So We Are Ambassadors for Christ, God Making His Appeal Through Us

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So We Are Ambassadors for Christ, God Making His Appeal Through Us

THE AMBASSADOR “So we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:20).”

Volume 12, Issue 9 A newsletter for the Pastors and Lay Leadership of the Charlottesville District September 2014

6. Designate a person from your church to serve on our Charlottesville District Heart Havens Vision Team.

7. Talk at your church about the district’s dream for a Heart Havens complex.

How Much Will It Cost our District to Build a Heart Havens Complex? Although the actual cost of the complex will be higher, Heart The Charlottesville District is Raising Money to Havens has asked the Charlottesville District to raise $400k Build Housing for Adults with Intellectual toward the construction, plus obtain the land for the complex. Heart Havens will obtain the rest of the funding through grants Disabilities and other sources. Because of the tremendous need, the Charlottesville District has committed to building supportive housing within our district for adults How Can I Make a Donation? with intellectual disabilities. Our district is partnering with Heart Havens Please make checks payable to “Heart Havens,” and be sure to to build a small apartment complex in which adults with intellectual write “Charlottesville District Homes” on the memo line to disabilities can receive the support they need to live as independently ensure that your donation is reserved for our apartment complex. as possible. This district-wide mission provides the opportunity for you Without this note on the memo line, your donation will go into the and your church to unite with other people all across our district as we Heart Havens operating fund instead of being set aside for the seek to ensure the safety, health, and stability of some of our most Charlottesville District apartment complex. Then, mail the check vulnerable brothers and sisters. Fundraising is an important part of this either to: work. All seventy-four churches within the Charlottesville District are hereby invited and encouraged to participate, in both small ways and Charlottesville District Office Heart Havens big ways, as we engage in this kingdom work together. 914 E. Jefferson Street, Suite 104 812 Moorefield Park Drive, What is Heart Havens? Charlottesville, VA 22902-5376 #301 Heart Havens is a non-profit organization that empowers adults with Richmond, VA 23236 intellectual disabilities to live and thrive in a safe and nurturing Why is Our District Concerned about Adults with Intellectual environment. Originally created by the Virginia Conference of the Disabilities? United Methodist Church in response to a parent’s question: “Where 1. Because these people are vulnerable and are at great risk. The will my child live when I am gone?”, today Heart Havens is a separate Charlottesville District has over 140 adults with intellectual 501 (c) 3 nonprofit and an Advance Special of the United Methodist disabilities who are on the state’s urgent waiting list. To be on the Church. Heart Havens has traditionally accomplished its mission by urgent waiting list, the person must have an aging or disabled managing group homes for adults with intellectual disabilities. Heart caregiver, be at risk of homelessness, abuse, neglect, or Havens is now taking a slightly different approach by building small exploitation, or present extraordinary challenges to the caregiver apartment complexes instead of individual group homes. This model is due to the extent of his/her physical or behavioral needs. being used successfully in other parts of Virginia. It will allow Heart Havens to serve more people while at the same time creating more 2. Although seven other districts in the Virginia Conference have a choices in living environments for adults with disabilities. The Heart Havens home (and some districts have three!), the Charlottesville District will be Heart Havens’ first apartment complex. Charlottesville District does not contain a Heart Havens home, How Can I Help? despite the fact that it is one of the conference’s larger districts. 1. Assist with fundraising. Here are just a few ideas: Where Will Our Heart Havens Apartment Complex Be Located? 2. Designate 10% of your church fundraisers (yard sales, fish fries, The location of the home has not yet been determined. However, etc.) to go toward our Heart Havens complex. when the time comes to make a decision about location, we must work within the following parameters: 3. Skip a meal and donate the money you saved to our Heart 1. The home must be in an area that is populated enough that we Havens complex. can find people to staff the home. 4. Encourage your congregation members to “buy a brick” for $25. 