Peninsula Canoe Club Annual General Meeting
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Peninsula Canoe Club – Annual General Meeting
11 th March 2014 : 19h50
Open and Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.
Rob MacLean, Ken Findlay, Romy Findlay, Peter Calitz, Daylin Basson, Lis Hart, Pete Sandell, Paul Joubert, Peter and Alexa Cole.
Dean Richards, Rory Anderson, Nick Rockey, Shaun Butler, Russell MacWilliam, Roger Venn, Barry Coltham, Antony Lake, Johann Von Blerck, Brett Steyn, Adrian Good, Rob Hart, Ommund Sivertsen, Athos Rushovich, Dave Hitchcock, Derek Sutton, Andrew van Osch, Ian Glass, Mark Preyser, Madeleine Minnaar, David Schuddinh, Colin Miller, Veronica Jones, Mike Miller, Alan Rainnie, Paul MacDonald, Tom Thring, Mark Torrington, Edgar Boehm
Matters Arising from and Approval of Minutes of last AGM
There was nothing arising from the last minutes.
Andrew van Osch proposed acceptance of the minutes and Nick Rockey seconded the proposal. Minutes were accepted.
PCC Chairman’s Annual Report
The Chairman’s report was made available. The Chairman summarised as follows;
The club continues to do very well. Many people helped make the club successful. The Chairman thanked his wife in particular who had been very tolerant of the time he spent on club issues.
While many people had helped at the club, he wanted to highlight four people who had made a huge contribution. Veronica Jones and Barry Penn (and their spouses) for the effort they had put into the Swartland. They had worked like crazy and were always prepared to help. Thank you for never learning to say no. Barry simply makes it happen and goes the extra mile for the Club and for the Swartland.
Gerfried Nebe for all his efforts. For always being at the club. Gave up half of every Tuesday to help development. He also always has wise words on club matters.
Peter Cole – without Peter we would not have that competitive side to the club. He is also behind the scenes helping the club and continues to think like a chairman. He often phoned the Chairman, was always available to chat about club matters and was helpful. He is the kind of person who when he says he will help he does.
The Chairman also thanked his fellow PCC Committee members for the last 3 years.
PCC Treasurer’s Annual Report
The Treasurer pointed out that all the issues were covered in his report and compared financials to the last 5 years. He pointed out that the bank balance has grown again. While the club is doing well it is not a rich club, the main thing that is keeping the club going are the initiatives that have been set up over the last few years. The bulk of members’ fees go to ZSC and to WCCU. We only get the rack fees and then additional effort from sweat equity.
He reinforced the Chairman’s view of Peter Cole with respect to the extra work he puts into the club and his passion for paddling and for finding youngsters and developing them.
The Chairman, Siv, has given the club great service over the last three years and even before that. He had done a lot of work that no one sees, and he has dealt with it elegantly. He stated that we all at the club owe Siv a great deal. The members in attendance agreed enthusiastically and applauded Siv for his contribution to the club. The Treasurer then made the following appeal to the club. From time to time things do go wrong, and he could sympathise when things go wrong. However, member must remember that PCC is not a business. It is a group of people working together to keep the facilities and the club going. He wanted to remind people that it is not a market related business. When things go wrong, club members should get involved and help make things right.
Andrew van Osch proposed acceptance of the financials and Mark Preyser seconded the proposal.
Election of Office Bearers
An election of the Office Bearers took place with the following being finalised:
Chairman: Andrew van Osch – Nominated by Ommund Sivertsen, Seconded by Rob Hart.
Vice Chairman: open
Treasurer: Ommund Sivertsen
Secretary: Mark Torrington
Club Captain: Rob Hart
Club Ladies Captain: open
General Positions
Registration: Mark Torrington
PCC Facilities and Maintenance: Gerfried Nebe (until August)
Development: To be finalised
Pond and Estuary management: Ken Findlay (to be confirmed)
Safety Officer: Ian Glass
Media: To confirm with Rob Maclean
Sprint facilitator: Rob and Lis Hart will help out on the scheduled events but not more ZSC Facilitator: Lis continues (Andrew van Osch and Siv will also continue to have seats on the ZSC committee)
Race/Event Co-ordinators
Marina K1: Dave Hitchcock
Gouda Bridgetown: Alan Rainnie
Swartland: To be finalised
Robertson Bonnievale: Gary Kroukamp
Junior Sprints: Rob Hart
Sunset 7: Andrew van Osch
Motions and Proposals
Nothing was received.
