October 25, 2015

Good evening wonderful Weddington Wildcat families! I hope you were blessed with a fun filled and relaxing weekend. Below are the announcements concerning upcoming events. First, I want to send a tremendous shout out and thank you to our amazing Weddington PTO Executive Board, parent volunteers, teachers, staff, and students for a truly successful and exciting Fun Run this past Friday. We want to also thank Robinson Orthodontics for sponsoring our Fun Run tee shirts, Steps in Motion dance studio, as well as DJ Adam Thomas, for providing the awesome music. A special thank you also goes out to Carolinas Healthcare System for volunteering their time to assist with medical needs. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and it was evident the students, staff, and families had a terrific time. Currently, we have raised $24,000! We want to thank our Weddington family and friends who have so graciously donated to our fundraiser. Let’s reach our goal of $30,000! We can do this Wildcats! As a reminder, the box top collection ends this Friday, October 30th. Forms to turn in your box tops can be found on the PTO website. The PTO sponsored Family Food Night will be this Tuesday, October 27th from 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at Greco restaurant in Wesley Chapel. As always, a portion of the proceeds from 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. will go directly to our Weddington PTO. Finally, this Friday, October 30th, is our first Terrific Kid ceremony. Parents of Terrific Kid winners will be notified via a letter from Laurie Harper, our school Guidance Counselor. Parents and the Terrific Kid winner should report to the school cafeteria at 7:00 a.m. A light breakfast will be served to honor our Terrific Kid winners.

Thank you for your constant support and entrusting us with your precious children. It is a joy to serve our Weddington families! Have a wonderful evening!

Sincerely, Ms. Sebek