Drill and Cermonies s1

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Drill and Cermonies s1

I. Procedure

All written exams, manipulative exams, and performance evaluations shall be carried out according to this procedure.

II. Explanation

A. Written Exams

Written exam may be administered in printed format or computer based format. All block exams are administered in computer based format and are administered in the GCC computer lab.

III. 1. Quiz Written quizzes are given to measure the student’s progressive performance. Quizzes are intended to provide the student with a measure of their progress. Quizzes are developed, administered, scored, and reviewed by the Primary Instructor. Quiz scores are not used to calculate ranking, grades, or averages.

IV. 2. Certification Exam Written certification exams consists of at least 50 multiple- choice, true/false, and/or matching. Certification exams are given at the end of each certification course and is required by the certification agency.

A certification exam differs from a Quiz or Block Exam in that it is an evaluation of the student’s knowledge of a particular subject matter that has been offered as a Specialized Certification Class i.e. OSFM FSTEP, C.S.T.I., or other accredited courses that requires passing a certification exam. Passing scores for certification exams are 80%, regardless of the minimum passing score for the certifying agency.

V. 3. Block Exam

1 VI. Block exams consists of at least 100 multiple-choice, true/false, Fill-in, and/or matching questions. Written block exams are administered on computer in the GCC computer lab. The purpose of the block exam is to measure student knowledge of all subjects taught up to and including a specific block of instruction i.e. Block 1, 2, 3 and 4. Block exams usually consist of questions from instruction given during that block of instruction in addition to all previous block exams, certification exams, and quizzes. .

B. Manipulative Exams

VII. 1. Tasks and Operations Tasks are individual manipulative skills that are essential to the skills needed to be successful as a fire fighter. The skills are outlined by the OSFM from the OSFM Fire Fighter I Curriculum and the Fundamentals of Firefighter skills. These skills are detailed and listed in the VFA Training Record / Task Book. There are over 250 skills that the student must demonstrate proficiency before he/she qualifies for block completion.

Manipulative skills are evaluated on a daily basis. The teaching and evaluation of manipulative skills and operations is as follows; a. Skill presentation – Instructor presents the skill to the Cadets in the drill yard setting. b. Skill demonstration – Instructor demonstrates the skill to the Cadets slowly, step by step, and at real time c. Skill Application – Cadets practice the skill under Instructor guidance. Cadets will receive adequate time to practice skill before being evaluated. Remedial training may be available upon request from a Cadet d. Skill Evaluation – The student demonstrates proficient performance of the skill in the testing environment with no input from the proctor.

2 Skills are Pass/Fail. All skills taught within a particular block must be performed to a proficient level by the Cadet to qualify for completion of the block. Any Cadet that has not completed a skill or skills within a block either due to absence or ability may be released from the program.

VIII. 2. Manipulative Skills Exams (Block Exams) At the conclusion of each block Cadets will be tested on a selection of skills that have been taught through the course. This may include skills from previous blocks. Cadets must successfully perform each skill to a minimum standard of 80% (proficient). The Manipulative Final Exam consists of a multitude of manipulative skills and operations that have been taught throughout the program. The MFE is administered in Block 4 and is intended to measure the student’s psychomotor terminal performance. The MFE is a combination of over 40 skills that the Cadet must put together into one continuous evolution. This ‘evolution’ is time based and has point value assigned. This exam measures primarily the Cadets ability to function independently and multi-task. The skills on this exam consist of a portion of those skills taught in the several disciplines taught over the entire course of the program.

C. Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct is an evaluation of the student’s overall work ethic. Students are evaluated on a daily basis. Evaluation in this area includes; a. The student’s ability to follow direction and the rules and regulations of the VFA and GCC b. Self-discipline c. Responsibility, reliability, professionalism, demeanor d. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

3 e. Study habits, organizational skills, time management f. Leadership ability g. Interpersonal skills h. Overall attitude. Cadet sub-standard performance during the testing process is another element of the Code of Conduct evaluation category. Cadets that fail to meet the minimum standard during testing are issued a deficiency notice.

