Facts for Members

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Facts for Members


The basic philosophy, rules and information that guide committee A-1 are provided in this pamphlet. It is not meant to be a substitute for either the formal Bylaws of ASTM or the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees. It does include the Bylaws governing ASTM Committee A-1 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys. This pamphlet will enable all A-1 members to understand and interpret these regulations.

Members should acquire a copy of the following ASTM documents from Headquarters, as appropriate:

1. ASTM Directory (contains ASTM Bylaws)

2. Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees (Green Book) Available on the ASTM Web Site

3. Form and Style for ASTM Standards (Blue Book) Available on the ASTM Web Site

4. ASTM Technical Committee Officer Handbook (Red Book) TABLE OF CONTENTS



III. COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Principal Activities Liaison Activities Miscellaneous

IV. THE ORGANIZATION OF A-1 (Committee A-1 Bylaws) ARTICLE 1 – General ARTICLE 2 – Scope ARTICLE 3 – Membership ARTICLE 4 – Committee Officers and Their Election ARTICLE 5 – Executive Committee ARTICLE 6 – Advisory Council ARTICLE 7 – Duties of the Officers ARTICLE 8 – Subcommittees ARTICLE 9 – Meetings ARTICLE 10 – Ballots and Reports ARTICLE 11 – Amendments APPENDIX X.1 – Committee A-1 Resolution Policy

V. INFORMATION ITEMS Attachment I: Structure of ASTM Committee A-1 Attachment II: Scopes of the Subcommittees Attachment III: Development of ASTM Standards (Ballot Process) Attachment IV: Procedures for A-1 and Subcommittee Membership Attachment V: Subcommittee Report to A-1 Attachment VI: Committee A-1 Awards and Recipients ASTM COMMITTEE A-1 ON STEEL, STAINLESS STEEL AND RELATED ALLOYS FACTS FOR MEMBERS


ASTM was founded in 1902 for the purpose of promoting knowledge of the materials of engineering and for standardizing specifications and methods of testing. Each of the more than 130 technical committees is responsible for developing standards in its own area of interest and expertise, while following the principles of due process, open debate, and fair treatment of all interests that have been established by the parent ASTM organization.

Committee A-1 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys is one of these technical committees. A sharp rise in A-1 membership occurred in 1973 with the absorption of Committee A10 on Fe-Cr, Fe-Cr-Ni and Related Alloys in to Committee A-1. At present, more than 600 individuals are engaged in the work of Committee A-1 and its Subcommittees. II. HISTORY

Committee A-1 dates back to the very beginning of ASTM, formed in 1898, as the American Section of the International Association for Testing Materials (IATM). The first American Committee was on Standard Specifications of Testing Iron and Steel, which became known as Committee A on Standard Specifications for Steel, and subsequently as Committee A1 on Standard Specifications for Steel. Today, we are known as Committee A-1 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys.

The first meeting of the American Section of (IATM) was held in June 1898 with some 30 members present. Mr. Mansfield Merriman, Professor of Civil Engineering and Mathematics at Lehigh University, in his first speech as Chairman of ASTM, supplied the reason for the formation of ASTM. Prior to the 1800s, according to Merriman, very little was known about metal properties, and test methods were less than perfect.

At this meeting, six problems were identified as the root cause of many steel failures. It became apparent that there was a need to correct this lack of information, improve steels and perform more physical tests in order to gain uniformity of products.

The original 20 some persons at the first meeting has grown to over 600 members, and from the original committee to our current A-1 Main Committee, comprised of 28 Subcommittees and 7 Sections of 2 of the Subcommittees. See Attachment II for the scopes of these Subcommittees and Sections.

We started with but a single specification, A1, for Steel Rails, now titled, “Specification for Carbon Tee Rails”. Currently, approximately 485 specifications fill the six volumes of Section 1, Iron and Steel Products, Annual Book of Standards.

Committee A-1 has accomplished many fine things in our first one hundred years, as a community of professionals in the steel industry comprised both of suppliers and users. A significant part of this greatness, from the Committee’s foundation until today, has been its membership. There is no doubt that Committee A-1 will be as great or greater in its second 100 years! We invite you to join us. PAST CHAIRMEN OF A-1

1899-1913 W.R. Webster 1913-1918 C.D. Young 1918-1920 J.A. Capp 1920-1926 F.M. Waring 1926-1932 J.B. Young 1932-1938 H.H. Morgan 1938-1953 N.L. Mochel 1953-1956 H.B. Oatley 1956-1958 W.F. Collin 1958-1964 J.J. Kanter 1964-1971 A.O. Schaeffer 1971-1976 I.A. Rohring 1976-1980 A. Van Echo 1980-1986 O.L. Nordin 1986-1992 H.E. Lunt 1992-1998 A.S. Melilli 1998- B.M. Dingman III. COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES

A. Principal Activities

The principal activity of Committee A-1 is the development of standard test methods, specifications, practices, terminology and classifications for steel, stainless steel and related products. Since preparing the first ASTM standard in 1898, the committee has prepared over 1000 standards approved by ASTM. Publications in which these methods or specifications appear include: 1. ASTM Annual Book of Standards, Volume 01.01, 01.02, 01.03, 01.04, 01.05, 01.06 and 01.07.

2. ASME Boiler and pressure Vessel Code Section II Part A.

B. Liaison Activities

ASTM Committee A-1 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys produce standards for use by design and construction organizations such as ANSI, ASME, and BOCA. The committee does not generally have liaison activities with user organizations, but the user organizations normally have liaison activities with A-1. Committee A-1 cooperates with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in the development of the United States position for the International Organization for Standards (ISO), Technical Committee 17 (TC 17) on Steel. Several A-1 members serve on the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for ISO/TC 17. A-1 also participates in ISO activities of TC5/SC1 on steel tubes, TC11/SC1 on materials for boiler and pressure vessels, TC105 on steel wire ropes, TC111 on round steel link chains, lifting hooks and accessories, and ICASI – International Committee for Analysis of Steel and Iron..

Within the ASTM family, Committee A-1 maintains contact with a number of other technical committees which are active in the fields of interest to A-1 members. Some of these committees are:

A05 Metallic-Coated Iron and Steel Products E01 Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores and Related Materials E04 Metallography E07 Nondestructive Testing E08 Fatigue and Fracture E28 Mechanical Testing F16 Fasteners G01 Corrosion of Metals

The above committees usually meet at the same time and place as Committee A-1 during the biannual Committee Weeks in May and November of every year. C. Miscellaneous Activities

The committee's other activities fall within the area defined in its scope as promotion of knowledge of cast or wrought steels, stainless steels and related alloys. To achieve this objective the committee sponsors special technical publications and symposiums.

