Review Sheet for Exam 1

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Review Sheet for Exam 1


I. Introduction --Environment—define --Environmental Studies—define --Interaction of systems-lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere --Principle of Environmental Unity --Why we study the environment (who cares?) --Major environmental problems

II. Environmental History A. Early Societies—2000 Kcals/day/person-minimum 1. Hunter-Gatherer 2. Advanced Hunter-Gatherer --small populations with little environmental effect B. Agricultural Revolution—12,000 Kcals/day/person-minimum-Civilization --10-12,000 yrs ago.—switch from Hunter-Gatherer to agricultural settlements --Slash and burn --low population density and slow population growth C. Industrial Revolution—60,000 Kcals/day/person-minimum --Change from renewable resources to non-renewable resources --Change from rural communities to industrial cities --reliable food supply-longer life span --population begins to increase rapidly D. Information and Globalization Revolution—125,000 Kcals/day/person (250,000 For United States) --Rapid Acquisition of technology and information --Better understanding of environment and problems --Use of more resources and energy E. U. S. Environmental History 1. Tribal Era --Native American—primarily hunter-gatherers with little impact 2. Frontier Era --World belong to man --Resources are inexhaustible --Gov’t land to private sector --Homestead Act of 1862 --Gov’t closed Frontier in 1890 3. Conservation Era --Early Conservation-1832-1870 -Resource depletion and degradation -set aside public lands as wilderness --leaders: H. D. Thoreau, G. P. Marsh, J.J. Audubon --Conservation 1870-1930 -Forest Reserve Act of 1891 -John Muir starts Sierra Club in 1892 and is leader of preservation movement -Teddy Roosevelt Power to designate Wilderness refuges 1905-Nat’l Forest Service 1906-Antiquities Act -Nat’l Park Service established in 1916 -After WWI (1918)-promoted resource removal from public lands --Conservation 1930-1960 -F. D. Roosevelt bought large tracts of land from private sector Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)-develop parks and rec. areas TVA-build dams, hydro-power, reforest areas Soil Conservation Act of 1935 Aldo Leopold—Game Management, Sand County Almanac --Environmental Era -Silent Spring-Rachel Carson, 1962 -Wilderess Essays-Wallace Stegner, 1962 -Wilderness Act of 1964 -Population Bomb-Paul Ehrlich, 1968 -Earth Day-1970 -EPA established-1970 -Endangered species act of 1973 -Clean Air Act, 1977 -Dept. of Enengy-1979 --Pres. Carter uses Antiquities act to triple wildlife system and double Nat’l Parks --Pres. Reagan increased timber and mining on fed. Land, cut research bucks, and lowered air and water quality standards --Pres. Clinton uses Antiquities Act in lower 48 and strengthens enviro. Movement. --Pres. Bush cuts EPA funding, research bucks, relaxes air and water standards, increases private use of federal lands. --Good News-many improvements to environment but more needed.

III. Basic Scientific Principles A. Matter --has mass and occupies space --exists in 2 forms-elements and compounds 1. Elements-115 known—92 natural and 23 man-made -arranged by physical properties in periodic table --Building Blocks—protons, neutrons, andelectrons -atomic number is number of protons-determines element -atomic mass total weight of protons, neutrons and electrons --Atom-smallest portion of an element --Ion-atom that has an electrical charge --Isotope-atom with different number of neutrons --8 common elements in Earth Crust-O, Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Na, K, Mg 2. Compounds-combo of elements-most matter in this form --Ionic bonds—opposite charges attract-most compounds --Covalent bonds—atoms share electrons --Organic—C, H, O, N, S, P, Cl, F with C-H covalent bond Natural or man-made Man-made-hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, chlorofluorocarbons Natural-hydrocarbons, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids --Inorganic-all non C-H compounds all minerals and most rocks 3. Mixture—physical not chemical combo. 4. Matter as resource --Matter quality—high vs. low quality matter B. Energy—ability to do work --Potential vs. Kinetic --Earth sources—Sun and internal --Sun-electromagnetic radiation --gamma rays to radio waves (short to long wavelength) -Short wavelength=high energy --Heat-kinetic energy of object --Temperature-measure of kinetic energy --Heat Transfer—convection, conduction, radiation --Energy quality—high vs. low quality energy C. Matter and Energy --Law of conservation of Matter -Earth is a closed system --Pollution-resource out of place -effect depends on: type, concentration, persistence (residence time) degradable/Non-persistent; slowly degradable; non-degradable -radioactivity-constant, spontaneous breakdown of matter gamma rays, alpha particles, beta particles half-life—10 half-lives for matter to be safe radiation damage-genetic and somatic --Energy -1st Law of Thermodynamics—conservation of energy -2nd Law of Thermodynamics—energy is degraded -Energy efficiency—16% for U.S. today