2. The home must be within a convenient drive to community 5. Conduct a personal “tax assessment,” donating $10 for every car activities and important services (medical, physical therapy, etc). or boat you own, $3 for every electronic device, $6 for every set of golf clubs, etc. 3. The home must be in a welcoming community. How Can I Learn More? another family to continue the process to address hunger and Heart Havens is more than just a building. It is a home where malnutrition. people with intellectual disabilities are encouraged to pursue their own interests and to live lives that are fulfilling and meaningful to them. The best way to learn about Heart Havens is to see it for yourself. You may call the Heart Havens office (1-877-442-8368) to request a visit to the Heart Havens home nearest you. You may also visit their website ( or contact Kim Muchas gracias from the heart of El Salvador! Many thanks from Crater (434-296-4764), who is a member of the Charlottesville your Christian brothers and sisters in Taura and those of us at District Heart Havens Vision Team. Emanuel Youth Mission. God bless you all! Emanuel Youth Mission P.O. Box 582, Lovingston, Virginia 22949 Quote of the Month “As long as you live, you will be subject to change, whether you The mission team of Emanuel Youth Mission will it or not - now glad, now sorrowful; now pleased, now has just returned from the remote jungle village displeased; now devout, now undevout; now vigorous, now of Taura, El Salvador. We visited homes of slothful; now gloomy, now merry. But a wise man who is well sponsored students, checked on all mission projects and taught in spiritual labor stands unshaken in all such things, and attended church services: clean water systems, community truck, heeds little what he feels, or from what side the wind of instability corn grinder, irrigation systems, latrines, playground and medical blows.” clinic. We also visited homes where self-sustaining food projects ― Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ are on going to address hunger. And, as always, we played with the children and shared the LOVE of the Lord with the Taura community! News Flash! Charge Conferences this fall. Tired of seeing Rev. Kesner in a Emanuel Youth Mission has just returned from Taura, El Salvador shirt and tie at your Charge Conference? after another wonderful trip. We checked on all mission projects and visited homes of sponsored school students. Many people Any church that donates $300.00 to Imagine No Malaria (saves stopped us along the path or visited to thank us, and you, for the 30 lives) will have the blessing of Danny showing up in '70s medical clinic. They told many stories of diagnosis and treatment clothing for their charge conference!!! (Maybe something like a that has saved lives and greatly improved the health of babies, tie-dye shirt, pink glasses and a peace symbol on a chain!) children and adults in the community. They, and we, greatly thank Send your check to the District Office marked Imagine No Malaria all of you who have gotten your church to "adopt" one month or in the memo section with Attention to Danny on the envelope, so more of medical services for the clinic. he will know how to dress for your charge conference??? Or let him know you sent the funds to the Annual Conference. In September, we will celebrate one year of the first medical care for these impoverished native people. We thank you for your continued support. We have had 7 months adopted and need 5 Scottsville UMC more, and we are praying that those churches who have already The Scottsville UMC participates in the Bread of Life program, adopted those months will commit to that amount each year, so supported by the local Scottsville churches. They distribute food we can assure Taura they will continue to receive medical care. every third Saturday of the month at the Community Center in We stepped out in faith when we purchased the land, worked on Scottsville. The Mobile Food Pantry, an umbrella organization of the building, and began medical care one year ago, praying for the Bread of Life distributes food every second and fourth provision one month at a time, and God has used many of you to Tuesday mornings at the Pavillion in Scottsville. Food comes from provide this life saving difference to so many. the Blue Ridge Food Pantry. Bread of Life distributes to about 80 to 100 families each month and the Mobile Food Pantry serves about 250 families each visit. Scottsville UMC will be hosting a Stop Hunger Now event on Saturday Oct. 25. All churches are invited to participate. It will be held in the fellowship hall in the morning. Many thanks and blessings, Bruce Lugn, Pastor EYM and the people of Taura are grateful to Central Virginia Southern Albemarle Charge UMC Churches who have made the medical clinic possible, donating one or more months of medical services, at $600 per month, which pays the doctor and provides vitamins and medicines for 50 Prayer Covenant Services at Rodes UMC: families. It is the first access to medical care for these impoverished, native people and has already made a tremendous “The Priority of Prayer” difference in the health of babies, children and adults. People told The Rodes Evangelism Committee will sponsor a series of us many positive success stories. In September, the clinic will prayer covenant services with special speakers this fall. The celebrate one year of operation. topic is “The Priority of Prayer.” Each evening will begin at 6:00 pm with a fellowship meal provided by a group in the church, Some families are raising goats, cows, chickens, ducks, and followed by a noted speaker at 7:00 pm. These services are turkeys; they use the milk or eggs regularly or occasionally eat an open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend. animal. The goal is for them to be self- th sufficient, improve availability of food, and Our first speaker on September 10 will be author Kim Davis, eventually pass “Voices of the Faithful” along an animal to 2 September 2014 Page September 17th our speaker will be Victor Morris, Advancing casting the vote – no speeches or funny hats required! Native Missions. September 24th our speaker will be David McCann, Campus Missionary at Virginia Tech District Youth Events Our final speaker on October 1st will be Joan Wasserott, District Mission Coordinator Save the Date! District Youth Retreat February 27, 28 and March 1, 2015