Generally symposiums are held when there is a specific need within Committee A-1 to present and discuss new developments in technology and testing techniques. Usually the symposiums have international participation. Papers and discussions presented at symposiums are often published as an ASTM publication.

Subcommittees of Committee A-1 may conduct cooperative laboratory test programs to evaluate new test methods and improvements in existing methods. Subcommittees are required to officially file Research Reports with the Society to receive assigned permanent RR numbers. Individuals may avail themselves of this information by requesting the appropriate RR number from ASTM Headquarters.

Some members of A-1 also promote knowledge as instructors for the ASTM Technical & Professional Training courses. Courses currently being offered related to steel are (1) Mechanical Metallurgy and ASTM Test Method A 370, (2) Selection, Specification, and Application of Stainless Steels, and (3) Understanding ASTM Steel Standards. IV. THE ORGANIZATION OF A-1 (COMMITTEE A-1 BYLAWS) COMMITTEE A-1 ON STEEL, STAINLESS STEEL, AND RELATED ALLOYS BYLAWS Initially Adopted by Committee: 26 March 1987 Current Revision: August 1997


1.1 These bylaws are subject to the “Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees” hereinafter referred to as the Regulations. Committee A-1 is hereinafter referred to as the COMMITTEE.


2.1 The scope of the COMMITTEE shall be: The promotion of knowledge; the stimulation of research; and the development of specifications, test methods, terminology, and other types of standards relating to cast or wrought steels, stainless steels, and related alloys and ferrous alloys. 2.2 Areas of Interest 2.2.1 The COMMITTEE’S interest includes the following materials: carbon and alloy steels, tool steels, tin mill products, corrosion and heat resistant alloys, super-strength alloys, and clad steels. 2.2.2 The COMMITTEE, unless specifically requested by the Chairman of the committee having prime responsibility, is not concerned with materials which are of interest to Committees:

A06 on Magnetic Properties; B02 on Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys; B04 on Metallic Materials for Thermostats and for Electrical Resistance, Heating, and Contacts F04 on Surgical Implants

2.2.3 The COMMITTEE specifically excludes the following areas of interest: Aluminum-coated, zinc-coated, or terne-coated steel products covered by Committee A-5. Alloys in those forms for which the principal use results from specifically controlled electrical resistance, thermal expansion, or magnetic characteristics which pertain to electrical resistance devices, electrical contacts, thermostats, and electrical steel. Materials for surgical implants. 2.3 Policy on Material Specification Coverage 2.3.1 The material specifications prepared by the COMMITTEE are available for use by producers and users anywhere in the world. To maintain a practical limit to the amount of COMMITTEE effort, the COMMITTEE will prepare and administer specifications within its expertise. Requests for new specifications or standards or for new grades or types of material should be supported by a regulatory body, a code-writing body or a member of ASTM.


3.1 Membership on the COMMITTEE, its subcommittees, and any section thereof, shall be as members, official representatives of organizational memberships, affiliates, and official representatives of other ASTM Technical Committees, all being current members of the Society. It is anticipated that appointment for membership in the COMMITTEE will be accepted with the recognition that such acceptance entails an obligation to contribute to the purpose of the work of the COMMITTEE. 3.2 All individuals applying for membership on the COMMITTEE shall furnish a completed application form containing information on their qualifications to serve. Applications will be subject to approval by the Executive Committee. 3.3 Membership in the COMMITTEE shall be in accordance with the Common Classification System of the REGULATIONS. 3.4 There are only two justifiable reasons for not accepting an individual who is a Society member as voting member of the COMMITTEE. These are: 3.4.1 Acceptance would create an imbalance of voting interests. Where there is more than one member of the COMMITTEE from a voting interest, the voting member shall be designated by the voting interest since each voting interest shall be entitled to only one vote on all COMMITTEE actions on standards, 3.4.2 The individual is not qualified or knowledgeable in the area of the COMMITTEE’S scope.

3.5 A voting member of the COMMITTEE who fails to respond to three consecutive letter ballots shall be notified an reminded of a member’s obligation. Continued failure to respond to letter ballots shall be cause of termination of membership. Upon approval of the Executive Committee, notice of termination of membership on the COMMITTEE shall be sent to the member by the Membership Secretary. 3.6 Resignations should be submitted, preferably in writing, to Society Headquarters.


4.1 The officers of the COMMITTEE shall be a Chairman, two, four or six Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, and a Membership Secretary, each of whom shall hold the same office in the Executive Committee and the Advisory Council (see 6.1). The Vice- Chairman shall be evenly divided between producer and other-than-producer interests. 4.2 The officers shall be elected by the COMMITTEE membership. 4.3 Any member of the COMMITTEE, who has been a member of the COMMITTEE for at least two years, shall be eligible for office. 4.4 The term of elected officers shall be two years beginning January 1 of the even-numbered years. 4.5 The officers shall serve for the terms to which they are elected or until their successors are either elected or appointed. 4.6 Officers shall be eligible for election for not more than three consecutive terms in one office. 4.7 Election of Officers 4.7.1 The officers of the COMMITTEE shall be elected by letter ballot of the COMMITTEE membership prior to December 1 of the odd-numbered years with provisions for write-in votes on the ballot. 4.7.2 An Ad Hoc Committee on Nominations, consisting of a Chairman and three other members of the Committee, shall be designated by the Executive Committee at its Fall meeting in the even-numbered years to nominate at least one candidate for each office. The nominations shall be presented to the Executive Committee no later than its Spring meeting in the odd-numbered years for possible additional nominations and authorization for letter ballot. Members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Nominations shall be eligible for nomination. 4.8 Vacancies in Office 4.8.1 Vacancies in elective offices occurring during the regular term of office shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Subcommittee.


5.1 The executive direction of the committee shall be vested in the Executive Committee (A01.90) which shall consist of the immediate past chairman, the elected officers and the Chairmen of the A-1 Subcommittees.


6.1 An Advisory Council, consisting of the officers of the COMMITTEE, the immediate past chairman, and the staff liaison representative, will review organization and policy matters and recommend disposition to the Executive Committees.