IV. Ecology --how organism interact with each other and non-living environment --Organism—prokaryotic or eukaryotic -classified by characteristics-kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species --Species—1.8 million known -3 to 100 million may exist (10 million likely) -extinction rate- 1 species/day --Population-group of individual of same species --Community-population of different species in same place at same time --Ecosystem-community of different species and non-living environment --Biosphere-all ecosystems --Non-living systems -hydrosphere-fresh and saltwater -cryosphere-ice -lithosphere-rocks and minerals -Atmosphere-troposphere and stratosphere --Biosphere -Maintained by: One way flow of energy Cycling of matter Gravity -Solar Energy-most input as visible light 34% reflected, 66% absorbed, 0.023% in photosynthesis Output as heat into space -Cycling of Matter-Organic most studied Hydrologic Cycle 84% from ocean, 16% from evaporation Water recycled and purified Human impact Carbon Cycle CO2 in atmos. Used in photosynthesis. Passed to animals Back to soil and water CO2 in and out of ocean Human impact Nitrogen Cycle 78% of atmosphere-not useable Nitrogen fixing bacteria to ammonia Other bacteria to nitrate Taken in by plants and animals Decomposers back to gas Human impact Phosphorus Cycle Cycle from rocks to water to critters Human impact Sulfur Cycle Stored in minerals and gas (organic gas and volcanoes) Sulfuric acid in atmosphere-acid rain Human impact

--Ecosystems Analysis -Terrestrial and marine portions of biosphere Terrestrial divided into biomes by climate and critters Marine divided into aquatic life zones by depth and critters Boundaries are ecotones-transition zones

-Components of ecosystems-abiotic and biotic factors abiotic-temp., water, chemicals, light, etc. biotic-producers and consumers -Energy and matter flow food chain-stressed ecosystem food web-non-stressed/productive ecosystem trophic levels-producer, consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer energy loss at each trophic level about 90% -Net primary productivity most productive ecosystems-estuary, swamp, rain forest, temperate forest -Systems Analysis modeling of natural systems


Chapter 1: --Increasing Human Numbers (p. 3) (p. 3) --People Overpopulation and Consumption Overpopulation (p. 7) (p. 7) --Addressing Environmental Problems (p. 16) (p. 17) Chapter 3: --Ecological Pyramids (p. 57) (p. 59) Chapter 4: --Succession: How communities change over time (p. 67) (p. 70) Chapter 5: --Ocean Interactions with the atmosphere (p. 103) (p. 105) Chapter 6: --Figure 6.2-Temperature and precipitation and biomes (p. 118) (Earth’s major biomes p. 118) --Tropical Rain Forests: Lush equatorial forests (p. 125) (p. 126) --Estuaries: Where fresh and salt water meet (p. 133) (p. 134)


1. As you forward in time, the sequence hunter/gatherer to agriculture to industrial revolution is characterized by: a. increased energy use and increased environmental impact b. decreased energy use and decreased environmental impact c. decreased energy use and increased environmental impact d. increased energy use and decreased environmental inpact e. none of these

2. The formation and growth of large urban centers began with: a. hunter/gatherers b. agriculture c. industrialization d. technology and globalization e. none of these

3. All matter is composed of : a. organic compounds b. inorganic compounds c. beta particles d. mixtures e. none of these

4. Organic compounds must contain: a. phosphorous and oxygen b. chlorine and nitrogen c. fluorine and sulfur d. carbon and hydrogen e. none of these

5. Sand County Almanac was written by: a. Aldo Leopold b. Teddy Roosevelt c. Paul Erlich d. John Muir e. none of these 6. Energy can be defined as: a. maximization of entropy b. anything that occupies space and time c. force exerted over distance such as gravity d. ability to do work or produce heat transfer e. variable wavelengths of radiation

7. The sequence: producer—consumer—secondary consumer represents: a. increasing energy concentration and decreasing energy quantity b. decreasing energy concentration and increasing energy quantity c. increases in both concentration and quantity d. decreases in both concentration and quantity e. none of these

8. Energy can be classified as: a. heat or potential b. electrical or kinetic c. potential or mechanical d. potential or kinetic e. all of these

9. The major energy source for the biosphere is from: a. lunar gravitational fields b. terrestrial biomass c. solar radiation d. nuclear energy in the Earth’s crust e. processes of wind and gravity

10. Today, people in developed countries (other than the U.S.) use how many Kcals/day of energy to support their lifestyle. a. 10,000 b. 25,000 c. 50,000 d. 125,000 e. 250,000

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