Sub-standard code of conduct is documented using the gig report, counseling form, and the deficiency notice.

1. Gig Report – (-1 point per gig report issued) Gigs are issued by Staff as the result of sub-standard code of conduct or performance on the part of the Cadet. The Gig is issued for minor offenses that are not necessary spelled out in policy OR for minor uniform violations. A gig report may also be issued when a Cadet demonstrates sub-standard knowledge on a particular topic or subject that he/she should have knowledge of from a previous lesson.

Gig report length depends on the nature of the offense. Generally, gig reports are a minimum of 1-page for first offense violations. Report length may double for a second similar offense or if the gig report is re-assigned. For example first gig report for a particular offense = 1-page, 2nd gig report for the same offense = 2-pages, 3rd gig report for the same offense = 4-pages, etc. Repeat offenses of significant nature will result in a deficiency notice.

Gig reports are issued for the following;

a. Sub-standard uniform or PPE b. An explanation or clarification of the cadets understanding of a policy, procedure, technical subject matter, or concept. i.e. ‘Why it is important to follow directions’, “why accountability is important in the fire service’, etc.

4 2. Cadet Counseling - The Cadet counseling form is used to document counseling. Counseling may occur at anytime Staff identifies that a Cadet is not performing to standard and additional guidance/coaching is necessary to improve Cadet performance. Cadet counseling is not intended to be disciplinary in nature and has no bearing on the Cadets code of conduct score. Cadets may request counseling using the Cadet memo.

3. Deficiency Notice – (-2 points from the code of conduct score per deficiency notice). The deficiency notice is issued by Staff as the result of sub-standard code of conduct or significant violations of GCC / VFA policy on the part of the Cadet.

The deficiency notice usually follows the gig and counseling report however it is not necessary for significant violations or policy.

4. Code of Conduct Credits (+ 1 point per incident). COCC’s may be issued by staff to Cadets for outstanding leadership or performance above and beyond that expected of a cadet given a particular situation and may be given at any time.

a. COCC’s may be given for behavior both on and off duty from the VFA that reflects positively on the VFA, GCC, and the Fire Service

b. Cadets that effectively serve in the role of Cadet BC, Platoon Leader, Guide, Sergeant at Arms, or any other cadet officer assignment are eligible for COCC’s.

VFA Drill Officers may issue credits at their discretion. COCC’s must be approval of the FAC at the end of each block after review of cadet officer performance throughout the block.

5 c. Cadets may earn 1 COCC for each VFA recruitment event for outstanding performance during the event as observed by the attending VFA Instructor. This COCC is in addition to the service credits earned for time worked.

d. A maximum of 10% extra credit (10 credits) can be applied to the code of conduct score. This does not mean that only a maximum of 10 credits can be earned throughout the program.

e. It is the responsibility of the staff issuing credits to inform the Cadet that COCC’s have been issued as well as inputting credits into the Cadet’s computer profile for calculations.

D. Uniform

The Cadet uniform is inspected on a daily basis with 4 formal uniform inspections through the program. Cadets may receive a uniform gig (-1 point) for presenting a sub-standard uniform at any time. A deficiency notice will be issued for presenting an incomplete, severely sub-standard, or repeat offense uniform violation at any time during the program including the formal uniform inspection.

1. There are 4 formal Uniform Inspections throughout the program. Each formal uniform inspection is near the end of each block.

2. Failure of a formal uniform inspection (<80%) will result in a DN being issued. (see formal uniform rating form).

3. If a Cadet fails the initial formal uniform inspection he/she will be given one additional opportunity to be inspected on a date to be determined by Staff.