7.1 The Chairman, or a Vice-Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the COMMITTEE, the Executive Committee and the Advisory Council and perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Chairman.

7.2 The Secretary shall report the official actions of the COMMITTEE, the Executive Committee and the Advisory Council and perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Chairman.

7.3 The Membership Secretary shall be responsible for handling membership issues within the Committee. 8. SUBCOMMITTEES

8.1 The Executive Committee shall establish the subcommittees (and sections of subcommittees, if needed) and approve the scope of activities of each.

8.2 The chairmen of the subcommittees shall be appointed for terms of two years by the Chairman of the COMMITTEE. Unless otherwise approved by the Executive Committee, each subcommittee chairman so appointed shall have been a member of the respective subcommittee for at least two years if the subcommittee has been established two years or longer. Subcommittee chairmen shall be eligible for reappointment for consecutive terms. A subcommittee chairman may appoint such other officers of the subcommittee as are deemed necessary to conduct the work of the subcommittee. Such appointments are subject to the approval of the Chairman of the COMMITTEE.

8.3 Task groups with specific assignments may be appointed by the chairman of a subcommittee or by a section chairman.

8.4 A member of a subcommittee who fails to return two consecutive subcommittee letter ballots shall be notified and reminded of a member’s obligation. Continued failure to respond to letter ballots shall be cause for termination of membership in the subcommittee. Notice of termination of membership on the subcommittee shall be sent to the member by the subcommittee chairman.

8.5 Upon completion of its work or for other good reasons, a subcommittee or section may be discharged or put on inactive status by the Executive Committee. A subcommittee or section so discharge or deactivated my be reconstituted if later developments make such a course desirable. The officers of any discharged subcommittee shall transmit records of permanent interest to Society Headquarters.

8.6 Subcommittees shall present proposed new specifications for COMMITTEE action only after approval to do so has been granted by the Executive Committee or by the COMMITTEE.


9.1 Meetings of Committee 9.1.1 Regular meetings of the COMMITTEE shall be held twice a year or more often if necessary to carry out the business of the COMMITTEE. Special meetings may be held at the call of the Chairman or on written request of representatives of at least fifty voting interests. 9.1.2 The time and place of the meetings of the COMMITTEE shall be determined by the Executive Subcommittee, and notices of all meetings shall be mailed to the member of the COMMITTEE at least four weeks in advance of the meeting. 9.1.3 Voting members of the COMMITTEE may delegate, in writing, qualified individuals as proxies. 9.1.4 Twenty voting members, or their delegated proxies, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the COMMITTEE. 9.2 Executive Committee Meetings 9.2.1 Meetings of the Advisory Council shall be held on call of the Chairman.

9.3 Subcommittee Meetings 9.3.1 Meetings of the subcommittee shall be held at least one per year during the same week and at the same location as the COMMITTEE meetings and prior to the COMMITTEE meeting. Subcommittees that meet with the Executive Committee are exempt from the preceding requirements. Special meetings may be held on four weeks notice on call for the chairman or on written request of at least twenty percent of the voting members. An agenda for each meeting should be mailed to each member at least four weeks prior to the meeting. 9.3.2 The Chairman of the COMMITTEE and the staff liaison representative shall be notified in advance of all meetings of the subcommittees and shall receive meeting notices, agendas, and reports of the meetings. 9.3.3 Voting members of the subcommittee may delegate, in writing, qualified individuals as proxies.

9.4 Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern the COMMITTEE and its subdivisions in all cases except where those Rules are in conflict with the REGULATIONS or the COMMITTEE or Society Bylaws.


10.1 General 10.1.1 Actions on standards shall conform to the requirements of Section 8 through 13 of the REGULATIONS.

10.2 Subcommittee Reports 10.2.1 The chairman of each subcommittee shall submit a report to the COMMITTEE at each regular meeting covering recommendations requiring action by the COMMITTEE and such other items which may be special interest to the COMMITTEE. 10.2.2 Each subcommittee shall submit minutes of each subcommittee meeting to the Chairman of the COMMITTEE, the staff liaison representative and each subcommittee member within 60 days following the meeting. Reasons for negative votes which are acted upon at the meeting shall be included in the agenda for the meeting or shall be included in the minutes. 11. AMENDMENTS

11.1 Amendments to the BYLAWS may be proposed by any member at a regular meeting of the COMMITTEE or by the Executive COMMITTEE. A letter ballot shall be authorized by approval of two-thirds of the members in attendance at the COMMITTEE meeting or at the Executive Committee meeting. 11.2 Amendments to these Bylaws shall be adopted by a letter ballot upon approval of at least two thirds of the COMMITTEE members voting, provided the amendments do not conflict with the Society BYLAWS or the REGULATIONS. 11.3 Disapproval shall be discussed by the Executive Committee before the amended BYLAWS are distributed to all members of the COMMITTEE.


X.1 Committee A-1 Resolution Policy

As a means of effectively adopting and implementing policy issues throughout Committee A-1, Subcommittee A01.90 has established a formal procedure to be followed. Such policy issues shall be addressed as Resolutions and dealt with as follows:

X.1.1 When A01.90 decides with 80% or greater approval of those members in attendance at a regular meeting that it would be desirable for A-1’s Standards to reflect a common position on some issue relating to the form or content of its standards, such action shall be initiated in the form of a written Resolution.

X.1.2 A01.90 shall issue a formal draft of the Resolution including an explanation of the action proposed and the vote count in A01.90. Each resolution shall be numbered and shall be recorded and maintained in a separate section of the A01.90 minutes.

X.1.3 Each chairman of a specification writing subcommittee shall put the action called for by the Resolution to subcommittee letter ballot or include the statement of the Resolution in the next meeting agenda of the subcommittee for consideration.

X.1.4 Each subcommittee chairman shall report to A01.90 the action taken by the subcommittee in response to the Resolution.

X.1.5 The Resolution shall remain an active item for discussion at each subsequent meeting of A01.90 until a majority of the members at a regular meeting vote to drop it. X2. Resolution No. 1

The marking and certification requirements of A-1 specifications are not specific as to whether the specification year or issue and revision letter, if any, are to be included with the fixed specification designation. A01.90 has reviewed this matter and recommends that each subcommittee revise all affected specifications to indicate that the specification year of issue, and revision letter, if any, are to be included for certification, but are not required for marking.

