Brandywine School Improvement Plan
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Bush Early Education Center SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2013-2014
School: Bush1 District SIP Template April 1, 2011 SIP Team Name Constituency Representing Phone Number E-mail Address
School: Bush2 District SIP Template April 1, 2011 Kristina Viar Bush Principal 302-479-2600 [email protected] Rebecca Rush Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Deborah Fallers Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Judith Rosenberg Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Lauren Fleck Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Sharron Howard Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Joan McNamara Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Colleen Smith Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Cynthia Yeakle Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Sarah Preston Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Estephania Bautista Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Laura Roper Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Lori Weniger Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Linda Layden-Drake Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Donna Carroll Social Worker 302-479-2600 [email protected] Renee Ickes Bush Teacher 302-479-2600 [email protected] Cindy Collins Speech Therapist 302-479-2600 [email protected] Julie Bercaw Speech Therapist 302-479-2600 [email protected] Aline Holler Speech Therapist 302-479-2600 [email protected] Maureen Cassidy Speech Therapist 302-479-2600 [email protected] Therese Taha Speech Therapist 302-479-2600 therese.taha Anna Clothier Psychologist 302-479-2600 [email protected] Miriam Indenbaum Psychologist 302-479-2600 [email protected] Catherin Ricketts Educational Diagnostician 302-479-2600 [email protected] Maria Olivere Parent [email protected]
School: Bush3 District SIP Template April 1, 2011 Race to the Top District Plan Goals, Objectives and Strategies School: BushEEC GOAL 1: Accelerate Achievement and improve outcomes for all students with rigorous standards, curriculum, and assessments Objective 1: Implement college and career ready standards and assessments
Building-Level Professional Development Activities to Support District Strategies Required Strategies Support the development of new standards, align curriculum, and conduct assessments Build a culture of college- and career-readiness in schools Building-Level Activities Person Responsible Deliverable Target Measure 1. Ensure all teachers participate in State’s standards-related Professional Development Principal PD schedules 100% % Teachers participating 2. Teachers will develop, review, revise KUDs and Student Learning Maps in State- Principal, Curriculum District Calendar 100% % Core Content Tchrs identified Core Subject areas in PLC meetings as outlined in District Plan Manager participating 3. Teachers will participate in Days 3 and 4 LFS training during 2011-2012 school year, Principal, LFS trainers Training Schedules 100% % Core Content Tchrs as per District plan, not applicable to Pre-K. participating 4. Teachers will use analysis of formative and summative assessments during specific Principal, Teachers PLC Topic Calendar 100% % Teachers using PLC collaborative planning times to guide classroom instruction, as applicable to Pre K. formative/sum assess 5. Adopt/implement Singapore Math, K-7, to improved student achievement in Math on Principal, Teachers, District Math Curriculum, 100% % Teachers implementing State Standards as measured by DCAS BSD Math Specialists Pacing Guides Singapore Math Continue to work with the district Math Content Specialist to develop activities that align with the Singapore materials/manipulatives for the preschool students, to include:
Student workbook A- purchase for 4 year olds( if budget allows), purchase a set of magnetic ten frames for 4 year olds(if budget allows), purchase 3-D manipulative shapes for all classes (if budget allows), purchase magnetic numbers lines to address more than and less than (if the budget allows) in order to pre-teach concepts .
Continue to send Bush and ECAP teachers to receive in-service training on Singapore math from BSD and district math specialist..
Race to the Top District Plan Goals, Objectives and Strategies GOAL 2: Accelerate achievement and improve outcomes for all students with sophisticated data systems and practices Objective 1: Improve access to and use of data systems Objective 2: Build the capacity to use data
Building-Level Activities to Support District RttT School-wide Reform Strategies Required Strategies: Ensure the implementation of instructional improvement systems Building-Level Activities Person Responsible Deliverable Target Measures 1. Provide 90 minutes weekly facilitated collaborative planning time for core content Principal Master Schedule 100% % Teachers identified by School: Bush4 District SIP Template April 1, 2011 staff as per DDoE requirements-As it applies to Pre-K DDOE scheduled for 90 Mins 2. Use State Data Coaches to facilitate collaborative time-As it applies to Pre-K Principal Master Schedule 100% % Core Content Teachers scheduled for 90 Mins 3. Continue to implement and monitor LFS framework for improvement of instruction Principal, Staff LFS Monitoring Plan 100% Consistent and Pervasive as per the District Plan with a focus on math at the preschool level and a continuation use LFS and refinement of the math and language building wide concepts. 4. Address areas of Inequity within the school and its processes to improve student Principal, SAC Equity Plan 90% % minority students achievement for all students (as per Equity Needs Assessment/Plan) meeting standards 5. Continue to implement and monitor LFS framework for improvement of instruction Principal, as per the District Plan with a focus on pre-literacy skills relative to the school and Teachers, grade level LEQ’s and UEQ’s in order to meet the needs of the student population. Speech Therapists Integrate Storytown Kindergarten Kits as appropriate/applicable.
