Health/Medical Pathway Parent/Guardian Consent Form
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Eastlake High School Health/Medical Pathway Parent/Guardian Consent Form This permission slip gives your consent for your child to participate in the Medical Pathway. If you have questions about this document, or are hesitant to sign it for any reason, please contact me as soon as possible.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your child is participating in an exciting educational opportunity through his/her high school’s Health/Medical Career Pathway Program. This Pathway program is part of a larger network of schools that are providing similar programs throughout San Diego County. Each of the schools in the Health and Sciences Pipeline Initiative (HASPI) network is working toward offering a consistent sequence of courses that will 1) Increase student awareness of health career opportunities, 2) Improve student performance in high school and college science courses, and 3) Improve student performance in health professions training programs. Even if your child decides not to pursue an education/career in healthcare after high school graduation, he/she will benefit from the experience and will have taken courses that prepare him/her for college and many possible careers.
The Health/Medical Career Pathway course sequence includes Medical Biology (or Biology with a Medical Emphasis), Medical Chemistry (or Chemistry with a Medical Emphasis), Anatomy/Physiology and, depending on the school, a culminating “Practicum” course either through Career-Technical Education (CTE), Regional Occupational Programs (ROP), and/or a professional internship. Both Medical Biology and Medical Chemistry fulfill the UC and CSU a-g science requirements for Biology and Chemistry, and students are welcome to enroll later in Advanced Placement (AP) courses if they wish to do so. Please consult for important updates and “frequently asked questions” about the Health and Sciences Pipeline Initiative, as well as individual schools’ Health/Medical Career Pathway Programs.
Because we believe that your child will benefit from this rigorous educational program, we hope you will allow him/her to participate. Please confirm your commitment to this program and its activities:
Participation in worksite learning opportunities including classroom “career guest speakers,” healthcare facility tours, job shadows, and paid or unpaid internship programs. (Additional paperwork may be required.)
School-sponsored field trips including colleges/universities, museums, special exhibits, and healthcare related companies. (Additional paperwork will be required.)
Health clubs and student organizations if offered at the school site.
Photography, videotaping, quotations, and other project evaluation data taken during classroom presentations, club meetings, offsite tours, job shadows, internship trainings, student conferences and competitions, and other worksite learning opportunities and school field trips. (Additional paperwork may be required.) o Photographs, video, quotations, and other survey information may be utilized by the school Health/Medical Career Pathway Program and Regional Allied Health and Science Initiative for print and online news articles, program brochures and evaluative reports, school and websites, and the pre- professional networking account that is maintained by the HASPI project management team (search “SanDiego HealthPathways”).
Annual student surveys, which are administered at each year of the Pathway to determine student awareness of a Health Pathway on campus, experiences of the program, and future plans.
Health Pathways Alumni Club Survey, located on, which will allow the HASPI project management team to follow your child’s educational and career path after high school. This also allows the program to determine its long-term success and make improvements.
Note: Because healthcare involves the study of human systems, including anatomy and physiology, students will be exposed to illustrations involving “under-skin” organs, muscles, and tissues, including reproductive organs. Occasionally, scientific drawings or other illustrations of nude body parts will appear in texts and learning materials for health/medical educational purposes only. Pathway students that participate in internships and other worksite learning experiences in real healthcare settings may also witness similar content with actual humans.
Pre-professional student networking, as well as internship, scholarship, volunteering, and similar announcements, through “SanDiego HealthPathways” account on Facebook (Note: operates independently of the HASPI project. Students are not required to register for an account or to participate in this group; however, if the student has an account or might create one, please provide your permission for them to “befriend” our page. The “SanDiego HealthPathways” Facebook account is managed and monitored closely by the HASPI project management team.)
I give my consent for my child (print name)______to participate in the Health/Medical Career Pathway Program.
______Parent/Guardian Printed Name Relationship to Student (mother, father, legal guardian)
______Parent/Guardian Signature Date
______(Optional: Parent/Guardian 2 Printed Name) Relationship to Student (mother, father, legal guardian)
______(Parent/Guardian 2 Signature) Date
This consent remains valid unless revoked in writing by the parent or legal guardian.
2 | P a g e - R e f e r t o y o u r h i g h s c h o o l ’ s H e a l t h / M e d i c a l P a t h w a y P r o g r a m b r o c h u r e p o s t e d o n w w w . H A S P I . o r g f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . Please return to the high school Health/Medical Career Pathway Program Teacher
3 | P a g e - R e f e r t o y o u r h i g h s c h o o l ’ s H e a l t h / M e d i c a l P a t h w a y P r o g r a m b r o c h u r e p o s t e d o n w w w . H A S P I . o r g f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n .