X3. Resolution No. 2

Bar coding to identify steel is not specifically addressed A-1 specifications. Some references to marking might be interpreted to include bar coding, but that method was not generally considered when current language was adopted. A01.90 endorses the AIAG Bar Code Standard for Primary Metals for Steel Products. This specific bar code standard should be identified in A- 1 Standards as a possible auxiliary method of identification

X4. Resolution No. 3

The international definition of steel, as agreed upon between ISO/TC17 (Steel) and ISO/TC 155 (Nickel & Nickel Alloys), and as presented in OEN En10020, is herewith adopted by ASTM committee A-1 (“A material which contains by weight more iron than any other single element, having a carbon content generally less than 2 % and containing other elements. A limited number of chromium steels may contain more than 2 % of carbon, but 2 % is the usual dividing line between steel and cast iron.”)

X5. Resolution No. 4

Practice For Handling Inquiries Regarding ASTM Committee A-1 Standards

Occasionally, Committee A-1 Subcommittee Chairmen receive inquiries about standards. The inquirer may just be seeking assistance, not having the standard and not knowing how to get it. Most questions are of this kind and can be satisfied with a telephone conversation and a straight forward reading of parts of the standard. Often, the caller may have overlooked portions of the standard or a referenced standard which forms a part of the standard. On the other hand, the questions may concern a dispute, and an answer potentially may lead to legal complications. This complicated variety could involve a request for a letter of interpretation concerning portions of a standard that may not clearly “speak for itself”.

A potential risk to ASTM occurs when the Chairman is tempted to issue a written interpretation which “breaks new ground”, changes the context, or worse, the content of the standard. Such an interpretation bypasses the ASTM balloting system and cannot be defended by the Society as having been approved by the established ASTM due process system. The Subcommittee Chairman’s response to inquiries provides an opportunity to support ASTM standards by providing assistance to those who need to use them. The following guidelines are recommended:

Handle the inquiry entirely by telephone and let the “standard speak for itself”. Usually, this can be accomplished by simply reading the appropriate portions of the standard, e.g., parts of the standard that were overlooked by the inquirer.

Be as helpful as possible and make the inquirer feel welcome. If a letter is received, call the person and turn the letter into a telephone call.

If asked, offer opinions and make clear that such are personal opinions and do not represent an ASTM response which can only be accomplished by going through the ASTM balloting system.

If the individual requesting assistance is not satisfied, request the inquirer to provide in writing the reasons why the standard does not address their concerns and any recommended revisions to the standard which can then be considered by the members at the next subcommittee meeting for ballot.

Always invite the inquirer to attend the next subcommittee meeting and explain the openness of the ASTM system.

If one chooses not to make a telephone call concerning inquiries from foreign countries, use the above procedures when responding by letter. Let the “standard speak for itself” or indicate that the standard is silent on the point in question. A telephone call may not be prohibitively expensive compared to the overall expense when responding by letter.

If a Subcommittee Chairman, in responding to any inquiry, follows these guidelines and acts in a manner which he reasonably believes to be in the best interest of ASTM, ASTM will accept responsibility for his actions and will bear any and all expenses which he may incur as a result of responding to the inquiry, including legal expenses.

The staff manager shall be notified of the response to any written inquiry.

Summary  Stay with the telephone  Do not make an interpretation without a ballot  Let the “standard speak for itself”, or  Indicate that the standard appears to be silent regarding the inquirer’s question X6. Resolution No. 5

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is not specifically addressed in A-1 standards. As this is an increasingly accepted business procedure with high efficiency and low costs, an acknowledgment of EDI should be made in these standards. A01.90 accordingly endorses the use of EDI and suggests the following wording be considered by subcommittees for incorporation into standards.

A Material Test Report, Certificate of Inspection, or similar document printed from or used in electronic form from an electronic data interchange (EDI) transmission shall be regarded as having the same validity as a counterpart printed in the certifier’s facility. The content of the EDI transmitted document must meet the requirements of the invoked ASTM standard(s) and conform to any existing EDI agreement between the purchaser and the supplier. Notwithstanding the absence of a signature, the organization submitting the EDI transimission is responsible for the content of the report.

Note - The industry definition as invoked here is:

EDI is the computer to computer exchange of business information in a standard format such as ANSI ASC X12.

X7. Resolution No. 6

The following is the recommended minimum information for balloting acceptance of new grades or alloys in A-1 specifications. Certain product forms may require additional data or information to satisfy individual needs.

Provide statements from at least one user of the alloy indicating that it is commercially available and expressing a need for inclusion in ASTM specifications.

Provide heat analyses and appropriate mechanical test results on at least three commercial heats. Identify test specimen type, location, orientation, and any special processing the material received.

Recommend chemical, mechanical, and any special processing requirements.

Inform the subcommittee if the grade or alloy is currently covered by patent.

X8. Resolution No. 7

Stainless steel grades not already designated by AISI type number may be assigned common alphanumeric designations in commercial use provided that :

Such designation are already in wide use, are not subject to trademark restriction, and are not narrowly associated with a single producer; Such designations are defined as substantive issues and are subject to the same approval process as other substantive issues for specifications overseen by Committee A-1;

Such designations when used in specifications are identified by a footnote indicating that the designation is a common name widely used and recognized by the ASTM as indicative of the grade without known conflict with a trademark and without narrow proprietary association with a particular producer or user; and

When such designations are used, those designations granted previously by AISI should be indicated by a footnote indicating that they originated with the AISI system. Those grades which have neither AISI nor a common designation will continue to be indicated by “  ” or other ASTM naming system in the “Type” column. ATTACHMENT I: STRUCTURE OF ASTM COMMITTEE A-1







Subcommittee A01.01 has jurisdiction over the specifications for steel rails and accessories including standard tee rails, crane rails, girder rails, joint bars, tie plates, track spikes, screw spikes, and track nuts and bolts.


Subcommittee A01.02 has jurisdiction over specification requirements for rolled steel plates, shapes, sheet piling and bars for structural use for bridges, buildings, ships, rolling stock and general construction applications.


Subcommittee A01.03 has jurisdiction over the classifications, specifications, test methods and the engineering use of alloyed and plain carbon steel rods and wire, including uncoated and non- metallic coated spring wire.


Subcommittee A01.05 has jurisdiction over the development and maintenance of product specifications for 1.) steel reinforcement for reinforced, prestressed and precast concrete for structures, highway, railroad and masonry construction and for all forms and grades of steel reinforcing bars, bar mats, wire, welded wire fabric, prestressing wire, bars and strand, can coated reinforcement and 2.) steel fibers for fiber reinforced concrete, and over the development and maintenance of test methods for the evaluation, inspection and quality control of such products.