UMW Calendar of Events Fund Raising for Heart Havens Applications for events can be found at: Men of the Charlottesville District, I urge you to respond to the Fund Raising Opportunity for Heart Havens that our District October 4 Annual District Meeting at Mt. Moriah Superintendent, Danny Kesner is putting before us. Vending at UMC. Speaker will be Mary Jane the UVA sporting events is a sure way to raise funds for Heart Rawley Havens. It will be hard work, but worth it. My daughter raised October 24-25 Virginia Conference UMW Annual funds for the Boy Scouts this past year. I have been ushering at Meeting at Blackstone Conference the UVA football games for over 30 years in Portal 530. This year and Retreat Center I plan to contribute my earnings for each game to Heart Havens. December 6 District Advent Breakfast @ Byrd Let Linda Truslow ( 977-4254 ) know that you can help. Get the Chapel UMC youth of your church involved. Just in case we are invited to work at this Fall's Football Games, put these times and dates on your Retreats at Westview on the James calenders. PITTSBURG, Oct. 4 ; UNC, Oct. 25 ; MIAMI, Nov. 22. Tommy Clark, Char. District UMM President From the UMW newsletter: The Messenger, August 2014 Has your UMW and/or your church discovered Westview on the James? Have you ever visited Westview on the James? If your Travel to Israel and Palestine answers were ‘yes’, you know that Westview, one of 5 United Here's a wonderful opportunity to travel to Israel and Palestine Methodist Camps in Virginia, serves the Charlottesville, with two clergy leaders from our conference. I have made two Fredericksburg and Richmond Districts. If your answers were trips there with David Hindman (one of the leaders, below) and ‘no’, you should know that the mission of this fantastic camp is can't recommend him highly enough. Full details below and “to offer a place apart for Christian hospitality and learning that itinerary attached. helps people of all ages affirm and grow their faith as they Steve Jones (Richmond DS) and David Hindman (Lead Pastor, experience the wonder of God’s creation.” Duncan Memorial UMC in Ashland and former campus minister at Did you know that in addition to the wonderful Summer Camp the Wesley Foundation at The College of William and Mary) will Programs for our children and youth, there are retreat lead a 12 day Pilgrimage of Faith to Israel and Palestine January opportunities throughout the year for children, youth and adults? 27-February 7, 2015. Included in this pilgrimage are guided visits Not only are there specific retreat weekends, your local UMW can to Bethlehem, the Galilee region, the Judean Wilderness plan its own retreat event at Westview during the week or on a (including Jericho, the Jordan River, the Dead Sea and Qumran), weekend. There are a variety of options for Jerusalem, and other important Biblical sites. This pilgrimage will space/accommodations, food and activity in this beautiful, include times of worship, as well as opportunities to meet and spiritually inspiring setting along the historic James River. learn more about the lives of Palestinian Christians and others. Westview staff can help your group design a program to meet The basic cost for the pilgrimage is $3,079.00; three star lodgings your specific need(s), provide team building experiences, and operated by Palestinians in Bethlehem and East Jerusalem both make available a range of food service. Spend a “Day Apart” at reduce the price and offer some support to that economy. A Westview!! God’s creation will speak to you!! detailed itinerary is attached; note that there is an early bird For more information, go to: Westview on the James or contact discount available, too. For more information you may also Krissy Lull at [email protected] or 804-380-5522. contact David Hindman ([email protected]) or Steve Charlottesville District UMW Annual ([email protected]). Meeting VIM Recertification and Team Leader Training Saturday, Oct 4, 2014 9:30am (9:00am registration )Mount A Volunteer in Mission Recertification and Team Leader training Moriah UMC 4524 Garth Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22901 weekend is set for Friday and Saturday, September 19-20 at Our guest speaker will be Mary Jane Rawley, the Virginia Culpeper UMC. Anyone previously trained as a leader more than Conference UMW Membership, Nurture, and Outreach 5 years