Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel s4

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Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel s4


2nd May, 2013

Meeting commenced: 9.30 a.m. “ adjourned: 10.40 a.m. “ reconvened: 11.30 a.m. “ ended: 1.00 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Mashiter - in the Chair Councillors Antrobus, E. Burgoyne, Clague, K. Garrido, Kean, McIntyre, J. Murphy, Pugh, G. Wilson and R. Wilson


Councillors M. Wheeler and P. Wheeler during consideration of planning application 13/63065/FUL (Wentworth High School, Wentworth Road, Eccles M30 9BP)

Councillor Jolley during consideration of planning applications 12/62462/FUL (Eccles WwTW, Peel Green Road, Eccles, Salford M30 7DR) and 12/62500/FUL (Land To The West And East Of Junction 11 Of The M60, Eccles, Salford)

Please note that a list of persons in attendance in respect of matters referred to in Minute 142 is attached at Appendix A


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Critchley, Ord and Potter and Mr. J. Wheelton.


There were no declarations of interest.


RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the meetings of the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel, held on 4th and 18th April 2013, were agreed as correct records.


(Full details of the matters referred to in this Minute are contained in the report of the Strategic Director for Environment & Community Safety, as amended, in the case of the applications marked * in the supplementary report). D:\Docs\2018-04-23\048c3370e89961d0ef1cf19212707357.doc Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 2nd May, 2013 2

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the supplementary report (paragraph two, page two) be amended as follows - ‘This is corroborated by Environmental Services Pollution Control officers following their own noise monitoring, in that noise from the service yard is not a statutory nuisance.’

(2) THAT, following consideration by the Panel, the under-mentioned applications for planning permission were determined, subject to the conditions, as indicated below:-

Application Site Development Decision Number/ Applicant 12/62457/OUT Land adjacent the Outline planning See Minute 143 below Mr. Munaf Delal River Irwell application including Derwent Street details of access and Salford layout for the erection of a mixed-se development comprising 54 two bed and 8 three bed residential units (C3), 99 sq.m of commercial floorspace on the ground floor, use classes (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) and assisted car parking and landscaping (re-sub of 12/61525/OUT)

*13/63038/FUL Tesco Stores Ltd Continued use of Granted Tesco Stores Ltd Pendleton Way supermarket with a Pendleton variation to conditions M6 5JG 13 (HGV delivery hours), 14 (non HGV delivery hours) and 15 (extension of acoustic fence) on playing approval 11/60416/FUL

13/63065/FUL Wentworth High Erection of a Granted Laing O'Rourke School replacement secondary Construction Wentworth Road school with associated North Eccles outdoor sports M30 9BP provision, parking access and landscaping

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Application Site Development Decision Number/ Applicant 12/62462/FUL Eccles WwTW Construction of two Granted United Utilities Peel Green Road Control Kiosks, and Eccles landscaping works to The Panel requested Salford improve the aesthetic that consideration be M30 7DR and water quality of given to the possibility of Salteye Brook and the a notice board being Manchester Ship Canal located within the site.

*12/62500/FUL Land to the west Erection of a control Granted, subject to (a) United Utilities and east of kiosk, 3no 4m high condition 12 being junction 11 of the pressure relief columns, amended to secure a M60 ground level lowering width of 1.6m in respect Eccles and reprofiling, of the footway, and (b) Salford permanent tarmac condition 8 being hardstanding, erection amended to include a of impact protection construction traffic bollards, 2no temporary routing plan, to be dropped kerbs and consulted upon with construction of local residents. temporary accesses/egresses off The Panel requested the A57 and that consideration be Northbound/Southbound given to (a) the slip roads of M60. telegraph pole that had Temporary use of been relocated within residential curtilage to the site, with a view to it provide residents being re-positioned, and parking including (b) the possibility of a provision of temporary notice board being hardstanding area provided within the site.