Subcommittee A01.06 has jurisdiction over standards for: 1. Steel forgings 2. Steel blooms, billets, and slabs for forgings 3. Forging inspection and testing practices not adequately covered by other ASTM Committees

The standard writing and maintenance activity is managed by four sections with the following titles and scopes:

A01.06.02 on General Industrial Forgings - This Section is responsible for writing and maintaining standard specifications for general industrial forgings for a wide range of sizes and applications. A01.06.03 on Test Methods - This Section has the responsibility for managing the writing and maintenance activities for forging examination and testing practices not adequately covered by other ASTM Committees.

A01.06.04 on Turbine and Generator Forgings - This Section is responsible for writing and maintaining standard specifications devoted to the manufacture and testing of forgings for gas and steam turbines, and electrical generators. The section is also charged with reviewing the state of the art in steel production, forging heat treatment and testing of forgings as far as these practices might affect the content of the standard specifications.

A01.06.05 on Pressure Vessel and Nuclear - This Section has jurisdiction over standards for pressure vessel and nuclear forgings.

Additionally A01.06 will assist A-1 in planning and participation in technical meetings and symposia intended to advance the state of the art in steel forgings.


Subcommittee A01.09 has the responsibility to prepare standards covering tubular products of carbon steels under the jurisdiction of committee A-1.


Subcommittee A01.10 has the responsibility to prepare specifications and standards covering tubular products of stainless and alloy steels under the jurisdiction of Committee A-1.


Subcommittee A01.11 has jurisdiction over the specifications for carbon and alloy rolled steel plates for boilers, pressure vessels and other components. Subcommittee A01.11 prepares specifications for steel plates that have material properties such as predictable low and high temperature short time mechanical properties, notch toughness, low transition temperatures, creep resistance and weldability. SUBCOMMITTEE A01.13 ON MECHANICAL AND CHEMICAL TESTING AND PROCESSING METHODS OF STEEL PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES

Subcommittee A01.13 is responsible for standards for mechanical and chemical testing evaluation of testing laboratories, processing methods, and other testing that is common to more than one A-1 Subcommittee, except that corrosion testing is not within its scope. A01.13 is the prime A-1 interface with test method committees, such as committees E01, and E28, and laboratory evaluation and accreditation committees, such as E36. A01.13 does not have responsibility for establishing data reporting or acceptance requirements, these are established by the subcommittees having jurisdiction over the product standards. Product subcommittees may write annexes or appendices that are applicable to their products for inclusion in A01.13 standards when A01.13 agrees.


Subcommittee A01.14 has the responsibility for the preparation and revision of standards for acceptance corrosion testing of, and the descaling and cleaning of stainless steels and related alloys under the jurisdiction of committee A-1.


Subcommittee A01.15 has jurisdiction over standards pertaining to carbon and alloy steel bars in the as-rolled, cold finished, or heat treated conditions for general engineering applications. The subcommittee also maintains standards for some products manufactured from steel bars, such as, fence posts, and industrial springs.


Subcommittee A01.17 has the responsibility to prepare and maintain standard specifications covering wrought plate, sheet, strip, billet, bar, wire, structural shapes, and general purpose forgings of stainless steel and related alloys under the jurisdiction of Committee A-1.


Subcommittee A01.18 has jurisdiction over the specifications or standards for steel, stainless steel, and related alloys in the form of castings for pressure containing parts and general engineering applications for use in benign as well as corrosive environments at low temperatures, ambient, and elevated temperatures. SUBCOMMITTEE A01.19 ON SHEET STEEL AND STRIP

Subcommittee A01.19 has jurisdiction over carbon, high-strength low-alloy, high strength, and alloy hot and cold rolled steel sheets and strip and cold rolled carbon spring steel. Responsibilities of the Subcommittee include the classification, specification requirements, methods of test, questions of utility, and related subjects dealing with such materials.


Subcommittee A01.20 has jurisdiction over the classification, specification requirements, test methods, and related subjects pertaining to Tin Mill Products. Tin Mill Products include Electrolytic Tin Plate; Electrolytic Tin Coated, Cold-Rolled Sheet; Black Plate; Black Plate Electrolytic Chromium Coated; and similar products.


To develop and maintain standards for steel 1.) forgings, flanges, forged valve bodies, and wrought fittings for piping applications in the utility, petroleum, chemical, nuclear, pressure vessel, and similar industries, and 2.) bolting materials for high and low temperature use in piping and special purpose applications in these industries.


To develop and maintain standards for steel bolting and bolting materials for high and low temperature use in piping and special purpose applications in the utility, petroleum, chemical, nuclear, pressure vessel, and similar industries.


To develop and maintain standards for wrought steel fittings for piping applications in the utility, petroleum, chemical, nuclear, pressure vessel, and similar industries.


To develop and maintain standards for steel forgings, flanges, and forged valve bodies for piping applications in the utility, petroleum, chemical, nuclear, pressure vessel, and similar industries. SUBCOMMITTEE A01.27 ON STEEL CHAIN

Subcommittee A01.27 has as its scope the preparation and maintenance of specifications and practices for steel chain and related components. This includes welded link chain, stamped metal chain, weldless wire wrapped chain, sling assemblies, and common chain attachments and components.


Subcommittee A01.28 has jurisdiction over the standards for steels commonly used for ball and roller bearings. This subcommittee is responsible for preparing, reviewing ,and maintaining these standards, and assuring that they reflect current technology.


Subcommittee A01.29 is charged with the responsibility of preparing and reviewing standards and specifications for carbon, alloy, and high speed tool steels. The forms comprise rolled bar, plate, bar cut from plate, bar shapes, billets, forgings, and cast tools. Such products are commonly produced by forging, rolling, drawing or casting.


To give the committee executive direction.


