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Martin L. Greenwald Department of Art & Design Tenure Date: June 1975 Academic Rank: Full Professor, Effective June 1986


Institution Dates Attended Degree and Major Date Conferred

New York University 1969-1972 Ed.D. Media & Technology May 1972 Washington Square College Division of Vocational Education

The City College of New York 1967-1969 M.S. Ed., Industrial Arts Ed. June 1969

The City College of New York 1964-1967 Post Baccalaureate Second Degree Program Industrial Arts Teacher Ed. Certification

New York University 1960-1964 B.A. History/Bio-Chemistry June 1964 University Heights College

Title of Dissertation

The Effectiveness of Teacher Constructed Three-Dimensional Animated Mock-up and Models As Compared to Conventional Methods in Teaching The Technology of Selected Raw Materials Processing in Industrial Arts In New York City (May 1972)

Teaching and Career at Montclair State University

Department Rank Dates

Industrial Education & Technology Full Professor 1972-1996 Art & Design Full Professor 1996 - Present

Teaching Career Outside of Montclair State University

Institution Department Rank Dates The City College of New York Industrial Education Adjunct Instructor 1970 – 1978

– 1 – Ramapo College of New Jersey Theoretical and Appl. Sci. Adjunct Instructor 1970-1978/1990-2010


Teaching Experience (Montclair State)

Department of Industrial Education and Technology Chair, Department of Technology, School of Education, Montclair State University, 1986-1996.

Faculty, Industrial Education & Technology, 1972 – 1996. Expertise in the following areas: Graphic Arts/Graphic Design (Macintosh and PC platforms), Climate Conditioning and Control System Technology, Alternative Energy Systems, Industrial Design Materials Processing.

Department of Art & Design - Graphic Design Introduction to Computer Graphics/Adobe CS Creative Suite, Graphic Design and Production, Interactive Multimedia Design/Development (Flash & Director), Industrial Design/Materials Processing, Offset and Letterpress Printing, Conventional and Alternative Sources of Energy, Heating/Ventilating/Air-Conditioning, graduate curriculum in Technology Education, Research Methodology and Procedures.

Other Experience Outside Montclair State

Co-Course Leader, Ramapo College of New Jersey. Course Taught: Field Studies in Tropical Ecology and Ecosystems in Costa Rica, 1990 – 2010. An intensive hands-on field experience in the wet, dry, montane and coastal forests of Costa Rica. Course was offered for both graduate and undergraduate credit. Course duration was three weeks. My responsibilities included logistics and instruction. (Co-taught with Dr. Richard Lowell, Biology Faculty, Ramapo College of NJ).

Owner, Shawanga Valley Energy Systems (SVES), 1981-2005. SVES specialized in the design, installation and maintenance of solar, wind and solid fuel energy systems. Throughout its years of operation, SVES installed approximately 75 solar hot water heating systems, 7 wind electric generators and numerous add-on wood and coal heating systems throughout New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Florida. This included work at the New Jersey School of Conservation (Montclair State) and the School of Conservation, Trenton State College, Blairstown, NJ.

Adjunct Instructor, Ramapo College of New Jersey, 1972 – 1978. Course Taught: Alternate Energy Conversion Systems, School of Theoretical and Applied Sciences. Responsibilities included Coursework focused around construction projects at the Alternate Energy Center - the erection of two wind generators, a solar-heated greenhouse and a community accessible oil/paper/solid waste disposal and recycling facility featuring 18th and 19th century construction techniques.

Adjunct Instructor, The City College of New York, Department of Industrial Education and Technology, 1970 – 1978. Courses Taught Include Basic Automotive Mechanics and Foundations of Graphic Arts Technology.

Graphic Arts Instructor, O.Henry Intermediate School 70, West 17th Street, New York City, 1967-1972. Responsibilities included normal classroom instruction in a variety of – 2 – Graphic arts coursework and responsibility for the publication of the school year book.