13/62817/FUL 230 Great Erection of six dwellings See Minute 144 below Mr. Iain Watson Clowes Street together with associated Salford car parking and M7 2ZS landscaping 13/62903/FUL Highfield Road Change of use of land to Granted Mr. Paul Bradley Little Hulton a transfer station, M38 9ST erection of a prefabricated storage unit and 2 no storage containers together with car parking and storage facilities

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RESOLVED: THAT, subject to the planning conditions listed in the report:-

(i) The Strategic Director for Customer and Support Services be authorised to enter into a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure the following heads of terms:- o Public realm infrastructure and heritage provision, o Affordable housing contribution.

(ii) The applicant be informed that the Council is minded to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions stated in the report (on completion of such a legal agreement) and following the lapsing of the consultation with Manchester City Council. (In the event of any issues being raised by Manchester City Council, arrangements be made for them to be considered by the Chair).

(iii) The authority be given for the decision notice relating to the application to be issued, subject to the conditions and reasons stated in the report, on completion of the above-mentioned legal agreement.


RESOLVED: THAT, subject to the planning conditions listed in the report:-

(i) Planning permission be granted without entering into a further legal agreement.

(ii) The outstanding Section 106 contributions attached to planning permission 04/49631/FUL are not pursued and the legal agreement not enforced; and if required by the applicant –

(iii) The Strategic Director for Customer and Support Services be authorised to vary the existing legal agreement so that the outstanding payments are no longer required and any land charges be removed D:\Docs\2018-04-23\048c3370e89961d0ef1cf19212707357.doc Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 2nd May, 2013 5

from properties.


The Strategic Director for Environment & Community Safety submitted a report containing details of planning applications which he had determined under delegated authority during March and April 2013, and were not, therefore, for consideration by the Panel.

RESOLVED: THAT the decisions in respect of the undermentioned applications be noted:-

Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant 13/62867/ART16 Article 16 Article 16 consultation No objections Ms. V. Ward - Land at Former received from Trafford 15th April 2013 Trafford Council Carrington Power Council for approval of Station details reserved by Manchester Road conditions of grant of Carrington planning permission H/CIR/67818 Condition number 10

13/62868/ART16 Article 16 Article 16 consultation No objections Ms. V. Ward - Land at Former received from Trafford 19th April 2013 Trafford Council Carrington Power Council for approval of Station details reserved by Manchester Road conditions of grant of Carrington planning permission H/CIR/67818 Condition number 29

13/63094/ART16 Article 16 Article 16 consultation No objections Wigan Council - Mr. Land north of received from Wigan 19th April 2013 D. Rawsthorne Garrett Lane east Council for the outline of Garrett Hall application on a site of West of Mosley 24.42 hectares (all Common Road matters reserved) and south of The except access details Proposed Guided for Mosley Common Busway Tyldesley Road and Norley Road

13/62744/FUL 7-8 Standfield Increase height of Approved D:\Docs\2018-04-23\048c3370e89961d0ef1cf19212707357.doc Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 2nd May, 2013 6

Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant Mr. K. McGlynn Shopping Centre external yard walls to a 12th April 2013 Worsley maximum height of M28 1FB 3.8m high to create 2no store rooms

13/62851/HH 18 Poynt Chase Erection of a part two Approved Mr. Martin Jones Worsley storey, part first floor 8th April 2013 M28 1FQ front extension with a new front porch

13/62893/HH 18 Helmclough Erection of a first floor Approved Mr. and Mrs. Way rear extension on brick 10th April 2013 Sharples Worsley pillars M28 7XY

13/62938/HH 14 Linden Road Demolition of existing Approved Mr. M. Ranicar Worsley garage and erection of 19th April 2013 M28 1NW a single storey side and rear extension

13/62780/ADV Advertising Right Retrospective planning Refused Mr. Tim 0713 01 application for the 19th April 2013 Spottiswood - Adjacent 411 retention of two Clear Channel UK Bury New Road internally illuminated Limited Salford freestanding light box display units

