Sample Procedures to Teach for the First Week of School

First Day Procedures

-What students should do when they walk in the room on the first day -What to do with school supplies they’ve brought (for now) (Students do Morning Work while teacher takes attendance, finds out how students are getting home after school) -Quiet signals (clicker, hand signal, bell, etc.) -What students are to do when they want your attention -What to do when the bell rings/announcements/the pledge begins -Bathroom/hand washing/getting a tissue/drinks procedures -What to do with trash (when to throw away and where) -Pencil sharpening procedures -Friday Folders/Works in progress (put Morning Work inside) -How to pass out papers (for the next activity) -What to do if you don’t get a paper or have extras (Getting to Know You activity such as Name Scavenger Hunt) -How to pass in papers (from last activity) and where completed papers go -How to move from desks to rug and how to sit on rug -Intro class rules/behavior system/rewards and consequences -Intro procedures for ‘following along’ during instruction (Teach a short interactive lesson, such as Daily Language Review, to break up procedural information) -Go through school supplies (put in desks/collect extras) -Teach desk organization -Explain and choose class jobs -Discuss lining up and hallway expectations, how to hold door (Specials Classes) -Procedures for staying ‘on-task’ during independent work (Inventory test/baseline assessment for math) -Introduce agendas, homework routines, Home-School Folders -Review lining up, hallway procedures -Lunch procedures (Lunch) -Teach playground rules (Recess) -Intro forms to be signed and put in Home-School Folder -Dismissal procedures and keeping quiet when the loudspeaker comes on

Second Day Procedures

-Review what students should do when they walk in the room on the first day (Students do Morning Work while teacher takes attendance and attends to misc. tasks) -Review what to do when the bell rings/announcements/the pledge begins -Review quiet signals (clicker, hand signal, bell, etc.) -Review bathroom/hand washing/getting a tissue/drinks procedures -Review pencil sharpening procedures -Discuss tardy procedures -Where to find assignments if students have been absent -Review procedures for ‘following along’ (Teach short reading lesson: explain how students are to show that they understand something, choral response, individual response) -Watch Code of Conduct video and discuss -Read a book about making good choices and discuss -Review class rules/behavior system (Spelling lesson) -Review lining up/hallway procedures (Specials) -Intro math warm-up procedures -Review procedures for ‘following along’ (Math lesson) -How to head papers -Procedures for staying ‘on-task’ during independent work (Baseline writing assessment) -Review how to pass in papers -Review lunch procedures (Lunch) -Review recess rules (Recess) -Review procedures for ‘following along’ (Science lesson) -Review dismissal procedures

Third Day Procedures:

-Continue with procedures already put in place with continual modeling and reinforcement -Intro class library -Intro writing workshop format, practice independent writing, what to do with journals -Review respect and intro ‘supportiveness’ in preparation for cooperative learning

Fourth Day Procedures:

-Continue modeling/reinforcement for routines and play procedures game (see Ch. 9) -What to do during emergency drills -Intro regular academic routines such as Mountain Math and mad minute fact drills -Intro procedures for ‘working together’ and give a partner assignment at desks

Fifth Day Procedures:

-Continue modeling/reinforcement for routines and play procedures game -Review behavior plan and Friday reward -Review ‘working together’ and do another lesson that includes cooperative work (pairs)

As Needed: Going to the office (nurse) Finding directions for each assignment Getting materials without disturbing others When visitors are in the classroom If the teacher is out of the classroom Saying ‘Excuse me’ If a student is suddenly ill and what constitutes an emergency Social expectations and manners (i.e., saying thank you, not interrupting conversations)