Race to the Top District Plan Goals, Objectives, and Strategies GOAL 3: Accelerate achievement and improve outcomes for all students with effective teachers and leaders Objective 1: Improve the effectiveness of educators based on performance Objective 2: Ensure equitable distribution of effective teachers
Building-Level Activities to Support Highly Qualified Teachers Required Strategies Increase the concentration of highly-effective teachers and leaders in high need schools Provide professional development offerings aligned with improvement plans Building-Level Activities Person Responsible Deliverable Target Measures 1. Ensure that only HQ Teachers are hired for open positions and that non HQ teachers Principal, HR State HQT Report 100% % Teachers HQT are required to submit a plan to become HQ and may be transferred to less needy (non- Title I) schools as per agreement 2. Professional Development opportunities will be identified for teachers who are not Principal LFS Observation Data 100% % Teachers using LFS effectively using LFS in classroom instruction, as it applies to Pre K. appropriately
Race to the Top District Plan Goals, Objectives, and Strategies GOAL 4: Accelerate achievement and improve outcomes for all students with deep support for the lowest-achieving schools Objective 1: Provide deep support to the lowest-achieving schools (This is a place holder for schools identified as Partnership Zone Schools.)
Race to the Top District Plan Goals, Objectives, and Strategies GOAL 5: Provide real-time support for struggling/non-proficient students by implementing federal ESEA Educational Programs Objective 1: Engage families and communities effectively in supporting the academic success of all students
School: Bush5 District SIP Template April 1, 2011 Building-Level Activities to Support Parent/Community Involvement Strategies Building Strategies: Build all types of parent and community involvement, including Parenting, Communicating, Volunteering, Learning at Home, Decision Making and Collaborating with the Community (Joyce Epstein, National Network of Partnership Schools, Johns Hopkins University) Building-Level Activities Person Responsible Deliverable Target Measures 1. Move towards a more positive and inviting school environment as defined by Principal, Family Family Engagement Plan Positive movement on Family- School the Four Versions of Family-School Partnerships Rubric being used at the Liaison Rubric Partnerships Rubric school level Move two areas forward on the Rubric; Sharing Power (Parent/Enrichment group is focused on improving student achievement) and Linking to Learning (All family activities connect to what students are learning).
2. Provide transition activities for incoming kindergarten students as needed Principal, EC Transition events 90% % entering K students Supervisor schedule involved 3. Develop parent letter for Compass Learning to include instructions for accessing Principal Family Engagement Plan % of families that Compass learning to the families of four- year olds and to lessons that focus on participate monthly math/vocabulary concepts for the 13-14school year. Feedback from surveys
Race to the Top District Plan Goal, Title I School-Wide Plan Objective GOAL 5: Provide real-time support for struggling/non-proficient students by implementing federal ESEA Educational Programs Objective 2: Provide support for students failing to meet standards, or at-risk of failing to meet state standards
Building-Level Timely and Supplemental Student Support Activities Building Strategies Provide Extra Time and/or Interventions to support students “who are failing, or at-risk of failing,” to meet state standards Building-Level Activities Person Responsible Deliverable Target Measures 1. Study and begin to develop collaboratively as a district, a school-wide Literacy plan Principal, Teachers, School-wide ELA Plan 100% % of students who have that incorporates the Response to Intervention framework, screening, benchmarking and District Office Staff access to core curriculum and interventions as progress monitoring assessments, and Common Core State Standards. needed Bush staff will use Story town Kindergarten Kits as applicable/appropriate, while working with District Office Staff to acquire a PRE K Curriculum.. 2. Develop a letter/key for the parents to fully understand the information that is Principal, Staff Parent Letter 80% % students participating in gathered and presented in the Preschool Assessment (Teaching Strategies Gold) Open House Presentation Interventions 80% % struggling students on 3. Continue to post and update/add “Monthly” teaching concepts to the website for Principal, Teachers School wide concept lists appropriate Comp Lrng families.
School: Bush6 District SIP Template April 1, 2011 80% % struggling students and their mastery of concepts given additional support 6. All HS students will complete course Pathways as defined by DDoE and District
School: Bush7 District SIP Template April 1, 2011