ABS Reading List

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ABS Reading List

ABS Reading List

1. Ray Worthy Campbell, R e th i n k ing R e gula t ion and Inno v at i on in t he U.S. Legal S e r v ic e s M ark e t, New York University Journal of Law and Business, Forthcoming. Available from SSRN at: ht t p : / /pap e rs. s srn. c om / sol3 / p a p e rs. c fm ? a bstr ac t_ i d = 2018056.

2. Susan Fortney and Tahlia Gordon, Adopting L aw F i rm M anag e m e nt S y st e ms to Survi v e and T hriv e : A Study of the A u st r al i an Approa c h to Mana g e m e nt - Ba s e d R e gula t io n , January 22, 2013, St. Thomas Law Rev., Forthcoming, Hofstra Univ. Legal Studies Research Paper No. 13-02. Available from SSRN at: ht t p: / /pap e rs.ss r n. c om / sol 3 /pap e rs. c fm ? a bstr ac t_ i d = 220530 1 .

3. Jordan Furlong, A BS in C anada? Closer than you m ight th i n k , Published November 7, 2013, Law21.ca

4. Gillian K. Hadfield, The Cost of Law: Promoting A cce ss t o J ust ic e through the Corporate Pra c t i c e of L a w , November 2012, USC CLEO Research Paper No. C12-16 and USC Law Studies Paper No. 12-26. Available from SSRN at: ht t p: / /pap e rs.ss r n. c om / sol3 / p a p e rs. c fm ? a bstr ac t_ i d = 218397 8 .

5. Edward M. Iacobucci and Michael J. Trebilcock, An Economic Analysis of Alternative Business Structures for the Practice of Law. Paper commissioned by the Law Society of Upper Canada for the Alternative Business Structures symposium held on October 4, 2013.

6. Malcolm Mercer, Utopi a , D y stop i a a n d Alternat i v e Business Stru c ture s , Published November 11, 2013, Slaw.ca.

7. Amy Salyzyn, R e gula t ing L aw Pra c t i ce s as Enti t i e s: Is the W ho l e Gr e ater T han the Sum of Its Parts? Published November 29, 2013, Slaw.ca.

8. Noel Semple, A c c e ss t o J ust i ce : I s L e gal Ser v i c e s R e gula t ion Blo ck ing t he Path? July 30, 2013, Available from SSRN at ht t p: / /pap e rs.ss r n. c om / sol3 / p a p e rs. c fm ? a bstr ac t_ i d = 230398 7 .

9. Laurel S. Terry, T r e nds in Global and C anadian L awy e r R e gula t io n , Sask. Law Rev. 2013 Vol. 76. Available from SSRN at: ht t p: / /pap e rs.ss r n. c om / sol3 / p a p e rs. c fm ? a bstr ac t_ i d = 226056 0 .

10. Richard Devlin and Ora Morison, Access to Justice and the Ethics and Politics of Alternative Business Structures, Canadian Bar Review, 2012 Vol. 91 No. 3. Available at http://www.cba.org/cba_barreview/Search.aspx?VolDate=04%2f01%2f2014

11. Mitch Kowalski, How to Make a Law Firm Float: Some lessons from the world’s first publicly traded law firm on what the future may hold for Canadian firms, Canadian Bar Association January/February 2014.

12. Susan Fortney, The Role of Ethics Audits in Improving Management Systems and Practices: An Empirical Examination of Management-Based Regulation of Law Firms. St. Mary’s Law Journal Symposium on Legal Ethics and Malpractice (2014). Available from SSRN at http://ssrn.com/abstract=2375219.

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