Purpose of Query

Mod Accrual and Mod Cash period report - Query to capture Mod Cash and Mod Accrual posted total amounts by Deptid, Fund, Sid, Account, Fiscal Year. The query provides a range of accounting periods within a fiscal year.




CTW_LED_BAL - Ledger Balances Rpt


DEPTID - DeptID – (Wildcard enabled) FUND_CODE - Fund Code = - (Equal To) CT_SID - SID is Like (%) – (Wildcard enabled) ACCOUNT - Acct is Like (%) – (Wildcard enabled) FISCAL_YEAR - Fiscal Year = - (Equal To) ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - Period From / ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - Period To – (Between condition where 1 equals July and 12 equals June) Criteria

.LEDGER - Ledger in list ('MOD_ACCRL','MOD_CASH') A.BUSINESS_UNIT - Business Unit equal to STATE – (general ledger business unit)

Note: Runtime prompts are included as criteria.


Co Record.Fieldname Format Or XLAT Agg Heading Text l d 1 A.LEDGER - Ledger Char10 Ledger 2 A.DEPTID - Department Char10 DeptID 3 A.FUND_CODE - Fund Code Char5 Fund 4 A.CT_FUND_DESCR - Fund Code Char30 Fund Descr Description 5 A.CT_SID - SID Char5 SID 6 A.CT_SID_DESCR - SID Description Char30 SID Description 7 A.ACCOUNT - Account Char10 Acct 8 A.CT_GL_ACC_DESCR - GL Account Char30 GL Acct Descr Description 9 A.PROGRAM_CODE - Program Code Char5 Program 10 A.BUDGET_REF - Budget Reference Char8 Bud Ref 11 A.PROJECT_ID - Project Char15 Project 12 A.FISCAL_YEAR - Fiscal Year Num4.0 Year 13 A.ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - Accounting Num3.0 Period Period 14 A.LEDGER_GROUP - Ledger Group Char10 Ledger Grp 15 A.POSTED_TOTAL_AMT - Posted Total SNm25.3 Total Amt Amount