The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

The Montagues The Capulets Lord Montague Lord Capulet Lady Montague Lady Capulet Romeo, son of Montague Juliet, daughter of Capulet Benvolio, nephew of Montague Tybalt, nephew of Capulet Balthasar, servant of Romeo Nurse, servant/nurse to Juliet Abram, servant to Montague Gregory, servant to Capulet Sampson, servant to Capulet Others

Prince Escalus, ruler of Verona Mercutio, kinsman of the Prince and friend of Romeo Friar Laurence, a Franciscan priest Friar John, another Franciscan priest Count Paris, a young nobleman, kinsman of the Prince Apothecary, local “pharmacist” Page to Paris Chief Watchman Three Musicians An Officer Chorus, (narrator) Citizens of Verona, Gentlemen and Gentlewomen of both houses, Maskers, Torchbearers, Pages, Guards, Watchmen, Servants, Attendants Time: The 14th Century Place: Verona; Mantua in northern Italy

Answer questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES and, of course, in your own words. Half credit will be given for incomplete sentences and NO credit will be given for answers that are worded the same as another student’s. Each question is worth one point unless otherwise indicated.

Prologue 1. Read the prologue given by the chorus. Describe an event that seems to be foreshadowed in this passage.

2. What is iambic pentameter?

3. Choose two lines from the prologue, write out each one and draw verticle lines in each phrase to show how iambic pentameter is counted here. (ex: A las, that love so gen tle in his view) 2 points

Act I, scene i 4. When joking with each other on p. 993, Gregory and Sampson use words that sound alike – collier, choler, collar . What is this technique called?

5. Sampson and Gregory have lines that are indicated as [Aside]. What is an “aside?”

6. On p. 995, describe the difference between Benvolio’s and Tybalt’s reactions to the fighting. What do their reactions reveal about their personalities? (2 points)

7. What does Prince Escalus promise will happen to Lord Capulet and Lord Montague if the fighting in the street continues?

8. Lord Montague and Benvolio discuss Romeo’s recent behavior. Describe in your words how he has been acting lately.

9. What does Romeo say is the cause of his recent behavior? 10. What is Benvolio’s advice?

Act I, scene ii 11. What does Paris ask of Lord Capulet?

12. Why does Lord Capulet encourage Paris to come to his party?

13. What is the servant’s problem with the list of names Lord Capulet has handed him?

14. Why does Benvolio encourage Romeo to go to the Capulet’s party?

Act I, scene iii 15. What is a foil? In this scene, which character serves as a good foil for Juliet? Explain. (2 points)

16. What does Lady Capulet ask Juliet to think about ? 17. Juliet responds, “I’ll look to like, if looking liking move.” What does this mean?

Act I, scene iv 18. Why won’t Romeo be recognized as a Montague when he attends the Capulet party (read the description before the scene’s lines begin)?

19. Read Romeo’s lines 114-120. What does he foreshadow?

Act I, scene V 20. Romeo sees Juliet for the first time across the crowded room. He speaks in rhymed couplets. Write out one of these couplets (choose from lines 49-58) and translate it into modern language. (2 pts.)

21. What does Tybalt intend to do when he hears Romeo’s voice?

22. What does Lord Capulet order Tybalt to do? 23. Romeo approaches Juliet and uses a metaphor to describe the two of them. To what does Romeo compare Juliet? To what does he compare himself? – lines 102-110. (2 pts).

24. What do Romeo and Juliet each learn about the other after they instantly fall in love?


Character Important Quote Summarize in no more than five sentences, the most important events of Act I






Act II, scene i 25. What are Benvolio and Mercutio teasing Romeo about?

Act II, scene ii 26. What is a soliloquy? 27. To what does Romeo compare Juliet in his famous soliloquy? Why would the moon be envious of her? (2 pts)

28. Juliet says the famous “O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore are thou Romeo?” Explain the full meaning of this line.

29. Explain Juliet’s comparison to Romeo and a rose. (lines 46-50)

30. Juliet wants Romeo’s word that is love is true. Why does she not want him to swear by the moon?

31. For what purpose will Romeo send for Juliet the next day at 9:00?

Act II, scene iii 32. After reading Friar Laurence’s soliloquy, what do we learn is Friar Laurence’s special skill? 33. What does Friar Laurence think of Romeo’s sudden affections for Juliet?

34. Why does the friar agree to marry Romeo and Juliet? (What does he hope the marriage will accomplish?)

Act II, scene iv 35. What has Tybalt now done after having seen Romeo at the Capulet party? Why is Romeo not aware of what Tybalt has done? (2 pts)

36. In lines 55-90, Mercutio and Romeo have a continuing battle of wits with the words “pump” and “goose.” What are these plays on words called?