ago will need to be recertified to be a leader on future coordinator. The proposed budget for 2015, amended standing trips. The recertification is on that Friday from 6-9pm in Rm. 203. rules, and nominees for 2015 District officer positions must be There is a registration fee of $25, you may also purchase a voted upon. These items will be emailed/mailed out 30 days prior handbook at the door for $20. The recertification is on Friday, to the annual meeting so you may be prepared. Sept. 19 from 6-9pm in Rm. 203 NEW THIS YEAR will be a roll call vote on these items rather If you wish to be trained as a Volunteer in Mission- VIM team than a show of hands. One vote per unit – so please have your leader, then please attend the Saturday, Sept. 20 training from unit’s representative at the meeting prepared to cast the vote. All 9:30am til 3:30pm in Rm. 203. Cost of the training is $55, lunch local unit members are encouraged to attend the meeting for will be provided. Registration for these trainings must be made in fellowship, learning, and worship – just coordinate who will be 3 September 2014 Page advance by visiting the www. website. Please contact Jones lives near ZUMC with her children – 9-year-old Brayden Pastor Art or Karen Bean for more information. and 7-year-old Emily – and her husband, Donny, who works as a Conference Events first sergeant with the Virginia state police in Albemarle, Nelson, Middle School Retreat, Nov. 14-16 and Greene. They all keep busy with Molly, a Brittany spaniel named Maggie, 23 chickens, and a pony. High School Retreat, Dec. 5-7 For more information on Conference events go to On July 18 Jones attended the Fridays after Five concert in Charlottesville along with about 10 other hometown heroes. “Allen & Allen brought us onstage, announced our names, and Society of St. Andrew Harvest of Hope 2014 Events talked about the good deeds we had done,” Jones said. “They November 7-9 Intergenerational Dahlonega, GA had a couple tents set up for us with drinks and refreshments. It Nov 14-16 Intergenerational Kelso, TN was a lot of fun.” Allen & Allen will continue to honor its For more information go to hometown heroes this summer at concerts in Fredericksburg and Louisa woman named hometown hero Richmond. By Christina Dimeo Guseman “The winners of the 2014 Allen & Allen hometown heroes award Louisa County has its very own hero. Zion Crossroads resident represent the spirit of community,” said Courtney Allen Van Rachel Jones was just named one of Allen & Allen’s hometown Winkle, partner at the law firm. “They should be thanked, heroes. honored, and celebrated.” The law firm accepted nominations from across the state for its 5 Talent Academy hometown heroes award, which according to the firm’s website The 5 Talent Academy's October 4 Evangelism, Communication, seeks to honor “Virginians who are responsible [for] generating & Church Growth event is rapidly approaching. Here is some positive change in the community or in the lives of others.” Jones, information about the event: who was nominated by her coworker, Donna Bowman, was one Sponsored by the 5 Talent Academy and the Bishops’ of the lucky 50 chosen for the honor. Foundation, Evangelism, Communication, & Church Keeping busy in the community is just part of life for Jones, who Growth offers church outreach teams the opportunity to explore works for Zion United Methodist Church (ZUMC) and Zion the vital relationship between communication and evangelism Christian Children’s Center, a 90-student preschool and with Maria Dixon Hall, Associate Professor-Organizational kindergarten at the church in Zion Crossroads. Communication, Division of Communication Studies; Southern Methodist University. This event is designed to help churches with “I kind of wear two hats at ZUMC,” Jones said. “As the the Vital Congregations goal of Disciples Make New Disciples. community programs director I bring in lots of programs to the church – things like Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, karate, art Ideal for those involved in planning worship, those who welcome classes, women’s self-defense, and Upward Sports. It’s tiring but new persons to your congregation, those involved in areas of rewarding, and it’s given me a platform to bring all these great outreach and evangelism, and all interested in church growth and programs into the community that otherwise wouldn’t