Subcommittee A01.91 shall promote uniform and proper editorial practice for Committee A-1 by the following means: 1. Facilitate conformance with the mandatory requirements of the ‘Form and Style for ASTM Standards” (Blue Book). 2. Maintain and promote the use of the “Standard Guide for Procedures and Form of Product Specifications for Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys”. 3. Include in the membership the chairman, or designate representative, from every technical subcommittee in A-1. SUBCOMMITTEE A01.92 ON TERMINOLOGY

Subcommittee A01.92 shall coordinate terminology for Committee A-1 by the following means: 1. Correlate and consolidate terminology used in the standards under the jurisdiction of committee A-1 with respect to proper form, consistency, and lack of conflict, as far as possible. 2. Prepare as deemed necessary or advisable technically based clear and unambiguous terminology essential to the field of interest of committee A-1. 3. Promptly review terminology referred to it. 4. Prepare and maintain terminology standards for committee A-1. 5. Maintain liaison with the Committee on Terminology.


Subcommittee A01.94 shall: 1. Provide a forum for discussion of matters related to standards for procurement of steel mill and foundry products and services 2. Establish a conduit for dialog with government agencies, specifically aimed at resolution of problems with federal agencies, their requirements and documents, and 3. Maintain a system to expedite the replacement of government documents with ASTM standards for commercial steel mill and foundry products.


Subcommittee A01.95 provides the USA input to ISO Technical Committee 17 on Steel; ISO Technical Committee5, Subcommittee 1 on Steel Tubes; ISO Technical Committee 111, Chains, Lifting Hooks and Accessories: ISO Technical Committee 132 on Ferroalloys; ISO Technical Advisory Group 2 on Metals; and Related Activities.


Subcommittee A01.96 facilitates the harmonization of wrought stainless steel requirements throughout ASTM and other international standards for chemical composition (primarily) and mechanical properties (secondarily).


Subcommittee A01.97 facilitates the harmonization of wrought carbon and alloy steel chemical composition requirements throughout Committee A-1, taking into account the chemical composition requirements in other national and international standards. III. THE DEVELOPMENT OF A STANDARD

A. Background

Standardization is essential to the efficient functioning of a modem industrial economy. The United States generates most of its standards in the private sector, through the voluntary efforts of representatives from all segments of its society. ASTM is one of the foremost standards development organizations in which these standards are developed.

Committee A-1 exists because there is a need for standard specifications, test methods, terminology, classifications and practices in the steel industry, and because the Committee and Society provide a mechanism by which a consensus on these standards can be reached by democratic processes. In Committee A-1, a single negative vote supported by a good reason causes a proposal to be reviewed. Members are given ample opportunity to express their views, and no considered opinion or objection to a proposal is cast aside.

This insistence on the rights of the individual member protects all the members against hasty group action that might result in poor or inappropriate standards. The growth of Committee A-1 is proof that users and producers of steel and its products have supported its standardization activities and the philosophy that guides it.

The procedure for adopting standards is very thorough. On average, it takes approximately three years to develop and approve a new standard test method, although in some cases the time has been shortened to as little as one year. While even shorter time periods may be desirable, Committee A-1 is committed to the development of excellent standards that enjoy a well-deserved reputation.

After ASTM standards are adopted, they are dynamic and can be revised at any time. Committee A-1 revises standards at their time of ASTM mandated five-year renewal, or before, so they reflect the latest advances in technology and testing technique. If they become obsolete, or there is no longer any need for them, they are withdrawn.

Committee A-1 develops standards to meet recognized needs. Its standards are developed to provide a means of evaluating a chemical or physical property, or a quality level of a quantity of steel or steel products that is acceptable to the users and producers of these materials.

The need for a new standard becomes known to Committee A-1 in the following ways:

1. Usually the Subcommittee responsible for standards in a specified field is aware of the particular need for a new standard through its members and takes the action necessary to develop it. 2. If the Subcommittee is not aware of the need for a standard in its field, its attention is often drawn to the need by another Subcommittee or persons or organizations outside of the Committee A-1 structure.

3. Occasionally the need for a standard is made known to the Executive Subcommittee by one its members, or by persons or organizations outside of Committee A-1. The Executive Subcommittee then requests the most suitable Subcommittee to begin work to develop the standard.

B. Jurisdiction Over Standard Development

Just which Subcommittee develops a standard depends on the nature of the standard. Generally, each Subcommittee in A-1 covers either a specific scope of raw material configuration, or a material linked to an end use. Examples include, respectively, Stainless and Alloy Steel Tubular Products (A01.10), and Steel Plates for Boiler and Pressure Vessels (A01.11). When standards needs develop that cut across raw material configuration descriptions and span a significant portion of the scope of Committee A-1, these issues are addressed in their own Subcommittee. Examples range from Mechanical and Chemical Testing and Processing Methods of Steel Products and Processes (A01.13) to the Harmonization and Identification of Wrought Stainless Steel Compositions (A01.96).

If there is no Subcommittee whose scope covers the field in which a new standard is required, the Executive Committee of A-1 can set up a group to develop such a standard. This involves finding a qualified person to act as chairman of the new group, selecting the personnel of the group -- which is usually done by the chairman of the new group and the Executive Committee -- and calling an organizational meeting. A scope is prepared to define the work area and objectives of the group. This scope is submitted to the Executive Committee and if approved the group may begin work on the development of the standard.

In some instances, a Subcommittee may create an organizational subset of itself to initiate and maintain a group of standards with a specific focus within the scope of that Subcommittee. This sub-tier organization is known as a Section in A-1. Examples of Sections include the Section on Turbine and Generator Forgings (A01.06.04) and the Section on Bolting (A01.22.01). Though the Section designation is not recognized by the ASTM balloting process, Section members do provide focus on a group of issues that lie within the larger scope of the Subcommittee it serves. For an item to move forward, all actions of the Section must be endorsed by the Subcommittee, where they gain official recognition by the ASTM Standard Development Process.

C. Preparation of Standards

The groundwork for most new standards is prepared by a Task Groups made up of persons who are primarily the key stakeholders and with specialized experience and skills. While it is desirable to have a balance of suppliers and users on a Task Group, it is not a mandatory requirement. Some standard development work within a Task Group may require expertise predominantly from a supplier or a user, or multiple personnel from one organization to be able to draft a document for consideration by the A-1 entity (Committee, Subcommittee or Section) that authorized the Task Group. Unbalanced voting interests and multiple members from one voting interest are allowed within a Task Group.

The initial step in the development of a standard is writing the first draft in accordance with the "Form and Style for ASTM Standards" (Blue Book) and with the “Standard Guide for Editorial Procedures and Form of Product Specifications for Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys” (ASTM A994). For test methods, once a draft is written, it is evaluated by a series of inter-laboratory test programs which are designed to show the method's precision and general suitability as a laboratory test. Precision is the expected limit of deviation between two or more test results and is reported as "repeatability" (one laboratory, one operator) and "reproducibility" (multiple laboratories). Another important feature of a test method is its bias. Bias is a system error that contributes to the difference between a population mean of the measurements or test results and an accepted reference or true value. A computer program has been developed by D02 that is available for calculating the precision of a test method from inter-laboratory data.