4. The score that is posted for the re-take is the actual score earned not to exceed 80%

6 IX. E. Attendance

X. The basic Fire Academy Program consists of 920 hours of training. The program meets Thursday evenings from 1800-2200 hours and Saturday and Sunday from 0800-1700 hours for 12 consecutive months. Cadets can miss no more than 92 hours of class to qualify for completion of the program. XI. XII. Cadets shall not miss more than 10% of hours per term/block. See PP4 Attendance for more detailed explanation.

XIII. Cadets are given a perfect attendance score at the beginning of the program. Students are deducted time (in minutes) for any missed class time for any reason. The attendance score is used to calculate overall ranking, grades, and percentages.

1. Service Credits – Service credits can be earned by Cadets for volunteer/community service hours given to a charitable organization or the Verdugo Fire Academy (i.e. recruitment events, Area C department details, etc.)

a. Service credits are earned in the amount of 1-credit per every two hours of service and applied to the attendance score. b. Service credits are given by Staff only and inputted into the Cadets computer profile upon completion of service and submission of the service log. c. Performing service does not necessarily guarantee service credits. Prior Staff approval should be obtained to guarantee eligibility for credits. d. Cadet may earn A maximum of 4 credits per 24 hour period (day)

7 e. A maximum of 10% extra credit (92 credits or 184 hours of service) can be applied to the attendance score. f. Service Credits are only used as a means to improve the attendance score/average. Service credits are not considered when evaluating actual attendance i.e. perfect attendance or maximum hours a Cadet can miss.

F. Cadet Notebook and Back-pack

Students are encouraged to maintain a notebook throughout the basic Fire Academy Program. The student notebook should include class notes, handout materials and manuals distributed from staff and Instructors. Cadets are required to have materials necessary to take written notes with them while in the classroom setting (didactic) as we all while on the training grounds. Any Cadet presenting a notebook shall follow the following criteria; a. Clean / neat b. Organized c. Professional appearance d. Uniformity (Any Cadets using a notebook for materials and class notes shall use a BLACK three ring binder with their name on the spine (last name, first initial). This name shall be uniform to all other Cadets notebook.

1. Cadets are permitted to take class notes on laptop as long as it does not disrupt the class and the student limits lap top use to note taking only.

2. Cadets are encouraged to maintain a digital notebook with class notes, research information, PowerPoint’s, and any other digital formatted information pertinent to academy training.

3. Cadets shall keep all class materials and personal materials in the VFA approved back-pack. Class materials include: 3.i. Computers, writing materials, recording materials, etc)

8 4. Cadets shall keep all personal items in the VFA approved back- pack. Personal items include; 4.i. Wallets, keys, phones, drinking water, etc.

XIV. Grading and Examination Standards for Written Exams (Certification Exams and Block Exams)

A. Block Exams will be given at the end of every major block of instruction. They will consist of a minimum of 100 multiple choice, fill-in, and/or essay questions. These exams will be used to accurately assess the Cadet’s knowledge. Cadets must pass all Block Exams with a score of not less than 80%.

1. If a Cadet fails a Block Exam, he/she will be dismissed from the program and given a grade of ‘F’ for the term (i.e. Fire 116, 117, 118, or 119.

a. If the Cadet does not achieve a minimum score of 80% on a initial or make-up block exam, the Cadet will be dismissed from the Academy Program.

2. If a cadet is absent on the day a Block Exam is administered, a zero will be posted as the score for that exam. The Cadet shall make a written request (Cadet Memo) to take a make-up of a missed Block Exam and submit said memo upon returning for duty on the next schedule day of class.

B. Certification Exams will be given at the end of every specialty course. Certification Exams consist of at least 50 multiple choice, fill-in, and/or essay questions. Cadets must pass all certification exams with a score of not less than 80%.

9 a. If a Cadet fails a certification exam, he/she will only be allowed one (1) retake.

b. If a Cadet fails a certification exam, he/she will be issued a deficiency notice.

c. The recorded score for the retake shall be no more than the minimum passing score – 80%.

d. If the Cadet does not achieve a minimum score of 80% on the retake exam, the Cadet will be dismissed from the Academy Program.

e. If a cadet is absent on the day a certification exam is administered, a zero will be posted as the score for that exam until such time that the Cadet successfully completes the test.