necessarily renewal, this session of the 5 Talent Academy is designed to help be here.” your congregation practice evangelism using solid and fruitful communication strategies. Upward Sports, said Jones, is actually a ministry in that it’s more about people than the sports themselves. “It’s a sports program We encourage you to gather a team from your church and based on faith and positive relationships with people,” Jones said. experience this event together at one of ten locations throughout “It centers around equality and fairness. So in another sports the conference. Registration is open to all Virginia Conference program maybe only the best children would get to play, but in churches regardless of previous membership or affiliation with the Upward all the children get to play.” Jones was instrumental in 5 Talent Academy. Visit to register bringing the program to ZUMC in 2011. today. Individual registration costs $25 per person and includes lunch. Clergy attending can receive .5 CEU. The event runs from The other hat Jones wears is her role as facilities and compliance 9AM-3PM with registration opening at each site at 8:30 AM. The director for the school. Back in 2010 Jones was one of the folks program will begin promptly at 9. REGISTER TODAY helping to open the preschool and kindergarten. As extended care director she oversaw the afterschool and summer camp Registration for the event closes on September 19. programs. And now, as facilities and compliance director, she We will be broadcasting the event live from Floris UMC in makes sure that the school falls in line with state requirements Northern VA to nine additional conference locations so there is a and handles the facilities. location in or close to your district. But Jones brings a little something special to the school – a Event Locations: therapy dog named Molly. Jones and her family rescued Molly, a • Blacksburg: Blacksburg UMC, 111 Church St SE, Blacksburg, black lab mix, from the humane society in Washington, D.C. After VA 24060 going through obedience training with Erika Proctor’s Green Dogs • Eastern Shore: Franktown UMC, 7551 Bayside Road, Unleashed in Fluvanna, Jones followed Proctor’s advice and took Franktown VA 23354 the necessary steps to certify Molly as a therapy dog. Now Molly • Lynchburg: Timberlake UMC, 21649 Timberlake Road, and Jones work together as a therapy team. Lynchburg VA 24502 • Danville: Fairview UMC, 1013 Westover Dr., Danville Va. I take Molly to different nursing homes, 4-H groups, and to the 24541 school,” said Jones. “She and I teach a little program to children • Northern Virginia: Floris UMC, 13600 Frying Pan Road, about safety around dogs. Things like not pulling their ears, not Herndon VA 20171 putting your face in front of their face, asking permission before • Richmond: Woodlake UMC, 15640 Hampton Park Dr, you pet – all those safe handlings – in order to help children not to Chesterfield, VA 23832 be bitten by strange dogs.” • Shenandoah Valley: Bridgewater UMC, 219 N Main St 4 September 2014 Page Bridgewater, VA 22812 • Tidewater: Francis Asbury UMC, 1871 N Great Neck Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23454 • Winchester: Macedonia UMC, 1941 Macedonia Church Road, White Post, VA 22663 • York River: St. Luke's UMC, 300 Ella Taylor Road, Yorktown, VA 23692 I have attached a flyer for your information as well. Please let me know if you need any further information or if we can assist you in helping to get the word out about this important event. Blessings,Kim JohnsonCenter for Congregational Excellence Shall We Gather at the River? By Patty Sclater The weather held, as nine expectant celebrants, their family members and Ways to Build Relationships with friends gathered at Rivanna River’s st Sandy Beach at Palmyra, VA. Those New People 21 Century making the half-mile trek to the site sang, Lord I Want to be a Christian, Strategies, Inc. (More ideas will be in next along the way. The event was the month’s newsletter.) baptism and rededication of members of (Bill Easum and Bill Tenny-Brittian put together this Palmyra and Haden Chapel United popcorn list of ideas used by church planters to reach Methodist Churches. new people. What does it say about your ministry? What ideas do Pastor George Gorman, who serves both congregations, you have that might reach new people in your context?) welcomed those in attendance, after which