Castlegar Minor Soccer Association Executive Meeting January 19, 2015

Attendees: Dave Grantham Leanne Osokin Steve Herbert Kim Klashinsky Pam Zemp Chris King Tammy King Rob Voykin Leanne Ireland Lui Marinelli Carlo Masini

1) Meeting called to order 6:05pm at the Castlegar Complex.

2) Minutes of previous meeting Minutes were approved as circulated by Leanne O., seconded by Steve Herbert

3) Executive Reports a. President i. KSYSA will be meeting on January 20th, 2015 to discuss some registration changes. The futsal registration went really well and used a program from a local contractor as a trial for KSYSA. ITT Sports is our current registration contractor. Their fees are quite high and their billing is inconsistent. ii. Thank you to Pam Zemp who has stepped forward to take on the KSYSA Director position for CMSA. Pam will be doing the scheduling portfolio that was previously done by Ralph Lunn. Ralph will mentor Pam with this portfolio. iii. The Futsal League has been very successful thanks to great volunteers. There are 2 sessions left. The Futsal league has received a $1500 grant from BC Soccer to hold a festival. This festival is being organized by Fred Fontaine of KSYSA. Soccer Express has also awarded the Futsal League with a $500 gift certificate. This money will be used strictly for the Futsal League. b. Vice President – still vacant c. Treasurer – Absent, Dave has been in contact with Kim Morris and everything is fine with the accounts. d. Registrar – No report at this time. The newsletter is still a “Live” document until the registration information becomes available. Leanne is prepared to use whatever registration system KSYSA decides is best for the associations. The newsletter will be sent to all last year’s players, all schools electronically and paper copies will be delivered as well. e. Secretary – Nothing to report. f. Postitions that are still Vacant – Vice President, Field Coordinator.

4) Director Reports No directors reports at this time. Dave Grantham has agreed to represent CMSA as a director for KSYSA. He will not be the Rep Coordinator.

CMSA Page 1 Castlegar Minor Soccer Association Executive Meeting January 19, 2015

5) Player/Coach Development – Rob Voykin There will be a coaches clinic on February 21, 2015. There will be a KSYSA 7-hour coaches clinic sometime in March. Rob will discuss this with Kelly A. from KSYSA and advise coaches. Rob will check to see if he can find someone to give CMSA a proposal quote as a technical director.

6) Equipment – If KSYSA has a new registration program, jersey deposits may be automatically charged to players that don’t return them at the end of the season.

7) Grant Writers – CMSA and KSYSA are in need of funds. Since there has not been a tournament for a few years, there has not been any income, other than registration. Tammy and Chris King are interested and will look at some avenues to apply for local and provincial grants.

8) Mini Soccer – There was discussion about fairness of teams at this level. People would like to see a grading system for all players. Tammy stated that she took the time, as a coordinator, to call all previous coaches and ask for a rating on the players. It would be great to have a tool available to rate all of the players. Does anyone have an idea for this?

9) Referee Courses – Tammy has booked the following courses through BC Soccer. a) Short sided reffing program on February 14, 2015 at the Complex in Castlegar from 9:00am to 3:00pm for ages 12 and 13 years by June 1, 2014. This course will cost approx. $30 which will be reimbursed by CMSA once games are reffed. b) Full sided reffing program on March 27, 28, & 29, 2015 for ages 14 and up. Location TBA. This course will cost approx. $130 which will be reimbursed by CMSA once games are reffed. c) Refresher reffing program will be on March 2, 2015 and is free. There is a link to these on the CMSA Website and can be found on the BC Soccer Website.

10) Next Meeting February 17, 2015 at 5:30pm at the Complex. Kim K. will book a room.

11) Adjournment 7:15pm

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