13/62853/LBC St. Johns Church Listed Building Consent Approved The Hive at St. Murray Street for the change of use 18th April 2013 Johns Salford from existing church Mrs. Sarie Slee M7 2DX (D1) to multi use performance/education/ arts and café to ground floor level, dance studio and offices at 1st floor level, demolition of a section of the North vestry to create new reception area, together with internal alterations, landscaping and car parking

13/62997/FUL Land adjacent to Erection of 1.8m high Approved D:\Docs\2018-04-23\048c3370e89961d0ef1cf19212707357.doc Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 2nd May, 2013 7

Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant Salford City Council 14 Wellington palisade fencing and 15th April 2013 Street East gates Salford M7 2AX

13/62911/HH 7 Royden Avenue Demolition of existing Approved Mr. Peter Irlam conservatory and 18th April 2013 Cartwright M44 6ZH erection of a single storey side extension

12/62699/FUL Royal Manchester Refurbishment of Approved Mr. David Jones Children's existing building and 15th April 2013 Hospital Main conversion into 12 Entrance apartments, together Hospital Road with new vehicular Pendlebury access and landscaping Swinton

13/62899/FUL 8 Orient Road Subdivision of existing Refused Mr. A. Peterson Salford dwelling/shop to create 11th April 2013 M6 8LD an additional self contained flat

13/62961/TEL56 Grass Verge Prior notification for the No objections Vodaphone Ltd Roundabout at replacement of existing 15th April 2013 Bolton Road monopole with a 15m Salford high monopole and, 1 no equipment cabinet

13/62995/NMA The Lodge Application for a non- Approved Mr. P. Fleury Former Royal material amendment to 12th April 2013 Manchester planning permission Children's 12/61329/FUL for Hospital change of landscaped Hospital Road area to front of property Pendlebury to tarmac Swinton

13/62842/FUL 41 Monton Green Demolition of existing Refused J W Lees (Brewers) Eccles single storey side 8th April 2013 Co Ltd M30 9LL extension and construction of an enclosed terraced area to the front and side D:\Docs\2018-04-23\048c3370e89961d0ef1cf19212707357.doc Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 2nd May, 2013 8

Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant elevations, creation of a smoking shelter to side elevation, together with alterations to the car parking layout

13/62847/HH 82 Cavendish Erection of a two storey Approved Mr. Jonathan Smith Road side and rear extension 8th April 2013 Eccles M30 9EF 13/62883/TPO Branwood Crown lift to provide a Approved Branwood Preparatory 5m clearance from the 19th April 2013 Preparatory School School surrounding ground Stafford Road level, crown reduce to Eccles leave a spread of 5m M30 9HN one ash tree (T1). Crown lift to provide a 5.2m clearance from the surrounding ground level, 20% crown thin and crown clean one sycamore tree (T2). Crown lift to provide a 5.2m clearance from the surrounding ground level one lime tree (T3)

13/62885/TEL56 Monton Bowling Prior notification for the No objections Vodafone Ltd Club Ltd installation of 12.5m 8th April 2013 Hawthorn Avenue high dual monopole Eccles incorporating 3no M30 9NE antennas and 1no equipment cabinet

13/62905/HH 11 Poplar Road Demolition of existing Approved Mr. P. & Mrs. H. Eccles detached garage and 12th April 2013 Gee M30 9LD erection of a replacement detached garage

13/62978/TPO 4 Sandwich Road Fell one sycamore tree Refused Mr. E. Issa Eccles (T4) 15th April 2013 M30 9HD

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Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant 13/63059/TREECA 4 Sandwich Road Fell one sycamore tree No objections Mr. E. Issa Eccles (T3) and one ash tree 15th April 2013 M30 9HD (T2)

13/62984/NMA Plot 1 Application for a non- Approved Lynwood Prestige 30 Egerton Road material amendment to 8th April 2013 Homes Ltd Eccles planning permission M30 9LR 08/56742/FUL for the removal of Velux rooflights in the ground floor lean-to

