparation of work, unless such joint preparation is specifically approved in advance by the instructor.

Cheating: Giving or receiving information on examinations.

Students guilty of scholastic dishonesty will be administratively dropped from the course with a grade of “F” and be subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension and expulsion.

H. Special Work: A term paper or other project, per requirements of the instructor, will be required. The subject must be appropriate for the course material. Check with the instructor when you have made a selection. The value is indicated in the semester grade computation and has considerable weight on your final average.


This course has been developed as a hybrid course. Hybrid courses combine face-to-face classroom instruction with assignments and interaction with instructor via CTC Blackboard. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that they have access to CTC Blackboard and that they are familiar with the contents and assignments. It is also the student’s responsibility to log into CTC Blackboard at least once a week to ‘attend’ the online class portion and to participate in the online Blackboard discussions and assignments. Failure to do so will violate the attendance policy and will have a negative impact on the course grade.

HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 3 of 14 The course will meet for eight weeks--once a week--for a three-hour face-to-face session. In addition, instructional strategies will include weekly CTC Blackboard assignments and discussion boards to accomplish the remaining instruction per week.


A. There will be a minimum of two major examinations and a written paper or project as follows:

1. Mid-term exam on 18 Sept 2016 2. Final exam on 16 Oct 2016 3. Term Paper due on 9 Oct 2016 B. A student must be present for all examinations. Students who know in advance that they will be absent from an examination due to valid reasons must arrange to take an early examination. Unexpected absences due to illness or extenuating circumstances will require the student to see the instructor about individual make-up work. C. Students without excused absences will be given a zero for the missed examination. D. Examinations will consist of both objective (true/false, multiple choice, fill in-the- blank, and matching) and subjective (short answer and essay) questions. Students must be able to communicate both orally and in written form, thus some questions requiring the composition and writing of an essay answer will be required. E. If final exam is online, it will be administered via BioSig application. See Blackboard class for registration information.


The final grade in this course will be based on the following:

Assignments 80 points Discussion Boards (mandatory) 80 points Quizzes 40 points Term Paper 100 points Mid-term Exam 100 points Final Exam 100 points Total possible points: 500 points

POINTS GRADES 470-500 A=4 pts/sem hr 440-469 B=3 pts/sem hr 410-439 C=2 pts/sem hr 380-409 D=1 pt/sem hr 0-379 F=0 pts/sem hr

HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 4 of 14 A term paper is expected from all students.


A. Tuition refunds are made only in the case of class cancellation or official and timely withdrawal from CTC or from a course. Please refer to the current course catalog for more details.

B. GoArmyEd students should contact their education counselor before withdrawing and are required to withdraw through the GoArmyEd portal. Please note: a military withdrawal does not override CTC’s grading policy. 0 For self-pay students, refunds are computed from the date the Application for Withdrawal or Refund is filed with the CTC Field Representative or designated student Services Officer. Special conditions apply to students who receive federal, state, and/or institutional financial aid. Tuition and fees paid directly to the Institution by the Veterans Administration, Title IV (Financial Aid Programs, a sponsor, donor, or scholarship shall be refunded to the source rather than directly to the students.

C. Course Withdrawals, Student Responsibilities: It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course. The instructor cannot initiate a withdrawal based upon a student’s request. Rather, students must initiate the withdrawal with the designated Education Center Representative, through the CTC Field Representative or the Student Services Officer for that region.

Applications for Withdrawal will be accepted at any time before the completion of 75% of the course, after which time the student will be assigned an “FN”- “Failure for Non- attendance.”

D. Faculty/Administrative Initiated Withdrawals

Faculty are authorized to withdraw students who are not making satisfactory course progress as outlined in the section of the Catalog entitled "Satisfactory Progress Standards.

A student may be administratively withdrawn by a designated member of the administrative staff of the College under the following conditions:  The student has been placed on Academic Suspension or Disciplinary Suspension;  The student has an outstanding financial obligation owed to the college;  The student registered for a course without the required prerequisite or departmental permission;  Students who do not participate or complete graded activities during the first week will be administratively withdrawn. The college is under no obligation to refund tuition and fees, or other costs associated with a student who is administratively withdrawn. E. Incomplete / Course in Progress Grade Policy: An “IP” or “Incomplete” grade may be HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 5 of 14 assigned by an instructor if a student has made satisfactory progress in a course with the exception of a major quiz, final exam, or other project. The “IP” grade may also be assigned based on circumstances beyond a student’s control, such as personal illness, death in the immediate family, or military orders. Notice of absences, with supporting documentation, may be required by the instructor. The instructor makes the final decision concerning the granting of the incomplete grade. With an “Incomplete” grade, students are required to complete a set amount of work before the instructor will submit an official letter grade.

