The Canadian Atlas Online New Brunswick Grade 6-9

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The Canadian Atlas Online New Brunswick Grade 6-9


The Green Capital: Promoting Gatineau Park

Lesson Overview The goal of the lesson is to raise awareness and create an understanding of Gatineau Park as a preserved green space in Canada’s Capital Region. Gatineau Park is located just minutes from Parliament Hill across the Ottawa River in Gatineau. Gatineau Park is comprised of 361 square kilometres of natural wilderness crisscrossed with cycling and nature trails, forests, lakes and lookouts. The park is ideal for cycling, hiking, picnics, canoeing, swimming and camping in the summer and fall. In the winter, the park features cross-country and downhill skiing. There are hundreds of kilometres of trails and countless species of birds and mammals. Students will create a brochure to promote Gatineau Park as an important green space and one of the ‘lungs’ of the Capital Region. Grade Level Grades 6 - 9 Time Required Two 60-minute classes Curriculum Connection Atlantic Provinces Curriculum for Social Studies: Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training (CAMET): New Brunswick People, Place and Environment - Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the interactions among people, places and the environment. Interdependence - Students will be able to explain how values and perspectives influence interactions among people and their environment. Additional Resources, Materials and Equipment Required  Gatineau Park Brochure Activity Sheet (attached)  Gatineau Park Brochure Rubric (attached)  Sticking notes  Computer lab, LCD and internet access Websites

The Canadian Atlas Online (Explore by Themes: People: Evolving Cities: Ottawa)

Gatineau Park 16299-10170&lang=1


Main Objective Students will develop a deeper appreciation for the role of parks and natural areas by promoting Gatineau Park in Canada’s Green Capital. Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:  systematically locate and gather historical and geographic information from a variety of primary and secondary sources;  produce a detailed brochure that promotes Gatineau Park as an important Green Space in the Capital Region;  develop an appreciation for Gatineau Park as a Green Space and how it acts as one of the ‘lungs’ of Canada’s Capital Region;  become more familiar with the Canadian Atlas Online.

The Lesson Introduction Ask the following questions:  What are ‘Green Spaces’?  Why might ‘Green Spaces’ be important to have in cities? Inform students that they are going to learn about and promote an important Green Space in Canada’s Capital Region. First, they need to find the Green Spaces in Canada’s Capital Region. Ask students to use Google Maps to locate and identify as many Green Spaces as possible in the Capital Region. This can be set up as a race and the green spaces can be recorded on a list in a central area of the class. Once the list has been generated, ask the class to identify the largest green space in the Capital Region. (They should identify Gatineau Park.) Lesson Distribute the Gatineau Park Brochure Activity Sheet and review the instructions. Develop ment **Students may use Microsoft Publisher software or other multimedia applications to construct the brochure or as the teacher directs.

Conclusion Assemble students in groups of five. Circulate brochures within groups. Distribute four sticking notes to students. Direct students to review the brochures and write a positive comment on a sticky note and place it on the brochure. THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE NEW BRUNSWICK – GRADE 6-9

Lesson Extension  Create a brochure for a Green Space nearby or within New Brunswick.  Analyze the local community to see what green spaces may exist or where one might be located in the future. Assessment of Student Learning Student projects will be evaluated by using the Gatineau Park Brochure Rubric. Further Reading National Capital Commission Link to Canadian National Standards for Geography Essential Element #4: Human Systems  Types and patterns of economic activity (tourism)

Essential Element #5: Environment and Society  Limits and opportunities of the physical environment for human activities

Geographic Skill #1: Asking Geographic Questions  Plan and organize a geographic research project. THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE NEW BRUNSWICK – GRADE 6-9

Gatineau Park Brochure Activity Sheet Task: Visit the websites below about Canada’s Green Capital. Note things of interest that catch your attention and create a brochure that promotes Gatineau Park as a Green Space and as one of the ‘lungs’ of Canada’s Capital Region. Like an advertisement, to attract attention, it needs a big headline, strong visuals and interesting detailed information. You are attempting to create interest and excitement with the brochure about the importance of Green Spaces within Canada’s Capital Region. Websites : Gatineau Park – Introduction 10170-49899-49900&lang=1

Gatineau Park – History

Gatineau Park Planning 20445&lang=1

Natural Resources 10170-49899-50069&lang=1

Map: Gatineau Park

Guidelines: 1. Design the front cover to get the readers attention with an emotional appeal, a provocative question, or a benefit statement. 2. Promote Gatineau Park as an important Green Space and one of the lungs of Canada’s Capital Region. Include the benefits of having Green Spaces in Canada’s Capital Region by using Gatineau Park for your examples. 3. Feature key benefits in headlines, subheads, and captions. 4. Your brochure design should project a first class image. Are the graphics compelling? Is your writing active and enthusiastic? Is it pleasurable to look at? 5. Always write like you are talking to a good friend. Invite people to visit Gatineau Park & other Green Spaces in Canada’s Capital Region. 6. Ultimately, it’s your words that sell. Pictures are great, but words sell. 7. Please review the rubric before you submit your brochure. THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE NEW BRUNSWICK – GRADE 6-9

Layout & Design:  The basic 3-fold brochure design has six panels.

 The front page (panel 1) is used to grab attention and get the reader to want to open the brochure and see what's inside. Use a headline or a great picture. Put your name on the bottom of panel 1.

 When the brochure is opened, the reader sees the center spread - panels 2, 3 and 4. You want to take full advantage of all of this space by spreading across all three panels. Your inside headline can cross over the three panels. Photos and illustrations can stretch. Copy blocks or boxes can go across the panels. You have a full-page, full-color, full-impact advertisement. Use it.

 Panel 5 in your brochure design is a good place for frequently asked questions. THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE NEW BRUNSWICK – GRADE 6-9

Gatineau Park Brochure Rubric

CATEGORY (4) Excellent (3) Good (2) Almost (1) Not Yet

Attractiveness & The brochure has The brochure has The brochure has The brochure's Organization attractive attractive adequate formatting and formatting, is in formatting, is in formatting, is in organization of point form and point form and point form and is material are has very well has organized somewhat confusing to the organized information. organized. reader. information. Information is not in point form.

Content & The brochure has The brochure has The brochure has The brochure has Accuracy all of the required all of the required half of the little of the information and information. required required some additional information. information. information.

Writing & All of the writing Most of the Half of the writing Much of the Mechanics: is in complete writing is in is in complete writing is not in sentences. complete sentences. Some complete Spelling Capitalization, sentences. Most of the sentences. Much Sentence Form punctuation and of the capitalization, of the spelling are capitalization, punctuation and capitalization, Grammar correct punctuation and spelling are punctuation and Punctuation throughout the spelling are correct spelling are not brochure. correct throughout the correct throughout Capitalization throughout the brochure. the brochure. brochure.

Graphics/Pictures More than two Two colour Two graphics are Less than two colour graphics graphics are included but do graphics are used are included and included and go not always go and may or may go well with the well with the text. well with the text. not go with the text. Graphics may or text. Graphics may not be in may or may not colour or neatly be colour or neatly presented. presented.

Feedback: Circle your assessment by category: ______Attractiveness & Organization 4 3 2 1 ______Content – Accuracy 4 3 2 1 ______Writing – Mechanics 4 3 2 1 ______Graphics/Pictures 4 3 2 1 ______

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