Umbral Moonshine and K3 Surfaces Miranda C. N. Cheng∗1 and Sarah Harrisony2 1Institute of Physics and Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlandsz 2Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, and Theory Group, SLAC, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA Abstract Recently, 23 cases of umbral moonshine, relating mock modular forms and finite groups, have been discovered in the context of the 23 even unimodular Niemeier lattices. One of the 23 cases in fact coincides with the so-called Mathieu moonshine, discovered in the context of K3 non-linear sigma models. In this paper we establish a uniform relation between all 23 cases of umbral moonshine and K3 sigma models, and thereby take a first step in placing umbral moonshine into a geometric and physical context. This is achieved by relating the ADE root systems of the Niemeier lattices to the ADE du Val singularities that a K3 surface can develop, and the configuration of smooth rational curves in their resolutions. A geometric interpretation of our results is given in terms of the marking of K3 surfaces by Niemeier lattices. arXiv:1406.0619v4 [hep-th] 18 Jul 2017 ∗
[email protected] [email protected] zOn leave from CNRS, Paris. 1 Umbral Moonshine and K3 Surfaces 2 Contents 1 Introduction and Summary 3 2 The Elliptic Genus of Du Val Singularities 8 3 Umbral Moonshine and Niemeier Lattices 14 4 Umbral Moonshine and the (Twined) K3 Elliptic Genus 20 5 Geometric Interpretation 27 6 Discussion 30 A Special Functions 32 B Calculations and Proofs 34 C The Twining Functions 41 References 49 Umbral Moonshine and K3 Surfaces 3 1 Introduction and Summary Mock modular forms are interesting functions playing an increasingly important role in various areas of mathematics and theoretical physics.