The following is a list of certification exams given throughout the program (other exams may be added);

1. FSTEP – Fire Control (Includes FC1, 2, 3, and 4) 2. FSTEP – Vehicle Extrication 3. FSTEP – Confined Space Rescue Awareness 4. FSTEP – Trench Rescue Operational 5. FSTEP – Rescue Systems 1 6. FSTEP – Low Angle Rope Rescue 7. FSTEP – Firefighter Safety and Survival 8. IAFF – Firefighter Safety and Survival 9. FEMA IS-00100 (on-line course) 10. FEMA IS-00200 11. FEMA IS-00700 12. FEMA IS-00800 13. Cal-EMA HazMat First Responder Awareness/Operations 14. Cal-EMA HazMat First Responder Operations Decon 15. Cal-EMA HazMat First Responder Operations – Weapons of Mass Destruction 16. CFFJAC FRO Terrorism Consequence Management 17. New Mexico Tech Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings Awareness Level

10 18. CSTI – Hazardous Materials First Responder Operational 19. NWCG S-190 – Introduction to Wild Land Fire Behavior

Additional Tests may be given at the discretion of VFA Staff.

C. Quizzes Consist of at least 10-50 multiple choice questions. Quizzes may be administered by the Primary Instructor at anytime. Quizzes are not scored by VFA Staff nor used to calculate ranking, grades, or averages.

1. Deficiency Notices are not given for failure of quizzes.

2. Quizzes are designed to provide the Cadet with a tool that measures their understanding and retention of a given topic.

3. Quizzes give the Cadet a general measure of their probability of success on the Written Block Exam.

4. Questions are often taken from the quizzes for the block exam.

XV. Make-up (missed) and Re-take (failed) Written Exams

This section does not apply to written, oral, or manipulative quizzes.

Make-up Exam – Cadet was absent on the date and time the exam was administered.

Re-Take Exam – A Test that the cadet failed and must be retaken.

11 A. Any make-up exam shall be made up no later than the next day of class attended. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Academy Staff.

B. All re-take written exams will be given the following weekend (Thursday evening) or at a time determined by the Academy Staff. This will give the Cadet the week to focus on weaknesses.

C. All make-up exams (exams that were missed due to tardy or absence) are the responsibility of the Cadet to request to take said exam (using the Cadet Memo) upon returning to duty. It will be at the discretion of the Staff and operational situation when a make-up exam will be administered.

D. Once a Cadet makes a written request to make-up a missed exam (using the Cadet Memo), it is the Cadets responsibility to follow-up with Staff each duty day until the make-up exam is administered.

F. If a cadet fails to make a written request to take a missed or retake exam prior to the last day of the block, the Cadet will receive a posted score of ‘0’ for that exam and will be dismissed from the program.

G. The maximum posted score for any re-take or make-up written exam is 80%

V. Grading and Examination Standards for Manipulative Block Exams and Skills including certification courses

Cadets cannot miss a manipulative skills block exam. Cadets must participate fully in all manipulative skills block exams. Any Cadet that does not participate fully will be given a ‘fails to meet standard’ for the skill(s) missed and will be dismissed from the program.

A. All Manipulative Skills outlined in the California State Fire Marshal’s (CSFM) Firefighter I training record (CSFM FFI / Appendix A / January 2002) will be graded as Pass / Fail throughout the program based on the Cadets ability to proficiently perform the skills required.

12 B. All Cadets shall successfully demonstrate a competent level of performance on all manipulative skills to be eligible for the Certificate of Completion. FFI Training Record must be complete.