F. Cellular phones, beepers, and other electronic devices will be turned off while the student is in the classroom or laboratory unless the student is using the device for class purposes. No texting or social networking is allowed during class.

G. Instructor Discretion : The instructor reserves the right of final decision in course requirements.

H. Civility: Individuals are expected to be cognizant of what a constructive educational experience is and respectful of those participating in a learning environment. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.


Note: The instructor has the right to change the course schedule. Any changes will be announced in class. If the student misses a class period and changes are announced, it is the student’s responsibility to receive the missed information from a classmate or the instructor.

Hybrid courses combine face-to-face classroom instruction with assignments and interaction via CTC Blackboard. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that they have access to internet so that they may communicate, via CTC Blackboard, with the instructor. The class is broken down into eight sessions. See below for course outline.

SESSION 1 – 22-28 Aug, Introduction and Lesson One: Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. a) Class will meet face-to-face on 24 Aug, 1800-2100 b) CTC Blackboard Discussion Board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time) 1. CTC Blackboard peer response to Discussion Board posts is due by Saturday midnight (European time) c) CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time)

A. Lesson One: Technology as a Tool and Emergency Management and the Internet 1. Learning Outcomes: a. How technology can help Emergency Managers and managers in the Homeland Security field be more effective b. Evaluate the technology needs of a community/organization c. Persuade key stakeholders to commit resources d. The value of the Internet for Homeland Security/Emergency

HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 6 of 14 Managers e. Useful websites for emergency managers f. Limitations of the Internet g. Forums and Webcasting uses

2. Learning Activities: a. Read Chapters 1 and 2 b. Assignments: Chapter 1 Summary Questions 1-5, Review Questions 1-5. Chapter 2 Summary Questions 1-10, Review Questions 1-11. Posted in Blackboard Lesson 1 Assignments. c. Answer Blackboard Discussion Board Questions 1 and 2. d. In Class Discussion Exercise Chapter 1: Pick 1 city o Burbank, CA o Topeka, KS o Ft. Lauderdale, FL o NewYork City, NY List 3 technologies that the local Emergency Manager would find useful for the city you chose and for EACH technology tell:  For what type of disaster might the technology be used  What need it meets (e.g. communication, provides a specific piece of information, predicts weather, etc)  Whether it is used for planning, response, recovery, and/or mitigation e. In Class Discussion Exercises Chapter 2:  Applying this Chapter #2 OR #6

 Applying this Chapter #8 In Class Discussion Exercise be prepared to share your response during in class discussion, as well as submit your written response

3. Lesson Outline: a. Technology as a homeland security/emergency management tool b. Effective use of technology c. Completing a Needs Assessment d. Using ‘windows of opportunity’ and ‘focusing events’ to persuade stakeholders to commit resources e. Case Study: Hurricane Katrina and the Internet f. Value of Internet to Homeland Security and Emergency Managers g. World Wide Web h. Limitations of the Internet i. Helpful websites for emergency managers j. Uses of forums and webcasting SESSION 2 – 29 Aug – 4 Sept, Lesson 2, Chapter 3. Quiz 1 a) Class will meet face-to-face on 31 Aug, 1800-2100 b) CTC Blackboard Discussion Board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 7 of 14 time) 1. CTC Blackboard peer response to Discussion Board posts is due by Saturday midnight (European time) c) CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time) d) Quiz 1 to be completed on line in Blackboard

C. Lesson Two: Networks and Communication Systems 1. Learning Outcomes: a. Role networks play in the Emergency Management process b. Types of networks c. How trends affect networks d. Capabilities, compatibilities, and standardization issues

2. Learning Activities: a. Read Chapter 3 b. Case Study: Read the identified sections of “Texas Radio Communications Interoperability Plan”  Challenges to Interoperability in Texas  Interoperability Solutions (The entire plan is provided as additional reference.) c. Assignment: Chapter 3 Summary Questions 1-9; Review Questions 1-6. Posted in Blackboard Lesson 2 Assignments. d. Answer Blackboard Discussion Board Question 3 e. In Class Discussion Exercise: o List 5 key stakeholders with whom you would wish to collaborate with during a disaster if you were the Emergency Manager of a local city or county/parish (i.e. city police, hospitals, etc). For each stakeholder list 1 example of information you would share, what technology you would use to share it o Explain why technology standards for a technology tool is important In Class Discussion Exercise be prepared to share your response during in class discussion, as well a submit your written response

3. Lesson Outline: a. Define network b. Network benefits c. Types of networks d. Case Study: “Disaster Drill Tests New Wireless Technologies Developed at UCSD and CALIT2” e. Communication networks f. Trends in technology affecting networks