13/63034/TREECA 8 Sandwich Road Fell two ash trees (T1 No objections Mr. N. Eppie Eccles and T2) and one conifer 19th April 2013 M30 9HD tree (T3)

13/63064/NMA 10 Stafford Road Application for a non- Approved Mr. W. King Eccles material amendment to 17th April 2013 M30 9HW planning permission 12/61507/HH for erection of additional chimney to side elevation

13/62824/ADV Salford Football Display of five internally Approved City of Salford Club Co (1914) illuminated display 8th April 2013 Community Ltd signs Stadium Ltd Salford City Stadium 1 Stadium Way Eccles M30 7EY

13/62850/HH 5 Pasturegreen Erection of a two storey Approved Mr. K. Taylor Way side extension (re-sub 8th April 2013 Irlam of 12/62651/HH) M44 6TE

13/62825/ADV Maxwell Hall Display of one PVC Approved University of University of banner 27th March 2013 Salford - Mr. Darrell Salford Wong Crescent Salford

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Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant 13/62826/ADV Allerton Building Display of one PVC Approved Mr. Darrell Wong and Theatre banner 27th March 2013 University of Salford Frederick Road Salford

13/62834/FUL Cathedral School Erection of two single Approved The Board of of St. Peter & storey extension to front 2nd April 2013 Governors John elevation Mount Street Salford M3 6LU

13/62861/FUL 1, 5, 20, 21, 44 Replacement of existing Approved Mr. Brian Enright - Britannia Street rear boundary fencing 12th April 2013 Salford City Council 2, 15, 16 with new 2m high Haymond Close fencing, to include 20 to 44 Auckland pedestrian and vehicle Drive gates 82 to 86 and 92 to 96 Auckland Drive 1 to 11 Eagle Drive Salford

13/62987/LBC 1 Hulme Place Retrospective Approve - Mr. and Mrs. Salford application for Listed unconditional Barnes M5 4QA Building Consent 4th April 2013 regarding the past change of use from an office to multi- occupancy dwelling (C4) with minor internal and external alterations

12/62520/HH 6 Legh Road Erection of part single Refused Mr. J. Silber Salford part two storey front 8th April 2013 M7 4RT extension, erection of 1st and 2nd floor extensions above existing single storey extension D:\Docs\2018-04-23\048c3370e89961d0ef1cf19212707357.doc Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 2nd May, 2013 11

Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant

13/62787/FUL 25A New Hall Erection of a single Approved Mr. John Taylor Road storey side extension 25th March 2013 Salford M7 4LA

13/62870/NMA 37 Old Hall Road Application for a non- Approved Mr. D. Salzman Salford material amendment to 28th March 2013 M7 4JJ planning permission 11/60259/HH for alterations from a pitched roof to a flat roof to accommodate a succah

13/62884/FUL Land formerly Erection of a new Approved The Trustees of North Manchester Synagogue and hall 19th April 2013 Ohel Torah Shul Synagogue together with car corner of parking and erection of Leicester Road 2.4m high fence and Roston Road Salford

13/62895/FUL 178 Langworthy Change of use of Refused Mr. F. Jamil Road ground floor from shop 18th April 2013 Salford to shop for the sale of M6 5PP hot food together with the installation of a fume extraction system with variation of condition 3 (hours of opening) attached to planning application (09/57273/FUL)

13/63030/DISCON Land between 38 Request for Discharge of Ms. Lynsey Clark and 48 Fitzwarren confirmation of Condition Street compliance of 12th April 2013 Salford conditions 2, 4, 6, 10 and 13 attached to planning permission 12/62572/FUL

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Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant 12/623330/FUL 126 Peel Lane Change of use from Approved Nightingales Little Hulton offices to warden 27th March 2013 Homecare Ltd - M38 OFD controlled residential Mrs. Carole Leese sheltered housing (C2) including single and two storey extensions