we fittingly sang, Shall We Gather at the River. Pastor • Servant Evangelism: Develop the habit of doing servant George explained the Sacrament evangelism in the area every Saturday. Develop it into of Baptism and then lay leaders, the primary ministry of the church. It is cheap, doable for Iscella Wittich and Janice Gunnell anyone, and on top of that it can be fun. for Palymra and Haden Chapel, • We use Outreach’s New Movers’ Program. It’s helped us respectively, presented the identify and build relationships with folks who are new in candidates - one adult and one the community or are experiencing a transition of moving child for rededication and seven across town. candidates for baptism. The candidates and the congregation • Send personal notes of congratulations to the parents of every child for whom there is a birth announcement and a note to the child welcoming them to our world. • The next time you see a school play, or a concert, or a game write a personal note to each student offering warmth and praise for their activity. • We’ve used the Love My Church campaign and got good results. renounced their • Visit the local police department sins and professed their faith. The Palmyra choir provided and get to know the officers. Later offer to be available special music, Down to the River to Pray. Called individually by should they need someone in a crisis situation such as name, most candidates wanted to be immersed not once, but delivering a "death notice,” etc. three times - in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy • We took four hours on four successive Saturdays to call every Spirit. person listed in the phone book. We had five church Admittedly, the water was cold, but the candidates as well as volunteers each week to make the calls and tell them those sharing this special experience with them, were warmed about our Easter worship service. Our attendance was and moved by a new birth through water and the Spirit. up 144 percent this year. The pastor welcomed our brothers and sisters in Christ, who was Himself baptized. Those gathered sang, I Was There to Hear • Ask your congregation to bake cookies and divide up to write a Your Borning Cry, and the service ended with the benediction. personal note to every public employee in your area A reception honoring the celebrants was held after the baptism letting them know that their service to the community is service at Palmyra UMC. appreciated. Do the same for educational staff, day care programs, library, garbage service, nursing home staff, etc. taking one group on every other month. • Have folks bake a pie and bring it to the late shift workers at ... Put a little note with it saying that it is a free gift, just like the gift of God's love... we appreciate all you do while 5 September 2014 Page the world is at rest. • Go into the neighborhood of one of your church members and organize a block party where folks in the neighborhood can get together just to have fun. Block parties work for me – we have one every three months or so. It never ceases to amaze me how many new people there are in my neighborhood every time we have one of these (I live on post and we move a lot). We invite everybody from the neighborhood, and always a couple friends from church, and just have a big potluck/volleyball bash in the yard. Six Families from my neighborhood now attend New Hope, and my neighbor Rick, who has always been the guy with the sour face, started asking questions about baptism the other day.

6 September 2014 Page The United Methodist Church Non-profit Charlottesville District Office Organization U.S. POSTAGE 914 E. Jefferson St., Suite 104 PAID Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Permit No. 180 Charlottesville Va Email: [email protected]


Newsletter Deadline - September 15 Please send your submissions for the October 2014 issue of The Ambassador to Carol Frost at [email protected] by September 15.

The Ambassador by email If you would like to receive The Ambassador by email, or if your email address has changed recently, please send an email to the District Office with your request to [email protected].

Calendar of Events

September 19-20 VIM Recertification and Team Leader Training October 4 5 Talent Academy November 8 9:30AM-1:00PM District Conference and Training Sessions

7 September 2014 Page

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