No additional issues were raised.
The outgoing Chairman, Siv, briefed the meeting about the club lease which was taking a long time to renew. He was not too worried about it and the members should carry on doing things and invest in the club.
Meeting closed at 20h25
Chairman’s Annual Report
Treasurer’s Report
Year on Year Income and Expenses Table PCC Chairman’s Annual Report
What a privilege for all of us to be able to say that we’ve enjoyed another year as members of arguably the best club in the country! If you love paddling, you can’t help but get a thrill every time you find yourself on the water with some of the amazing talent we have at the Club. But it’s not just talent and hard work on the water that make us great, it’s the talent and dedication of a wonderful mix of community-minded people that makes us stand out, and I would like to thank all of who have helped in any way at all over the last year.
Let’s just acknowledge some of the Club’s achievements over the last year:
1) Sports Awards
The 2013 provincial annual awards have not yet been made, but at a national level PCC paddlers made up 20% of the SA Squad for World Champs and the following were recognized for their achievements:
a. Canoe South Africa - Federation Colours World Masters Canoe Marathon Championships – Copenhagen: K2 Silver Medallists Lis Hart & Sandra Eardley; K2 Bronze Medallists Rob Hart & Brandon Collyer
b. Canoe South Africa National Protea Colours Surfski: U18: Kenny Rice (Junior World Champ & Silver in SS2), Nicky Notten (Silver in SS2), Kirsten Flanagan (Junior World Champ & U23 SS2 Champ) Senior: Sean Rice (World Champ)
Marathon: U18: Kirsten Flanagan (Silver Medal K1), Kenny Rice and Nicky Notten, Senior: Alexa Cole, Eloise Horne, Sean Rice, Shaun Rubenstein Assistant Manager: Peter Cole
c. South African Student Team Ali Glass and Stuart Maclaren were selected for the world student games in Russia.
d. Other In SA Marathon Champs, some of our top results were: Senior Ladies K1: 1st Alexa Cole K2: 1st Alexa Cole/Eloise Horne
Senior Men K2: 1st Shaun Rubenstein/Sean Rice
U12 Boys K1: 2nd Uli Hart
Junior Girls K1: 2nd Kirsten Flanagan
Junior Boys K1: 1st Kenny Rice; 2nd Nicky Notten K2: 2nd Kenny Rice/Nicky Notten
Sub Masters Ladies K1: 1st Lis Hart K2: 1st Lis Hart/Sandra Eardley
Sub Masters Men K2: 1st Rob Hart/Brandon Collyer
Graeme Solomon was Champion of the Swartland/SA K1 River Marathon, then came second on the Berg and was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Awards from PCC for his consistent achievements over the last two decades.
On the Breede Alexa Cole and Eloise Horne won the Ladies’ title, making that the tenth Breede victory for Lex, equaling the record held by fellow PCC legend and former K2 partner, Jean Wilson.
Tom Schilperoort and Jasper Mocké were Breede Champions, Donna Murray was in the first U18 Girls’ boat home, and Sam Forder-Harris/Sam Keeling and Stuart Bristow/Tyrone Smolders won the U16 and U18 Boys’ categories respectively. PCC won the Club Prize at the Fish, doing particularly well in the mixed doubles category to claim all three podium places, with Tom Schilperoort and Sam Murray grabbing the top spot. Jasper Mocke won the SA K2 River Marathon Championships/Vaal Canoe Marathon.
As ever, the central figure behind all these results is Peter Cole, as he is coach to all these paddlers. The Club will always be grateful to Pete for all he continues to do in recruiting new talent for the Club and for being the driving force behind our top paddlers’ achievements. To acknowledge this, PCC awarded a Lifetime Achievement Awards to Pete for all he has done in giving back to the sport on so many levels.
The other very impressive result from 2013 was that Edgar Boehm completed his 40th consecutive Berg River Marathon.