SESSION 3 – 5-11 Sept, Lesson 3, Chapter 4. a) Class will meet face-to-face on 7 Sept, 1800-2100 b) CTC Blackboard Discussion Board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time)

HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 8 of 14 1. CTC Blackboard peer response to Discussion Board posts is due by Saturday midnight (European time) c) CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time)

D. Lesson Three: GIS and GPS Tools 1. Learning Outcomes: a. Mapping and geographic systems essential to emergency managers b. Interpret maps to make planning and response decisions c. Use GIS, geo-coding, and GPS tools to plan, respond, recover, or mitigate a disaster

2. Learning Activities: a. Read Chapter 4 b. Read Case Study “Rockland County, NY” c. Assignment: Chapter 4 Summary Questions 1-11; Review Questions 1-8. Posted in Blackboard Lesson 3Assignment. d. Answer Blackboard Discussion Board Question 4 e. In Class Discussion Exercise: Pretend you are a citizen of Rockland County, NY. You work at 85 Old Phillips Hill Rd (New City, NY) with a zip code of 10956. Go to l and click on “Indian Point Interactive Mapping System”. Select streets as the “Active Layer” and click yellow button to start search by the provided address. Use the mapping tool to answering the following questions: 1. Is this location within the 10 mile radius area predefined as the “Response Area”? 2. What is your suggested ‘Reception Area’? 3. To what radio station can you listen to hear warnings and further instructions? 4. Explain how using this website and having instructions prior to a disaster is beneficial to you as a citizen and mitigates additional problems for the emergency responders during an actual disaster. In Class Discussion Exercise be prepared to share your response during in class discussion, as well as submit your written response.

3. Lesson Outline: a. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) b. GIS in Emergency Management c. Implementing GIS d. Data representation e. Geocoding f. Global Positioning Systems

SESSION 4 – 12-18 Sept, Lesson 4, Chapter 5. a) Class will meet face-to-face on 14 Sept, 1800-2100 b) CTC Blackboard Discussion Board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European

HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 9 of 14 time) 1. CTC Blackboard peer response to Discussion Board posts is due by Saturday midnight (European time) c) CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time) d) Complete Mid Term Exam on line in Blackboard

E. Lesson Four: Direct and Remote Sensing 1. Learning Outcomes: a. Distinguish between direct and remote sensing to learn the benefits of both b. Where to place and how to assess data from weather stations, water sensors, and air sensors to protect a community c. Evaluate information obtained from satellite and radar imaging d. Assess how access to real-time response data affects emergency management decisions

2. Learning Activities: a. Read Chapter 5 b. Read articles “BioWatch”, “APDS”, and “HANAA” c. Assignment: Chapter 5 Summary Questions 1-14; Review Questions 1-11. Posted in Blackboard Lesson 4 Assignment. d. Answer Blackboard Discussion Board Question 5 e. In Class Discussion Exercise:  Applying this Chapter #10 In Class Discussion Exercise be prepared to share your response during in class discussion, as well as submit your written response 3. Lesson Outline: a. Direct sensing and data b. Weather stations c. Water data sensors d. Air data sensors e. Evaluating the technology f. Remote sensing g. Satellites h. Using and assessing the data i. Trends in technology

SESSION 5 – 19-25 Sept, Lesson 5, Chapter 6. a) Class will meet face-to-face on 21 Sept, 1800-2100 b) CTC Blackboard Discussion Board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time) 1. CTC Blackboard peer response to Discussion Board posts is due by Saturday midnight (European time) c) CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time)

F. Lesson Five: Emergency Management Decision Support System 1. Learning Outcomes: HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 10 of 14 a. Understand there is a systematic method to collect, maintain, evaluate, and distribute data and information throughout an organization and emergency management community. b. Recognize the uses of the data provided by FEMIS, NEIMS, and CAMEO c. Evaluate the design of the Tier 2 structure d. Evaluate databases based on data quality, accessibility, relevance, and ease of use

2. Learning Activities: a. Read Chapter 6 b. Review the FEMA Hazus case studies: “Dam Failure” and “Earthquake” c. Assignment: Chapter 6 Summary Questions 1-9; Review Questions 1-7. Posted in Blackboard Lesson 5 Assignment. d. Answer Blackboard Discussion Board Question 6 e. In Class Discussion Exercise:  Applying this Chapter #4 In Class Discussion Exercise be prepared to share your response during in class discussion, as well as submit your written response

3. Lesson Outline: a. Emergency management information systems b. Evaluating information systems c. Accessing federal, state, and local information systems d. Using the data e. Tier 2 data f. Evaluating databases g. Using emergency management databases h. Obtaining data from public federal sources