C. Manipulative skills will be administered and evaluated on an ongoing basis throughout the course.

D. All manipulative skills will be evaluated per the CSFM Firefighter I and the Fundamentals of Firefighter Skills Curriculums. Once a competence level of performance on a manipulative skill whether it be from the FFI curriculum or one of the specialty courses is demonstrated, the Cadet shall maintain the same minimum level of competency for that skill throughout the program. In other words, Cadets may be issued a Gig, or DN for sub-standard performance on a skill at any time following the initial evaluation of the skill. This includes Manipulative skill block exams.

E. Any Cadet that does NOT successfully complete all manipulative tasks within a block by the end of said Block, whether it be due to absence or ability, will be dismissed from the Program. This includes all skills outlined in the VFA Task Book / Training Record and the Course Syllabus.

F. If a Cadet is already certified in a specialized certification class, he/she must still participate fully in the training if in attendance. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Primary Instructor and Staff. Documentation must be provided.

G. Manipulative skills will be a part of each Block Exam. Should a cadet fail an individual skill or operation, he she will be given up to 2 additional attempts to successfully pass the skill;

a. 1st Attempt – On the scheduled test day b. 2nd Attempt – By the end of the same day or weekend c. 3rd and final attempt – Morning of the first day of the following weekend or at scheduled remedial training days (following Thursday class).

Failure of any skill on a manipulative block exam on the 3rd attempt will result in dismissal from the program. This includes the Manipulative Final Exam in block 4.

13 Failure of a 3rd attempt on a skill during a manipulative Test or one of the certification classes, will result in failure of that certification training module and will result in dismissal from the Academy Program.

Administration of 2nd and 3rd attempt manipulative skills will be witnessed by a Staff Member and shall be preceded by a counseling session with Staff and the Cadet and agreement of a plan for improvement. Remedial training may be provided at the discretion of Staff.

VI. Cadet Conduct Requirements

All Cadets shall adhere to all Policies and Procedures outlined in the Cadet Policy and Procedure Manual. All Cadets shall obtain satisfactory evaluations from the Academy Staff.

Any Cadet receiving a total of 10 Deficiency Notices will be dismissed from the Academy Program

Any Cadet that exceeds the amount of Deficiency Notices permitted in any of the following categories will be dismissed from the Academy Program:

Sub-standard Academic Performance Failure of a written certification exam (4) Failure of a Formal Uniform Inspection (4) Academic dishonesty - cheating (1 – automatic dismissal) Insubordination (2) Unprofessional Conduct (includes hazing and/or harassment) (2) Attendance / AWOL (2) Repeat policy violations (VFA or GCC) (8) Failure to follow directions (4) Appearance / Uniform Standard (4)

14 NOTE: The number listed next to each category is the amount of Deficiency Notices received by a Cadet that will result in dismissal from the Academy Program.

VII. Exam process

A. Written Exams

Written block exams are administered at the GCC Computer Lab. All written block exams are computer based and timed.

Block exams are administered on Thursday evenings (see exam schedule for exact dates). On Block Exam Thursday evenings, the follow general order of the night shall be followed;

 All Service Logs and PPE should be placed in alphabetical order in an area designated by Staff.

 All Cadets are to report for duty wearing their inspection uniform ready for formal inspection. The Uniform and PPE inspection should be administered/rated simultaneously.

 Cadets will be authorized to use the restroom one at a time to keep the integrity of the testing process.

 Once testing is completed the Cadets can turn to cleaning up the classroom and any other areas used. This also allows all the proctors time to go over, verify scoring, issue any deficiency notices, conduct counseling for any failures.

VIII. Dismissal Criteria (Course/Block automatic failure criteria) Cadets may be dismissed at any time during the block if the following minimum standards are not met; 1. Exceeding category thresholds for deficiency notices issued. (See section VI) 2. Hours missed >92 hours (or 10% per block/term) 3. Failure of a 3rd attempt at a skill on a block exam or certification class.

15 4. Failure to proficiently demonstrate every skill administered within a block by the conclusion of each block. 5. Failure to successfully complete any certification course within a block by the end of the block. Includes written exam and/or skills associated with the course. 6. Overall average <80% calculated on the last day of the block.