2) PCC Organized events
PCC organized 6 WCCU events over the last year, and I would like to thank the following Race Organisers for all their planning and hard work in ensuring that all of these were successfully managed:
• Ken Findlay – Sunset 7 Dave Hitchcock (and ADT for their sponsorship) - Marina Da Gama K1 • Alan Rainnie - Gouda to Bridgetown K1 • Gary Kroukamp - Robertson to Bonnievale K2 • Rob and Lis Hart - Junior and U23 Sprints, November and Feb 2014
Orka Training Coach Peter Cole also kindly stepped forward to organise two Sunday Marathon Series during the year. These races proved very popular earlier this year and raised more than enough funds to construct a second floating jetty.
a. Swartland Canoe Marathon
For the second time in three years, we were awarded SA K1 River Marathon Champs, and at quite short notice, which I believe goes a long way to show the great confidence the SA paddling community has in our Club. The Swartland has always made me proud of what a great bunch of community-minded people there is amongst our members and the way in which they all pull together at the right time to create a fantastically well-run event.
Being part of the Swartland Committee does require several months of preparation and hard work, and I’d like to thank Barry Penn, Veronica Jones and Mark Torrington for all the long hours of dedication they again put into the event to guarantee its success - well done guys!
I’ve grown to consider the Swartland as “My Baby”, but now the time has come in my life for me to spend time with real babies. The other members of the present committee have all decided that it is time to step aside so that new ideas and outlooks can be added to the formula to keep the event “fresh”. Barry, Ronnie and Mark thank you all again; I’ve enjoyed a really great time working with you.
We have set up a template which has proved to be successful, so now it is going to be easy for others to select a role to play and just follow the recipe.
Preparation for the Swartland needs to start in the previous year, and I feel that ideally the following year’s Swartland Committee should be elected in at the current year’s AGM.
The Chairman/Chief Organiser of the Swartland Committee should also not be the Chairman of PCC, as it is too demanding to perform both roles successfully.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this an extremely successful event:
Swartland Committee: Barry Penn, Veronica Jones, Mark Torrington and Siv Committee Secretary: Veronica Jones Race Responsibility Programme Manager: Veronica Jones Hansa Liaison: Myles Protheroe Entry registration and enquiries: Mark Torrington Budget and Accounts: Siv Sponsorship and Donor sourcing and liaison: Mark Torrington, Myles Protheroe, Siv, Barry Penn, Veronica Jones, Graham Rowe, Nick Pickard, Steve Farrell, Dean Richards, Website: Siv Pre-Race Bulk Communications and Marketing: Siv DWAF and Dept of Environmental Affairs liaison: Siv Registration Pack Assembly: Veronica Jones, Colin Miller, Vanessa Hope, Siv Farmer Liaison: Barry Penn, Veronica Jones, Siv Bergrivier Primary School liaison: Barry Penn, Veronica Jones Police Liaison: Ian Glass Media Liaison: Rob MacLean, Siv WCCU and CSA Liaison: Siv WCCU Timing Officials Liaison: Siv Wildtiming Liaison: Mark, Siv Toilet hire: Siv Shirt Print Design and printing: Angie Austin (Gafflet) Shirt order logistics: Siv Shindig Venue Sourcing: Veronica Jones, Barry Penn, and Siv Site Signage printing: Vanessa Hope Purchase and Collection of Sundries: Veronica Jones, Vanessa Hope, Siv Race Doctor: Gary Kroukamp Wristbands and Emergency Phone: Siv Catering and Stall Liaison: Veronica Jones, Public Address System: Tristan Nebe Pre-Race Registration: Vanessa Hope, Veronica Jones Road Signage: Veronica Jones, Colin Miller, Vanessa Hope, Siv Batching: Siv Race Day info and Printing: Siv Organisation and Printing of all list types for helpers: Siv Transport of Race Equipment: Veronica Jones, Colin Miller, Peter Cole, Barry Coltham, Siv Boat Pound Setup and Site cordoning Day 1: Colin Miller, Siv Boat Pound Setup Day 2: Colin Miller, Johann van Blerck Skooltjie Registration Setup: Vanessa Hope, Veronica Jones Race day Registration: Vanessa Hope, Veronica Jones, Alex Steyn, Tracy-Lee Anderson Sweep Team Leader, Sweeps and River Signage: Barry Coltham; Julie Coltham, Garth Mulholland, Peter Cole, Ashley Carstens, Paul Roos, Stephan du Toit, Brett Steyn, Fynn Corry, Mike English, Ken Findlay Race Announcers: Andrew van Osch, Johann van Blerck, Jurie Wessels Race Starter: Jurie Wessels, Johann van Blerck Boat Pound Check-in Leaders and Helpers: Colin Miller; Johann van Blerck, Janine Metelerkamp Setup of starts: Johann van Blerck, Andrew van Osch, Jurie Wessels Skooltjie Site managers: Johann van Blerck, Colin Miller, Andrew van Osch Zonquasdrift site managers: Johann van Blerck, Colin Miller Zonquasdrift Lunch site manager: Veronica Jones Bridgetown Finish site manager: Veronica Jones Master of Ceremonies: Mark Torrington Prize Sorting: Colin Miller, Veronica Jones, Mark Torrington, Siv Physios: Darryn Berry (Romy Findlay) Race Photographer: John Hishin Siv’s Driver/Second: Colin Miller!