D. Recommendations by Subcommittee

When cooperative testing shows the test method to be satisfactory, or supporting data the suitability of a specification, and the draft appears to be in compliance with the Blue Book and ASTM A-994, the Task Group that developed it recommends that the Subcommittee ballot the draft as a new standard. The Subcommittee approves the recommendation by a voice-vote at a Subcommittee meeting. In between meetings, the Subcommittee chair can also authorize a ballot.

All actions on standards are approved by letter ballot. An affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the combined affirmative and negative votes cast by voting members of the Subcommittee is required to approve the action. In addition, for the ballot to be considered valid, the number of affirmative, negative and abstaining votes must be at least 60% of the number of voting members. Failure to return ballots can result in a voting member being dropped from the subcommittee or main committee.

Negative votes received on Subcommittee letter ballots, A-1 Committee ballots and Society reviews are considered by the Subcommittee (in many cases, with the aid of the originating Task Group) and handled in accordance with the procedures outlined in the "Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees" (Green Book) published by ASTM. After approval by the Subcommittee, the item is submitted to ASTM Headquarters where the Committee A-1 ballot is prepared. Accompanying the item is a report of the Subcommittee ballot results, and if applicable a Research Report of supporting data. If the item received negatives that were not withdrawn, a list of those negatives must also accompany the item along with the reasons for those negatives, the consideration given by the Subcommittee, and the adjudication of the negative votes. The Committee A-1 ballot includes a record of the Subcommittee vote on all items that received negatives.

Standards that have been published for four years without technical revisions are reviewed.

Standards that have been published for four years without technical revisions are reviewed by the Subcommittee having jurisdiction. The Subcommittee may choose to re- approve the standard by voice-vote at a meeting. The item then appears as a re-approval on the next Committee A-1 letter ballot. Revision or withdrawal of a standard must be letter balloted by the Subcommittee. Such action must be completed within five years of the last approval date.

E. Committee Letter Ballots

All actions on standards (new, revisions, re-approvals, or withdrawals) are approved by Committee A-1 letter ballot; an affirmative vote of at least 90 % of the combined affirmative and negative votes cast is required with not less then 60 % of the voting interests returning ballots. Any standards action appearing on a Committee A-1 letter ballot is automatically included in the Society Review which is published in Standardization News.

A voting member may vote in one of five ways: Affirmative, Affirmative with comments, Negative (requires a written statement of the reason(s)), Abstention, or Abstention with comments. The abstention category is for members who do not feel qualified to vote on a given item, do not have sufficient time to review the letter ballot, or do not have sufficient interest in the subject matter. All voting members must vote to retain their membership. Non- voting members may also vote if they wish. Their vote is not tallied, but any negatives and comments are handled in the same manner as from a voting member.

The ballots are returned to ASTM Headquarters, the votes tabulated and each Subcommittee is furnished the results of the votes, the negatives and comments. The subcommittee makes its recommendations to adjudicate the negative votes. These reviews are presented to Committee A-1 at a meeting and adjudicated by hand vote. There are four A-1 letter ballots per year. The schedule is as follows:


Ballot No. I Mid - December Deadline to ASTM Mid - January Issue Date Mid - February Deadline

Ballot No. 2 Early February Deadline to ASTM Early March Issue Date Early April Deadline


Ballot No. 3 Mid - June Deadline to ASTM Mid - July Issue Date Mid - August Deadline

Ballot No. 4 Early August Deadline to ASTM Early September Issue Date Early October Deadline

· The final date for standards actions to be submitted to ASTM Staff Manager is indicated by "Deadline to ASTM"

· Assuming that a 60 % return is attained by the closing date, negatives and comments received after that date are not counted, but are referred to the appropriate Subcommittee for information.

· Ballot No. 4 is the final ballot for a standards action to appear in the ASTM Book of Standards for the subsequent year.

· If a ballot item receives a negative, the Committee Negative Vote Form (Pink Sheet) detailing the disposition of that negative must be completed and returned to the ASTM Staff Manager. BALLOT PROCESS






1. Membership on Committee A-1

1.1 When applying for ASTM Membership 1.1.1 Complete the application form indicating your desire to join Committee A-1. 1.1.2 Pay the application fee by check or credit card. 1.1.3 The A-1 Membership Secretary is informed of your membership application by ASTM Headquarters. The A-1 Membership Secretary assigns a classification and voting status, and returns the application to ASTM Headquarters. 1.1.4 ASTM headquarters notifies the applicant of membership approval.

1.2 When a current ASTM Member 1.2.1 Contact A-1 Chairman or Membership Secretary directly. 1.2.2 The A-1 Membership Secretary assigns a classification and voting status and returns the application to ASTM Headquarters. 1.2.3 ASTM Headquarters notifies the applicant of membership approval.

2. Membership on one or more of the A-1 Subcommittees

2.1 When applying for ASTM Membership 2.1.1 Complete the application form to become an ASTM member. 2.1.2 Indicate on that form the subcommittee(s) you wish to join. 2.1.3 Pay the ASTM application fee. 2.1.4 A copy of the form is sent to the Subcommittee Chair(s). The Subcommittee(s) Secretary review and assigns the voting status and classification. 2.1.5 ASTM Headquarters is advised of the classification and voting status for each subcommittee, and/or section. 2.1.6 ASTM Headquarters notifies the applicant of subcommittee or section approval.

2.2 When a current ASTM Member 2.2.1 Contact the Subcommittee Chair directly. 2.2.2 The Subcommittee Chair will review the voting status and classification. 2.2.3 ASTM Headquarters is advised of the classification and voting status for each subcommittee and/or section. 2.2.4 ASTM Headquarters notifies the applicant of subcommittee or section approval.

3. Membership criteria 3.1 You must be a member of ASTM to be a member of either A-1 or one of its subcommittees. 3.2 You need not be a member of A-1 to be a member of one of its subcommittees. 3.3 You need not be a member of ASTM, Committee A-1, or any of its Subcommittees to be a member of a Committee A-1 task group. ATTACHMENT V: SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT TO A-1

ASTM Committee A-1 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys Subcommittee Report

Subcommittee A-1. ______on______met at the ______Hotel on ______, 199__ from ______to ______A.M./P.M. There were ______members and ______visitors present.