13/62844/DISCON Land at Request for Part Discharge of Ms. Kerry Scott - Chedworth confirmation of Condition City West Housing Crescent compliance of 15th April 2013 Trust Amblecote Drive conditions 4, 10, 13, 15, West 16 and 17 attached to Amblecote Drive planning permission East 12/61940/HYB Wallbrook Crescent and Land at Kestrel Avenue and land adjacent to Falcon Drive Little Hulton Salford

13/62937/HH 9B Kenyon Way Erection of a two storey Approved H. Kwekha Little Hulton side extension 19th April 2013 M38 0EN

13/63063/DISCON Land on Request for Part Discharge of Mrs. Claire Kelly Wildbrook Road confirmation of Condition Little Hulton conditions 1-8 attached 17th April 2013 M38 0ES to planning permission 13/62796/FUL

12/62557/DISCON The Soap Works Request for Part Discharge of Mr. Floyd Carroll Ordsall Lane confirmation of Condition Salford compliance of 12th April 2013 M5 3LZ conditions 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 20, 22, 23, 28, 29 attached to planning permission 12/61465/HYB

12/62577/FUL 28 Steeple Drive Erection of a part single Approved D:\Docs\2018-04-23\048c3370e89961d0ef1cf19212707357.doc Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 2nd May, 2013 13

Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant Mr. Andrew Gaskel Salford and two storey 25th March 2013 M5 4SB side/front extension and erection of a front porch to an existing Class C4 (House in multiple occupation)

13/62721/DISCON Land bounded by Request for Part Discharge of Elan Homes - Mr. Trafford Road confirmation of Condition S. McCarthy Ordsall Lane compliance of 27th March 2013 Archie Street and conditions 2, 3, 9 and Craven Drive 12 attached to planning Salford 5 permission 04/48147/FUL

13/62799/FUL 1-2 Dakota Erection of a Approved John Walls - Avenue demountable geodesic 25th March 2013 Salford City College Salford dome structure together M50 2PU with a link corridor to the south elevation

13/62828/LBC Ordsall Hall Listed Building Consent Approved Salford City Council 322 Ordsall Lane for internal repairs to 27th March 2013 - Mr. K. Whittick Salford staircase M5 3AN

13/62837/ADV The Bijou Club Display of two pvc Approved Mr. D. Matto 1- 7 Chapel fascia signs 17th April 2013 Street Salford M3 7NJ

13/62888/FUL Premier Inn Replacement windows Approved Whitbread Group North Tower to front (north east) and 12th April 2013 PLC Victoria Bridge rear (south west) Street elevations floors 1-10 Salford M3 5AS

13/62801/FUL 598 Bolton Road Installation of new shop Approved Mr. Sykes Swinton front and external roller 27th March 2013 M27 4ET shutter to entrance door

13/62802/ADV 598 Bolton Road Display of one non- Approved D:\Docs\2018-04-23\048c3370e89961d0ef1cf19212707357.doc Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 2nd May, 2013 14

Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant Mr. Sykes Swinton illuminated fascia sign 27th March 2013 M27 4ET

13/62904/HH 10 Dell Avenue Erection of a detached Approved Mrs. Joyce Thorpe Swinton replacement garage 18th April 2013 M27 8TT

13/62928/TEL56 Pavement at Prior notification for the No objections Vodaphone Ltd Queensway installation of a 15m 19th April 2013 Clifton high duel user Swinton monopole housing 3no M27 8QE antennas

13/62941/TPO 15 Clifton House Fell one sycamore tree Refused Mr. Lee Kenny Road (T1). Remove one 10th April 2013 Swinton overhanging branch as M27 6WP indicated on the submitted photograph back to the main stem one beech tree (T2)

11/60726/DISCON Land rear of Request for Part Discharge of Manchester Road confirmation of Condition and Ash Drive compliance of 3rd April 2013 Swinton conditions 11 and 13 Wardley attached to planning permission 10/59642/OUT