When I began teaching, I believed that the most effective way to facilitate student learning was largely focused on the careful organization and presentation of material to students. This type of teaching places a major emphasis for learning not on the student but rather, on the teacher. Following this methodology, the teacher “feeds” students the information they need to learn. As I have matured as a teacher, my approach and emphasis has shifted away from these traditional teaching techniques. While careful organization and presentation is still important, I have shifted the responsibility for learning from the teacher to the student. Also, the role of problem solving in my course designs has been elevated to one of major importance, as well as teaching the systems approaches required for solving a variety of technical and design-related problems. Within this pedagogical framework, the teacher becomes an enabler for students, teaching them how to solve problems and where to find answers rather than spoon-feeding information: In other words the teacher teaches students how to learn. I hope that my teaching style and philosophy will continue to evolve, becoming both more efficient and effective within the classroom and laboratory setting. My professional expertise contains both technical and applied components. I currently oversee the operation of the graphic design MacLab. In this capacity, I troubleshoot hardware and software problems, maintain two file servers for student data storage and ensure that the computer laboratory operates with little or no downtime. Operation of the graphic design print facility includes the preparation of films and plates, offset and letterpress printing equipment and related finishing equipment. In 1986, as Chair of the Department of Industrial Technology, I found myself building computers from individual component parts to set up a technology computer laboratory for teaching early versions of computer aided design and drafting. Today, I help oversee one of the most sophisticated graphic design computer facilities to be found on any college campus.


Most of my scholarly energies over the years have been applied to researching, writing and publishing college-level textbooks. I authored my first textbook in 1985. Since then I have authored, or co-authored nine additional texts and three compact discs. One of these texts has – 3 – been translated to Italian for foreign market sales. My most recent book was published as a digital-only version and is available from the iBook section of iTunes. My areas of expertise, mirrored in my texts, cover a wide range of subject matter including; solar energy, alternate energy, residency energy system and climate control technology, hot water and alternate fuel residential heating system technology, and applied graphic arts technology. Scholarly and Creative Activity (continued)

Perhaps, as a result of my publication record, in 2006 I was selected by the Provost of the University to prepare the Middle States Evaluation document for the College of the Arts. A full list of my texts is available for inspection on my University web page.



Greenwald, M. (2012). Images of the Tropical Forest. Cupertino, Calif. iBook/iTunes Book Store. (Secondary School Text) (R)

Greenwald, M, & Luttropp, J. (2008). Designing for Print Production: Essential Concepts. Albany, New York: Delmar/Cengage Learning. (Undergraduate/Graduate Text) (R)

Greenwald, M, & Luttropp, J. (2001). Graphic Design and Production Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (Undergraduate/Graduate Text) (R)

Greenwald, M, & Luttropp, J. (1996). Graphic Communications; Design Through Production. Albany, New York: Delmar Publishing Company. (Undergraduate/Graduate Text) (R))

Greenwald, M, & Dorner, R. (1994). Basic Electrical Theory and Control Systems in Heating and Air-Conditioning Technology, Albany, New York: Delmar Publishing Company. (Undergraduate/Graduate Text)(R)

Greenwald, M. (1993). Impianti di riscaldamento ad acqua calda e vapore (Residential Hot Water and Steam Heating). Milan, Italy: Tecniche Nuove. (Italian Translation of Residential Hot Water for Homeowner’s Market in Italy) (R)

Greenwald, M. (1988). Residential Energy Systems and Climate Control Technology: Operation and Maintenance. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (Undergraduate/Graduate Text) (R)

Greenwald, M. (1986). Residential Hot Water and Steam Heating: Gas, Oil & Solid Fuels. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (Undergraduate/Graduate Text) (R)

Greenwald, M & McHugh, T. (1985). Practical Solar Energy Technology. – 4 – Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985. (Undergraduate/Graduate Text) (R)

Greenwald, M. (1977) Wind Energy Fundamentals. In L. Choyce (Ed.), Alternating Currents. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Wooden Anchor Press. (Chapter in Homeowner’s Market Text)


Greenwald M, & Feigler, D. (2009). Industrial Design: A Phoenix Reborn from the Ashes of Technology Education – A Case History, The Technology Teacher, February, 2009. (R)

Greenwald M. (1992). The Interdependence of Economics, Environmental Science and Technology and its Effect on Industrial Arts and Technology Education, The Technology Teacher. (R) Greenwald M. (1992). Some Thoughts on the Preservation of Tropical Forests, (Inquiry, Vol. 9, No. 1). Montclair, New Jersey: Montclair State College, Institute for Critical Thinking, School of Education. (R)

