Kansas Winter Bird Count

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Kansas Winter Bird Count

Kansas Winter Bird Count OBSERVERS:____in field in ____parties December 2011-January 2012 (non-owling), plus ____at feeders.

TIME and DISTANCE: ____hours ______feeders; ____hours and ____miles owling. Count name Total party-hours ____and party-miles ____. ____o____’N ____o ____’W Center as described _____, (first year described in KOS ____hours and ____miles on foot, Bulletin). ____hours and ____miles by car, At______If possible. Please type. If not, please use ______legible printing. ______Gr. White-fronted Goose ______Snow Goose, White Form ______Blue Form ______Briefly describe center and, IF NEW, give Ross’s Goose ______detailed description. Cackling Goose ______Canada Goose ______Dec____; Jan ____; ____a.m. to ____p.m. Trumpeter Swan ______Tundra Swan ______Temp. ____o to ____oF. Wind Dir. ____, swan species ______Wood Duck ______Gadwall ______Wind Speed ____mph Am. Wigeon ______Am. Black Duck ______Snow ____ inches. Mallard ______Blue-winged Teal ______Draw lines through inappropriate words. Northern Shoveler ______Leave others untouched. Northern Pintail ______Green-winged Teal ______Still water: partly open frozen. Canvasback ______Redhead ______Moving water: partly open frozen. Ring-necked Duck ______Greater Scaup ______A.M. : partly clear cloudy foggy light Lesser Scaup ______heavy rain snow ______Scoter ______Long-tailed Duck ______Bufflehead ______P.M. : partly clear cloudy foggy light Common Goldeneye ______heavy rain snow Barrow’s Goldenye ______(Use numerals in following spaces. Hooded Merganser ______Remember that hours at feeders and hours Common Merganser ______and miles owling are distinct and separate) Red-breasted Merganser ______Ruddy Duck ______Rock Pigeon ______Scaled Quail ______Eur. Collared Dove ______Northern Bobwhite ______Mourning Dove ______Ring-necked Pheasant ______Dove ______Greater Prairie-Chicken ______Barn Owl ______Lesser Prairie-Chicken ______E. Screech Owl ______Wild Turkey ______Great Horned Owl ______Common Loon ______Barred Owl ______Loon ______Long-eared Owl ______Pied-billed Grebe ______Short-eared Owl ______Horned Grebe ______Owl ______Western Grebe ______Belted Kingfisher ______Am. White Pelican ______Red-headed Woodpecker ______Double-crested Cormorant ______Red-bellied Woodpecker ______Great Blue Heron ______Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ______Bald Eagle (total) ______Ladder-backed Woodpecker ______Adults ______Downy Woodpecker ______Immatures ______Hairy Woodpecker ______Northern Harrier ______N. Flicker ______Sharp-shinned Hawk ______Yellow-shafted ______Cooper’s Hawk ______Red-shafted ______N. Goshawk ______Pileated Woodpecker ______Accipiter sp. ______Loggerhead Shrike ______Red-shouldered Hawk ______Northern Shrike ______Red-tailed Hawk ______Blue Jay ______Red-tailed (Harlan’s) Hawk ______W. Scrub-Jay ______Ferruginous Hawk ______Black-billed Magpie ______Rough-legged Hawk ______American Crow ______Buteo sp. ______Horned Lark ______Golden Eagle ______Carolina Chickadee ______Am. Kestrel ______Black-capped Chickadee ______Merlin ______Mountain Chickadee ______Peregrine Falcon ______Tufted Titmouse ______Prairie Falcon ______Bushtit ______Virginia Rail ______Red-breasted Nuthatch ______White-breasted Nuthatch ______Am. Coot ______Brown Creeper ______Sandhill Crane ______Carolina Wren ______Killdeer ______Bewick’s Wren ______Wilson’s Snipe ______Winter Wren ______Marsh Wren ______Bonaparte’s Gull ______Wren ______Ring-billed Gull ______Golden-crowned Kinglet ______Herring Gull ______Ruby-crowned Kinglet ______Gull ______Eastern Bluebird ______Mountain Bluebird ______blackbird sp. ______Townsend’s Solitaire ______Purple Finch ______Hermit Thrush ______House Finch ______American Robin ______Red Crossbill ______N. Mockingbird ______Pine Siskin ______Brown Thrasher ______American Goldfinch ______Curve-billed Thrasher ______Evening Grosbeak ______European Starling ______House Sparrow ______Pipit ______Cedar Waxwing ______Any birds that have not been covered in the Lapland Longspur ______above list should be added at this point. Chestnut-collared Longspur ______Smith’s Longspur ______McCown’s Longspur ______longspur sp. ______Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler ______Warbler ______Spotted Towhee ______Eastern Towhee ______American Tree Sparrow ______Field Sparrow ______Lark Bunting ______Savannah Sparrow ______Fox Sparrow ______Song Sparrow ______Lincoln’s Sparrow ______Swamp Sparrow ______White-throated Sparrow ______Total Species ______Harris’s Sparrow ______Total Individuals ______White-crowned Sparrow ______Sparrow ______Additional species seen in count circle Dark-eyed Junco ______count week but not on count day: Slate-colored Junco ______Oregon Junco ______Pink-sided Junco ______White-winged Junco ______Northern Cardinal ______Red-winged Blackbird ______Eastern Meadowlark ______Western Meadowlark ______meadowlark sp. ______Rusty Blackbird ______Brewer’s Blackbird ______Common Grackle ______Great-tailed Grackle ______Brown-headed Cowbird ______LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER

Compiler: ______Telephone Number:______E-mail:______

Please return by January 11, 2011 to: Max C. Thompson 1729 E. 11th Ave., Winfield, KS 67156 Email: [email protected]

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at any time. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Telephone: (580) 628-6482 (w), 620-660-0547 (c)

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