12/62350/FUL The British Extension to existing Approved Mr. Peter Terry - Oxygen Company gas cylinder storage 15th April 2013 BOC Gases Ltd Limited unit Priestley Road Swinton M28 2LX

13/63008/NMA 32 Dryden Application for a non- Approved Mr. P. Reynolds Avenue material amendment to 28th March 2013 Swinton planning permission M27 0JY 09/57597/HH for reduction of 800mm to proposed rear extension

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Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant 13/63056/DISCON Former land rear Request for Part Discharge of Mr. Daniel Hewitt - of Manchester confirmation of Condition Salford City Council Road compliance of 10th April 2013 Wardley Campus conditions 5 and 6 Ash Drive attached to planning Wardley permission Swinton 10/59642/OUT and conditions 6 and 13 attached to planning permission 11/60574/REM

13/63071/DISCON 54 Ellesmere Request for Discharge of Mr. and Mrs. Street confirmation of Condition Fearnhead Swinton condition 4 attached to 15th April 2013 M27 0JS planning permission 12/62637/HH

13/62849/HH 34 Clarendon Demolition of existing Approved Mrs. Beale Road outrigger and erection 27th March 2013 Swinton of a single storey rear M27 4BP extension

13/62833/ADV 25 Chorley Road Display of one Approved Mr. Tarid Mahmood Swinton externally illuminated 27th March 2013 M27 4AF fascia sign

13/62922/HH 8 Westgate Drive Erection of a side Approved Mr. P. Black Swinton conservatory 17th April 2013 M27 5QP

13/62935/HH 4 Westgate Drive Erection of a two storey Approved Mrs. S. McElvaney Swinton side and rear extension 19th April 2013 M27 5QP

13/62964/TEL56 Pavement on Prior notification for the No objections Vodaphone Ltd Manchester Road replacement of existing 15th April 2013 Pendlebury monopole with 15m Swinton high monopole

13/63080/DISCON Morrisons Request for Discharge of Mr. G. Wilkinson - Supermarket confirmation of Condition Wm Morrison 49 Swinton Hall compliance of 17th April 2013 Supermarket Plc Road conditions 7 and 8 D:\Docs\2018-04-23\048c3370e89961d0ef1cf19212707357.doc Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 2nd May, 2013 16

Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant Swinton attached to planning M27 4BT permission 12/61426/FUL

13/62740/HH 232 Weaste Lane Erection of a single Refused Mr. W. Khalid Salford storey rear extension 3rd April 2013 M5 5HF

13/62820/COU 206 Eccles Old Change of use from Approved Mr. F. Vaughan Road vacant land to private 25th March 2013 Salford garden area M6 8AL

13/62821/COU 202 Eccles Old Change of use from Approved Mrs. K. Mishra Road vacant land to private 25th March 2013 Salford garden area M6 8AL

13/62822/COU 204 Eccles Old Change of use from Approved Mrs. C. Lyons Road vacant land to private 25th March 2013 Salford garden area M6 8AL

13/62811/HH 10 Park Road Demolition of existing Approved Mr. Ismail Kaduji Salford garage and erection of 27th March 2013 M6 8HN single storey rear extension

13/62838/FUL 195 Eccles Old Change of use from Approved Mr. Emad Road (A2) Financial and 4th April 2013 Aboulwaly Salford Professional to (A5) Hot M6 8HA Food Takeaway, together with installation of access ramp to front elevation

13/62897/FUL Gallagher Ltd Demolition of existing Approved Gallagher Ltd James Corbett enclosure and erection 12th April 2013 Road of a single storey Salford extension to front M50 1DE elevation

13/62907/HH 76 Light Oaks Erection of a part Approved Miss Rachel Road single, part two storey 17th April 2013 D:\Docs\2018-04-23\048c3370e89961d0ef1cf19212707357.doc Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 2nd May, 2013 17

Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant Lineker Salford side extension M6 8WP