Greenwald M, Browning, R. & Hollander, R. (1990). Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Using Toy Electric Trains as Instructional and Motivational Devices in Technology Education. Proceedings of the Critical Thinking Institute: Critical Thinking: Focus on Science and Technology, Montclair, New Jersey: Montclair State College. (R)

Greenwald M, Browning, R. & Hollander, R. (1990). Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Using Electric Trains as Instructional and Motivational Devices in Technology Education. (Inquiry, Vol. 6, No. 4). Montclair, New Jersey: Montclair State College, Institute for Critical Thinking, School of Education. (R)

Greenwald, M. (1990) Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: How Much Did We Learn from our Old Toy Trains, The Technology Teacher. (R)


Greenwald, M. & Luttropp, J. (2009) Designing for Print Production: Essential Concepts, (Compact Disc Instructor Resources to Accompany Text. Delmar/Cengage Learning: 2009.

Greenwald, M. (2001). MSU School of the Arts: Promotional Compact Disc. Montclair, New Jersey: Montclair State University, School of the Arts.

Greenwald, M. & Lowell, R. (1994) The World of Tropical Forests, (Interactive Compact Disc, Version 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0). Calhoun, Ky.: NIMCO Inc.


Preparation of digital version of Residential Hot Water and Steam Heating: Gas, Oil & Solid Fuels. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (Undergraduate/Graduate Text) (R)


Invited Presentations, Papers, etc.

I have made numerous presentations at professional association meetings throughout my career. Presentations of this nature prior to 1990 have been omitted from this vitae but are available on request.


Service to Montclair State University

CART representative to the Montclair State University Middle States Evaluation Committee, AYA 2006 – 2007. Formulate criteria in preparation for the Middle States evaluation process.

Service to the College of the Arts

Author, Middle States Evaluation Document. Prepared and authored School of the Arts document for the University’s Middle States Evaluation, 2006-2007.

Service to the Department/School

Group Co-Tour Leader, Graphic Design in London, January 9 – 19, 2009. Co-Initiated (with Professor John Luttropp) and co-sponsored a tour group of 15 students to visit a variety of design studios and museums in London, specializing in graphic design and art works from around the world.

Author, B.F.A. in Industrial Design. Researched and authored the curriculum proposal for a stand-alone Bachelor of Fine Arts in Industrial Design. Final approval for program implementation. 2009.

Assisted in designing and coordinating (with Professor John Luttropp) the new graphic design MacLabs (in 2000 and 2006). Included in this effort were decisions affecting the design of the laboratories, computer and network equipment research and acquisition, and coordination responsibilities for the computer labs 2000, 2006

Member, Personnel Advisory Committee, Department of Art and Design, 2005-2007, 2009-2012.

Greenwald, M. (2003) Response to NASAD Questions: Implementation of B.F.A. with Concentration in Industrial Design. Montclair, New Jersey: Montclair State University, Department of Art and Design.

Author (sole), Proposal for BFA Studio, concentration in Industrial Design. Researched, coordinated and authored the curriculum proposal and NASAD documentation for the Industrial Design concentration, including generation of appropriate coursework and related documentation for the new program concentration and approval 2002.

– 7 – Service to the Department/School (continued)

Outcomes Assessment Coordinator, Department of Technology, Montclair State University 1990-1995. Formation of assessment proposal, identification of assessment goals and timetable for implementation.


Organization Dates

Life Member, International Technology Education Association, 1972-Present.

Life Member, Epsilon Pi Tau, Professional Association of Technology Educators 1974 – Present

Editorial Advisory Board Member, The Technology Teacher, Journal of the International Technology Education Association, May 1989 - 2005.

Curriculum Evaluator for the following public school districts: Montclair Public Schools, Hackensack Public Schools, Bloomfield Public Schools, Clifton Public Schools, South Orange/Maplewood, Point Pleasant Borough Schools and the Linden Public School System. Conducted State assessments of the Industrial Arts Curricula with recommendations and time-lines for modification and implementation, 1989 - 1996.

______Candidate Signature Date

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