IX. Cadet Ranking, Grades, and Averages

The mission of the Verdugo Fire Academy is to prepare Cadets for employment in the fire service. In an effort to meet our mission, we consistently expose Cadets to those disciplines that are necessary to be successful in a competitive job market. The Verdugo Fire Academy has identified the knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to success as a fire fighter.

Each student is evaluated in five general categories. Each category is further divided into one or several methods of evaluating student performance within the category. Each category is criterion referenced. Students are measured against a standard.

The averages earned in each of these 5 categories are then added together to formulae the students overall average. This overall average is used to rank students against one another, norm referenced. This gives the students a ranking number among his/her classmates. These categories (evaluation system) is also used to determine Cadet grades at the end of each Block or ‘Fire Class’.

A. The following 5 categories are used to evaluate each student;

16 1. Written exams - Cognitive ability (Knowledge) – tests and block exams

2. Manipulative Skills - Psychomotor ability (Skill) – Skills tests, manipulative block exams

3. Code of Conduct - Affective (attitude) and conduct, personal responsibility, accountability, integrity, leadership.

4. Uniform - Professionalism and Pride -Daily and block Inspection

5. Attendance - Punctuality, dependability, reliability, organization, health and wellness

B. Category weights and breakdown

Block Block Block Block Category 1 2 3 4 1. Manipulative Skill Exams (3 attempts per skill) 35% 35% 35% 35%  Block Exam 1  Block Exam 2  Block Exam 3  Block Exam 4 2. Written Exams 30% 30% 30% 30%  Certification Exams  Block Exams  Extra credit possible at test administrator discretion 3. Code of Conduct 15% 15% 15% 15%  Deficiency Notice (-2 pts per incident)  Gig Reports (-1 pt per gig report)  Uniform gig (-1 pt per offense)  Code of Conduct Credits (+1 point per incident) 4. Uniform 10% 10% 10% 10%  Formal Uniform Inspection 1  Formal Uniform Inspection 2  Formal Uniform Inspection 3

17  Formal Uniform Inspection 4 5. Attendance 10% 10% 10% 10%  920 hours = 100%  Can miss up to 92 hours maximum (no more than 10% per block of the total hours per block)  Service Credits (+ 1 per 2-hours of approved service) Total possible 100% 100% 100% 100%

C. Letter Grades and averages for Fire 116, Fire 117, Fire 118, and Fire 119 grade reporting

Cadets will receive a letter grade for each ‘Term’ (block) of the Academy that will be reported to the GCC system as follows:

1. The letter grading scale is as follows; A = 93.4% to 100% B = 86.7% to 93.3% C = 80% to 86.6% D = <80% (failing grade)

Any Cadet that meets ‘dismissal criteria’ as outlined in these Policies and Procedures will be given a grade of ‘D’ for that class regardless of performance up to the point of dismissal and regardless of the Cadet’s average at the point of dismissal..

D. Cadet ranking, grades, and averages are computed at the conclusion of each block as follows:

 Block 1 – Total cumulative input from Block 1  Block 2 – Total cumulative input from Block 1 and 2  Block 3 – Total cumulative input from Block 1, 2, and 3  Block 4 – Total cumulative input from Block 1, 2, 3, and 4

18 1. Ranking, grades, and averages are calculated on the last scheduled day of each block. All Cadet documentation i.e. service logs, shall be submitted to staff no later than 0900 on the last scheduled day of the block to be considered for ranking, grades and averages calculations for that block.

2. Any Cadet falling below the 80% standard OR any Cadet not meeting criteria for “eligibility for the Certificate of Completion” by 1700 hours on the last scheduled day of Block 4, will be dismissed and a grade of ‘D’ issued. This includes providing proof of current NREMT-B and a valid CPAT card (see minimum standards for certificate of completion).


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