13/62945/TPO 28 Victoria Road Fell two horse chestnut Refused Mrs. M. Breheny Salford trees (T1 and T2) 12th April 2013 M6 8EY

13/62962/TEL56 Grass verge on Prior notification for the No objections Vodaphone Ltd western side of replacement of existing 15th April 2013 Lancaster Road monopole with a 15m Salford high duel user monopole housing 3no antennas

13/63006/DISCON Oaklands Request for Discharge of Ramsay Health Hospital confirmation of Condition Care Ltd 19 Lancaster compliance of condition 3rd April 2013 UK Operations Ltd Road 6 attached to planning Salford permission M6 8AQ 12/61934/FUL

13/62819/DISCON St. Patricks Request for Discharge of Mr. Ajay Parag Roman Catholic confirmation of Condition High School and compliance of 10th April 2013 Arts College conditions 7, 11 and 12 Guilford Road attached to planning Eccles permission M30 7JF 11/60573/REM

13/62841/HH 4 Pollitts Close Erection of a rear Approved Mr. A. Newton Eccles conservatory 28th March 2013 M30 8LN

13/63066/DISCON St. Patricks Request for Part Discharge of Mr. Daniel Hewitt Roman Catholic confirmation of Condition High School compliance of 10th April 2013 Guilford Road conditions 5 and 6 Eccles attached to planning M30 7JF permission 10/59375/OUT and condition 9 attached to planning permission 11/60573/REM

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Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant 12/62656/FUL 308 Bolton Road Installation of an Approved Mr. G. Jones Worsley external fire escape 27th March 2013 M28 3FJ staircase to the side of the property

13/62890/FUL 13 Bolton Road Installation of new shop Approved Mr. Umarji Worsley front 12th April 2013 M28 3AX

13/62891/ADV 13 Bolton Road Display of one Approved Mr. Umarji Worsley externally illuminated 12th April 2013 M28 3AX sign

13/62983/TPO 63 Greenleach Crown lift to provide a Approved Mrs. A. McIlroy Lane 8m clearance from the 15th April 2013 Worsley surrounding ground M28 2RT level and 20% crown thin one Sycamore tree (T2). Crown lift to provide a 7m clearance from the surrounding ground level and 20% crown thin one Oak tree (T3)

12/62667/HH 13 Meadowgate Erection of a single Approved Mrs. Joanne Worsley storey rear extension 27th March 2013 Townsend M28 2RB

13/62823/HH Lady Hill House Demolition of chimney Approved Mrs. A. Done Walkden Road and conservatory to 27th March 2013 Worsley existing single storey M28 2NH building to north elevation. Erection of two storey extension and single storey extension (bay window), alterations to elevations and roofs, erection of porch to external door, erection of external disabled access ramp

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Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant 13/62856/HH 33A Hazelhurst Erection of a single Approved Mr. Michael Griffin Road storey rear extension 8th April 2013 Worsley M27 2SX

13/62857/HH 13 Crossfield Erection of a first floor Approved Mr. G & Mrs. J. Drive rear extension 4th April 2013 Tyrell Worsley M28 1GP

13/62886/HH 15 Chatsworth Erection of a single Approved Mr. Chris Lomas Road storey side extension 17th April 2013 Worsley M28 2NU

13/62901/HH 41 Ryecroft Lane Demolition of existing Approved Mr. N. Gordon Worsley garage, conservatory, 12th April 2013 M28 2PN utility and erection and a single storey side and rear extension

13/62934/DISCON 9 Delaford Request for Discharge of Mr. Paul Ormandy Avenue confirmation of Condition Worsley compliance of 15th April 2013 M28 2QS conditions 3 and 6 attached to planning permission 12/62158/HH

13/62929/TPO 4 Lime Avenue 20% crown thin and Approved Mr. Peter Boyd Swinton crown reduce to leave a 15th April 2013 M27 0GF height of 12m one eucalyptus tree (T1) two sycamore trees (T2 and T4) and one poplar tree (T3)