I am always so impressed that so many of the names above did not compete in the race at all, but willingly gave up their weekend to be there to selflessly help other paddlers enjoy a great day out. That is incredible community spirit.
b. Time-trials Again we were able to capitalise on running the largest timed time-trial in the country when we were able to present a Time-trial/Swartland package to Hansa for a promise of R25 000 sponsorship.
The key players to be thanked for the success of the time-trials are: Mark Torrington - maintains the Paddlers’ Zone web-based results and statistics programme he developed for the Club; Tom Thring – manages the position and lighting of the buoys with help from Gary Carstens; Johann van Blerck - sets up the timing clock, starting lights and manages the start; Tracy-Lee Anderson, Angie Basson, Edgar Boehm, Caroline and their helpers for taking times and collating the results on Edgar’s timing programme. Gerfried Nebe - checks that all gates are closed, lights turned off etc. at the end of every Tuesday, and also helps set up the starts of the summer time-trials Carol Noah – helps with starting the race and clock in the summer and keeps the kitchen and bar open through the whole year.
Mark Torrington and I spent a lot of time helping the Mobii/Wildtiming guys develop their RFID system so that it could be used for canoe races. This is the way forward for facilitating the timing of our time-trials as it will vastly reduce the number of hours our volunteers put into this each week, plus all the benefits of speed, efficiency and entertainment value of generating live results for the time-trials and the Swartland.
3) Coaching and Development Gerfried Nebe has continued to run the Beginners’ and Development Programme from the club every Tuesday from 4pm to 5pm, also with help from Edgar Boehm. We are very grateful to them for doing this as it is huge commitment right through the year.
We studied the cost:benefit ratio of this and faced up to the fact that although this is our biggest regular expense every year, we have only had one paddler in the last four years come through this scheme and go on to become a club member. We did not want to scrap the scheme so decided to continue but to ask participants to contribute a very reasonable R30 per session towards expenses.
This will need to be kept under review for a while.
Sandra Eardley is to be thanked for taking on the Development portfolio on the committee, and she has fought hard to try and get help for the Club. Talent should be encouraged and supported regardless of skin colour.
Peter Cole (our official Junior Coach) and his ORKA Training programme is very much the sporting backbone of the Club. Pete continues to spot and encourage talent, primarily from the Life-Saving community. The Club is very grateful to Pete for the amazing amount of time and dedication he puts into the training and the Club and he is to be congratulated on successfully training eleven PCC paddlers to represent SA in Marathon World Champs, as well as many of our other top paddlers.
The initiative with Bishop’s School has grown and I took on a role in coaching the boys. Numbers increased to 11 boys and this year there is a group of 17 boys attending.
It would be great if in time Bishops could be encouraged to provide their own equipment and store it at the Club. Our membership rates are not calculated to provide equipment for members. PCC only receives R60 per annum from a Junior Member, and this does not go very far towards safely equipping each paddler, which costs of in the region of R8, 000. Merely paying membership alone does not adequately reimburse the Club if we are expected to provide and maintain the equipment. It is suggested that the future PCC ExCo reviews this arrangement. Marcus Melck is frequently seen on the water coaching, and dedicates a lot of time to help develop sprinters like Ali Glass and Antony Collopy.
