PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Dean, Duval, Eaton, Gourdeau, Lydon, Mahoney

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PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Dean, Duval, Eaton, Gourdeau, Lydon, Mahoney


LOCATION: Airport Administration Building, 50 L. P. Henderson Road, Beverly, MA, 01915

PRESENT: Commissioners Brean, Gentile, Lund, Nelson, Dullea, Wadsworth, and Trefry.

ABSENT: Commissioner Forgione.

PUBLIC: Ace and Charlene Chase (Cat Aviation), Nick Burlingham and John Messenger (NAA), Craig Schuster (ASG), Richard Little (Flight4CF), Wes Rosen (Beverly Tower), Paul Beaulieu (Avier), Joe Gibbons (North Shore Aero Club), Harry Spilotis, and Fuzzy Faulstich. ______


Commissioner Trefry called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Reading of the Minutes for November 2017 – Brean motion to accept the minutes, Lund seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

3. Reading of the Financial Report for October 2017 – Airport Manager Snuck presented the financial report for November 2017. He reported that the BAC account had $569,076.89 posted from the sale of the Tom Ford property. Fund balance is $87,260.59

Snuck also reported that landing fees are doing well and the fuel flowage is up over last year and traffic counts are stable noting that the figures shown do not represent the month of December and estimated that there should be a slight increase in traffic counts for the year.

It was asked if there was any overflow due to the Hanscom runway closure. Snuck states it is hard to tell noting that it was the short runway at Hanscom that was closed.

Commissioner Trefry made a motion to accept the financial report. Commissioner Gentile seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

4. Presentation(s) – Craig Schuster from Airport Solutions Group updated the Commission on the status of miscellaneous engineering and planning projects: RW9 Easements, Wildlife Hazard Assessment/Hazard Assessment Plan, and ALP Update for Non-Standard Geometry.

Chairman’s Report – No report this evening.

Commissioner Trefry introduced two new members of the Commission to the group. Tracy Wadsworth of Danvers addressed the Commission and notes that she is an Emergency Planner for the MWRA who lives across the airport field and she is looking forward to working with the Commission.


Attorney Scott Dullea of Beverly addressed the Commission and notes that he is a local Attorney and former Beverly City Councilor. He notes that he is looking forward to working with the Commission.

Eileen Sacco will now be the person doing the minutes of the BAC meetings.


1. Sub-Committee Reports:

a. Property/Legal/Finance/Noise Abatement – Paul Trefry. Nothing new to report.

b. Facility Maintenance/45 L. P. Henderson Road – The City still needs to construct bathrooms. There is an ongoing issue with the lease.

The City rehabbed two buildings on Nike Road. Discussion on the various scenarios of the length of leases noting that a lease beyond 10 years does not make sense. It was noted that the city is pushing for a twenty year lease.

The FAA will be holding a meeting at the Beverly Airport on February 14, 2018 with the City Solicitor and Kevin Harutunian regarding the leasing of Building 45. Snuck feels that the meeting on the 14th will address the lease assurances.

Snuck reported that there are two people interested in the restaurant space.

c. Website Management – Charlene Chase has agreed to manage the website. It is important to preserve the website domain.

It was reported that Greg Wyler has made a significant investment in the airport and has proposed a Technology Satellite Company.

d. Public Relations – Karen Nelson. – Nelson requested a better definition of her role regarding public relations. She notes that Diane Langlais is interested in a tour of the airport and suggests that the BAC host a night for the three towns housing the airport to tour the facilities and get a better idea of what is happening at the airport.

Messenger reported that he met with Mayor Cahill and they discussed the 100-foot runway. He states that he implored the Mayor to support this noting that we need to be able to fix problems.

Messenger reported that the Mayor noted that in the past the BAC has been more autonomous, and he wants it to be more interactive with the City. He also reported that the Mayor agreed to tour the airport and meet with the members of the Board on January 7, 2018.

Snuck reported that he has not had a noise complaint in two months.


John Messenger reported that he has a suggestion for cleaning up the corner lot at Burley Street and plant shrubs and install picnic tables. He notes that he has seen a teeter totter that is a helicopter that would be nice to have in that area. He states that the goal is to make it family friendly. John Messenger states that the neighbors have embraced the work so far as a positive improvement. Messenger states that if liability becomes an issue North Atlantic will put it on their insurance. It was suggested that a presentation on the project be given at the next meeting.

e. Safety and Security RFP’s – Peter Gentile – Suggests that new member Tracy Wadsworth would be a great addition to the safety and security sub-committee noting her experience with the MWRA.

Snuck reported that the contract and security plan for Galaxy is ready to go. He notes that there will be training for all fire departments. He notes that the gates will be activated by the departments with the siren.

Snuck reported that the ACE gate has not been working in a couple of weeks due to problems with ice. He notes that he is concerned about deer getting out onto the runways. He states that he is willing to pay to get it fixed but the subcontractor does not want to go over the contractor’s head. He notes that Beverly Overhead Door fixed it before at a cost of $5,000.

f. Airport Layout Plan – Paul Brean – No report

g. Special Projects – John Lund – No report



 ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Paul Brean was nominated to serve as Chair of the BAC for the year 2018. Trefry seconds the nomination. A vote was taken and Paul Brean was elected to serve as Chair for 2018.

Paul Trefry was nominated to serve as Vice Chair of the BAC for the year 2018. Lund seconds the motion. A vote was taken and Paul Trefry was elected to serve as Vice Chair of the BAC for the year 2018.

 Kim Croft’s Upgrade Snuck reported that the upgrade for Croft has been supported by the Union and has gone through the appropriate channels. He notes that the agreement is sitting on the Mayor’s desk waiting for approval. He notes that Ms. Croft will not start to work full time until this is resolved. He explains that she is currently working 25 hours per week and will be increasing her hours to 35 hours per week when this is approved.

 Brean suggests that he would like to meet with the Mayor on a regular basis regarding Airport issues. He notes that he wants to work on the Assistant Airport Manager position and the Operations and Maintenance Positions. 3 BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2017

 Runway Width Justification. We need more letter of support for this application.

 Snuck reported that he did a study on increasing the landing fees and reported on the projections for the proposed increases. He reported that the estimated revenue projections would be $11,112.81 from $7,018.62 for an increase to $3.50 per thousand pounds MTOW and $19,455.20 from 12,287.49 for an increase to $4.00. Brean stated that he would like to see business mature before raising the fees.

 Office Space Request for Proposal – The RFP for the office space is siting in city hall awaiting preparation.

 Commercial Activity Fee/Concessionaire Fee and Insurance Requirement – Snuck reports that if the airport usage fee is changed to a total of 10% fee of the total bill it would help everyone based here and liability insurance would be required. Motion by Trefry to institute a commercial activity fee, seconded by Lund. Passed all in favor. Need to explore how to institute the new fee.


 No comments


Brean stated that he would like to thank the former Chairman for all of his hard work and dedication on behalf of the BAC.

Brean stated that he would like to revive the tradition of the last meeting in December be a meeting and a holiday celebration for the BAC.

Brean noted that there is a guest at the meeting this evening and introduced Harry Spilliotis. Mr. Spilliotis presented the BAC with a framed photograph of an aircraft for the Commission to hang at the airport. Mr. Spilliotis addressed the Commission and reminisced about his day’s growth up near Beverly Airport and his experiences in the Navy.


Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Dullea at 7:50 PM, seconded by Commissioner Trefry. Motion passed unanimously with all in favor.

Clerk of Meeting: Eileen Sacco


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