Main Committee A-1 Action is required on the following items:

1. A-1 Main Committee or Society Review letter ballot items containing outstanding negatives which have been ruled Non Persuasive or Not Related. 2. Request to conduct a concurrent Subcommittee and Main Committee Ballot along with clear, concise statements of why this is requested. 3. Permission to write a new specification.

Announcements, requests and items of general interest are as follows:

1. Announcements of special interest such as symposia.

Respectfully submitted, Chairman Subcommittee A-1.___

Signature ______Print Name ______



1.1 Award of Merit

1.1.1 Description: This award is granted to individuals for distinguished service to the cause of voluntary standardization. The purpose is to recognize outstanding contributions from unusually productive service in ASTM committee work; leadership in Society activities; publication of papers; outstanding service that has advanced the Society's prestige, standing or interest; and service to the Society not herein otherwise specifically provided for. Recipients shall receive the honorary title of Fellow of the Society.

1.1.2 Nomination: The Awards Panel selects the candidate(s). The candidate(s) are approved by the A-1 officers and his/her (their) name(s) with full justification is (are) submitted by the Committee A-1 chairman to ASTM Headquarters for consideration by the ASTM Awards Committee. Nominations are submitted to ASTM during November of each year.


2.1 Committee A-1 Honorary Membership

2.1.1 Description: An honorary member of Committee A-1 shall be a person no longer regularly attending Committee A-1 meetings. This individual shall be of widely recognized eminence in an area of interest to the Committee. The candidate for his/her honor shall satisfy at least three of the following five requirements: Shall have been an officer of Committee A-1 or a member of its Executive Subcommittee for six or more years. Shall have been an active and progressive Subcommittee, section or task group officer for 10 years or more. Shall have been active in Committee A-1 work for 15 or more years. Shall have made a significant contribution in one or more areas of Committee A- 1 activities. Shall have attained prominence in his/her profession.

2.1.2 Nominating Procedure A candidate for honorary membership shall be proposed to the Executive Subcommittee by at least 10 members of Committee A-1. The unanimous vote of the Executive Subcommittee is required. No record of the discussion of the award shall be kept, and the minutes of the Executive Subcommittee shall reference the decision only if the vote is favorable of the nominee. The nominee is subsequently elected to Honorary Membership by letter ballot of Committee A-1. A 90 percent affirmative vote by those A-1 members voting is required for election honorary membership. 2.1.3 Protocol: The candidate is advised of his/her election to honorary membership and is consulted on the meeting at which it can be bestowed, at the nominee's convenience.

2.1.4 Funding: ASTM Membership fees of A-1 Honorary Members shall be paid by the A-1 Activity Fund throughout their lifetime.

2.2 Award of Excellence

2.2.1 Description: This award recognizes continued or long-term service or leadership that has contributed to the overall enhancement of excellence in the standardization process in Committee A-1. The award is intended to honor service that exceeds the requirements for the Award of Appreciation. This award may be given more than once.

2.2.2 Nominating Procedure: The nomination of a candidate for the Award of Excellence is made by the Advisory Section of a Subcommittee, or Subcommittees, to the Chairman of the Awards Panel. The approval of the nomination requires unanimous consent of the Committee A-1 officers.

2.2.3 Protocol: A framed award written in old English script with a specific citation of up to 25 words, stating the reason for presentation. The award is presented by a Committee A-1 officer at a meeting of the recipient's choice.

2.3 Award of Appreciation

2.3.1 Description: This award honors meritorious service (technical achievement, leadership, etc.) within a Subcommittee. This award is intended to recognize a member's outstanding contribution to Committee A-1 or its Subcommittees. This award is given only once.

2.3.2 Nominating Procedure: The nominations of candidates for the Award of Appreciation are made by the Advisory Section of a Subcommittee to the Chairman of the Awards Panel. The approval of the nomination requires unanimous consent of the Committee A-1 officers.

2.3.3 Protocol: A framed certificate, written in old English script is presented by a Committee A- 1 officer at a meeting of the recipient's Subcommittee. COMMITTEE A-1 AWARD RECIPIENTS ASTM AWARD OF MERIT

Year Recipient Year Recipient 1950 Thomas G. Stitt 1952 Jerome J. Kanter 1960 Walter S. Scott 1961 John S. Worth 1962 Adolph O. Schaefer 1963 M.A. Pinney 1965 Clarence J. Boyle 1967 Paul A. Archibald 1968 A.K. Hutton 1969 Arthur B. Wilder 1970 John R. LeCron 1974 William B. Hoyt 1975 Marshall H. Brown 1975 Gordon R. Woodrow 1977 I.A. Rohrig 1978 William E. Coleman 1978 James P. Gallivan 1979 Vernon W. Butler 1980 William R. Sylvester 1981 Harry E. Lunt 1981 Victor G. Behal 1982 Samuel Tyson 1982 Frank L. Stahl 1983 Orbert L. Nordin 1983 William C. Banks 1984 Albert S. Melilli 1985 Albert W. Zeuthen 1985 Edward G. Nisbett 1986 William C. Stitzel 1986 Edward R. Driscoll 1986 John J. Cahill 1987 Eberhard L. Schuerer 1987 Phillip A. Speer 1988 Ernest A. Jonas 1989 Wallace Edsall 1989 John Orton 1991 Andrew J. Williams 1991 Edward G. Kay 1992 William R. Warke 1992 Robert F. Steigerwald 1993 Bruce Dingman 1994 William C. Mack 1995 Wayne N. Holliday 1995 David P. Gustafson 1996 J. Fredric Longenecker 1997 Dean Krouse 1997 Robert N. Rau 1998 Frank M. Christensen 1998 Ralph M. Davison 1999 John K. Mahaney Jr. 1999 Thomas Murphy


Year Recipient Year Recipient 1950 W.M. Barr 1950 L.B. Jones 1950 H.B. Oatley 1952 R.W. Steigerwald 1952 J. Roy Tanner 1954 A.E. White 1954 Thomas G. Stitt 1954 C.E. Edgerton 1969 J.J. Kanter 1971 A.O. Schaefer 1975 A. VanEcho 1977 R.N. Johnson 1978 W.H. Mayo 1978 C.W. Beattie

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