4) Facilities and Equipment
a. Boat Racks Phil McInnes is to be thanked for donating a massive chunk of Sweat Equity time to the club and building the extension to the new racks for K4s. This was no simple task as drainage problems also had to be resolved to reduce the way that whole area was turning to marshland.
Thank you also to Rob Hart for discussing the design with Phil and drawing up the plans.
Phil McInnes is also to be thanked for hooking us up with a reliable electrician to upgrade the boat rack lighting and for arranging substantial discounts on both the labour and the materials, helping us save thousands of rand to get what we wanted.
We invested in bigger bulkheads to accommodate brighter energy saving light bulbs and spaced them closer together so that it is now easy to read the numbers on combination locks and we switched from a timer-operated system to motion sensor triggered lighting to help reduce costs,
The fencing between the Club section and the Members’ section which was destroyed by people climbing over the fence is still to be replaced and additional security to be provided for our Club boats and equipment.
Gerfried Nebe must be thanked for all the time spent in managing the racks.
b. PCC Equipment The Club invested in 2 K2s and 3 K1s to add to its fleet.
Thank you, Gerfried, for all the time you dedicate to trying to keep up with the never-ending job of maintaining the club boats and taking care of the all the other club equipment. You have been sorely missed while in Australia.
c. Clubhouse The ZSC committee got round to replacing the problem area of the main Clubhouse roof. PCC did not need to pay any extra contribution towards this. The gardens are looking even better than last year thanks to Carol and all her hard work. It is such a pleasure having her here; the Club is much safer, she makes it possible for any maintenance to be carried out quickly and bends over backwards to helps speed up the repair process of the things that are important to us like hot water and being able to get through the gates when there’s a fault with the access control. And apart from the way she caters so deliciously for us after time trials and at our weekend functions, there’s the bonus of often finding her at the Club at other times and being able to pop in and grab a drink or snack. Thank you for doing such a fantastic job Carol!
5) Membership
We have to thank Mark Torrington for all he has done in both administering the membership and developing a new system to make all of our lives simpler and easier. What a pleasure it was not to have to input the same data into the WCCU forms all over again, and to find that all personal data is saved and easily updated. Thank you for patiently putting up with my constant stream of requests and congratulations on designing a great system.
After several years of growth, for the first time in five years our numbers have not increased: Member Year s UCT Members 2008 200 2009 218 2010 253 2011 276 16 2012 286 21 2013 258 29
As the most frequent users of the facilities, the paddlers that train with ORKA Training and use the changing rooms share the greatest responsibility for helping us keep our subs down and discourage dishonesty by not letting non- members in to routinely use the premises. If someone appears not to be a member, everyone should help by letting them know their options for joining. Our annual subs are not expensive, and there are options to provide access for a range of periods including one month, three months and half-year, so there really is no excuse for anyone not to contribute their fair share. All paid up members have active Tags so there is a joint responsibility to question why anyone is trying to enter the Club without an Access Tag. If someone is knowingly avoiding paying a contribution, consider that their honesty may be equally lax regarding other people’s property.
If not sure someone is a member or not, you can check the Members’ List on the website, in the Membership and Storage section.
6) PCC’s 50th Anniversary Party and Annual Awards evening
Well done Rory Anderson and his team for arranging a very enjoyable party. The décor was classy, the DJ well chosen, MC Gary Kroukamp was in his usual fine form, and a very entertaining “radio interview” between Veronica Jones and our longest standing member, Gerfried Nebe, covered the early history of the club.
The function was so enjoyable that we all hope that Rory can be persuaded to organise the party for our 2014 Awards Evening.
7) Conclusion
The strength and success of our Club is linked directly to the number of people who help run it. Some seem to be always helping somewhere, and without them, the infrastructure of the Club would surely crumble.
Our Club continues to flourish but we do need fresh ideas and energy from new people stepping forward to fill the many volunteer roles. It was so great to see a variety of different faces helping at the Sprint event in February, and to observe the camaraderie amongst them.
We each have the capacity to offer some sort of contribution to the organisation of the club during the coming year, and to take pride in the fact that we are giving back to the sport that we love. This collective input is the base upon which the successful infrastructure of our superb club is built.