SESSION 6 – 26 Sept – 2 Oct, Lesson 6, Chapter 7. Quiz 2. a) Class will meet face-to-face on 28 Sept, 1800-2100 b) CTC Blackboard Discussion Board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time) 1. CTC Blackboard peer response to Discussion Board posts is due by Saturday midnight (European time) c) CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time) d) Quiz 2 to be completed on line in Blackboard

G. Lesson Six: Hazard Analysis and Modeling 1. Learning Outcomes: a. Modeling to simulate real disasters b. Different components of SLOSH, ALHOA, and other modeling programs c. Read outputs of modeling programs in order to make emergency management decisions d. Evaluate hazard model programs using identified valuable characteristics

HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 11 of 14 2. Learning Activities: a. Read Chapter 7 b. Assignment: Chapter 7 Summary Questions 1-13; Review Questions 1-8. Applying this Chapter #6 c. Answer Blackboard Discussion Board Question 7. d. In Class Discussion Exercise: Use the provided CAMEO hazmat release modeling scenario and image to answer the following questions. Also, go to to search for properties of chlorine. 1. As an emergency manager, how could having scenarios such as this hazmat model for your community help you plan? How could it help you mitigate a future disaster or deaths/injuries during a disaster? 2. If the scenario was an actual disaster in the local community in which you are the Emergency Manager, how could you use this information to respond? With what agencies/organizations would you need to collaborate? In Class Discussion Exercise be prepared to share your response during in class discussion, as well as submit your written response

3. Lesson Outline: a. Modeling and emergency management b. Using a hurricane model (SLOSH) c. Using a chemical dispersion model (ALOHA) d. Assessing HAZUS-MH models e. Additional models f. Evaluating hazard models

SESSION 7 – 3-9 Oct, Chapter 8, Term Paper Due a) Class will meet face-to-face on 5 Oct, 1800-2100 b) CTC Blackboard Discussion Board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time) 1. CTC Blackboard peer response to Discussion Board posts is due by Saturday midnight (European time) c) CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time) d) Submit term paper in Blackboard

H. Lesson Seven: Warning Systems 1. Learning Outcomes: a. Different components of a warning systems b. Evaluate various ways to detect a disaster c. Concerns to consider when issuing warnings d. Types of warning systems e. Myths of public response to warnings

2. Learning Activities: HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 12 of 14 a. Read Chapter 8 b. Read Case Study “Landslide Warning in Costa Rica” c. Assignment: Chapter 8 Summary Questions 1-13; Review Questions 1-6 d. Answer Blackboard Discussion Board Question 8 e. Submit Term Paper in Blackboard f. In Class Discussion Exercise: You are the emergency manager for a town that is in the path of tornadoes every year. You have been alerted that a tornado is heading for your community. What steps do you take before you issue a tornado warning? In Class Discussion Exercise be prepared to share your response during in class discussion, as well a submit your written response

3. Lesson Outline: a. Warning systems b. Detection and management c. Issuing warnings d. Types of warning systems e. Response

SESSION 8 – 10-16 Oct, Chapters 9 and 10. Final Exam. a) Class will meet face-to-face on 12 Oct, 1800-2100 b) CTC Blackboard Discussion Board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time) 1. CTC Blackboard peer response to Discussion Board posts is due by Saturday midnight (European time) c) CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time) d) Final Exam to be completed in Blackboard.

I. Lesson Eight: Operational Problems and Technology; Trends in Technology 1. Learning Outcomes: a. How to design technology to fit your organization’s needs b. Contingency approach and how to implement it c. Common pitfalls of technology and how to overcome them d. Types of information exchange e. Remote technology f. Sources of emergency management information on the Web g. Ways to beneficially manage technology h. Technology trends

2. Learning Activities: a. Read Chapters 9 and 10 b. Assignment: Chapter 9 Summary Questions 1-10; Review Questions 1-6. Chapter 10 Summary Questions 1-8, Review Question 1-4. c. Answer Blackboard Discussion Board Questions 9 and 10. d. In Class Discussion Exercise:  Chapter 9 Applying this Chapter #4 HMSY 1338 1st Ed. (02.08) 216H9238 Page 13 of 14  Chapter 10 Applying this Chapter #3 In Class Discussion Exercises be prepared to share your response during in class discussion, as well a submit your written response

3. Lesson Outline: a. Examining barriers in implementing technology in emergency management b. Enhancing your emergency management organization with technology c. Using technology to overcome organizational boundaries d. Pitfalls of technology e. Managing the Technology f. Using technology for information exchange g. Using remote technology h. Managing technology

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