13/62939/HH 4 The Coppice Erection of a Approved Mr. G. Reid Swinton conservatory and raised 19th April 2013 M28 2NS decking to the rear D:\Docs\2018-04-23\048c3370e89961d0ef1cf19212707357.doc Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 2nd May, 2013 20

Application Site Development Decision and Number/ Date of Decision Applicant

13/63151/TREECA 63 Greenleach Prune to provide a 5m No objections Mrs. A. McIlroy Lane clearance from the 15th April 2013 Worsley property one oak tree M28 2RT (T1)

13/63042/DISCON The New Request for Part Discharge of Mr. James Ellesmere confirmation of Condition Ramsbottom East Lancashire compliance of 17th April 2013 Road conditions 5, 6, 8 and 9 Swinton attached to planning M27 0AA permission 12/62218/FUL

13/63074/DISCON Hanover Court Request for Discharge of Hanover Housing Chatsworth Road confirmation of Condition Association Worsley compliance of condition 15th April 2013 M28 2NR 3 attached to planning permission 12/62084/FUL

13/62810/HH 35 Queensway Erection of a 1.8m Refused Mr. Trevor Horton Worsley boundary fence and 27th March 2013 M28 7TZ gate

13/62812/HH 27 Park Road Erection of a single Refused David Heaney Worsley storey rear extension 17th April 2013 M28 7DU

13/62831/HH 1 Laburnum Road Retrospective planning Approved - Mr. A. Chinta Worsley application for the unconditional M28 7EL retention of a single 27th March 2013 storey rear extension

13/62990/DISCON 9 Park Road Request for Part Discharge of Mr. Jon Camilleri Worsley confirmation of Condition M28 7DU compliance of 12th April 2013 conditions 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15 and 16 attached to planning permission 12/62076/FUL

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A report of the Strategic Director for Environment and Community Safety was submitted which set out details of an appeal that had been received during April 2013.

RESOLVED: THAT the content of the report be noted.


Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Director for Environment and Community Safety, which detailed enforcement activity between 1st January and 31st March 2013. The report analysed current enforcement data in relation to complaints received and complaints closed for the quarter, and complaints received by ward, complaints outstanding by ward, prioritisation of complaints and complaints closed by category for the financial year. The report also included photographs and explanation of some recent enforcement cases.

RESOLVED: THAT the content of the report be noted with thanks.

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APPLICATION NO. NAME OBJECTOR/ IN FAVOUR 13/63038/FUL Rachel Cooper * Objecting Tesco Stores Ltd Scott Cooper Objecting Pendleton Way Sarah Cooper Objecting Pendleton Rachel Wilbraham Agent M6 5JG Richard Hatley * Tesco 13/63065/FUL Lewis Evans * Agent Wentworth High School Mark Lewis Applicant Wentworth Road Gary Bridges Applicant Eccles Councillor P. Wheeler * Ward Councillor M30 9BP Councillor M. Wheeler Ward Councillor Heather Aaaron * In favour 12/62457/OUT Mr. Dalal Applicant Land Adjacent The River Irwell Mr. Taylor In favour Derwent Street, Salford Mr. Ahmed In favour

11.30 A.M. SESSION

APPLICATION NO. NAME OBJECTOR/ IN FAVOUR 12/62500/FUL David Baines * Applicant Land To The West And East David Sephton Applicant Of Junction 11 Of The M60 David Schofield Applicant Eccles Tom Rimmer * Applicant Salford Alan Trotter * Objector Kenneth Hore * Objector Mr. Smedley * In favour Mrs. Smedley In favour Councillor Jolley * Ward Councillor 12/62462/FUL David Baines Applicant Eccles WwTW David Sephton Applicant Peel Green Road David Schofield Applicant Eccles Tom Rimmer Applicant Salford M30 7DR Councillor Jolley * Ward Councillor

* Indicates persons who made representations to the Panel.


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