I strongly urge all members consider how they could play a role if the Mission Statement for our Club was along the lines of “Aiming to be the best in the country, striving to provide a well organised, supportive and friendly home for a broad spectrum of paddlers which ranges from absolute beginners to an exceptionally high number of world-class or international athletes.”
In closing, I would first like to thank my wife, Jen, for always being so tolerant over the past several years when I so often neglected my jobs at home in favour of the Canoe Club and Swartland Marathon.
Then there are four people who choose not to be on the PCC Executive Committee that I would like to give special thanks to for all their support during my term as Chairman:
The first two are fellow Swartland organisers Barry Penn and Veronica Jones, who work like Trojans and help share the worries during the many months of Swartland preparation. They both then continue to pitch in throughout the year and can always be called upon to help whenever needed.
Ronnie, you are great at adding organisational structure and shouldering the responsibility for a huge number of jobs – thank goodness you still haven’t learnt to say “No”!
Barry, you cut to the chase and cope with anything thrown at you, simply make it happen, and then search for that extra mile to go.
Thank you Ronnie and Barry, particularly for all you have done for the Swartland.
Next is Gerfried Nebe. Gerfried is a real workhorse, constantly in the background taking care of the very many ongoing maintenance issues that so many others take for granted. He gives up half of every Tuesday for the Club to do this and to run the Tuesday Development sessions.
Thank you for this Gerfried, and for the wise words of advice you have so often given me.
The last of the Fabulous Four is Peter Cole. We all know that without Pete running training, the camaraderie and sporting excellence of our competitive core would not exist. But what I wish to thank Pete for is the unofficial administrative role he plays. Pete continues to think like a Chairman of the club and to find ways for improving things. He always makes himself available to discuss anything related to the Club, and throughout the year regularly gets involved in helping organise events with his typical hands-on approach. If Pete says he’ll do something, you just know it’s going to happen.
Pete, having your help has made it seemed like having an extra person on the Executive Committee, so thank you very much for all your help and strong support.
Finally, to my fellow Executive Committee Members from the last three years: Mark Torrington, Rob Hart, Romy Findlay, Dean Richards, Gary Kroukamp and Andrew van Osch:
I always considered myself incredibly lucky to work with you all. Mark was the former Chairman who so graciously agreed to stay on to hold my hand and make sure I didn’t drop the ball, while each of you others has all the qualities to make superb Chairmen yourselves.
With that calibre of support and wise counsel always so readily available, it made my role incredibly straightforward and we could all function as a wonderfully effective committee. You are all such extremely dedicated, hardworking and positive-minded people that it has been an absolute honour and privilege to have been able to serve with such inspiring friends.
So thank you all for making me look good, and our Club look great! Peninsula Canoe Club Treasurer’s Report 27 February 2014
Once again through 2013, we have managed to spend less than we bring in and grow our reserve. Although our finances are ok, we need to remember that we are not a rich club. In terms of annual fees, a large slice of what you as members pay to PCC is paid over to ZSC and WCCU. So our nett bank balance has grown, but in today's world it is not a big number.
Boat racks are an important earner for the club. Please use our racks, but please pay your annual rack rent. If you know of members who are using racks that they have not paid for, please encourage them to do the right thing and pay up. We really need the income and the fee is good value.
All forms of fund raising are really important to our finances. Thank you to all of you who have driven or assisted the fund raising efforts in 2013 and thank you to all of you who have supported the fund raising by entering or buying tickets etc.
In 2013 the Swartland was again a success and earned money for the club. Thanks to the entire team. Pete Cole introduced two winter mini marathon series on Sunday mornings that raised funds for a second jetty.
These were relatively simple to run and thus an astute initiative. (These also gave our paddlers excellent marathon racing practice.) Brett Steyn organised the jetty shopping list and got us a good deal on the wood required, Ant Pearse has donated the plastic barrels. Now we just need a
(one day) work party to build the jetty – volunteers ?
Lis and self, with Pete Cole and a collection of assistants ran two Junior sprint races. Romy and Ken Findlay ran the Sunset Seven. Alan Rainnie ran the Gouda Bridgetown race and Barry Coltham ran the Robertson
Bonnievale race. All these bring in money to the club.
In 2013 we continued with our boat rack building. Phil McInnes volunteered to arrange and manage the most recent rack extension at cost price. Thank you Phil for this valuable contribution.