37. Why is the nurse angry after meeting Mercutio and Benvolio?

38. According to Juliet’s nurse, how do Juliet’s affections for Romeo campare to her affections for Paris? Act II, scene v 39. Consider the interaction between the nurse and Juliet in this scene. How is the nurse teasing Juliet here?

40. What excuse will Juliet use in order to go to Friar Laurence’s for her wedding?

Act II, scene vi 41. What advice does Friar Laurence give to Romeo about love?

ACT II SUMMARY Character Important Quote

Summarize, in no more than five sentences, the most important events of Act II.





5. Act III, scene I 42. Mercutio is teasing Benvolio about being quick to pick a fight. Which of these two characters, in truth, would be more likely to start a fight?

43. Romeo enters and Tybalt insults him. Why does Romeo reply with patience? What reason does Romeo have to “love” Tybalt?

44. How does Mercutio manage to receive a fatal injury in the fight?

45. What does Romeo do to Tybalt after learning that Mercutio is dead?

46. What is Romeo’s punishment for slaying Tybalt?

Act III, scene ii 47. Juliet’s nurse enters to tell Juliet the news of Tybalt’s death. How does Juliet misinterpret the nurse’s message at first? 48. What will Juliet’s nurse do to try to comfort her?

Act III, scene iii 49. What is Romeo’s response when Friar Laurence informs him of his banishment?

50. In lines 152-158, Friar Laurence tries to reason with Romeo. What are three things that he says Romeo should be thankful for? (3 pts.)

51. What plan does Friar Laurence devise for Romeo to help him out of this situation?

Act III, scene iv 52. What has Lord Capulet decided regarding Juliet’s future?

Act III, scene v 53. As Romeo and Juliet part, Juliet sees a vision of the future (lines 55-58). Explain in your words what she sees. 54. In this scene, why is the conversation between Juliet and her mother so ironic?

55. Explain the double meaning in Juliet’s words in lines 135-140.

56. How does Lord Capulet respont when Juliet protests against her marriage to Paris?

57. What does the nurse advise Juliet to do?

58. Explain how Juliet’s relationship with her nurse changes at the end of this scene. ACT III SUMMARY

Character Important Quote

Summarize in no more than five sentences, the most important events of Act III


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Act IV, scene i 59. Friar Laurence and Paris discuss the upcoming wedding. What is Paris’ explanation for such a hasty marriage?

60. How do you think Juliet feels while speaking with Paris in this scene?

61. What does Juliet threaten to do if the Friar cannot help her out of this situation? 62. Explain in detail the plan that the friar devises to help Romeo and Juliet stay together. (2pts)

Act IV, scene ii 63. Why might Shakespeare have included this short exchange between Capulet and the servingman?

64. What does Lord Capulet decide about the Juliet and Paris’ wedding plans?

Act IV, scene iii 65. Describe Juliet’s thoughts as she considers drinking the potion the friar has made for her. (3 points)

Act IV, scene iv 66. This short scene simply shows preparations for the wedding and has no real significant meaning to the plot. Why would Shakespeare include such a scene? Act IV, scene v 67. As Lord and Lady Capulet grieve, what reasoning does Friar Laurence offer to comfort them? (lines 74-93)

68. How does Shakespeare lighten the heavy atmosphere at the end of this scene?


Character Important Quote Summarize in no more than five sentences the most important events of Act IV.






Act V, scene i 69. What did Romeo dream about the previous night?

70. After he hears of Juliet’s death, what does he decide to do? Act V, scene ii 71. Why didn’t Friar John deliver Friar Laurence’s important message to Romeo?

72. What will Friar Laurence do now ?

Act V, scene iii 73. When Romeo arrives at Juliet’s tomb, who is hiding inside?

74. Why does Romeo give Balthazar a letter to deliver to his father?

75. What two reasons does Romeo give to Balthazar about why he is going to Juliet’s tomb? (2pts)

76. What does Balthazar decide to do? 77. Why does Paris think that Romeo is at Juliet’s tomb?

78. In his speech before he dies, what does Romeo say about Juliet’s beauty?

79. After Juliet wakes, why is Friar Laurence so anxious to leave?

80. What does Juliet do when she realizes that Romeo has died and not left her any poison?

81. The watchmen, Prince Escalus, the Capulets and Lord Montague try to sort out what happened. What has happened to Lady Montague? 82. In lines 315-318, explain the irony in Prince Escalus’ statement, “See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love!” 83. What happens to the relationship between the Capulets and the Montagues?

84. What will Lord Capulet and Lord Montague do to honor their children’s memory? ACT V SUMMARY

Characters Important Quotations

Summarize in no more than five sentences the most important events of Act V.




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