Moving into 2014 we have already identified some of the club projects that will require funding. So if you have ideas for fund raising or some time to donate please get involved and help us raise money. (One of the more exciting initiatives that we would like to get working is automatic electronic timing for Tuesday timetrials and weekend races.)
Keep supporting your club and happy paddling. PCC YEAR ON YEAR INCOME & EXPENSES: YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013
2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Income WCCU Fees 142235 136520 131 700 123 186 101 580 98 090 ZSC Levy etc 125953 125418 106 186 75 600 43 425 41 250 Annual Subscriptions 41532 36241 29 945 22 788 21 780 22 591 Rack Fees 66000 75130 70 270 56 447 45 363 42 730 Boat Pound 640 2 450 (New Members' Entrance Fees) 12200 14 400 7 200 3 200 2 000 (Lapsed Members Registration Fees) 3800 6 000 (Access Tags) 3090 4 170 6 120 Development 11435 15 980 109 490 0 0 Junior Section 13 670 10 000 Donations 24000 3 000 2 500 5 000 4 151 Race Income 6988 7449 4 330 11 769 2 100 -6 000 Swartland 92435 76982 200 244 50 172 38 000 47 812 Interest 14746 18770 13 752 6 904 11 429 15 101 (Fish Accommodation) 5 300 PCC 50th 22000 1 550 Coaching Clinics 3200 15 400 Security: Donations 0 34 500 (Elite Paddler Auction) 2 570 Orka Mini marathon – 2nd Jetty fund 12890 465 (Masque Theatre) 16580 6 950 8 800 (Boat Auction) 1800 7 190 25 610 2 148 2 600 (Fundraising: Changing Rooms) 2 900 600 0 (cos I love pcc Changing Rooms) 7 750 5 050 Other Income 1000 1050 0 560 314 Total Income 528979 551105 653 287 518 770 285 190 185 Expenses (general) - - WCCU 142235 142860 -136 500 123 186 99 780 98 090 - - ZSC Levy, access tags and top-ups 125953 132791 -109 355 87 901 43 425 41 250 Development -19400 -17126 -63 803 19 400 42 000 31 540 Junior Section -12 000 10 000 Wages -10 800 28 000 28 000 0 Prizes / sponsorship 6 001 5 000 3 558 Timetrials -705 -655 -844 5 298 1 231 1 282 Coaching Clinics -3200 -9 528 Bar & Car Guard 3 142 2 892 Functions -25323 -9804 -800 2 394 3 795 Miscellaneous -1521 -2539 -6 903 2 008 249 6 544 Web/SMS/ emails / Stationery -16226 -6363 -1 052 828 1 043 12 018 Repairs -2200 132 1 246 7 787 Races -2440 -4913 -996 1 740 0 Swartland -63259 -62544 -164 168 46 362 23 978 65 218 Bank Charges -1899 -1942 -2 041 1 032 1 262 1 598 PCC Awards -6825 -12446 -12 842 4 467 2 236 0 Marketing 1 227 Membership Subs Written Off 860 0 Fish Accommodation -13 440 Loan to ZSC 3 103 0 - - -275 Total General Expenses 411186 393983 -545 074 -335 840 -260 690 572 Expenses (capital) - Equipment -12760 101590 0 0 Clubhouse 0 4 774 Boat racks -26931 -53667 0 8 293 PCC Facilities -12500 -1 403 9 985 Facilities - ZSC -23 009 48 736 87 402 17 149 Other - 2nd jetty in progress -6870 0 6 400 - -36 Total Capital Expenses -59061 155257 -24 412 -58 720 -87 402 616 NET: 58732 1 865 83 801 124 209 -62 901 1 997 check CURRENT ACCOUNT BALANCE 10900 14274 4 733 3 947 8 638 10 853 162 MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT 350959 448183 393 413 235 265 79 180 752 CASH IN HAND 3497 3582 7 017 4 738 515 - -29 ACCRUALS -13970 173385 -113 981 -37 690 -6 192 078 144 TOTAL CASH AND ACCRUALS 351386 292 654 291 182 206 260 82 141 527 Movement year on year: 58732 1 472 84 922 124 119 -62 386 2 728